Recorded Lectures
The following public lectures are available to watch online:
On Celts, Celticness, and Celtology: Reconciling Ancient and Modern Identities
18th Annual Leon Levy Lecture
Michael Dietler, University of Chicago
November 6, 2024
Mobile Cosmopolitanism: Diversity and Exchange in the Uyghur Steppe Empire (744-840)
16th Annual Leon Levy Lecture
Michael R. Drompp, Rhodes College
November 3, 2022
From a Roman House to a Bourbon Palace: Finding Ancient Rome on the Bay of Naples
Exhibition Lecture
Carol Mattusch, George Mason University
May 19, 2022
If Ports Were Landscapes and Goods were being: Stories from First-Millennium South Asia
Faculty Lecture
Divya Kumar-Dumas, ISAW Visiting Research Scholar 2021-22
May 9, 2022
Evolving Identities in Sixth-Century East Asia
Faculty Lecture
Scott Pearce, ISAW Visiting Research Scholar 2022
April 28, 2022
Seeing the Early Indian Ocean as a Peopled Seascape
Guest Lecture
Ranabir Chakravarti, Jawaharlal Nehru University, and Eivind Heldaas Seland, University of Bergen
April 25, 2022
Pompeii in Color: Cycles of Discovery, Innovation, and Wonderment
Exhibition Lecture
Eric Poehler, University of Massachusetts Amherst
April 13, 2022
From Ezra to Ashoka: Multilingualism and Governance in the Achaemenid Persian Empire
Faculty Lecture
Rhyne King, ISAW Visiting Associate Professor 2021-22
March 24, 2022
How Did Roman Painters Create Frescoes?
Exhibition Lecture
John Clarke, University of Texas at Austin
March 09, 2022
Transplanting India: Luxury and an Ivory Statuette in Pompeii
Exhibition Lecture
Naman Ahuja and Annette Giesecke. Organized & moderated by Divya Kumar Dumas ISAW Visiting Research Scholar
February 10, 2022
The Creation of Worked Animal Objects in the Early Greek World
Faculty Lecture
Adam DiBattista, ISAW Visiting Research Scholar
November 11, 2021
Galen's Gynaeocology
Exhibition Lecture
Rebecca Flemming, University of Cambridge
May 20, 2021
As If: Fiction, Make-Believe, and the Legal World of Early Medieval Francia, 5th-9th Centuries AD
Virtual Rostovtzeff Lecture Series 2021
Alice Rio, King's College London
- May 10: What Was Legal about Early Medieval Legal Culture?
- May 12: Procedure: Heroic Fantasy and Bureaucratic Fancies
- May 14: Slaves and Slavery
- May 17: Legal Relationships and Density of Regulation: The Example of Families
Galen's Pergamon: Current Research on a Roman Metropolis and its Microregion
Exhibition Lecture
Felix Pirson, Deutsches Archäologisches Institut
April 22, 2021
The Empire's Physician Virtual Tour
Exhibition Virtual Tour
Clare Fitzgerald, ISAW Associate Director for Exhibitions and Gallery Curator
April 7, 2021
Wine and Feasting in the Ancient Mediterranean with Professors d'Alfonso and Kotsonas
Faculty Lecture for NYU Alumni Association
Lorenzo d'Alfonso, Professor of Western Asian Archaeology and History and Antonis Kotsonas, Associate Professor of Mediterranean History and Archaeology
March 22, 2021
Myth in the Urban Landscape and the Epiphany of the Assyrian King Faculty Lecture
Beate Pongratz-Leisten, Professor of Ancient Near Eastern Studies
March 17, 2021
Devotion and Decadence Virtual Tour
Exhibition Virtual Tour
Clare Fitzgerald, ISAW Associate Director for Exhibitions and Gallery Curator
December 16, 2020
Chinese Frontiers and Central Eurasia: Art, Archaeology and History at the Turn of the Common Era
Online Conference
Organized by Fanghan Wang, ISAW Alumna, and Shujing Wang, NYU Shanghai and ISAW Alumna
December 4, 2020
Re-Rolling the Past: Representations and Reinterpretations of Antiquity in Analog and Digital Games
Online Conference
Gabriel McKee, ISAW Library and Daniela Wolin, Yale University and ISAW Research Affiliate
How Global Was the Early Medieval World? An Exploration of Worldwide Connections 500-1000 CE
Guest Lecture
Erik Hermans, Independent Scholar & ISAW Alumnus
October 29, 2020
The Education and Miseducation of an Administrator in Late Roman Egypt
Faculty Lecture
Alexander Jones, Leon Levy Director and Professor of the History of the Exact Sciences in Antiquity, and Roger S. Bagnall, Emeritus Professor of Ancient History and Leon Levy Director Emeritus, ISAW
October 8, 2020
Hymn to Apollo Virtual Tour
Exhibition Virtual Tour
Clare Fitzgerald, ISAW Associate Director for Exhibitions and Gallery Curator
July 22, 2020
A Wonder to Behold Virtual Tour
Exhibition Virtual Tour
Clare Fitzgerald, ISAW Associate Director for Exhibitions and Gallery Curator
May 6, 2020
Urbanism and the History of Architectural Restlessness
12th Annual Leon Levy Lecture
Monica L. Smith, University of California, Los Angeles
November 8, 2018
Defining ‘Xian’: Methodological Approaches and Questions to the Study of Zoroastrianism in Medieval China
Faculty Lecture
Pénélope Riboud, ISAW Visiting Research Scholar
November 6, 2018
From Hebrew Bible Studies to the Studies of the Ancient Near East: Approaches Towards a History of Religion of Mesopotamia
Faculty Lecture
Beate Pongratz-Leisten, Professor of Ancient Near Eastern Studies
October 30, 2018
The Migrations of Islamic Science in Renaissance Europe
Exhibition Lecture
Robert Morrison, Bowdoin College
May 10, 2018
Plato's advice to Alexander: Amir Khusraw's 'Mirror of Alexander' (1299)
Exhibition Lecture
Richard Stoneman, University of Exeter
May 3, 2018
Alexander to Iskandar: Paintings from Persian and Turkish Manuscripts
Exhibition Lecture
Ayşin Yoltar-Yıldırım, Brooklyn Museum
April 12, 2018
The Sky over Ancient Iraq: Babylonian Astronomy in Context
Rostovtzeff Lecture Series 2018
Mathieu Ossendrijver, Humboldt University London
- March 28: Babylonian Astronomy: Interpreting an Ancient Science
- April 03: Keeping the Watch: Babylonian Astronomical Diaries and More
- April 04: Algorithms, Tables and Figures: New Insights into Babylonian Mathematical Astronomy
- April 11: Astronomers, Temples, and Society: Babylonian Astronomy in Context
Savoring the Past: The Archaeology of Food and Foodways
Guest Lecture
Katheryn Twiss, Stony Brook University
March 29, 2018
Revisiting Harappan Iconography: Seals, Sealing and Tablets as Small Windows onto the Indus Valley Civilization
Faculty Lecture
Marta Ameri, Visiting Research Scholar, ISAW
February 20, 2018
Fragments of Greek Science in a Palimpsest from Bobbio
Faculty Lecture
Alexander Jones, Leon Levy Director and Professor of the History of the Exact Sciences in Antiquity, ISAW
February 22, 2018
Greeks in the North
Guest Lecture
Nathan Arrington, Princeton University
February 8, 2018
Cutting Rome Down To Size
Favulty Lecture
David Levene, ISAW Visiting Research Scholar
January 30, 2018
Tricks of the Trade - Scribal Creativity in Ancient Egypt
Faculty Lecture
Emily Cole, Visiting Assistant Professor
December 14, 2018
The Silent Fall of an Empire in 1200 BCE
Faculty Lecture
Lorenzo d'Alfonso, Associate Professor of Western Asian Archaeology and History, ISAW
December 7, 2017
The History of Eighth-century Khotan as Seen from Khotanese Documents
Faculty Lecture
Zhan Zhang, ISAW Visiting Research Scholar
December 5, 2017
The Prehistory of Crete
Exhibition Lecture
Malcolm H. Wiener, Aegean Prehistorian
November 30, 2017
Monumental Art and Political Change in Ancient Syria
Guest Lecture
Alessandra Gilibert, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia
November 28, 2017
Ancient World Research and Tools in Synergy
Guest Lecture
Mark Depauw, University of Leuven
November 13, 2017
Theology of Liberation in the Second Millennium BCE: The Hurrian Song of Liberation
Faculty Lecture
Eva von Dassow, ISAW Visiting Research Scholar
October 24, 2017
Spying on Antiquity: Declassified US Intelligence Satellite Imagery and Near Eastern Archaeology
AIA Lecture
Jason Ur, Harvard University
October 23, 2017
Chinese Bronze Age Economics: A Multi-sited Approach to Shang Dynasty Bone Crafting
Faculty Lecture
Roderick B. Campbell, Associate Professor of East Asian Archaeology and History, ISAW
October 17, 2017
Conserving Cairo 1882-2012
ARCE Lecture
Nicholas Warner, American University in Cairo
October 12, 2017
There Goes the Neighborhood: Gentrification and Urban Redevelopment in Roman North Africa
Faculty Lecture
J. Andrew Dufton, ISAW Visiting Assistant Professor
October 10, 2017
Exhibition Lecture
Elizabeth Price, Artist, Restoring the Minoans
October 5, 2017
Water in Sumer
Faculty Lecture
Stephanie Rost, ISAW Visiting Assistant Professor
September 26, 2017
The Scribal Mind: Textual Criticism in Antiquity
Organized by Emily Cole, ISAW Visiting Assistant Professor
Architectural Conservation in Egypt’s Western Desert: The Amheida Project
Guest Lecture
Nicholas Warner, American University in Cairo
September 18, 2017
A Paradise in the Caucasus: An Achaemenid Residence in Azerbaijan
Guest Lecture
Florian Knauss, Director of Staatliche Antikensammlungen und Glyptothek, München
May 2, 2017
Excavating the Ancient City of Tenea
Guest Lecture
Dr. Eleni Korka, Director General of Antiquities and Cultural Heritage, Ministry of Culture and Sports, Athens
April 21, 2017
A Portable Cosmos: The Antikythera Mechanism
Exhibition Lecture
Alexander Jones, Leon Levy Director Professor of the History of the Exact Sciences in Antiquity, ISAW
April 6, 2017
New Term Excavations at Kültepe: The First International Trade Center in Anatolia
Guest Lecture
Fikri Kulakoglu, Ankara University
March 28, 2017
Globalising the Mediterranean's Iron Age
Guest Lecture
Tamar Hodos, University of Bristol
March 20, 2017
Medicine and the Humanities from Ancient to Modern
Faculty Lecture
Claire Bubb, Assistant Professor/ Faculty Fellow of Classical Literature and Science, ISAW
March 9, 2017
Time and Cosmos in Greco-Roman Astrology
Exhibition Lecture
Stephan Heilen, University of Osnabrück
February 27, 2017
Fantastical Space and Heroic Journeys in Mesopotamian Literature
Faculty Lecture
Gina Konstantopoulos, ISAW Visiting Assistant Professor
February 21, 2017
Enigmatic Sites and Headless Nubians: Exploring the Eastern Desert of Late Roman Egypt
ARCE Lecture
Colleen M. Darnell, University of Hartford
February 2, 2017
Geographical Portable Sundials: Reliable Instruments or Roman Fashion Statements?
Exhibition Lecture
Richard Talbert, University of North Carolina
January 26, 2017
A Cumulative Han Culture
Faculty Lecture
Yitzchak Jaffe, ISAW Visiting Assistant Professor
December 13, 2016
Muhammad's Community and the Spread of Monotheism in Late Antique Arabia
Faculty Lecture
Robert Hoyland, ISAW Professor of Late Antique and Early Islamic Middle Eastern History
December 8, 2016
Weeks, Months, and Years in Greek and Roman Calendars
Exhibition Lecture
Daryn Lehoux, Queen's University
December 1, 2016
Late Antiquity in Early Modernity
Faculty Lecture
Frederic Clark, ISAW Visiting Assistant Professor
November 29, 2016
Imhotep Comes Forth by Day
ARCE Lecture
Janice Kamrin, Metropolitan Museum of Art
November 17, 2016
Fruits of the Silk Road
VRS Lecture
Robert Spengler, Visiting Research Scholar, ISAW
November 15, 2016
Ancient Sundials: Art, Technology, and Culture
Exhibition Lecture
James Evans, University of Puget Sound
November 10, 2016
A People Without a Name or, Who Were the Hittites?
Tenth Annual Leon Levy Lecture
Theo van den Hout, Arthur and Joann Rasmussen Professor of Western Civilization and of Hittite and Anatolian Languages, Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago
November 3, 2016
Decrepit Rome, your morals disintegrate, your walls collapse!
Critique of Rome in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages
Faculty Lecture
Maya Maskarinec, Visiting Research Scholar, ISAW
October 25, 2016
Death and Taxes?
Economy, Society and the Imperial State in Babylonia in the Sixth Century BCE
Michael Jursa, Professor of Assyriology at the University of Vienna, Corresponding Fellow of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
September 29, 2016
Herodes Atticus and the Greco-Roman World: Imperial Cosmos, Cosmic Allusions, Art and Culture in his Estate in Southern Peloponnese
Exhibition Lecture
Georgios Spyropoulos, Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sport, Directorate General of Antiquities and Cultural Heritage, Athens
September 13, 2016
The Other Woman: Encoded Messages in Egyptian Art
ACRE Lecture
Phyllis Saretta, The Metropolitan Museum of Art
June 9, 2016
Horus, Set, and Israel: Egyptian Literary Reflections in a Biblical Mirror
ARCE Lecture
Gary Greenberg, Independent Scholar
May 12, 2016
Silk Roads and Steppe Roads of Medieval China: History Unearthed from Tombs
Rostovtzeff Lecture Series 2016
Jonathan K. Skaff, Visiting Research Scholar, ISAW
- March 29: Settlers and Merchants on the Silk Roads: Sogdians at Turfan
- April 5: Sogdians or Borderlanders?, Part I: Lives Revealed in Epitaphs
- April 12: Sogdians or Borderlanders?, Part II: Death Rituals Revealed in Tombs
- April 19: A Tang Dynasty Ally in Mongolia: Pugu Yitu (635-678)
Memory, Tradition, and Image Production in Ancient Mesopotamia
Faculty Lecture
Beate Pongratz-Leisten, Professor of Ancient Near Eastern Studies, ISAW
March 24, 2016