Program Structure

First Year

Group of three people look at map in folio book at table in library ©Kahn: Courtesy of NYU Photo Bureau

Doctoral Committee: Your doctoral committee is determined at the beginning of the first semester. The committee, consisting of your main ISAW adviser and other ISAW or affiliated faculty, is responsible for guiding you in your studies. Students meet with their committee on an annual basis to review their progress and discuss future coursework, fieldwork, research, etc.

Doctoral Contract: Students fill out a doctoral contract with their planned course of study and this is revised and approved by the committee accordingly each year.

Coursework: Seminars, courses, and directed study at ISAW and other NYU and consortium universities

Languages: Pass two language exams by the end of the year.

Second Year

Coursework: Seminars, courses, and directed study at ISAW and other NYU and consortium universities

Languages: Pass final two language exams by the end of the year.

Third Year

Coursework: Finish any remaining coursework.

Teaching: Pursue teaching opportunities.

Comprehensive Exams: Reading list is compiled and the faculty approves your examination areas in the fall semester. Examinations usually fall near the end of the spring semester.

Fourth Year

Dissertation Proposal: First draft is submitted to the faculty for approval in the fall semester.

Teaching: Pursue teaching opportunities.

Fifth and Sixth Years

Dissertation work, fieldwork, further teaching opportunities