ISAW Library New Titles: April 2016
The following books were acquired and accessioned by the ISAW Library between April 1, 2016 and April 30, 2016. Items are grouped by geographic region, and sorted by Library of Congress classification. This information is also available in a Zotero library.
The ISAW Library compiles a single Zotero "library" for the entire year, with each month representing a separate Zotero "collection." The metadata tags are only linked or searchable at the "library" level, not at the "collection" level. For example, if you review acquisitions for December 2015 and select the tag for "Hittite," nothing may come up. However, if you move up the hierarchy from the collection "December 2015" to the "library" for 2015 and then click on "Hittite," you will find items tagged from previous months. Click here for information about Zotero. Click here for information about Zotero.
Classical Antiquity & Western Europe
The Ancient Near East & Asia Minor
Central Asia, Russia, & the Caucasus
Cross-Cultural and Other Topics
Classical Antiquity & Western Europe
Magie und Raum: der magische Schutz auserwählter Räume im alten Ägypten nebst einem Vergleich zu angrenzenden Kulturbereichen. Christoffer Theis.
Orientalische Religionen in der Antike 13; Oriental Religions in Antiquity 13 (ISSN: 1869-0513). Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, [2014]. Small Collection: BF1591 .T39 2014.
Priscillian of Avila, the complete works. Edited and translated by Marco Conti.
Oxford early Christian texts. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 2010. Small Collection: BT1465 .P733 2010.
Supralineate abbreviations in Latin inscriptions. By A.E. Gordon.
Milano: Cisalpino-Goliardica, 1977. Small Collection: CN513 .G67 1977.
Ancient Europe 8000 B.C.-A.D. 1000: encyclopedia of the Barbarian world. Peter Bogucki & Pam J. Crabtree, editors-in-chief.
New York: Thompson/Gale, ©2004. 2 volumes. Large Collection: D62 .A52 2004:v.1-2.
An atlas of Roman rural settlement in England. Jeremy Taylor.
CBA research report; 151. York: Council for British Archaeology, 2007. Large Collection: DA145 .T29 2007.
Landesarchäologie: Festschrift für Dieter Planck zum 65. Geburtstag. Herausgegeben von Jörg Biel, Jörg Heiligmann und Dirk Krausse.
Forschungen und Berichte zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte in Baden-Württemberg; 100. Stuttgart: Kommissionsverlag, Konrad Theiss, 2009. Large Collection: DD784.5 .L36 2009.
Die neolithische Moorsiedlung Ödenahlen.
Siedlungsarchäologie im Alpenvorland; 3. Forschungen und Berichte zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte in Baden-Württemberg; 46. Stuttgart: Theiss, 1995. 2 volumes. Large Collection: DD801.B2345 S54 1990 Bd.3:text & plates.
Die Spätbronzezeit am nordwestlichen Bodensee: taucharchäologische Untersuchungen in Hagnau und Unteruhldingen, 1982-1989 / Gunter Schöbel, mit Beiträgen von André Billamboz, Wolfgang Ostendorp und Manfred Rösch.
Siedlungsarchäologie im Alpenvorland; 4. Forschungen und Berichte zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte in Baden-Württemberg; 47. Stuttgart: Konrad Theiss, 1996. 2 volumes. Large Collection: DD801.B2345 S54 1990 Bd.4:text & plates.
Die Untersuchung der Silexartefakte aus der Ufersiedlung Hornstaad-Hörnle IA. Jutta Hoffstadt.
Siedlungsarchäologie im Alpenvorland; 7. Forschungen und Berichte zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte in Baden-Württemberg; 90. Stuttgart: Kommissonsverlag K. Theiss, 2005. Large Collection: DD801.B2345 S54 1990 Bd.7.
Die frühbronzezeitlichen Ufersiedlungen von Bodman-Schachen I: Befunde und Funde aus den Tauchsondagen 1982-1984 und 1986. Joachim Köninger; mit einem Beitrag von Kai-Steffen Frank.
Siedlungsarchäologie im Alpenvorland; 8. Forschungen und Berichte zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte in Baden-Württemberg; 85. Stuttgart: Konrad Theiss, 2006. Large Collection: DD801.B2345 S54 1990 Bd.8.
Die Keramikfunde von Hornstaad-Hörnle I-VI: Besiedlungsgeschichte der Fundstelle und Keramikentwicklung im beginnenden 4. Jahrtausend v. Chr. im Bodenseeraum. Irenäus Matuschik; mit Beiträgen von Bodo Dieckmann, Werner Scharff und Jorge E. Spangenberg.
Siedlungsarchäologie im Alpenvorland; 12. Forschungen und Berichte zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte in Baden-Württemberg; 122. Stuttgart: Konrad Theiss, 2011. Large Collection: DD801.B2345 S54 1990 Bd.12.
Die früh- und mittelbronzezeitliche "Siedlung Forschner" im Federseemoor: Naturwissenschaftliche Untersuchungen; Bohlenwege, Einbäume und weitere botanische Beiträge. Mit Beiträgen von Daniel Gunther [and twelve others].
Siedlungsarchäologie im Alpenvorland; 13. Forschungen und Berichte zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte in Baden-Württemberg; Band 128. Darmstadt: Konrad Theiss Verlag, 2016. Large Collection: DD801.B2345 S54 1990 Bd.13.
Das Herakles-Heiligtum von Kleonai: Architektur und Kult im Kontext. Von Torsten Mattern.
Kleonai; Band 1. Wiesbaden: Reichert Verlag, 2015. Large Collection: DF261.K52 M388 2015.
Rodanvm: a study of the Roman settlement at Aardenburg and its metal finds. G.P.A. Besuijen.
Leiden: Sidestone Press, ©2008. Large Collection: DJ92.R66 B47 2008.
Die Dynastie der Ptolemäer. Von Max L. Strack.
Berlin: W. Hertz, 1897. Small Collection: DT92 .S89 1897.
Strategi and royal scribes of Roman Egypt: (Str. R. Scr. 2). John Whitehorne.
Rev. ed. Papyrologica Florentina; 37. Firenze: Gonnelli, 2006. Large Collection: DT93 .B37 2006.
Essai sur la province romaine d'Égypte depuis la conquête jusqu'à Dioclétien: étude d'organisation politique et administrative. Par Abdallah Simaika.
Paris: E. Thorin, 1892. Small Collection: DT93 .S5 1892. With the bookplate of A. Arthur Schiller.
Sacrificial landscapes: cultural biographies of persons, objects and 'natural' places in the Bronze Age of the Southern Netherlands, C. 2300-600 BC. David R. Fontijn.
Second editon. Analecta praehistorica Leidensia 33/34 (ISSN: 0169-7447). Leiden: Sidestone Press, 2013. Large Collection: GN778.22.N4 F66 2013.
Wetland farming in the area to the south of the Meuse estuary during the Iron Age and Roman period: an environmental and palaeo-economic reconstruction. O. Brinkkemper.
Analecta praehistorica Leidensia 24 (ISSN: 0169-7447). [Leiden, the Netherlands]: University of Leiden, 1991. 2 volumes. Large Collection: GN799.A4 B75 1991 text & plates.
The Ussen project: the first decade of excavations at Oss. Edited by Harry Fokkens.
Analecta praehistorica Leidensia 30 (ISSN: 0169-7447). Leiden, The Netherlands: Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University, 1998. 2 volumes. Large Collection: GN820.O87 U87 1998 text & maps.
Native neighbours: local settlement system and social structure in the Roman period at Oss (the Netherlands). Dieke A. Wesselingh.
Analecta praehistorica Leidensia 32 (ISSN: 0169-7447). Leiden: University of Leiden, 2000. Large Collection: GN820.O87 W47 2000.
The family in Roman Egypt: a comparative approach to intergenerational solidarity and conflict. Sabine R. Huebner, Habilitationsschrift, Freie Universität, Berlin 2010.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013. Small Collection: HQ509 .H84 2013.
Theia dōrea: das göttlich-kaiserliche Geschenk: Studien zur Politik der Severer und zur Constitutio Antoniniana. Kostas Buraselis; [aus dem Neugriechischen übersetzt von Wolfgang Schürmann].
Akten der Gesellschaft für Griechische und Hellenistische Rechtsgeschichte 18 (ISSN: 0340-3149). Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2007. Small Collection: JC89 .B7715 2007.
Ricerche sul processo nell'Egitto greco-romano. Giuliana Foti Talamanca.
Pubblicazioni dell'Istituto di diritto romano e dei diritti dell'Oriente mediterraneo; 48. v. 2, pt. 2: Pubblicazioni della Facoltà giuridica dell'Università di Bari; 75. Milano: A. Giuffrè, 1974-<1984>. 2 volumes in 3. Small Collection: KJA3050 .F68 1974:v.1-v.2:pt.1-2.
Ἡ πίστις in den Papyri. Von Walter Schmitz.
[Köln]: [publisher not identified], 1964. Small Collection: KL2821 .S36 1964. With the bookplate of A. Arthur Schiller.
Beiträge zur Rechtsgeschichte Altgriechenlands und des hellenistisch-römischen Ägypten. Von Hans Julius Wolff.
Forschungen zum römischen Recht; Abh. 13. Weimar: H. Böhlaus Nachfolger, 1961. Small Collection: KL4106.5 .W65 1961.
The Amherst papyri: being an account of the Greek papyri in the collection of the Right Hon. Lord Amherst of Hackney, F.S.A. at Didlington hall, Norfolk. By Bernard P. Grenfell and Arthur S. Hunt.
Milano: Cisalpino-La Goliardica, 1975. 2 volumes. Oversize Collection: PA3304 .A5 1975:pt.1-2.
Tax documents from Theadelphia: papyri of the second century A.D.. Edited with introduction and notes by John Day and Clinton Walker Keyes.
Columbia papyri: Greek series; 5. Milano: Cisalpino-Goliardica, 1973. Small Collection: PA3305 .C6 no.5 1973.
Bankakten aus dem Faijûm nebst anderen Berliner Papyri. Herausgegeben von Hjalmar Frisk.
Göteborgs kungl. vetenskaps- och vitterhets-samhälles handlingar, 5. följden, ser. A; bd. 2, n:o 2. Milano: Cisalpino-Goliardica, 1975. Small Collection: PA3308.B4 B36 1975.
Dikaiomata: Auszüge aus alexandrinischen Gesetzen und Verordnungen in einem Papyrus des Philologischen Seminars der Universität Halle (Pap. Hal. 1): mit einem Anhang weiterer Papyri derselben Sammlung: herausgegeben von der Graeca Halensis mit 9 Lichtdrucktafeln.
Milano: Cisalpino-Goliardica, [1972?]. Small Collection: PA3308.H35 P37 1972.
Vertragliche Regelungen von Arbeiten im Späten griechischsprachigen Ägypten: mit Editionen von Texten der Heidelberger Papyrus-Sammlung, del Istituto Papirologico "G. Vitellei," des Ägyptischen Museums zu Kairo und des British Museum, London (P. Heid. V). Andrea Jördens.
Veröffentlichungen aus der Heidelberger Papyrus-Sammlung; n.F., Nr. 6. Heidelberg: Carl Winter Universitätsverlag, 1990. Large Collection: PA3308.H4 J67 1990.
Griechische Texte II. Herausgegeben von John R. Rea und Pieter J. Sijpesteijn.
Corpus papyrorum Raineri archeducis Austriae; 5. Wien: Hollinek in Komm., 1976. 2 volumes. Large Collection: PA3308 .R34 Bd.5:text & plates.
Griechische Texte IV. Herausgegeben von Henrik Zilliacus, Jaakko Frösén, Paavo Hohti, Jorma Kaimio, Maarit Kaimio.
Corpus papyrorum Raineri archeducis Austriae; 7. Wien: In Kommission bei Verlag Brüder Hollinek, 1979. 2 volumes. Large Collection: PA3308 .R34 Bd.7:text & plates.
Griechische Texte VII. Herausgegeben von Monika Hasitzka, Michaela Müller, Brigitte Rom, Wolfgang Hameter, Bernhard Palme, Hans Taeuber, Johann Diethart, Hermann Harrauer, Klaas A. Worp; Redaktion, Hermann Harrauer.
Corpus papyrorum Raineri archeducis Austriae; 10. Wien: In Kommision bei Verlag Brüder Hollinek, 1986. 2 volumes. Large Collection: PA3308 .R34 Bd.10:text & plates.
Griechische Texte IX. Herausgegeben von Hermann Harrauer.
Corpus papyrorum Raineri archeducis Austriae; 13. Wien: Verlag Brüder Hollinek, 1987. 2 volumes. Large Collection: PA3308 .R34 Bd.13:text & plates.
Griechische Texte X: Greek papyri of the Byzantine period. Edited by Georgina Fantonoi.
Corpus Papyrorum Raineri Archeducis Austrique; 14. Wien: Hollinek, 1989. 2 volumes. Large Collection: PA3308 .R34 Bd.14:text & plates.
Griechische Texte XI. A cura di Gabriella Messeri Savorelli.
Corpus papyrorum Raineri archeducis Austriae; 15. Wien: In Kommission bei Verlag Brüder Hollinek, 1990. 2 volumes. Large Collection: PA3308 .R34 Bd.15:text & plates.
Griechische Texte XIIA. Herausgegeben von Klaas A. Worp.
Corpus Papyrorum Raineri Archeducis Austriae / hrsg. von der Generaldirektion der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek; 17A. Wien: In Kommission bei Verlag Brüder Hollinek, 1991. 2 volumes. Large Collection: PA3308 .R34 Bd.17A:text & plates.
Griechische Texte XIIB. Herausgegeben von Pieter J. Sijpesteijn.
Corpus Papyrorum Raineri Archeducis Austriae; 17B. Wien: In Kommission bei Verlag Brüder Hollinek, 1991. 2 volumes. Large Collection: PA3308 .R34 Bd.17B:text & plates.
Griechische Texte XIII. Herausgegeben von Bärbel Kramer.
Corpus Papyrorum Raineri Archeducis Austriae; 18. Wien: In Kommission bei Verlag Brüder Hollinek, 1991. 2 volumes. Large Collection: PA3308 .R34 Bd.18:text & plates.
Documenti dell'antichità cristiana: papiri e pergamene greco-egizie della Raccolta Fiorentina. A cura di Mario Naldini.
Firenze: Le Monnier, 1965. Large Collection: PA3310.F5 D63 1965.
Comunicazioni, no. 1-11. Istituto papirologico "G. Vitelli."
Firenze: L'Istituto, 1995-2013. Oak Collection: PA3339 .C65:no. 1 (1995)-no.11 (2013).
Indices chemicorum graecorum, vol. 1. Robert Halleux.
Lessico intellettuale europeo; 31. Roma: Edizioni dell'Ateneo, ©1983. Small Collection: QD18.G8 H35 1983 v.1.
Inscriptions grecques d'Egypte et de Nubie: répertoire bibliographique des IGRR. Etienne Bernand.
Centre de recherche d'histoire ancienne; 51. Annales littéraires de l'Université de Besançon; 286. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1983. Small Collection: Z7023.I5 B47 1983.
Recueil des inscriptions de l'Ethiopie des périodes pré-axoumite et axoumite. E. Bernand, A.J. Drewes, R. Schneider; introduction de Fr. Anfray.
Paris: Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres, Diffusion de Boccard, 1991-2000. Small Collection: CN1320.E8 B47 1991.
Ricerche italiane e scavi in Egitto.
Il Cairo: Centro archeologico italiano . Oak Collection: DT56.8 .R54.
Atti del V Convegno nazionale di egittologia e papirologia: Firenze, 10-12 dicembre 1999. A cura di Simona Russo.
Firenze: Istituto papirologico "G. Vitelli", 2000. Small Collection: DT60 .C645 1999.
Tombs of Tjenty II, Khufuhotep, and anonymous tombs GE 17, GE 18, GE 47, GE 48, and GE 49. Eleonora Kormysheva, Svetlana Malykh, Maksim Lebedev, Sergey Vetokhov.
Giza, Eastern necropolis; 3. Moscow: Institute of Oriental Studies (Russian Academy of Sciences), 2015. Large Collection: DT73.G5 K675 2015.
An account of the sarcophagus of Seti I, king of Egypt, B.C. 1370. By E.A. Wallis Budge.
Publication; 2. London: The Museum, 1908. Small Collection: DT87.9 .B8 1908. From the Library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
Nubian voices II: new texts and studies on Christian Nubian culture. Edited by Adam Łajtar, Grzegorz Ochała, Jacques van der Vliet.
Wydanie 1. Journal of juristic papyrology. Supplements; XXVII. Warsaw: University of Warsaw, Faculty of Law and Administration, Chair of Roman and Antique Law, Institute of Archaeology, Department of Papyrology; The Raphael Taubenschlag Foundation, 2015. Small Collection: DT159.6.N83 N8252 2015.
Su tre papiri giuridici arabi. Evaristo Carusi.
Napoli: Stabilimento Tipografico Nicola Jovene e Co., 1916. Large Collection: KBP874.23 .C37 1916.
Magika Hieratika in Berlin, Hannover, Heidelberg und München. Hans-W. Fischer-Elfert; mit einem Beitrag von Myriam Krutzsch.
Ägyptische und orientalische Papyri und Handschriften des Ägyptischen Museums und Papyrussammlung Berlin; 2. Berlin, De Gruyter, Berlin: [Akademie Verlag], 2015. Large Collection: PJ1551 .F57 2015.
Coptic Gnostic chrestomathy: a selection of Coptic texts with grammatical analysis and glossary. Edited by Bentley Layton.
Leuven, Dudley, Mass.: Peeters, 2004. Small Collection: PJ2039.15 .T49 2004.
Mémoire sur les Blemmyes, à propos d'une inscription copte, trouvée à Dendur. Par Eugène Revillout.
Paris: [publisher not identified], 1874. Large Collection: PJ2193 .R48 1874. With the bookplate of A. Arthur Schiller.
The Ancient Near East & Asia Minor
Авеста в русских переводах, 1861-1996. Составление, общая редакция, примечания и справочный раздел И.В. Рака.
Izd. 2-e, isp. Sankt-Peterburg: Zhurnal "Neva", 1998. Main Collection: BL1515.2 .R8 1998. From the library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
The overturned boat: intertextuality of the Adapa myth and exorcist literature. By Amar Annus.
State archives of Assyria studies; 24. Helsinki: Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project, 2016. Small Collection: BL1625.A35 A58 2016.
Studies in the Book of the Covenant in the light of cuneiform and biblical law. By Shalom M. Paul.
Supplements to Vetus Testamentum; 18. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1970. Small Collection: BS1245.2 .P38 1970. From the Library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
Kollektive Schuld und Haftung: religions- und rechtsgeschichtliche Studien zum Sündenkuhritus des Deuteronomiums und zu verwandten Texten. Jan Dietrich.
Orientalische Religionen in der Antike = Oriental Religions in Antiquity, 1869-0513; 4. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, ©2010. Small Collection: BS1275.6.S54 D54 2010.
Novum Testamentum Graece. Begründet von Eberhard und Erwin Nestle; herausgegeben von Barbara und Kurt Aland, Johannes Karavidopoulos, Carlo M. Martini, Bruce M. Metzger.
28. revidierte Auflage. Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, [2015]. Reference 3 Collection: BS1965 2015.
Kleinasiatische sprachdenkmäler. Zusammengestellt von Johannes Friedrich.
Kleine Texte für Vorlesungen und Übungen; 163. Berlin: W. de Gruyter & Co., 1932. Small Collection: CN1155 .F7 1932. From the Library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
Вoстоковедение в Лeнинградском университете. [oтв. рeдaктор A.Н. Koнoнoв].
Uchenye zapiski Leningradskogo ordena Lenina gosudarstvennogo universiteta imeni A.A. Zhdanova; 296. Serii͡a vostokovedcheskikh nauk / Vostochnyĭ fakulʹtet; vyp. 13. Leningrad: Izd-vo Leningradskogo universiteta, 1960. Small Collection: DS32.9.R92 L64 1960. From the library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
Zeitschrift für Orient-Archäologie, Bd. 6-8. Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Orient-Abteilung.
Berlin, New York: W. de Gruyter, ©2013-2015. Large Collection: DS56 .Z45 Bd.6 (2013)-Bd. 8 (2015).
Challenging climate change: competition and cooperation among pastoralists and agriculturalists in northern Mesopotamia (c. 3000-1600 BC). Arne Wossink.
Leiden: Sidestone Press, ©2009. Large Collection: DS73.1 .W67 2009.
Die historische Semiramis und ihre Zeit; Vortrag gehalten in der Deutschen Orient-gesellschaft zu Berlin am 6. Februar 1910. Von C.F. Lehmann-Haupt; mit 50 Abbildungen.
Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr (P. Siebeck), 1910. Small Collection: DS73.7 .L4 1910. From the Library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
Stratigraphie und Architektur des "Roten Hauses" von Tall Šēḫ Ḥamad/Dūr-Katlimmu. Von Florian Janoscha Kreppner und Jochen Schmid; mit Beiträgen von Jens Rohde und einer Abhandlung über die Holzkohlefunde von Rainer Gerisch.
Berichte der Ausgrabung Tall Šēḫ Ḥamad/Dūr-Katlimmu (BATSH); Band 11. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2013. 2 volumes. Oversize Collection: DS99.D78 K745 2013:v.1-2.
Beer-Sheba III: the early iron IIA enclosed settlement and the late iron IIA-iron IIB cities. Ze'ev Herzog and Lily Singer-Avitz; with contributions by Itzhaq Beit-Arieh [and 21 others].
Tel Aviv University, Sonia and Marco Nadler Institute of Archaeology monograph series; 33. Winona Lake, Indiana: Eisenbrauns, 2016. 3 volumes. Large Collection: DS110.B35 H475 2016:v.1-3.
Shechem V: the Late Bronze Age pottery from Field XIII at Shechem/Tell Balâtah. By Catherine A Duff; edited by Edward F. Campbell, Jr.
American Schools of Oriental Research Archeological Reports; 23. Boston, MA: American Schools of Oriental Research, [2015]. Large Collection: DS110.S543 D84 2015.
Tell Qudadi: an Iron Age IIB fortress on the Central Mediterranean coast of Israel (with references to earlier and later periods): final report on the Hebrew University of Jerusalem excavations directed by E.L. Sukenik and S. Yeivin, with the participation of N. Avigad. By Alexander Fantalkin and Oren Tal; contributions by Ram Gophna [and 6 others].
Colloquia antiqua; 15. Leuven: Peeters, 2015. Small Collection: DS110.T59 F36 2015.
Identity of the diaspora: Jews in Asia Minor in the Roman imperial period. Krystyna Stebnicka; [English translation by Maria Kantor].
Wydanie I. Journal of juristic papyrology. Supplements; 26. Warsaw: University of Warsaw, Faculty of Law and Administration, Chair of Roman Law and the Law of Antiquity, University of Warsaw, Institute of Archaeology, Department of Papyrology, Raphael Taubenschlag Foundation, 2015. Small Collection: DS135.T8 S7413 2015.
Petra, The mountain of Aaron: the Finnish archaeological project in Jordan, Volume 1: The church and the chapel. [edited] by Zbigniew T. Fiema and Jaakko Frösén; with the contributions of Marie-Christine Comte [and others].
Helsinki: Societas Scientiarum Fennica, 2008. Oversize Collection: DS154.9.P48 P58 2008 v.1.
Petra, the mountain of Aaron: the Finnish archaeological project in Jordan, Volume III: The archaeological survey. By Paula Kouki and Mika Lavento; with the contributions of Anna Annila [and eighteen others].
Helsinki: Societas scientiarum fennica, 2013. Oversize Collection: DS154.9.P48 P58 2008 v.3.
Panaztepe II: M.Ö. 2. bine tarihlendirilen Panaztepe seramiğinin Batı Anadolu ve Ege arkeolojisindeki yeri ve önemi = Die Keramik von Panaztepe und ihre Bedeutung für Westkleinasien und die Ägäis im 2. Jahrtausend. Sevinç Günel.
Türk Tarih Kurumu yayınları. VI. dizi; sa. 51. Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi, 1999. Large Collection: DS156.P28 G95 1999.
Historical atlas of ancient Christianity. Edited by Angelo Di Berardino in collaboration with Gianluca Pilara.
St. Davids, Pennsylvania: ICCS Press, [2013]. Oversize Collection: G1046.E42 I813 2013.
Das hethitische Ritual: CTH 447. Von Maciej Popko.
Warszawa: Agade, 2003. Small Collection: P945.A4 P67 2003.
Ana turri gimilli: studi dedicati al padre Werner R. Mayer, S.J., da amici e allievi. A cura di M.G. Biga, M. Liverani.
Vicino Oriente. Quaderno; 5. Roma: Università di Roma La Sapienza, 2010. Small Collection: PJ3126.W47 A63 2010.
Ueber Keilinschriften. Von Carl Bezold.
Sammlung gemeinverständlicher, wissenchaftlicher Vorträge; 18. ser., Heft 425. Berlin: C. Habel, 1883. Small Collection: PJ3193 .B495 1883. From the Library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
Mesopotamian incantations and related texts in the Schøyen Collection. Edited by A.R. George.
Manuscripts in the Schøyen Collection. Cuneiform texts; 8. Cornell University studies in Assyriology and Sumerology (CUSAS); Volume 32. Bethesda, Maryland: CDL Press, 2016. Large Collection: PJ3791 .M47 2016.
Archaic cuneiform tablets from private collections. By Salvatore F. Monaco.
Cornell University studies in Assyriology and Sumerology (CUSAS); 31. Bethesda, Maryland: CDL Press, 2016. Large Collection: PJ4055 .M65 2016.
Le geste d'Ardashir fils de Pâbag = Kārnāmag ī Ardaxšēr ī Pābagān. Traduit du pehlevi par Frantz Grenet.
Die: Éditions A Die, 2003. Small Collection: PK6198 .K314 2003.
Central Asia, Russia, & the Caucasus
Synkretismus in den Religionen Zentralasiens: Ergebnisse eines Kolloquiums vom 24.5. bis 26.5.1983 in St. Augustin bei Bonn. Herausgegeben von Walther Heissig und Hans-Joachim Klimkeit.
Studies in Oriental religions 13 (ISSN: 0340-6792). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1987. Small Collection: BL1050 .S96 1987.
Погребальный обряд населения Дагестана албано-сарматского времени: (III в. до н.э.--IV в. н.э.) / отв. редактор проф. M.С. Гaджиев. М.А. Бакушев;.
Rostov-na-Donu: Rostizdat, 2008. Small Collection: DK511.D2 B355 2008.
Хвалынские энеолитические могильники и хвалынскaя энеолитическaя культура: исследования мaтeриалов. Сoст. и нaучный рeдактoр С.A. Aгапов.
Samara: [SROO IĖKA "Рovolzhʹe"], c2010. Large Collection: DK511.V65 K4865 2010.
Aрхеология южной части Oсетии. Бaграт Teхoв.
Vladikavkaz: Ir, 2006. Small Collection: DK679.S68 T45 2006.
Энеолит СССР. [oтветственные рeдaктoры тома, В.M. Maссон, Н.Я. Meрпeрт; [aвторы тoмa, В.M. Maссон, and others].
Arkheologii͡a SSSR. Moskva: Izd-vo "Nauka", 1982. Large Collection: GN776.22.S65 E54 1982. From the library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
Бронзовый век, эпоха героев: (по материалам погребальных памятников Самарской области). Отв. редактор М.А. Турецкий.
Samara: Ministerstvo kulʹtury Samarskoĭ oblasti, SOOO "Samarskoe arkheologicheskoe obshchestvo", 2012. Large Collection: GN778.22.R9 B76 2012.
太平御覽. [李昉等撰].
Di 1 ban. Beijing: Zhong gua shu ju, Xin hua shu dian Beijing fa xing suo fa xing, 1960. 4 volumes. Reference 5 Collection: AE2 .T34 1960:v.1-4.
石质文物岩石材料劣化特征及评价方法 = [A study on the features of stone deterioration in stone monuments and their assessment methods]. 李宏松著.
Di 1 ban. Zhongguo wen hua yi chan yan jiu yuan wen wu bao hu ke ji xi lie. Beijing: Wen wu chu ban she, 2014. Small Collection: CC79.P4 L5 2014.
20世纪中国知名科学家学术成就概览. 钱伟长总主编; 王巍本卷主编.
Di 1 ban. Beijing: Ke xue chu ban she, 2015. 2 volumes. Reference 5 Collection: CC110 .A15 2015:v. 1-2.
唐代墓志匯編. 主編周紹良; 副主編趙超.
Di 1 ban. Shanghai: Shanghai gu ji chu ban she, Xin hua shu dian Shanghai fa xin suo fa xing, 1992. 2 volumes. Large Collection: CS1162 .T36 1992:v.1-2.
双申遗纪实. 洛阳市文物管理局编.
Di 1 ban. Beijing Shi: Wen wu chu ban she, 2014. Small Collection: DS328 .S58 2014.
Kushan histories: literary sources and selected papers from a symposium at Berlin, December 5 to 7, 2013. Edited by Harry Falk.
Monographien zur Indischen Archäologie, Kunst und Philologie; Band 23. Bremen: Hempen Verlag, 2015. Small Collection: DS451 .K87 2015.
"Индика" мeгасфена и надписи Aшoки. Г.М. Бонгард-Левин.
Moskva: Izd-vo vostochnoĭ lit-ry, 1960. Small Collection: DS451.5 .B65 1960. From the library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
早期丝绸之路暨早期秦文化国际学术研讨会论文集. 甘肃省文物考古研究所, 北京大学考古文博学院, 中国国家博物馆综合考古部, 陕西省考古研究院, 西北大学文化遗产学院编.
Di 1 ban. Beijing Shi: Wen wu chu ban she, 2014. Large Collection: DS741.65 .Z362 2012.
唐大詔令集. 宋敏求編; 华东政法学院法律古籍整理研究所; 洪丕谟, 张伯元, 沈敖大点校.
Di 1 ban. Shanghai: Xue lin chu ban she, Xin hua shu dian Shanghai fa xing suo fa xing, 1992. Large Collection: DS749.3 .T369 1992.
唐大詔令集補編. 李希泌主編; 毛華軒 [and others] 編.
Di 1 ban. Shanghai: Shanghai gu ji chu ban she, 2003. 2 volumes. Small Collection: DS749.3 .T3692 2003:v.1-2.
民权牛牧岗与豫东考古 = Report on Niumugang Site in Minquan and study on Yudong archaeology. 郑州大学历史学元考古系张国硕, 赵俊杰著 = The School of History of Zhengzhou University Zhang Guoshuo, Zhao Junjie.
Di yi ban. Beijing: Ke xue chu ban she =, Science Presses, 2013. Large Collection: DS793.H5 Z434 2013.
固原南郊隋唐墓地. 寧夏回族自治區固原博物館, 羅丰編著.
Di 1 ban. [Beijing]: Wen wu chu ban she, 1996. Small Collection: DS793.K5683 L6 1996.
沅陵窑头发掘报告: 战国至汉代城址及墓葬 = Excavation report of the Yaotou site in Yuanling: the walled city and the cemetery of the Warring states to Han period. 湖南省文物考古研究所编著 = Edited by Hunan Provincial Institute of Archaeology and Cultural Relics.
Di 1 ban. Beijing: Wen wu chu ban she, 2015. 2 volumes. Large Collection: DS797.52.Y836 Y834 2015:v.1-2.
梁王城遗址发掘报告 = The archaeological excavation report of the Langwancheng site: a volume for prehistory remains: (with abstracts in English and Japanese). 南京博物院, 徐州博物馆, 邳州博物馆编著; 主编, 林留根; 副主编, 周润垦, 原丰, 胡颖芳 = By Nanjing Museum, Xuzhou Museum, Pizhou Museum.
Di 1 ban. Beijing: Wen wu chu ban she, 2013. 2 volumes. Large Collection: DS797.56.P58 L53 2013:v.1-2.
江淮文化论丛 第三辑. 扬州博物馆编.
Di 1 ban. Beijing: Wen wu chu ban she, 2014. Small Collection: DS797.56.Y365 J538 2014.
代海墓地 = Daihai cemetery. 辽宁省文物考古研究所编著 = By Liaoning Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology.
Di 1 ban. Beijing: Wen wu chu ban she = Cultural Relics Press, 2013. Large Collection: DS797.62.F895 D35 2013.
新疆昌吉回族自治州考古调查与发掘. 新疆文物考古研究所编著.
Di 1 ban. Xinjiang wen wu kao gu yan jiu suo cong kan; 4. Beijing: Wen wu chu ban she, 2015. Large Collection: DS797.84.C536 X565 2015.
苍洱地区史前文化. 万娇著.
Di 1 ban. 北京市: 文物出版社, 2013. Small Collection: DS797.86.D355 W355 2013.
句章故城: 考古调查与勘探报告 = Gouzhang City site: archaeological investigation and exploration report. 宁波市文物考古研究所编著 = Ningbo Municipal Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology.
Di yi ban. Ningbo wen wu kao gu yan jiu cong shu. Yi zhong; Di 4 hao. Beijing: Ke xue chu ban she = Science Press, 2014. Large Collection: DS797.88.N564 G68 2014.
跨湖桥文化研究. 蒋乐平著.
Di yi ban. Zhejiang wen hua yan jiu gong cheng cheng guo wen ku. Beijing: Ke xue chu ban she, 2014. Small Collection: DS797.88.X536 J536 2014.
A historical atlas of Tibet. Karl E. Ryavec.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, [2015]. Large Collection: G2308.T5 R9 2015.
卞家山. 浙江省文物考古研究所编著 = Cultural Relics and Archaeology Institute of Zhejian Province.
Di 1 ban. Liangzhu yi zhi qun kao gu bao gao; zhi liu = Reports of the group sites at Liangzhu; vi. Beijing: Wen wu chu ban she = Cultural Relics Press, 2014. 2 volumes. Large Collection: GN776.3.L52 B53 2014:v.1-2.
仙人洞与吊桶环. 北京大学考古文博学院, 江西省文物考古研究所编著.
Di 1 ban. Beijing Shi: Wen wu chu ban she, 2014. Large Collection: GN855.C6 X53 2014.
晋东南早期建筑专题研究 = Comprehensive studies on early architecture in southeast territory of Shanxi Province. 长治市文物旅游局主编; 贺大龙著.
Di 1 ban. Changzhi gu jian wen hua xi lie cong shu. Beijing Shi: Wen wu chu ban she, 2015. Large Collection: NA1547.S52 H423 2015.
龙门石窟研究院文物藏品集 = The collection of Longmen Grottoes Academy. 龙门石窟研究院编; 刘景龙编著.
Di 1 ban. Beijing: Wen wu chu ban she, 2013. Large Collection: NB1912.B83 L589 2013.
汉风: 中国汉代文物展. 中国文物交流中心编著.
Di yi ban. Beijing: Ke xue chu ban she, 2014. Large Collection: NK1068 .H362 2014.
东莞市博物馆藏出土文物. 杨晓东编.
Di 1 ban. Dongguan Shi bo wu guan cong shu. Beijing: Wen wu chu ban she, 2014. Large Collection: NK1069.D66 D66 2014.
故都神韵: 南京市博物馆文物精华 = The charm of the old Nanjing: gems of Nanjing Municipal Museum. 南京市博物馆编 = Nanjing Municipal Museum.
Di 1 ban. Beijing: Wen wu chu ban she, 2013. Large Collection: NK1069.N36 N38 2013.
古越瓷暉: 古越軒藏越窑青瓷. 浙江古越轩文化发展有限公司编著.
Di 1 ban. Beijing Shi: Wen wu chu ban she, 2015. Oversize Collection: NK4340.Y84 G829 2015.
原始瓷起源研究论文集. 浙江省文物考古研究所编; 沈岳明, 郑建明主编.
Di 1 ban. Beijing Shi: Wen wu chu ban she, 2015. Small Collection: NK4566.Z44 Y83 2015.
玛瑙之旅: 中国历代玛瑙器的艺术风尚 = The path of agate: the art & culture of Chinese agate. 冬路著
Di 1 ban. Beijing: Wen wu chu ban she, 2014. Large Collection: NK5683.A1 D6645 2014.
曲石古玉研究文选. 曲石著.
Di 1 ban. Beijing: Wen wu chu ban she, 2013. Small Collection: NK5750.2.C6 Q33 2013.
玉润东方: 大汶口-龙山·良渚玉器文化展. 山东博物馆, 良渚博物院编.
Di 1 ban. Beijing: Wen wu chu ban she, 2014. Large Collection: NK5750.2.C6 Y787 2014.
蚌埠市博物馆铜镜集萃. 蚌埠市博物馆编著.
Di 1 ban. Beijing: Wen wu chu ban she, 2014. Large Collection: NK8440.2.C62 B46 2014.
中国国家图书馆藏西域文书 = Xinjiang manuscripts preserved in the National Library of China. Khotanese remains. 段晴著; 刘波, 萨仁高娃摄影 = written by Duan Qing; photography by Liu Bo and Sarengaowa.
Di 1 ban. Fan wen bei ye jing yu fo jiao wen xian xi lie cong shu = Series of Sanskrit manuscripts & Buddhist literature; 4. Shanghai Shi: Zhong xi shu ju, 2015. Large Collection: PK6199.8.Z77 D836 2015.
吐魯番出土磚誌集注. 侯燦, 吴美琳著.
Di 1 ban. Chengdu: Ba Shu shu she, 2003. 2 volumes. Large Collection: PL2448 .H68 2003 v.1-2.
全唐文新編. 《全唐文新編》編輯委員會; 總主編周紹良.
Changchun Shi: Jilin wen shi chu ban she, 2000. 22 volumes. Large Collection: PL2501 .Q46 2000 v.1-22.
文苑英華. [李昉等編].
Di 1 ban. Beijing: Zhonghua shu ju, Xin hua shu dian Beijing fa xing suo fa xing, 1966. 6 volumes. Large Collection: PL2501 .W46 2011 v.1-6.
磨砺集: 韩汝玢冶金史论文选. 韩汝玢著.
Di 1 ban. Beijing: Ke xue chu ban she, 2014. Large Collection: TN101 .H36 2014.
Cross-Cultural and Other Topics
История кaлендаря и его предстоящая реформа. С.И.Селешников.
[Izd. 3., perer. i dop]. [Leningrad]: Lenizdat, 1962. Small Collection: CE73 .S47 1962. From the library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
Ausgegraben: aus den Fotosammlungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts = Historical pictures from the archives of the German Archaeological Institute (DAI).
[Berlin, Germany]: Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, [2015]. Large Collection: TR775 .A87 2015.