ISAW Library New Titles: September 2015
The following books were acquired and accessioned by the ISAW Library between September 1, 2015 and September 28, 2015. Items are grouped by geographic region, and sorted by Library of Congress classification. This information is available in a Zotero library.
The ISAW Library compiles a single Zotero "library" for the entire year, with each month representing a separate Zotero "collection." The metadata tags are only linked or searchable at the "library" level, not at the "collection" level. For example, if you review acquisitions for December 2014 and select the tag for "Hittite," nothing may come up. However, if you move up the hierarchy from the collection "December 2014" to the "library" for 2014 and then click on "Hittite," you will find items tagged from previous months. Click here for information about Zotero.
Classical Antiquity & Western Europe
The Ancient Near East & Asia Minor
Central Asia, Russia, & the Caucasus
Classical Antiquity & Western Europe
The Republic of Plato. .
2nd ed. [New York]: Basic Books, c1991. Small Collection: JC71 .P35 1991b.
Roman architecture. .
Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1983, c1982. Large Collection: NA310 .S44 1983.
In pursuit of invisibility: ritual texts from Late Roman Egypt. By Richard L. Phillips.
American studies in papyrology ; v. 47. Durham, N.C. : American Society of Papyrologists, c2009. Ancient World Digital Library BF1591.P49 2009.
The four Greek hymns of Isidorus and the cult of Isis. Vera Frederika Vanderlip.
American studies in papyrology, v. 12. Toronto: A. M. Hakkert, 1972. Ancient World Digital Library BL2450.I7 V33 1972.
It is our father who writes: orders from the Monastery of Apollo at Bawit. By S.J. Clackson.
American studies in papyrology ; no. 43. Cincinnati, Ohio: American Society of Papyrologists, c2008. Ancient World Digital Library BX138.B39 C53 2008.
A new "Roman" sword from Soknopaiou Nesos (El-Fayyum, Egypt). Paola Davoli and Christian Miks.
ISAW papers ; 9. New York: Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, 2015. Ancient World Digital Library CB311.I83 no.9.
Register of Oxyrhynchites, 30 B.C.-A.D. 96. B.W. Jones and J.E.G. Whitehorne.
American studies in papyrology ; v. 25. Chico, Ca.: Scholars Press, c1983. Ancient World Digital Library DT73.O8 J66 1983.
Un codex fiscal hermopolite: (P. Sorb. II 69). Jean Gascou.
American studies in papyrology ; v. 32. Atlanta, Ga.: Scholars Press, c1994. Ancient World Digital Library HJ213.G37 1994.
Status declarations in Roman Egypt. Carroll A. Nelson.
American studies in papyrology ; no. 19. Amsterdam: A.M. Hakkert, 1979. Ancient World Digital Library HN10.E3 N45 1979.
Saite and Persian demotic cattle documents: a study in legal forms and principles in ancient Egypt. Eugene Cruz-Uribe.
American studies in papyrology ; no. 26. Chico, Calif.: Scholars Press, c1985. Ancient World Digital Library KL3040.D66 C78 1985.
Columbia papyri VIII. Roger S. Bagnall, Timothy T. Renner, Klaas A. Worp.
American studies in papyrology ; v. 28. Atlanta, Ga.: Scholars Press, c1990. Ancient World Digital Library PA3305.C642 1990.
Columbia papyri IX: the Vestis militaris codex. Edited with commentary by Jennifer A. Sheridan.
American studies in papyrology ; v. 39. Atlanta, Ga.: Scholars Press, c1998. Ancient World Digital Library PA3305.C643 1998.
Columbia papyri XI. Timothy M. Teeter.
American studies in papyrology ; no. 38. Atlanta, Ga.: Scholars Press, c1998. Ancient World Digital Library PA3305.C645 1998.
The Michigan medical codex (P. Mich. 758=P. Mich. inv. 21). Louise C. Youtie.
P. Michigan ; XVII. American studies in papyrology ; v. 35. Atlanta, Ga.: Scholars Press, c1996. Ancient World Digital Library PA3305.M5 vol. 17.
Papyri from the Michigan collection. John C. Shelton.
American studies in papyrology, v. 9. Toronto: A. M. Hakkert, 1971. Ancient World Digital Library PA3305.M57 1971.
Ptocheia, or, Odysseus in disguise at Troy: (P. Köln VI 245). Edition and commentary by Maryline G. Parca.
American studies in papyrology ; no. 31. Atlanta, Ga.: Scholars Press, c1991. Ancient World Digital Library PA3323.P86 1990.
Akten des 23. Internationalen Papyrologenkongresses, Wien, 22.-28. Juli 2001. .
Papyrologica Vindobonensia; 1. Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2007. Large Collection: PA3339 .I5 2001.
Inventory of compulsory services in Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt. Naphtali Lewis.
American studies in papyrology ; v. 3. New Haven: American Society of Papyrologists, 1968. Ancient World Digital Library PJ1895.L49 1968.
Grundlagen des koptischen Satzbaus, vol. 1. H.J. Polotsky.
American studies in papyrology ; no. 28 [i.e. 27]. Decatur, Ga.: Scholars Press, c1987. Ancient World Digital Library PJ2113.P63 1987.
Ägyptische Ärzte und ägyptische Medizin am hethitischen Königshof: neue Funde von Keilschriftbriefen Ramses' II. aus Bogazköy. .
Geisteswissenschaften, Vorträge - Rheinisch-Westfälische Akademie der Wissenschaften; G 205. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, ©1976. Small Collection: R137 .E44 1976.
The Ancient Near East & Asia Minor
Zauberdiagnose und schwarze Magie in Mesopotamien. .
CNI publikations; 2. [Copenhagen]:, Carsten Niebuhr Institute of Ancient Near Eastern Studies;, [Place of publication not identified]: Museum Tusculanum Press, [1987]. Small Collection: BF1591 .T465 1987.
Balag-compositions: Sumerian lamentation liturgies of the second and first millennium B.C. .
Sources from the ancient Near East; vol. 1, fasc. 2. Sources and monographs. Malibu, Calif.: Undena Publications, 1974, ©1975. Large Collection: BL1615 .C58 1974.
Amitut khronologyat ha-Tanakh. .
Tel-Aviv: Alef, 1986. Small Collection: BS637.2 .S53 1986. From the Library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia. Quae antea cooperantibus A. Alt, O. Eissfeldt, P. Kahle, R. Kittel ; adjuvantibus H. Bardtke [and others]; cooperantibus H.P. Ruger et J. Ziegler ; ediderunt K. Elliger et W. Rudolph ; textum Masoreticum curavit H.P. Ruger ; masoram elaboravit G.E. Weil.
Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 1997. Reference 4 Collection BS715 1997b.
Scribal culture and the making of the Hebrew Bible. .
Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2007. Small Collection: BS1130 .T66 2007.
Vorträge gehalten auf der 28. Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale in Wien, 6.-10. Juli 1981.
Archiv für Orientforschung; Beiheft 19. Horn, Austria: Verlag Ferdinand Berger & Söhne, 1982. Large Collection: DS56 .R46 1981.
Mesopotamia: writing, reasoning, and the gods. .
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1992. Small Collection: DS69.5 .B6813 1992.
Qraya modular reports, no. 1: early soundings. .
Monographic journals of the Near East. Syro-Mesopotamian studies; vol. 4, issue 4 (April 1988). Malibu: Undena Publications, 1988. Large Collection: DS69.5 .S96 v.4:no.4 (1988:Apr.).
Mozan 2: the epigraphic finds of the sixth season. .
Monographic journals of the Near East. Syro-Mesopotamian studies; vol. 5, issue 1 (July 1991). Malibu: Undena Publications, 1991. Large Collection: DS69.5 .S96 v.5:no.1 (1991:July).
Five tablets from the southern wing of Palace G, Ebla. .
Monographic journals of the Near East. Syro-Mesopotamian studies; vol. 5, issue 2. Malibu: Undena Publications, 1993. Large Collection: DS69.5 .S96 vol.5:no.2 (1993:Apr.).
Archaic administrative texts from Uruk: the early campaigns. .
Ausgrabungen der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft in Uruk-Warka; 15. Archaische Texte aus Uruk; 5. Berlin: Mann, ©1994. Oversize Collection: DS70.5.E65 N6 Bd.15.
The Old Babylonian period. .
Publications of the Joint Expedition of the British Museum and of the Museum of the University of Pennsylvania to Mesopotamia. Ur excavations; 7. London: Published for the Trustees of the two museums by British Museum Publications, c1976.Oversize Collection: DS70.5.U7 J645 1927 v.7.
The Kassite period and the period of the Assyrian kings. .
Ur excavations; 8. London: Published for the Trustees of the Two Museums, 1965. Oversize Collection: DS70.5.U7 J645 1927 v.8.
Archaic texts. .
Publications of the Joint Expedition of the British Museum and of the University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, to Mesopotamia: Ur excavations: texts; 2. London: Printed by order of the Trustees of the two museums, 1935. Oversize Collection: DS70.5.U7 J65 1928 v.2.
Business documents of the third dynasty of Ur. .
Publications of the Joint Expedition of the British Museum and of the University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, to Mesopotamia: Ur excavations: Texts; 3. London: Printed by order of the Trustees of the two museums, 1937-1947. Oversize Collection: DS70.5.U7 J65 1928 v.3:pt.1-2.
Business documents of the New-Babylonian period. .
Publications of the Joint Expedition of the British Museum and of the University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, to Mesopotamia: Ur excavations: texts; 4. London: Printed by order of the Trustees of the two museums, 1949. Oversize Collection: DS70.5.U7 J65 1928 v.4.
Letters and documents of the Old-Babylonian period. .
Publications of the Joint Expedition of the British Museum and of the University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia to Mesopotamia: Ur excavations: texts; 5. London: Printed by order of the Trustees of the two museums, 1953. Oversize Collection: DS70.5.U7 J65 1928 v.5.
Wandel und Kontinuität in der sumerisch-babylonischen Kultur: Rede uitgesproken bij de aanvaarding van het ambt van hoogleraar aan de Rijkuniversiteit te Leiden op 21 mei 1954. Door F.R. Kraus.
Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1954. Small Collection: DS70.7 .K83 1954.
Atlas of preclassical Upper Mesopotamia. .
Subartu; 13. Turnhout: Brepols, c2004. Reference 4 Collection: DS71 .A53 2004.
Reconstructing history from ancient inscriptions: the Lagash-Umma border conflict. .
Sources from the ancient Near East; vol. 2, fasc. 1. Malibu: Undena Publications, 1983. Large Collection: DS72 .C56 1983.
The Babyloniaca of Berossus. .
Sources and monographs. Sources from the ancient Near East; vol. 1, fasc. 5. Malibu [California]: Undena Publications, 1978. Large Collection: DS73.2 .B4713 1978.
Könige, die in Zelten wohnten : Betrachtungen über den Kern der assyrischen Königsliste. F.R. Kraus.
Amsterdam: Noord-Hollandsche Uitg. Mij., 1965. Mededeelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandsche Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afd. Letterkunde; Nieuwe reeks, deel 28, no. 2. Small Collection: DS73.25 .K73 1965.
Ah, Assyria-: studies in Assyrian history and ancient Near Eastern historiography presented to Hayim Tadmor. .
Scripta Hierosolymitana (ISSN: 0080-8369); 33. Jerusalem: Magnes Press, Hebrew University, ©1991. Small Collection: DS73.7 .A35 1991.
Pastoral nomadism in the Mari Kingdom (ca. 1830-1760 B.C.). .
Dissertation series; 3. Cambridge, MA: American Schools of Oriental Research, ©1978. Small Collection: DS99.M3 M37 1978.
Palestinian objects at the University of Minnesota. .
Monographic journals of the Near East. Occasional papers on the Near East; vol. 2, issue 2. Malibu: Undena Publications, ©1986. Large Collection: DS111.9 .C68 1986.
ספר המוצגים: תקופת האבן והברונזה. .
Yerushalayim: Bet ha-Nekhot ha-Arkheʼologi shel Palestinah (E.Y.), 1937. Small Collection: DS111.9 .P35 1937. From the Library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
Tell er-Rumeith: the excavations of Paul W. Lapp, 1962 and 1967. .
American Schools of Oriental Research archaeological reports; 22. Boston, MA: American Schools of Oriental Research, [2015]. Large Collection: DS154.9.R76 B37 2015.
Persepolis. .
The University of Chicago Oriental Institute publications; 68-70. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1953-1970. Oversize Collection: DS262.P4 S27 1953.
ירושלים לתקופותיה.
Yerushalayim: Matkal, Katsin Hinukh Roshi, 'Anaf Hadrakhah ve-Hasbarah, [1970?]. Small Collection: G2239.J4 Y47 1970. From the Library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
Hittite birth rituals: an introduction. .
Sources from the Ancient Near East; vol 1, no. 4. Sources and monographs. Malibu, Calif.: Undena Publications, 1978, ©1974. Large Collection: GT2465 .B43 1978.
Les produits de luxe au Proche-Orient ancien, aux âges du Bronze et du Fer. .
Travaux de la Maison de l'archéologie et de l'ethnologie René-Ginouvès; 19. Paris: Éditions de Boccard, 2014. Small Collection: HD9999.L853 M6287 2014.
The status of women in the Middle Assyrian period. .
Monographs on the ancient Near East; vol. 2, no. 1. Malibu: Undena Publications, 1979. Large Collection: HQ1137.A77 S26 1979.
Mittelassyrische Rechtsurkunden und Verwaltungstexte. .
Vorderasiatische Schriftdenkmäler der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin; n.F., Heft 3 (Heft 19). Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1976. Oversize Collection: KL1608 .M58 1976.
Mittelassyrische Rechtsurkunden und Verwaltungstexte II. .
Vorderasiatische Schriftdenkmäler der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin; n.F., Heft 5 (Heft 21). Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1982. Oversize Collection: KL1608 .M582 1976.
Altbabylonische Rechts- und Wirtschaftsurkunden. .
Vorderasiatische Schriftdenkmäler der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin; n.F., Heft 2 (Heft 18). Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1973. Oversize Collection: KL2208 .A58 1973.
Babylonian marriage agreements: 7th-3rd centuries B.C. .
Alter Orient und Altes Testament; 222. Kevelaer: Butzon & Bercker; Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag, 1989. Small Collection: KL2246 .R67 1989.
The Hittite laws. .
London: Luzac, 1951. Small Collection: KL4706.5 .H588 1951.
Geschichte der Architektur Irans. .
Archäologie in Iran und Turan (ISSN: 1433-8734;) Band 15. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer, [2015]. Large Collection: NA1480 .K54 2015.
Die elamischen Königsinschriften. Von Friedrich Wilhelm König.
Graz: E. Weidner, 1965. Archiv für Orientforschung. Beiheft; 16. Large Collection: P943 .A2 1965.
Texte aus der Umwelt des Alten Testaments. .
Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus G. Mohn, 1982-1997. Small Collection: PJ3095 .T49 1982 Bd.1:Lfg.1-Bd.3:Lfg.4.
Elements pour un logiciel assyriologique. .
Computer aided research in Near Eastern Studies; vol. 1, no. 2. Malibu, Calif.: Undena Publications, 1984. Large Collection: PJ3189 .R68 1984.
Nominalsätze in altbabylonischen Briefen und der Stativ. F.R. Kraus.
Amsterdam: Noord-Hollandsche Uitgevers Maatschappij, 1984. Mededeelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandsche Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afd. Letterkunde; nieuwe reeks, d. 47, no. 2. Small Collection: PJ3311 .K73 1984.
Catalogue of the Cuneiform tablets in the Kouyunjik collection of the British Museum. .
London: Published for the Trustees of the British Museum by British Museum Press, 1992. Oversize Collection: PJ3711 .B685 1889 suppl.3 1968.
Nicht-kanonische Beschwörungen und sonstige literarische Texte. .
Vorderasiatische Schriftdenkmäler der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin; n. F., Heft 1 (Heft 17). Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1971. Oversize Collection: PJ3711 .D55 1971.
Keilschrifttexte in den Antiken-Museen zu Stambul. .
Freiburger altorientalische Studien. Beihefte, Altassyrische Texte und Untersuchungen; 2. Stuttgart: F. Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden, 1989. Small Collection: PJ3711 .D66 1989.
Literary and miscellaneous texts in the Ashmolean Museum. .
Oxford editions of cuneiform texts; 11. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1989. Large Collection: PJ3711 .G86 1989.
Les tablettes néo-babyloniennes de la Bodlein Library conservées à l'Ashmolean Museum = Neo-Babylonian tablets in the Ashmolean Museum. .
Oxford editions of cuneiform texts; 12. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1990. Large Collection: PJ3711 .J63 1990.
Late Babylonian texts in the Ashmolean Museum. .
Oxford editions of cuneiform texts; 10. Oxford:, Clarendon Press; Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 1984. Large Collection: PJ3711 .M34 1984.
Old Babylonian inscriptions chiefly from Nippur. By H.V. Hilprecht.
Philadelphia: [s.n.], 1893-1896. Babylonian expedition of the University of Pennsylvania. Series A, Cuneiform texts; v. 1, pt. 1-2. Large Collection: PJ3711.P41 1893 v.1:pt.1-2
Sumerian administrative documents dated in the reigns of the kings of the second dynasty of Ur from the temple archives of Nippur preserved in Philadelphia. By David W. Myhrman.
Philadelphia: Pub. by the Dept. of archaeology, University of Pennsylvania, 1910. Babylonian expedition of the University of Pennsylvavia. Series A: Cuneiform texts; v. 3, pt. 1. Large Collection: PJ3711 .P41 1893 v.3:pt.1.
Babylonian legal and business documents from the time of the first dynasty of Babylon chiefly from Sippar. By Hermann Ranke.
Philadelphia: Published by the Dept. of Archaeology, University of Pennsylvania, 1906. Babylonian Expedition of the University of Pennsylvania. Series A: Cuneiform Texts; v. 6, pt. 1. Large Collection: PJ3711 .P41 1893 v.6:pt.1.
Babylonian legal and business documents from the time of the first dynasty of Babylon, chiefly from Nippur. By Arno Poebel.
Philadelphia: Dept. of Archaeology, University of Pennsylvania, 1909. Babylonian Expedition of the University of Pennsylvania. Series A: Cuneiform Texts; v. 6, pt. 2. Large Collection: PJ3711 .P41 1893 v.6:pt.2.
Legal and Commercial Transactions dated in the Assyrian, Neo-Babylonian and Persian periods chiefly from Nippur. By Albert T. Clay.
Philadelphia: Department of Archaeology, University of Pennsylvania, 1908. Babylonian Expedition of the University of Pennsylvania. Series A: Cuneiform Texts; v. 8, pt. 1. Large Collection: PJ3711 .P41 1893 v.8:pt.1.
Business documents of Murashû sons of Nippur dated in the reign of Artaxerxes I (464-424 B.C.). By H.V. Hilprecht and A.T. Clay.
Philadelphia: Dept. of Archaeology and Paleontology, University of Pennsylvania, 1898. Babylonian Expedition of the University of Pennsylvania. Series A: Cuneiform Texts; v. 9. Inscribed by H.V. Hilprecht to John Sparhawk, Jr., treasurer of the University of Pennsylvania's Arachaeological Department. Large Collection: PJ3711 .P41 1893 v.9.
Business Documents of Murashu sons of Nippur dated in the reign of Darius II (424-404 B.C.). By Albert T. Clay.
Philadelphia: Department of Archaeology, University of Pennsylvania, 1904. Babylonian Expedition of the University of Pennsylvania. Series A: Cuneiform Texts; v. 10. Large Collection: PJ3711 .P41 1893 v.10.
Documents from the Temple archives of Nippur dated in the reigns of Cassite rulers. By Rev. Albert T. Clay.
Philadelphia: Department of Archaeology, University of Pennsylvania, 1906. Babylonian Expedition of the University of Pennsylvania. Series A: Cuneiform Texts; v. 14-15. Large Collection: PJ3711 .P41 1893 v.14-15.
Letters to Cassite kings from the Temple archives of Nippur. By Hugo Radau.
Philadelphia: Department of Archaeology, University of Pennsylvania, 1908. Babylonian Expedition of the University of Pennsylvania. Series A: Cuneiform Texts; v. 17, pt. 1. Large Collection: PJ3711 .P41 1893 v.17:pt.1.
Mathematical, metrological and chronological tablets from the Temple library of Nippur. By H.V. Hilprecht.
Philadelphia: Dept. of Archaeology, University of Pennsylvania, 1906. Babylonian Expedition of the University of Pennsylvania. Series A: Cuneiform Texts; v. 20, pt. 1. Bound with v. 29, pt. 1. Large Collection: PJ3711 .P41 1893 v.20:pt.1, v.29:pt.1.
Sumerian hymns and prayers to god Nin-Ib from the temple library at Nippur. By Hugo Radau.
Philadelphia: Pub. by the Dept. of Archaeology, University of Pennsylvania, 1911. Babylonian expedition of the University of Pennsylvania. Series A: Cuneiform texts; v. 29, pt. 1. Bound with v. 20, pt. 1. Large Collection: PJ3711 .P41 1893 v.20:pt.1, v.29:pt.1.
Sumerian hymns and prayers to god Dumu-zi, or, Babylonian lenten songs from the temple library of Nippur. By Hugo Radau.
München: [publisher not identified], 1913. Babylonian Expedition of the University of Pennsylvania. Series A: Cuneiform Texts; v. 30, pt. 1. Bound with v. 31, pt. 1. Large Collection: PJ3711 .P41 1893 v.30:pt.1 & v.31:pt.1
Historical and religious texts from the temple library of Nippur. By Stephen Langdon.
München: [publisher not identified], 1914. Babylonian Expedition of the University of Pennsylvania. Series A: Cuneiform Texts; v. 31, pt. 1. Bound with v. 30, pt. 1. Large Collection: PJ3711 .P41 1893 v.30:pt.1 & v.31:pt.1
Babylonian hymns and prayers. By David W. Myhrman.
Philadelphia: University Museum, 1911. Publications of the Babylonian Section, v. 1, no. 1. Large Collection: PJ3711 .P5 v.1:no.1.
Selected Sumerian and Babylonian texts. By Henry Frederick Lutz.
Philadelphia: Published by the University museum, 1919. Publications of the Babylonian Section, v. 1, no. 2. Large Collection: PJ3711 .P5 v. 1:no.2.
Business documents of Murashu sons of Nippur dated in the reign of Darius II. By Albert T. Clay.
Philadelphia: University Museum [of the University of Pennsylvania], 1912. Publications of the Babylonian Section, v. 2, no. 1. Large Collection: PJ3711 .P5 v.2:no.1.
Documents from the Temple archives of Nippur dated in the reigns of Cassite rulers. By Albert T. Clay.
Philadelphia: University Museum [of the University of Pennsylvania], 1912. Publications of the Babylonian Section, v. 2, no. 2. Large Collection: PJ3711 .P5 v.2:no.2.
Aramaic incantation texts from Nippur. By James A. Montgomery.
Philadelphia: University Museum, 1913. Publications of the Babylonian Section, v. 3. Large Collection: PJ3711 .P5 v.3.
Historical texts. By Arno Poebel.
Philadelphia: Published by the University Museum, 1914. Publications of the Babylonian Section, v. 4, no. 1. Large Collection: PJ3711 .P5 v.4:no.1.
Legal and administrative documents from Nippur, chiefly from the dynasties of Isin and Larsa. By Edward Chiera.
Philadelphia: University Museum, 1914. Publications of the Babylonian Section, v. 8, no. 1. Large Collection: PJ3711 .P5 v.8:no.1.
Old Babylonian contracts. By Edward Chiera.
Philadelphia: University Museum, 1922. Publications of the Babylonian Section, v. 8, no. 2. Large Collection: PJ3711 .P5 v.8:no.2.
Sumerian epic of paradise, the flood and the fall of man. By Stephen Langdon.
Philadelphia: University Museum, 1915. Publications of the Babylonian Section, v. 10, no. 1. Bound with v. 10, no. 2. Large Collection: PJ3711 .P5 v.10:no.1-2.
Sumerian liturgical texts. By Stephen Langdon.
Philadelphia: University Museum, 1917. Publications of the Babylonian Section, v. 10, no. 2. Bound with v. 10, no. 1. Large Collection: PJ3711 .P5 v.10:no.1-2.
Texts from Hellenistic Babylonia in the Ashmolean Museum. .
Oxford editions of cuneiform texts; 9. Oxford [Oxfordshire]: Clarendon Press; Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 1982. Large Collection: PJ3711 .T4 1982.
Old Babylonian letters from Tell Asmar. .
Assyriological studies (ISSN: 0066-9903;) 22. Chicago, Ill.: Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 1987. Large Collection: PJ3721.A695 W47 1987.
Literarische Texte aus Babylon. .
Vorderasiatische Schriftdenkmäler der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin; n. F., Heft 8. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1987. Oversize Collection: PJ3721.B39 D55 1987.
Altbabylonische texte aus Babylon. .
Vorderasiatische Schriftdenkmäler der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin; n.F., Heft 6 = Heft 22. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1983. Oversize Collection: PJ3721.B39 K54 1983.
Spätbabylonische Rechtsurkunden und Wirtschaftstexte aus Uruk. .
Vorderasiatische Schriftendenkmäler der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin; n.F., Heft 4. Berlin: Akademie, 1978. Oversize Collection: PJ3721.E8 J35 1978.
Ankaraner Kültepe-Texte III: Texte der Grabungskampagne 1970. .
Freiburger altorientalische Studien. Beihefte, Altassyrische Texte und Untersuchungen; 3. Stuttgart: F. Steiner, 1995. Small Collection: PJ3721.K36 B55 1995.
Die Kültepetexte aus der Sammlung Frida Hahn, Berlin. .
Leipzig: J.C. Hinrichs, 1930. Large Collection: PJ3721.K36 L495 1930.
Lettres. .
Textes cuneiformes; t. 22-27. Archives royales de Mari; 1. Paris: Librairie orientaliste P. Geuthner, 1941-1953. Oversize Collection: PJ3721.M3 A6 v.1
Correspondance feminine. .
Archives royales de Mari; 10. Textes cuneiformes; t. 31. Paris: Librairie orientaliste P. Geuthner, 1967. Oversize Collection: PJ3721.M3 A6 v.10.
Mukannisum: lettres et documents administratifs. .
Archives royales de Mari; 18. Textes cuneiformes de Mari; t. 2. [Paris]: P. Geuthner, c1976. Oversize Collection: PJ3721.M3 A6 v.18.
Textes administratifs de l'époque des šakkanakku. .
Textes cuneiformes de Mari; t. 3. Archives royales de Mari; 19. Paris: Librairie orientliste P. Geuthner, 1976. Oversize Collection: PJ3721.M3 A6 v.19.
Correspondance feminine. .
Archives royales de Mari; 10. Paris: Librairie orientaliste P. Geuthner, 1978. Reference 4 Collection: PJ3721.M3 A7 t.10.
Lettres de Yaqqim-Addu, gouverneur de Sagaratum. .
Archives royales de Mari; 14. Paris: Librairie orientaliste P. Geuthner, 1974. Reference 4 Collection: PJ3721.M3 A7 t.14.
La nomenclature des habits et des textiles dans les textes de Mari. .
Matériaux pour le Dictionnaire de babylonien de Paris; t. 1. Archives royales de Mari; 30. Paris: CNRS Éditions, ©2009. Reference 4 Collection: PJ3721.M3 A7 t.30.
Dated texts from Mari: a tabulation. .
Aids and research tools in ancient Near Eastern studies; 4. Malibu: Undena Publications, 1980. Oversize Collection: PJ3721.M3 A737 1980.
Le culte du dieu de l'orage d'Alep et l'affaire d'Alahtum. .
Florilegium marianum; 7. Memoires de N.A.B.U.; 8. Supplément à NABU; no 2. Paris: SEPOA, Société pour l'étude du Proche-orient ancien, 2002. Large Collection: PJ3721.M3 D97 2002.
Le harem de Zimrî-Lîm: la population féminine des palais d'après les archives royales de Mari. .
Florilegium Marianum; 4. Mémoires de N.A.B.U. (ISSN: 0989-5671;) 5. Supplément à NABU; no 1. Paris: SEPOA, 1999. Large Collection: PJ3721.M3 Z54 1999.
The Shemshāra Archives 1: the letters. .
Historisk-filosofiske skrifter; 23. Copenhagen: Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab, ©2001. Oversize Collection: PJ3721.S54 E54 2001.
The Middle Babylonian legal and economic texts from Ur. .
[London]: British School of Archaeology in Iraq, 1983. Large Collection: PJ3725 .G8 1983.
Textes babyloniens d'époque récente. [Publiés par] Jean-Marie Durand.
Paris: Editions A.D.P.F., c1981. Recherche sur les grandes civilisations. Cahier; no 6; Etudes assyriologiques. Large Collection: PJ3728 .T49 1981.
The poem of Erra. .
Sources and monographs. Sources from the ancient Near East; 1, 3. Malibu: Undena Publications, 1977. Large Collection: PJ3771.E8 C3 1977.
The standard Babylonian Etana epic: cuneiform text, transliteration, score, glossary, indices and sign list. .
State archives of Assyria cuneiform texts; 2. Helsinki: Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project, 2001. Small Collection: PJ3771.E86 N68 2001.
The standard Babylonian Epic of Gilgamesh: cuneiform text, transliteration, glossary, indices and sign list. .
State Archives of Assyria cuneiform texts; 1. Helsinki: Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project, 1997. Small Collection: PJ3771.G5 1997.
The Babylonian Gilgamesh epic: introduction, critical edition and cuneiform texts. .
Oxford;, New York: Oxford University Press, 2003. Small Collection: PJ3771.G5 E5 2003b v.1-2.
Gilgamesh, o, La angustia por la muerte: poema babilonio. .
1. ed. Barcelona: Editorial Kairós, 2006. Small Collection: PJ3771.G5 S6 2006. Inscribed by the translator to Robert Biggs.
The Akkadian Namburbi texts: an introduction. .
Sources from the ancient Near East; 1, 1. Sources and monographs. Los Angeles: Undena Publications, 1974. Large Collection: PJ3791 .C3 1974.
Ninurta-Tukulti-Aššur zamanına ait orta Asur idarî belgeleri. .
Türk Tarih Kurumu yayınları. VI. dizi; sa. 19. Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi, 1976. Oversize Collection: PJ3811 .D66 1976.
Assyrische Königsinschriften auf Ziegeln aus Assur. .
Vorderasiatische Schriftdenkmäler der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin; n.F., Heft 7 = Heft 22. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1985. Oversize Collection: PJ3835 .J35 1985.
Stiftungen und Vorschriften für assyrische Tempel. .
Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Institut für Orientforschung. Veröffentlichung; Nr. 23. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1954. Large Collection: PJ3861 .E34 1954.
Cuneiform documents from the Chaldean and Persian periods. .
Cranbury, NJ: Associated University Presses, c1994. Large Collection: PJ3861 .S33 1994.
Istanbul Murašû texts. .
Uitgaven van het Nederlands Historisch-Archaeologisch Instituut te Istanbul =Publications de l'Institut historique et archéologique néerlandais de Stamboul (ISSN: 0926-9568;) 79. Istanbul: Nederlands Historisch-Archaeologisch Instituut te Istanbul, 1997. Large Collection: PJ3870 .D66 1997.
Textes économiques de la Babylonie récente: étude des textes de TBER, cahier no 6. .
Cahier (ISSN: 0248-4501;) no 5. Etudes assyriologiques. Paris: Editions Recherche sur les civilisations, 1982. Large Collection: PJ3874 .J6 1982.
The El-Amarna correspondence: a new edition of the cuneiform letters from the site of El-Amarna based on collations of all extant tablets. .
Handbook of Oriental studies = Handbuch der orientalistik, section 1, ancient Near East; 110. Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2015-. Small Collection: PJ3886.E5 S36 2015 v.1-2.
Textes culinaires mésopotamiens = Mesopotamian culinary texts. .
Mesopotamian civilizations; 6. Winona Lake, Ind.: Eisenbrauns, 1995. Large Collection: PJ3921.C66 T49 1995.
Wisdom from the late Bronze Age. .
Writings from the ancient world; 29. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, [2013]. Reserves: PJ3941 .C64 2013. A gift of the author.
A Sumerian reader. .
Studia Pohl. Series maior; 18. Roma: Pontificio Istituto Biblico, 1997. Small Collection: PJ4014 .V65 1997.
Sumerian grammar in Babylonian theory. .
Studia Pohl. Series maior; 12. Rome: Biblical Institute Press, 1984. Large Collection: PJ4021 .B58 1984.
Emesal-Studien: sprach- und literaturgeschichtliche Untersuchungen zur sogenannten Frauensprache des Sumerischen. .
Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Kulturwissenschaft. Sonderheft; 69. Innsbruck: Verlag des Instituts für Sprachwissenschaft der Universität Innsbruck, 1990. Small Collection: PJ4041 .S37 1990.
Sumerian literary texts in the Ashmolean Museum. .
Oxford editions of cuneiform texts; 5. Oxford: Clarendon, 1976. Large Collection: PJ4053.A8 G8 1976.
Early dynastic administrative tablets of Šuruppak. .
Series maior / Istituto universitario orientale, Dipartimento di studi asiatici; 6. Napoli: Istituto universitario orientale di Napoli, Dipartimento di studi asiatici, 1994. Oversize Collection: PJ4054.S58 E37 1994.
"Herzberuhigungsklagen": die sumerisch-akkadischen Eršaḫunga-Gebete. .
Wiesbaden: O. Harrassowitz, 1988. Large Collection: PJ4061 .M38 1988.
Das Lugalbandaepos. .
Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1969. Small Collection: PJ4065.L8 W55 1969.
Tablettes sumériennes archaïques: matériaux pour servir à l'histoire de la société sumérienne. .
Paris: P. Geuthner, 1909. Oversize Collection: PJ4075 .G3 1909.
Index of Eblaic texts (published or cited). By Giovanni Conti; with the collaboration of Amalia Catagnoti and Marco Bonechi.
[Firenze]: Dipartimento di linguistica, Università di Firenze, 1992. Quaderni di semitistica. Materiali; 1. Small Collection: PJ4147 .C66 1992.
Testi amministrativi: assegnazioni di tessuti (Archivio L. 2769). .
Archivi reali di Ebla. Testi; 1. Roma: Missione archeologica italiana in Siria, 1985. Large Collection: PJ4147.Z77 A72 v.1.
Testi amministrativi: assegnazione di tessuti (archivio L. 2769). .
Archivi reali di Ebla. Testi; 4. Roma: Missione archeologica italiana in Siria, 1984. Large Collection: PJ4147.Z77 A72 v.4.
Testi amministrativi: registrazioni di metalli e tessuti (archivio L. 2769). .
Archivi reali di Ebla. Testi; 7. Roma: Missione archeologica italiana in Siria, 1988. Large Collection: PJ4147.Z77 A72 v.7.
Administrative texts chiefly concerning textiles (L. 2752). .
Archivi reali di Ebla. Testi; 8. Roma: Missione archeologica italiana in Siria, 1986. Large Collection: PJ4147.Z77 A72 v.8.
Testi amministrativi: assegnazioni di prodotti alimentari (archivio L. 2712, parte 1). .
Archivi reali di Ebla. Testi; 9. Roma: Missione archeologica italiana in Siria, 1990. Large Collection: PJ4147.Z77 A72 v.9.
Testi rituali della regalità: (archivio L. 2769). .
Archivi reali di Ebla. Testi; 11. [Roma]: Missione archeologica italiana in Siria, 1993. Large Collection: PJ4147.Z77 A72 v.11.
Catalogo dei testi cuneiformi di Tell Mardikh-Ebla. .
Materiali epigrafici di Ebla; 1. Series maior - Istituto universitario orientale di Napoli, Seminario di studi asiatici; 1. Napoli: Istituto universitario orientale, 1979. Oversize Collection: PJ4147.Z77 M44 v.1.
Testi amministrativi della biblioteca L. 2769. .
Series maior / Istituto universitario orientale di Napoli, Seminario di studi asiatici; 2. Materiali epigrafici di Ebla; 2. Napoli: Istituto universitario orientale, 1980-. Oversize Collection: PJ4147.Z77 M44 v.2-2A.
Testi lessicali monolingui della Biblioteca L. 2769. .
Series maior / Seminario di studi asiatici; 3-. Materiali epigrafici di Ebla; 3-. Napoli: Istituto universitario orientale di Napoli, 1981-. Oversize Collection: PJ4147.Z77 M44 v.3-3A. With interleaved notes in the hand of Robert D. Biggs.
Testi lessicali bilingui della biblioteca L. 2769. .
Series maior / Istituto universitario orientale di Napoli, Seminario di studi asiatici; 4. Materiali epigrafici di Ebla; 4. Napoli: Istituto universitario orientale, 1982-. Oversize Collection: PJ4147.Z77 M44 v.4.
Administrative texts of the archive L.2769. .
Materiali epigrafici di Ebla; 10. Materiali per il vocabolario sumerico; 1. Roma: Università degli studi di Roma "La Sapienza, " Dipartimento di studi orientali, 1990. Oversize Collection: PJ4147.Z77 M44 v.10.
Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungstexte aus Ebla: Archiv L. 2769. .
Materiali per il vocabolario sumerico; 7. Materiali epigrafici di Ebla; 12. Roma: Università degli studi di Roma "La Sapienza, " Dipartimento di studi orientali, 2001. Oversize Collection: PJ4147.Z77 M44 v.12.
Testi lessicali monolingui: és̆-bar-kinx̳. .
Materiali per il vocabolario sumerico; 4. Materiali epigrafici di Ebla; 15. Roma: Università degli studi di Roma "La Sapienza", Dipartimento di studi orientali, 1997. Oversize Collection: PJ4147.Z77 M44 v.15.
Esquisse d'une histoire du système sexagésimal. F. Thureau-Dangin.
Paris: P. Geuthner, 1932. Small Collection: QA141.8 .S5 T58 1932.
The date palm. .
Coconut Grove, Fla.: Field Research Projects, 1973. Large Collection: SB364 .P64 1973.
Warfare in the Ancient Near East: papers read at the XIIème Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, London, July 1-4, 1963.
London: British School of Archaeology in Iraq, 1963. Large Collection: U31 .R46 1963.
Central Asia, Russia, & the Caucasus
Il manicheismo: nuove prospettive della ricerca: Quinto Congresso internazionale di studi sul Manicheismo, atti: Dipartimento di studi asiatici, Università degli studi di Napoli "L'Orientale", Napoli, 2-8 settembre 2001. .
Manichaean studies; 5. Turnhout: Brepols, 2005. Small Collection: BT1410 .I58 2001.
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Perspectives on the global past. Honolulu: University of Hawaiʻi Press, [2015]. Small Collection: DS19 .N653 2015.
The Guodian Laozi: proceedings of the International Conference, Dartmouth College, May 1998. .
Early China special monograph series; 5. Berkeley, Calif.: Society for the Study of Early China and Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California, 2000. Small Collection: BL1900.L35 I58 1998.
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A dictionary of official titles in Imperial China. .
Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1985. Reference 5 Collection: JQ1512.Z13 T574 1985.
The meaning of the graph yi 異 and its implications for Shang belief and art. .
EAJ monograph; 1. London: Saffron Books/Eastern Art Pub., ©2008. Small Collection: NK7983.A1 .C46 2008.
The origin and the development of the Chinese writing system. .
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马王堆天文书考释. .
Di 1 ban. Gu wen zi yu chu tu wen xian yan jiu cong shu. Guangzhou: Zhongshan da xue chu ban she, 2004. Large Collection: QB17 .L575 2004.
Current practice in linked open data for the ancient world. Editors: Thomas Elliott, Sebastian Heath, John Muccigrosso.
ISAW papers ; 8. New York : Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, 2014. Ancient World Digital Library CB311.I83 no.7.
Häfen und Hafenstädte im östlichen Mittelmeerraum von der Antike bis in byzantinische Zeit: neue Entdeckungen und aktuelle Forschungsansätze: Istanbul, 30.05.-01.06.2011 = Harbors and harbor cities in the Eastern Mediterranean from Antiquity to the Byzantine period: recent discoveries and current approaches. .
Byzas; 19. Sonderschriften (ISSN: 1012-5728;) 52. [Istanbul]: Ege Yayinlari, c2014. 2 volumes. Large Collection: HE559.M455 H34 2014 Bd.1-2.
Violence and civilization: studies of social violence in history and prehistory. .
Joukowsky Institute publication; 4. Oxford: Oxbow Books, [2014]. Small Collection: HM1116 .V524 2014.
A manual for writers of research papers, theses, and dissertations: Chicago Style for students and researchers. .
8th edition. Chicago guides to writing, editing, and publishing. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, [2013]. Reference 3 Collection: LB2369 .T8 2013.
La recherche au musée du Louvre: 2012. .
Paris:, Musée du Louvre; Milan: Officina Libraria, [2014]. Large Collection: N2030 .A87 2014.
La recherche au musée du Louvre: 2013. .
Paris:, Musée du Louvre; Milan: Officina Libraria, [2015]. Large Collection: N2030 .A87 2015.
The first writing: script invention as history and process. .
Cambridge, UK;, New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2004. Small Collection: P211 .F62 2004.
Thebes. .
Troisdorf, Germany: Queen Games, ©2007, ©2012. Board game. Reference 3 Collection: MEDIA 1502.