ISAW Library New Titles: October 2015

ISAW Library New Titles: October 2015

The Ulskii tumuli: cultic and burial ensemble of the Scythian period in the Nothern Caucasus. Large Collection: DK511.A28 U5713 2015.

The following books were acquired and accessioned by the ISAW Library between October 1, 2015 and October 31, 2015. Items are grouped by geographic region, and sorted by Library of Congress classification. This information is available in a Zotero library.

The ISAW Library compiles a single Zotero "library" for the entire year, with each month representing a separate Zotero "collection." The metadata tags are only linked or searchable at the "library" level, not at the "collection" level. For example, if you review acquisitions for December 2014 and select the tag for "Hittite," nothing may come up. However, if you move up the hierarchy from the collection "December 2014" to the "library" for 2014 and then click on "Hittite," you will find items tagged from previous months. Click here for information about Zotero.

Classical Antiquity & Western Europe

Egypt & North Africa

The Ancient Near East & Asia Minor

Central Asia, Russia, & the Caucasus

East & South Asia

Cross-Cultural and Other Topics

Classical Antiquity & Western Europe

Fides: contributions to numismatics in honor of Richard B. Witschonke
New York: The American Numismatic Society, 2015Large Collection: CJ809 .F54 2015.

Inscriptiones Stoborum. 
Studies in the antiquities of Stobi. Monograph series; book 1 =Studii za starinite na Stobi. Serija monografii; kniga 1Stobi: National Institution for Management of the archaeological site of Stobi, 2012Large Collection: CN398.M275 B34 2012. With enclosed brochure entitled "Archaeological site Stobi."

Corpus inscriptionum latinarum: consilio et auctoritate Academiae litterarum regiae borussicae editum.
Berolini: apud G. Reimerum, 1862-. Pre-1940 volumes of the Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, with some search capability. Open-access online resource: CN520.C6.

Britons and Anglo-Saxons: Lincolnshire AD 400-650
Studies in the history of Lincolnshire; 3Lincoln: History of Lincolnshire Committee, 2012Small Collection: DA670.L7 G74 2012.

Les dépôts d'ossements animaux en France, de la fouille à l'interprétation: actes de la table ronde de Bibracte, 15-17 octobre 2012. 
Archéologie des plantes et des animaux; 4Montagnac: Éditions Monique Mergoil, 2013Large Collection: DC63 .D375 2013.

Agriculture et alimentation végétale durant l'âge du fer et l'époque gallo-romaine en France septentrionale. 
Archéologie des plantes et des animaux; 1Montagnac: M. Mergoil, 2001Large Collection: DC63 .M38 2001.

History, Frankish identity and the framing of Western ethnicity, 550-850
Cambridge studies in medieval life and thought. Fourth seriesCambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2015Small Collection: DC64 .R45 2015.

Dépôts votifs d'armes et d'équipements militaires dans le sanctuaire gaulois et gallo-romain des Flaviers à Mouzon (Ardennes). 
Monographies instrumentum (ISSN: 1278-3846); 39Montagnac: Éditions Monique Mergoil, 2011Large Collection: DC611.A677 C38 2011.

Animaux domestiques et faunes sauvages en territoire arverne. 
Archéologie des plantes et des animaux; 3Montagnac: Éditions Monique Mergoil, 2011Large Collection: DC611.A945 F68 2011.

L'établissement rural antique de Soumaltre (Aspiran, Hérault): ferme, auberge, nécropole et atelier de potier en bordure de la voie Cessero-Condatomagus (Ier-IIe siécle). 
Archéologie et Histoire romaine (ISSN: 1285-6371); 13Montagnac: Monique Mergoil, 2004Large Collection: DC611.H52 T44 2004.

Du Rhône aux Pyrénées: aspects de la vie matérielle en Gaule narbonnaise: fin du Ier s. av. J.-C.-VIe s. ap. J.-C
Archéologie et histoire romaine (ISSN: 1285-6371); 15Montagnac: M. Mergoil, 2006Large Collection: DC611.N218 D87 2006.

Les campagnes de la cité de Béziers dans l'Antiquité: partie nord-orientale (IIe s. av. J.-C.-VIe s. ap. J.-C.). 
Archéologie et histoire romaine; 1Montagnac: M. Mergoil, 1998Large Collection: DC801.B58 M38 1998.

La nécropole gallo-romaine de la citadelle à Chalon-sur-Saône, Saône-et-Loire
Archéologie et histoire romaine (ISSN: 1285-6371); 5/1Montagnac: M. Mergoil, 2002-Large Collection: DC801.C31 N437 2002.

La Quintarié: Clermont-l'Héault, 34: établissement agricole et viticulture, atelier de céramiques paléochrétiennes (DS. P) (Ier-VIe s. ap. J.-C.). 
Archéologie et histoire romaine (ISSN: 1285-6371); 14Montagnac: Éditions Monique Mergoil, 2005Large Collection: DC801.C583 L37 2005.

Céramiques de la Graufesenque et autres productions d'époque romaine: nouvelles recherches: hommages á Bettina Hoffmann. 
Archéologie et histoire romaine (ISSN: 1285-6371); 7Montagnac: M. Mergoil, 2002Large Collection: DC801.G75 C47 2002.

Les graffittes antiques de la cité des Aulerques Cénomans (G.A.C.A.C.). 
Monographies Instrumentum (ISSN: 1278-3846); 25Montagnac: Editions Monique Mergoil, 2003Large Collection: DC801.L49 G86 2003.

Le travail de l'os, du bois de cerf et de la corne à l'époque romaine: un artisanat en marge?: actes de la table ronde Instrumentum, Chauvigny (Vienne, F), 8-9 décembre 2005. 
Monographies instrumentum; 34Montagnac: M. Mergoil; [Chauvigny]: Association des publications chauvinoises, 2008Large Collection: DE61.B66 T73 2008.

The "Orphic" gold tablets and Greek religion: further along the path. 
Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2011Small Collection: DF129 .O77 2011.

A historical commentary on Arrian's History of Alexander
Oxford: Clarendon Press; New York: Oxford University Press, 1980-1995Small Collection: DF234.A773 B67 1980.

L'urbanisme des villes romaines de Transpadane: Lombardie, Piémont, Vallée d'Aoste. 
Archéologie et histoire romaine (ISSN: 1285-6371); 16Montagnac: Éditions Monique Mergoil, 2006Large Collection: DG51 .C547 2006.

Archéologie du sacrifice animal en Gaule romaine: rituels et pratiques alimentaires
Archéologie des plantes et des animaux; 2Montagnac: M. Mergoil, 2008Large Collection: DG59.G2 A73 2008.

Les cachets à collyres dans le monde romain. 
Monographies instrumentum (ISSN: 1278-3846); 7Montagnac: M. Mergoil, 1999Large Collection: DG90 .V65 1999.

Luminaire et cultes isiaques
Monographies instrumentum; 38Montagnac: Éditions Monique Mergoil, 2011Large Collection: DG98 .P649 2011.

L'artisanat dans l'économie de la Gaule Belgique romaine à partir de la documentation archéologique. 
Monographies instrumentum (ISSN: 1278-3846); 28Montagnac: M. Mergoil, 2005Main Collection: DH574 .P65 2005.

Los cinturones romanos en la Hispania del Bajo Imperio. 
Monographies instrumentum (ISSN: 1278-3846); 19Montagnac: M. Mergoil, 2001Large Collection: DP94 .A87 2001.

Lucernas romanas en la región septentrional de la península ibérica. 
Monographies instrumentum (ISSN: 1278-3846); 8Montagnac: M. Mergoil, 1999. 2 volumes. Large Collection: DP285 .M68 1999 v.1-2.

Das römerzeitliche Handwerk in der Schweiz: Bestandsaufnahme und erste Synthesen = L'artisanat en Suisse à l'époque romaine: recensement et premières synthèses. 
Monographies instrumentum; 40Montagnac: M. Mergoil, 2012Large Collection: DQ34 .R66 2012.

Векове, 1990:no.6.
[Sofii͡a: Nauka i izkustvo], 1990. Oak Collection: DR51.V44 1990:no.6.

Forges et forgerons dans les habitats laténiens de la grande Limagne d'Auvergne: fabrication et consommation de produits manufacturés en fer en Gaule à l'âge du fer
Monographies instrumentum (ISSN: 1278-3846); 26Montagnac: M. Mergoil, 2003Large Collection: GN436.4 .O74 2003.

El armamento de influencia La Tène en la Peninsula Ibérica: siglos V - I a. C.
Monographies Instrumentum; 43Montagnac: Editions Monique Mergoil, 2012Large Collection: GN799.W3 G37 2012.

Le luminaire antique: lychnological acts 3: actes du 3e Congrès International d'études de l'ILA, Université d'Heidelberg, 21-26. IX. 2009. 
Monographies instrumentum (ISSN: 1278-3846); 44Montagnac: Editions Monique Mergoil, 2012Large Collection: NK4680 .C65 2009.

Image, craft and the classical world: essays in honour of Donald Bailey and Catherine Johns
Monographies instrumentum (ISSN: 1278-3846); 29Montagnac: M. Mergoil, 2005Large Collection: NX448.5 .I53 2005.

Supplementum epigraphicum graecum (SEG), v.58-60.
Alphen aan den Rijn [etc.]: Sijthoff & Noordhoff, 2008-2010. Reference 3 Collection: PA27.S8 v.58-60 (2008-2010).

Flavius Arrianus. 
Ed. stereotypa. Ed. 2Bibliotheca scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum TeubnerianaMonachii: Lipsiae; K.G. Saur, 2002Small Collection: PA3935 .A2 2002.

Homeri Ilias
Bibliotheca scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum TeubnerianaMonachii et Lipsiae: In aedibus K.G. Saur, 2000-2006Small Collection: PA4019 .A2 2000b.

Early iron in Europe. 
Monographies instrumentum; 50Montagnac: Éditions Monique Mergoil, 2014Large Collection: TN405.A1 E27 2014.

Artisanat et économie du fer en France méditerranéenne de l'antiquité au début du moyen âge: une approche interdisicplinaire
Monographies instrumentum (ISSN: 1278-3846); 37Montagnac: M. Mergoil, 2010Large Collection: TN642.F8 P34 2010.

Meules, moulins et meulières en Gaule méridionale du IIe s. av. J.-C. au VIIe s. ap. J.-C.
Monographies instrumentum; 41Montagnac: M. Mergoil, 2012Large Collection: TS2135.F8 L66 2012.

Le tournage, des origines à l'an mil: actes du colloque de Niederbronn, octobre 2003
Monographies instrumentum (ISSN: 1278-3846); 27Montagnac: Mergoil, 2004Large Collection: TT201 .T66 2004.

El armamento ibérco: estudio tipológico, geográfico, funcional, social, y simbólico de las armas en la cultura ibérica (siglos VI-I a.C.)
Monographies instrumentum; 3Montagnac: Editions Monique Mergoil, 1997. 2 volumes. Large Collection: U820.S7 Q47 1997 v.1-2.

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Egypt & North Africa

Liturgical texts for Osiris and the deceased in Late Period and Greco-Roman Egypt: proceedings of the colloquiums at New York (ISAW), 6 May 2011, and Freudenstadt, 18-21 July 2012 = Liturgische Texte für Osiris und Verstorbene im spätzeitlichen Ägypten. 
Studien zur spätägyptischen Religion; Band 14Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2015Large Collection: BL2450.O7 L589 2015.

The temple of Ramesses II in Abydos
Atlanta, Georgia: Lockwood Press, [2015]Folio Collection: DT73.A16 I85 2015 v.1:pt.1-2.

Von der Flügelsonne zum Halbmond: Ägyptens Geschichte bis auf die Gegenwart
Leipzig: J.C. Hinrichs, 1926Small Collection: DT77 .S3 1926.

Uchi Maius 2: Le iscrizioni. A cura di Antonia Ibba; con la collaborazione di Mohamed Abid... [et al.].
Sassari: Editrice Democratica Sarda, 2006. Open-access online resource: DT269.U35 U35 2006.

Uchi Maius 3: I frantoi, miscellanea. A cura di Cinzia Vismara; con la collaborazione di Caterina M. Coletti, Liliana Guspini; testi di Monica Baldassarri... [et al.].
Sassari: Editrice Democratica Sarda, 2007. Open-access online resource: DT269.U35 U35 2007.

Lampes antiques d'Algérie. 
Monographies instrumentum (ISSN: 1278-3846); 16, 35Montagnac: M. Mergoil, 2000-2007. 2 volumes. Large Collection: DT281 .B87 2000 v.1-2.

Papyri Turkuenses (P. Turku): die Papyri im Besitz der Universitätsbibliothek Turku
Commentationes humanarum litterarum (ISSN: 0069-6587); 131 2014Helsinki: Societas Scientiarum Fennica = The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters, [2014]Small Collection: PA3314.F5 T8 2014.

Papyrusbriefe aus der frühesten Römerzeit: inaugural-dissertation
Uppsala: Almqvist & Wiksells boktryckeri-a.-b., 1925Small Collection: PA3319 .L4 1925.

Handbook for the study of Egyptian topographical lists relating to Western Asia. 
Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1937Large Collection: PJ1435 .S5 1937Copy is from the Library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.

Catalogue des publications, 1991 & 1995 (tarif).
Le Caire: Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1991-1995. From the library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor. Small Collection: Z3014.A72 I57 1991-1995:tarif.

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The Ancient Near East & Asia Minor

In re resignation of Dr. Hilprecht Herman V. Hilprecht: report of the committee of three to whom were referred by the Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania certain communications respecting the alleged injuries done to scientific material in the University Museum
[Philadelphia]: [University Museum, University of Pennsylvania,], [1911]Small Collection: AM101.P627 U55 1911Copy is from the Library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.

Babylonian divinatory texts chiefly in the Schøyen Collection: with an appendix of material from the papers of W.G. Lambert
Cornell University studies in Assyriology and Sumerology (CUSAS); 18Manuscripts in the Schøyen Collection. Cuneiform texts; VIIBethesda, MD: CDL Press, 2013Large Collection: BF1762 .G46 2013.

Defining the sacred: approaches to the archaeology of religion in the Near East. 
Oxford; Philadelphia: Oxbow Books, 2015Large Collection: BL1060 .D44 2015.

Religion and ideology in Assyria
1 [edition]Studies in ancient Near Eastern records; 6Boston: De Gruyter, [2015]Small Collection: BL1620 .P66 2015.

When Christians first met Muslims: a sourcebook of the earliest Syriac writings on Islam. 
Oakland, California: University of California Press, [2015]Small Collection: BP172.5.S97 P46 2015.

Envisioning Islam: Syriac Christians and the early Muslim world. 
Divinations: rereading late ancient religionPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania Press, [2015]Small Collection: BP172.5.S97 P465 2015.

Annual of the Japanese Biblical Institute, v. 1-v. 5, v. 7-v. 20, v. 22-v. 29.
Tōkyō-to: Yamamoto Shoten, 1975-2003. From the library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor. Oak Collection: BS410.N54 v.1-v.29 (1975-2003).

The Biblical archaeology review, broken run of issues from v. 10:no. 1-v. 27:no. 6.
[Washington: Biblical Archaeology Society], 1984-2001. From the library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor. Oak Collection: BS620.A1 B52 v.10:no.1-v.27:no.6 (1984-2001).

Licht vom Osten: das Neue Testament und die neuentdeckten Texte der hellenistisch-römischen Welt
4., völlig neubearb. Aufl.Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr, 1923Large Collection: BS2375 .D4 1923.

Dictionary of the ancient Near East
Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2000Reference 4 Collection: DS56 .D5 2000.

The city and area of Kish
Miami, Fla.: Field Research Projects, 1972Large Collection: DS70.5.K5 G537 1972.

Les établissements des élites omeyyades en Palmyrène et au Proche-Orient. 
Bibliothèque archéologique et historique; t. 200Beyrouth: Institut français du Proche-Orient, 2012Large Collection: DS97.2 .G46 2012.

Ebla: nuovi orizzonti della storia
Seconda edizione dicembre 1986Milano: Rusconi, [1986]Small Collection: DS99.E25 P472 1986b.

מרחבים :קובץ מחקרים בגיאוגרפיה = Spaces : Collected studies on the geography of Israel and the Middle East, v. 1
[Tel Aviv]: Universiṭat Tel Aviv,ha-Ḥug le-geʼografyah, 1974. From the library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor. Oak Collection: DS108.9 .M46 v.1 (1974).

עתיקות = ʻAtiḳot, broken run of 15 issues from v. 20-v. 61
Jerusalem: Israel Antiquities Authority, 1991-2009. From the library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor. Large Collection: DS111.A1 A82 v.20-v.61 (1991-2009).

Israel exploration journal, broken run of issues from v. 1-v. 59.
Jerusalem: [Israel Exploration Society], 1950-2009. From the library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor. Oak Collection: DS111.A1 I87 v.1-v.59:no.1 (1950/51-2009).

Ma'amad Shivat-Zion = return to Zion and the 2500 anniversary of the founding of the Second Temple.
Ha'ayin ("Back to the sources"). Materials for Bible study circles; 29Jerusalem: World Jewish Bible Society; Israel Society for Biblical Reasearch; In cooperation with the Dept. for Education and Culture in the Diaspora of the Jewish Agency, 1964Small Collection: DS121.65 .M23 1964Copy is from the Library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.

Anatolien - Brücke der Kulturen: Aktuelle Forschungen und Perspektiven in den deutsch-türkischen Altertumswissenschaften; Tagungsband des Internationalen Symposiums "Anatolien - Brücke der Kulturen" in Bonn vom 7. bis 9. Juli 2014 = Kültürlerin Köprüsü Anadolu: Türk-Alman Eskiçağ Bilimlerinde Güncel Bilimsel Araştırmalar ve Yeni Bakış Açıları; 7-9 Temmuz 2014'te Bonn'da yapılan "Kültürlerin Köprüsü Anadolu" konulu uluslararası sempozyum kitabı. 
Anschnitt. Beiheft; 27Veröffentlichungen aus dem Deutschen Bergbau-Museum Bochum; 203Bochum: Bonn: Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum, 2015Large Collection: DS155 .A43 2014.

Ancient Kanesh: a merchant colony in Bronze Age Anatolia
New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2015Small Collection: DS156.K25 L37 2015.

The status of archaeology in the Persian Gulf. 
Supplement to the Bulletin of the Philadelphia Anthropological Society; v.9, 1 (No1955)Philadelphia, Penn.: University Museum, 1955Large Collection: DS247.A133 D98 1955Copy is from the Library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.

The eye of the Shah: Qajar court photography and the Persian past. 
New York: Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, [2015]Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, [2015]Large Collection: DS307 .E94 2015.

Die Geschichte der Stadt Qom im Mittelalter (650-1350): politische und wirtschaftliche Aspekte
Islamkundliche Untersuchungen (ISSN: 0939-1940); 224Berlin: Schwarz, 1999Small Collection: DS325.Q6 D74 1999.

The Israel Museum news, v. 4:no.1-2, v. 15-v. 16.
Jerusalem: Israel Program for Scientific Translations, 1969-1980. From the library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor. Oak Collection: N3750.J5 M89 v.4-v.16 (1969/1970-1980).

Israel Museum journal, broken run of 10 issues from v. 3-v. 18.
[Jerusalem]: The Museum, 1984-2000. From the library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor. Oak Collection: N3750.J5 M89 v.3-v.18 (1984-2000).

Bulletin of the Louis M. Rabinowitz Fund for the Exploration of Ancient Synagogues, no. 1-no. 2.
Jerusalem: Museum of Jewish Antiquities, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 1949-1951. From the library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor. Large Collection: NA4690.L6 no.1-no.2 (1949-1951).

Israel oriental studies, v. 3 & v. 7.
[Tel Aviv]: Faculty of Humanities, Tel Aviv University, 1973-1977. From the library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor. Oak collection: PJ3001.I8 v.3-v.7 (1973-1977).

Journal of cuneiform studies, broken run of issues from v. 1-v. 38.
[Cambridge, Mass.: American Schools of Oriental Research], 1947-1986. From the library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor. Oak collection: PJ3102.J67 v.1-v.38:no.2 (1947-1986).

Annual review of the Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia Project, v. 1-v.5, v. 7-v. 9.
Toronto: RIM Project, 1983-1991. From the library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor. Oak collection: PJ3125.A56 v.1-v.9 (1983-1991).

Die mittel- und neubabylonischen Königsinschriften bis zum Ende der Assyrerherrschaft: grammatische Untersuchungen. 
Jenaer Beiträge zum Vorderen Orient (ISSN: 0949-6815); 3Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2000Small Collection: PJ3251 .S74 2000.

Tablettes cappadociennes
Textes cunéiformes; t. 14Paris: P. Geuthner, 1928Large Collection: PJ3591.A2 T48 1928.

Neo-Babylonian texts in the Oriental Institute collection
University of Chicago Oriental Institute publications (ISSN: 0069-3367); 122Chicago, Ill.: Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 2003Large Collection: PJ3711 .W45 2003.

Records from Ur and Larsa dated in the Larsa dynasty
Yale oriental series. Babylonian texts 5New Haven: Yale University Press, 1919Large Collection: PJ3711 .Y3 vol.5 1919.

Contracts from Larsa, dated in the reign of Rîm-Sin
Yale oriental series. Babylonian texts; 8New Haven: Yale University Press; London: H. Milford, Oxford University Press, 1941Large Collection: PJ3711 .Y3 vol.8 1941.

Early Mesopotamian incantations and rituals. 
Yale oriental series. Babylonian texts; 11New Haven: Yale University Press, c1985Large Collection: PJ3711 .Y3 vol.11 1985.

Legal and administrative texts of the reign of Samsu-iluna. 
Yale oriental series. Babylonian texts; 12New Haven: Yale University Press, 1979Large Collection: PJ3711 .Y3 vol. 12 1979.

Early old Babylonian documents. 
Yale oriental series. Babylonian texts; 14New Haven: Yale University Press, 1978Large Collection: PJ3711 .Y3 vol. 14.

Legal and administrative texts from the reign of Nabonidus. 
Yale oriental series. Babylonian texts; 19New Haven: Yale University Press, ©2000Large Collection: PJ3711 .Y3 v.19 2000.

Cuneiform bullae of the Third millennium B.C.
Babylonian records in the library of J. Pierpont Morgan; pt. 3New Haven: Yale University Press, 1920Large Collection: PJ3719 .M63 1912 pt.3.

Epics, hymns, omens and other texts
Babylonian records in the Library of J. Pierpont Morgan; pt. 4New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1923Large Collection: PJ3719 .M63 1912 pt.4.

Archives from Erech. 
New York: AMS Press, [1980, c1933]. 2 volumes. Small Collection: PJ3721.E8 D68 1980 v.1-2.

Enūma Eliš: the standard Babylonian creation myth
State archives of Assyria cuneiform texts (ISSN: 1455-2345); 4[Helsinki]: The Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project, 2005Small Collection: PJ3771 .E5 2005.

Sumerian and Akkadian administrative texts: from predynastic times to the end of the Akkad dynasty. 
Babylonian inscriptions in the collection of James B. Nies, Yale University; 8New Haven: Yale University Press, ©1958Large Collection: PJ3861 .H33 1958.

Contrats de Larsa
Musée du Louvre. Département des antiquités orientales et de la céramique antique. Textes cunéiformes; t. 10-11Paris: P. Geuthner, 1926. 2 volumes. Large Collection: PJ3870 .J43 1926 sér.1-2.

Neubabylonische Urkunden verschiedenen Inhalts. 
Suomalaisen Tiedeakatemian toimituksia. Sarja B (ISSN: 0066-2011); nide 188 <199, 206> =Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae. Seria B; tomus 188 <199, 206>Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia, 1975-<1980>. 3 volumes. Small Collection: PJ3874 .S35 1975 v.1-3.

Contrats néo-babyloniens. 
Musée du Louvre. Département des antiquités orientales. Textes cunéiformes; t. 12-13Paris: P. Geuthner, 1927-1929. 2 volumes. Large Collection: PJ3875 .C6 t.1-2.

Lettres de la première dynastie babylonienne
Musée du Louvre. Departement des antiquités orientales. Textes cunéiformes; t. 17-18Paris: P. Geuthner, 1933-34. 2 volumes. Large Collection: PJ3883 .D67 1933 t.1-2.

Administrative texts from Tello from the Ur III period
Cuneiform texts in the collection of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts = Klinopisnye teksty v sobranii gmii im. A. S. Pushkina; 1Moscow: Paleograph Press, 2014Large Collection: PJ4054.G5 P47 2014.

Indices of early dynastic administrative tablets of Suruppak
Series maior / Istituto universitario orientale, Dipartimento di studi asiatici; 6.ANapoli: Istituto universitario orientale, 1997Oversize Collection: PJ4054.S58 E373 1994.

Textes religieux sumériens du Louvre. 
Textes cunéiformes; t. 15-16Paris: Paul Geuthner, 1930. 2 volumes. Large Collection: PJ4061 .T49 1930 t.1-2.

Une inscription nouvelle d'Entéména, prince de Lagash. 
Revue du Louvre et des musées de France. Chronique des amis du Louvre; 21e année, nos. 4-5Paris: [Musée du Louvre], 1971Large Collection: PJ4071 .L35 1971. From the Library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.

Sumerian economic texts from the first dynasty of Isin
Babylonian inscriptions in the collection of James B. Nies, Yale University 9New Haven: Yale University Press, 1954Large Collection: PJ4075 .C75 1954.

Sumerian administrative documents from the reigns of Išbi-Erra and Šu-ilišu
Babylonian inscriptions in the collection of James B. Nies, Yale University; 10New Haven: Yale University Press, 1987Large Collection: PJ4075 .V35 1987.

Thesaurus inscriptionum eblaicarum. 
Roma: Centro Stampa d'Ateneo; Università degli studi di Roma "La Sapienza", 1995- [i.e. 1996-]. 2 volumes in 3 parts. Large Collection: PJ4147.Z5 T54 1996:v.A-B.

Meteors and meteorites in the ancient Near East
Publication - Center for Meteorite Studies, Arizona State University; 12Tempe: Center for Meteorite Studies, Arizona State University, 1973Small Collection: QB19 .B56 1973Copy is from the Library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.

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Central Asia, Russia, & the Caucasus

Российская археология, 2015:3.
Moskva: Izd-vo "Nauka", 2015. Oak Collection: DK30.A1733 2015:no.3.

The Ulskii tumuli: cultic and burial ensemble of the Scythian period in the Nothern Caucasus. 
English editionCorpus tumulorum Scythicorum et Sarmaticorum; 2Steppenvölker Eurasiens = Stepnyie narody evrazii; 6Berlin, Bordeaux, Moscow: Paleograph Press, 2015Large Collection: DK511.A28 U5713 2015.

Sogdian epigraphy of Central Asia and Semirech'e
Corpus Inscriptionum Iranicarum. Part II, Inscriptions of the Seleucid and Parthian periods of Eastern Iran and Central Asia. Vol. 3, Sogdian; [portfolio] 4London: published on behalf of Corpus Inscriptionum Iranicarum by School of Oriental and African Studies, [2015]Oversize Collection: PK6199.9.Z77 L58813 2015.

Rangelands of the arid and semi-arid zones in Uzbekistan. 
Montpellier, France: CIRAD; [Aleppo, Syria]: ICARDA, ©2003Small Collection: SF85.4.U9 R36 2003.

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East & South Asia

Di 1 banXin chuan tong zhu yi cong shuBeijing: Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she; Xian zhuang shu ju, 2005Small Collection: B127.F58 I26127 2005.

Di 1 banShan Shan di qu shui zi yuan yu min jian she hui diao cha zi liao ji; di 2 jiBeijing: Zhonghua shu ju, 2003Small Collection: BL1941.5.P84 Q256 2003.

中國文化研究所訪問教授講座系列 = Institute of Chinese Studies Visiting Professor Lecture series
Zhongguo wen hua yan jiu suo xue bao te kan = Journal of Chinese studies special issueXianggang: Xianggang Zhong wen da xue Zhongguo wen hua yan jiu suo, 2005-Small Collection: DS721 .Z49805 2005.

Les sogdiens en Chine
Etudes thématiques (ISSN: 1269-8067); 17Paris: École française d'Extrême-Orient, 2005Small Collection: DS731.S63 S64 2005.

Tōyō shi kenkyū sōkan = Oriental research series; 57Kyōto-shi: Dōhōsha, 1999Small Collection: DS738 .K45 1999.

Di 1 banZhengzhou: Zhong zhou gu ji chu ban she, 2013. 4 volumes. Small Collection: DS747.2 .S755 2013 v.1-4.

Di 1 ban[Er shi wu shi; 11-22]Beijing: Zhonghua shu ju; Xin hua shu dian Beijing fa xing suo fa xing, 1962. 12 volumes. Small Collection: DS748 .P35 1962 v.1-12.

Di 1 banBeijing: Zhonghua shu ju, 1971. 3 volumes. Small Collection: DS748.6 .L53 1971 v.1-3.

Di 1 banZhejiang da xue ren wen xue shu cong shuShanghai: Shanghai gu ji chu ban she, 2001Small Collection: HJ9590 .B36 2001.

Chu banTaibei shi: Dong da tu shu gong si, 2006Small Collection: HN733 .H8175 2006.

Di 1 banMing jia zhuan ti jing jiangShanghai Shi: Fu dan da xue chu ban she, 2003Small Collection: HN733 .Q258 2003.

Di 1 banWuhan da xue ren wen she hui ke xue wen ku15 zhi 20 shi ji Chang Jiang liu yu jing ji, she hui yu wen hua bian qian shu xiWuchang: Wuhan da xue chu ban she, 2004Small Collection: JS7365.H8 Y36 2004.

Di yi ban"Bian jiang shi di" cong shuHa'erbin: Heilongjiang jiao yu chu ban she, 2008Small Collection: JS7365.T873 A47 2008.

Hong Kong: Zhong wen da xue chu ban she, 1995Small Collection: KNN282 .S6 1995.

传统中国日常生活中的协商: 中古契约研究  = Negotiating daily life in traditional China: how ordinary people used contracts, 600-1400.
Di 1 banHai wai Zhongguo yan jiu cong shuNanjing: Jiangsu ren min chu ban she, 2009Small Collection: KNN858 .H36127 2009.

Di 1 banSong dai yan jiu cong shuKaifeng shi: Henan da xue chu ban she, 1997Small Collection: ND1049.C4525 C47 1997.

Xiu ding ben, di 2 banBeijing: Zhonghua shu ju, 2001Small Collection: PL1497 .W34 2001.

Di 1 banShanghai: Xue lin chu ban she, 2007Small Collection: PL2447 .B35 2007.

Di 1 banShanghai: Shanghai gu ji chu ban she, 2011Small Collection: PL2447 .S457 2011.

Di 1 banXian Shi: San qin chu ban she, 2009Small Collection: PL2448 .S5424 2009.

Di 1 banShanghai: Shanghai gu ji chu ban she, 2005Large Collection: PL2457.A5 G86 2005.

1 banSan shi wen ku; 6[Taibei Xian Banqiao Shi]: Sheng huan tu shu gu fen you xian gong si, Minguo 95 [2006]Small Collection: PL2457.A5 H85 2006.

Di 1 banShanghai: Shanghai gu ji chu ban she, 2006. 2 volumes. Large Collection: PL2457.Y5 S56127 2006 v.1-2.

Di 1 banBeijing: Zhonghua shu ju, 1992Small Collection: PL2641 .T3648 1992.

Di 1 banBeijing: Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she, 2006Small Collection: UA835 .J53 2006.

Di 1 banBeijing: Zhonghua shu ju; Xin hua shu dian Beijing fa xing suo fa xing, 1982Small Collection: Z3108.A3 F8 1982.

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Cross-Cultural and Other Topics

Culture & history, no. 1-3.
Copenhagen, Denmark: Museum Tusculanum Press, 1987-1988. Oak Collection: CB3.C85 no.1-3 (1987-1988).

Interconnectivity in the Mediterranean and Pontic world during the Hellenistic and Roman periods. 
Pontica et Mediterranea; 3Cluj-Napoca: Mega Publishing House, 2014Small Collection: DE2.5 .I58 2013.

Fiscal regimes and the political economy of premodern states. Edited by Andrew Monson and Walter Scheidel.
Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2015. Small Collection: HJ2261 .F57 2015.

Extraordinary machines and structures in antiquity. S.A. Paipetis, editor.
Patras: Peri Technon, 2003. Large Collection: T16 .E98 2003.

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