ISAW Library New Titles: November 2015
The following books were acquired and accessioned by the ISAW Library between November 1, 2015 and November 30, 2015. Items are grouped by geographic region, and sorted by Library of Congress classification. This information is available in a Zotero library.
The ISAW Library compiles a single Zotero "library" for the entire year, with each month representing a separate Zotero "collection." The metadata tags are only linked or searchable at the "library" level, not at the "collection" level. For example, if you review acquisitions for December 2014 and select the tag for "Hittite," nothing may come up. However, if you move up the hierarchy from the collection "December 2014" to the "library" for 2014 and then click on "Hittite," you will find items tagged from previous months. Click here for information about Zotero.
Classical Antiquity & Western Europe
The Ancient Near East & Asia Minor
Central Asia, Russia, & the Caucasus
Cross-Cultural and Other Topics
Classical Antiquity & Western Europe
Magic in Greek & Latin literature. .
Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1929. Small Collection: BF1591 .L65 1929.
Classical myth. .
2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, ©1998. Small Collection: BL722 .P68 1998. From the library of Jocelyn Penny Small.
Aeneas und die Penaten: die italischen Volksreligionen unter dem Einfluss der griechischen. .
Hamburg: F. und A. Perthes, 1839-1840. Small Collection: BL801 .K63 1839. From the library of Jocelyn Penny Small.
Les sanctuaires des périphérié urbaine en Gaule romaine. .
Archéologie et histoire romaine; 18. Montagnac: Editions Monique Mergoil, 2010. Large Collection: BL813.G3 P434 2010.
Etudier les lieux de culte en Gaule romaine: actes de la table-ronde de Dijon, 18-19 septembre 2009. .
Archéologie et histoire romaine (ISSN: 1285-6371;) 24. Montagnac: Mergoil, 2012. Large Collection: BL980.F8 E88 2012.
Romanisation et épigraphie: études interdisciplinaires sur l'acculturation et l'identité dans l'Empire romain. .
Archéologie et histoire romaine; 17. Montagnac: Editions Monique Mergoil, 2008. Large Collection: CN513 .R653 2008.
Javols-Anderitum (Lozère), chef-lieu de la cité des Gabales: une ville romaine de moyenne montagne: bilan de 13 ans d'évaluation et de recherche (1996-2008). .
Archéologie et histoire romaine; 21. Montagnac: M. Mergoil, 2011. Large Collection: DC611.L926 J38 2011.
Le Clos de la Lombarde à Narbonne: atelier de salaisons, Thermes, maison IX, rue D. .
Archéologie et histoire romaine; 29. Montagnac: Éditions Monique Mergoil, 2015. Large Collection: DC801.N24 C5 2015.
La maison au Grand Triclinium du Clos de la Lombarde à Narbonne. .
Archéologique et histoire romaine; 19. Montagnac: Éditions Monique Mergoil, 2011. Large Collection: DC801.N24 S234 2011.
La nécropole gallo-romaine des Charmes d'Amont à Tavaux, Jura. .
Archéologie et histoire romaine 27. Montagnac: Mergoil, 2014. Large Collection: DC801.T235 N43 2014.
The Oxford companion to classical literature. .
Oxford paperbacks. New York: Oxford University Press, 1984. Small Collection: DE5 .H3 1984. From the library of Jocelyn Penny Small.
Artifact & artifice: classical archaeology and the ancient historian. .
Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, [2014]. Large Collection: DE59 .H35 2014.
Greece: temples, tombs, & treasures. .
Lost civilizations. Alexandria, Va.: Time-Life Books, ©1994. Large Collection: DF221.2 .G75 1994.
A history of the archaic Greek world, ca. 1200-479 BCE. .
Second edition. Blackwell history of the ancient world. Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley Blackwell, 2014. Small Collection: DF221.2 .H35 2014.
The world of Rome. .
A Mentor book; MT351. New York: New American Library, [1961]. Small Collection: DG77 .G62 1961. From the library of Jocelyn Penny Small.
Die Etrusker in der Welt der Antike. .
Rowohlts deutsche Enzyklopädie. Sachgebiet Archäologie; 54. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1957. Small Collection: DG223 .V3 1957. From the library of Jocelyn Penny Small.
The Ħal-Saflieni Hypogeum, 4000 BC-2000 AD. .
Malta: National Museum of Archaeology, Museums Department, ©2000. Large Collection: DG999.P36 H35 2000.
Maritime archaeology newsletter from Roskilde, no. 10 (1998).
Roskilde, Denmark: Centre for Maritime Archaeology at the National Museum, 1998. Oak Collection: DL121 .M37 no.10 (1998:May). From the library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
Le centre monumental romain d'Apollonia d'Illyrie: images de synthèse et paysage urbain. .
Archéologie et histoire romaine 30. Autun: Éditions Mergoil, 2015. Large Collection: DR998.A66 F68 2015.
The Penguin historical atlas of ancient Rome. .
London;, New York: Penguin Books, 1995. Small Collection: G1981.S1 S28 1995. From the library of Jocelyn Penny Small.
Prehistoric pottery in the collection from El Acebuchal, site near Carmona, Province of Sevilla. .
Hispanic notes & monographs; essays, studies, and brief biographies. New York: Hispanic Society of America, 1953. Small Collection: GN836.A6 H5 1953. From the Library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
Pratiques et espaces funéraires: la crémation dans les campagnes romaines de la Gaule Belgique. .
Archéologie et histoire romaine; 23. Montagnac: Ed. Monique Mergoil, 2012. Large Collection: GT3331.B4 A53 2012.
Law and transaction costs in the ancient economy. .
Law and society in the ancient world. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, [2015]. Small Collection: KL8022.5 .L44 2015.
Roman art: Romulus to Constantine. .
2nd ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, ©1996. Large Collection: N5760 .R36 1996. From the library of Jocelyn Penny Small.
Roman art: Romulus to Constantine. .
3rd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, c2001. Large Collection: N5760 .R36 2001. From the library of Jocelyn Penny Small.
799, Kunst und Kultur der Karolingerzeit: Karl der Grosse und Papst Leo III. in Paderborn. .
Mainz: P. von Zabern, c1999. Large Collection: N6245 .A15 1999 Bd.1-2. From the library of Jocelyn Penny Small.
Les édifices de spectacle des Maurétanies romaines. .
Archéologie et histoire romaine 22. Montagnac: Mergoil, 2012. Large Collection: NA335.A39 P53 2012.
Le Musée du Louvre: la sculpture grecque. .
Encyclopédie photographique de l'art; 25-28 (no 5-8 du tome 3). Paris: Éditions "Tel", 1938. Oversize Collection: NB87.P37 M8764 1938. From the Library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
Le Musée du Louvre: la sculpture gréco-romaine et romaine. .
Encyclopédie photographique de l'art; 29-30 (no 9-10 du tome 3). Paris: Éditions "Tel", 1938. Oversize Collection: NB87.P37 M87645 1938. Copy (fasc. 1-2) is from the Library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
Vorschläge zur systematischen Beschreibung von Keramik = Suggestions for the systematic recording of pottery = Propositions pour une description systématique des ceramiques.
Kunst und Altertum am Rhein; Nr. 124. Köln: Rheinland-Verlag; Bonn: In Kommission bei R. Habelt, 1986. Small Collection: NK4100.R5V67 1986. From the library of Jocelyn Penny Small.
Klange fra Danmarks bronzealder-lurer Music blown on lurs from the Danish bronze age.
Denmark: National Museet, c1966. Reference 3 Collection: MEDIA 1501.
Traversing eternity: texts for the afterlife from Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt. .
Oxford: Oxford University Press, c2009. Small Collection: BL2455 .S45 2009.
Africa's glorious legacy. .
Lost civilizations. Alexandria, Va.: Time-Life Books, ©1994. Large Collection: DT13 .A372 1994. From the library of Jocelyn Penny Small.
Description et histoire de l'Ile de Philae. .
Mémoires publiés par les membres de la Mission archéologique française au Caire; t. 13:fasc. 1. Paris: E. Leroux, 1893-. Oversize Collection: DT57 .C17 t.13:fasc.1. From the library of Alan M. May.
Bulletin de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale, index to v. 1-79.
Le Caire: Institut français d'archéologie orientale, [1980]. Oak Collection: DT57 .C21 index v.1-79. From the library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
Les Hyksos et le monde de la Bible; conquête de l'empire des pharaons par des nomades d'Asie, leurs origines eurasiatiques, leur culte du feu, du soleil et du cheval, l'Égypte et les Indo-Aryens, les Hyksos et les Sémites, la révolution d'Akhnaton, l'exode, du culte du feu sacré et du soleil au monothéisme mosaïque. .
Bibliothèque historique. Paris: Payot, 1956. Small Collection: DT86 .M3 1956. From the Library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
Mitteilungen der Sudanarchäologischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin e. V., v. 2-11 (1995-2001).
Berlin: Sudanarchäologische Gesellschaft zu Berlin e.V., 1995-2001. Variant title: Der Antike Sudan. Oak Collection: DT154.8 .M58. From the library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
The journal of juristic papyrology, v. 43 (2013).
Warsaw: Warsaw University, Institute of Archaeology, Department of Papyrology, 2013. Oak Collection: K10 .O8718 v.43 (2013).
Nefer, no. 8 (1990)-no. 9 (1991).
Zürich: Galerie Nefer, 1990-1991. Oak Collection: N5320 .N44. From the library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
Atti del XXII Congresso internazionale di papirologia: Firenze, 23-29 agosto 1998. .
Firenze: Istituto papirologico G. Vitelli, 2001. Large Collection: PA3339 .I5 1998 v.1-2 & tavole.
Proceedings of the 25th International Congress of Papyrology: Ann Arbor, July 29-August 4, 2007. .
American studies in papyrology; special edition. Ann Arbor: Scholarly Publishing Office, The University of Michigan Library, 2010. Large Collection: PA3339 .I5 2007.
Liebe, Arbeit, Einsamkeit: ein Gelehrtenpaar in zwei Diktaturen: Wilhelm Schubart, Papyrologe, Gertrud Schubart-Fikentscher, Rechtshistorikerin. .
Halle (Saale): Mitteldeutscher Verlag, 2013. Small Collection: Z110.P36 F54 2013.
The Ancient Near East & Asia Minor
שנתון - מוזיאון הארץ = Bulletin - Museum Haaretz, no. 10 (1968), no. 12 (1970).
Tel-Aviv: Muzeʹon ha-arets, 1968-1970. Oak Collection: AM79.I83 T44. From the library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
Philosophy before the Greeks: the pursuit of truth in ancient Babylonia. .
Princeton: Princeton University Press, [2016]. Small Collection: B146 .V36 2016.
Mesopotamian divination texts: conversing with the gods: sources from the first millennium BCE. .
Guides to the Mesopotamian textual record; 7. Münster: Ugarit Verlag, [2015]. Small Collection: BF1762 .K63 2015.
Concepts of the other in Near Eastern religions. .
Israel oriental studies; 14. Leiden, New York: Brill, 1994. Small Collection: BL85 .C65 1994. From the Library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
Zur Götterlehre in den altbabylonischen Königsinschriften: mit einem ausführlichen Register der auf die altbabylonische Götterlehre bezüglichen Stellen. .
Studien zur Geschichte und Kultur des Altertums; 6, Heft 5/6. New York: Johnson Reprint, 1967. Small Collection: BL1620 .P3 1967. From the Library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
Papers of the Institute of Jewish Studies London, v. 1 (1964).
Jerusalem: Magnes Press, Hebrew University, 1964. Oak Collection: BM1 .L6 v.1 (1964). From the library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
The Hebrew scrolls from the neighborhood of Jericho and the Dead Sea. .
Friends of Dr. Williams's Library, 4th lecture 1950. London: Oxford University Press, 1951. Small Collection: BM487 .D7 1951. From the Library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
Interdisciplinary Bible scholar: IBS, v. 1:no. 1 (1979).
Ra'ananạ, Israel: [Publisher not identified], 1979. Oak Collection: BS410 .I58 v.1: no.1(1979:Aug.) From the library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
Abstracts: American Academy of Religion, Society of Biblical Literature, 1990.
Chico, Calif.:Scholars Press, 1990. Oak Collection: BS511.2 .A4 1990. From the library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
Understanding the Old Testament. .
2d ed. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, [1966]. Small Collection: BS1197 .A63 1966.
Sumerisch-akkadische Parallelen zum Aufbau alttestamentlicher Psalmen. .
Studien zur Geschichte und Kultur des Altertums; 11. Bd., 1./2. Heft. New York: Johnson Reprint Corp., 1968. Small Collection: BS1430 .S75 1968. From the Library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
Isaïe face aux invasions assyriennes. [Edited by] J. Asurmendi.
Le monde de la Bible (ISSN: 0154-9049;) 49. Paris: Bayard-Presse, Mai-Juin-Juil. 1987. Large Collection: BS1515.2 .I74 1987. From the Library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
Cyrus: im zweiten teil des buches Isaias, kap. 40-55. .
[Bamberg]: Im Selbstverlag, [1956]. Small Collection: BS1520 .R45 1956.
Moses, Jesus, Paulus: drei Varianten des babylonischen Gottmenschen Gilgamesch: eine Anklage wider die Theologen, ein Appell auch an die Laien. .
Frankfurt a.M.: Neuer Frankfurter Verlag, 1909. Small Collection: BT303.2 .H37 1909.
Préhistoire en Israël: les premiers hommes au pays de la bible.
Histoire et archeologie. Dossiers; no 100 (decembre 1985). [Dijon]: [Archéologia], 1985. Oak Collection: CC3 .D67 no 100 (1985:déc.) From the library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
Les manuscrits de la Mer Morte: aux origines du christianisme. [Jean Perrot ... et al.; Louis Faton, directeur de la publication.]
Les dossiers d'archéologie; no 189 (janvier 1994). Dijon: Faton, ©1994. Oak Collection: CC3 .D67 no 189 (1994:janv.) From the library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
Sur les rives du Jourdain avant Abraham.
Les dossiers d'archéologie; no. 203 (mai 1995). [Dijon]: [Editions Faton], 1995. Oak Collection: CC3 .D67 no 203 (1995:mai). From the library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
Jerusalem, 5000 years of history. Coordinated by Jean J.F. Perrot.
Les dossiers d'archéologie; special issue, March 1992. Dijon, France: SFBD/ARCHEOLOGIA S.A., 1992. Oak Collection: CC3 .D67 special issue (1992:Mar.) From the library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
Israel numismatic journal, v. 1 (1963).
[Tel Aviv]: Israel Numismatic Society, 1963. Oak Collection: CJ3850 .I87 v.1 (1963). From the library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
Phoenix, jaarg. 31:nr. 1 (1985).
[Leiden]: Vooraziatisch-Egyptisch Genootschap Ex Oriente Lux, 1985. Oak Collection: DS56 .P47 jaarg.31:nr.1 (1985). From the library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
Report - Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 1968/69, 1972/73, 1973/74.
Chicago, The Institute, 1969-1974. Oak Collection: DS56 .U45. From the library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
Revue hittite et asianique, t. 15:fasc. 60 (1957).
Paris: Librarie Klincksieck, 1957. Oak Collection: DS66 .R4 t.15:fasc.60 (1957). From the library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
British School of Archaeology in Iraq newsletter, no. 7 (2001).
London: The School, 2001. Oak Collection: DS67 .B75 no.7 (2001:May). From the library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
Mésopotamie: l'apparition de l'Etat, VIIe-IIIe millénaires. .
Grandes civilisations. Paris: Méditerranée, ©1996. Large Collection: DS69.5 .F67 1996.
Nouvelles assyriologiques brèves et utilitaires : N.A.B.U., broken run of issues from 1982-2006.
Rouen: F. Joannes; Paris: B. Lafont, 1987-2004. Oak Collection: DS69.5 .N68. From the library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
Mesopotamian guidelines for biblical chronology. By Julian Reade.
Monographic journals of the Near East. Syro-Mesopotamian studies; v. 4, issue 1 (May 1981). Malibu, Calif.: Undena Publications, 1981. Large Collection: DS69.5 .S96 v.4:no.1 (1981:May). From the library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
The descent of Inanna as a ritual journey to Kutha? By Giorgio Buccellati; [and] A catalog of Near Eastern Venus deities. By Wolfgang Heimpel.
Monographic journals of the Near East. Syro-Mesopotamian studies; v. 4, issue 3 (Dec. 1982). Malibu, Calif.: Undena Publications, 1982. Large Collection: DS69.5 .S96 v.4:no.3 (1982:Dec.). From the library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
Babylon und seine Welt. .
Dalp-Taschenbücher; 375. Bern: Francke, ©1964. Small Collection: DS71 .J28 1964. From the Library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
Studia Euphratica: le moyen Euphrate iraquien révélé par les fouilles préventives de Haditha. .
Travaux de la Maison René-Ginouvès; 3. Paris: De Boccard, 2006. Large Collection: DS79.9.H25 S78 2006.
Ebla and its archives: texts, history, and society. .
Studies in ancient Near Eastern records; 7. Boston: De Gruyter, [2015]. Small Collection: DS99.E25 A729 2015.
[אשיב ממצולות ים: מטעני ספינות עתיקות מחוף הכרמל.
Ḳaṭalog; mis. 263. Yerushalayim: Muzeʼon Yiśraʼel, ©1985. Large Collection: DS110.C22 M57 1985. From the Library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor. Inscribed by the curator of the exhibition to Miriam Tadmor.
[מקדש אדומי בנגב: תגליות מחפירות קיטמית.
Ḳaṭalog / Muzeʼon Yiśraʼel; mis. 277. Yerushalayim: Muzeʼon Yiśraʼel, c1987. Large Collection: DS110.Q58 B45 1987. From the Library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor. Inscribed by the exhibit curator to Miriam Tadmor.
The quarterly of the Department of Antiquities in Palestine, broken run of issues from v. 1 (1931)-v. 14 (1948).
Jerusalem: Published for the government of Palestine by G. Cumberledge, Oxford University Press, London, 1931-1948. Oak collection: DS111.A1 A3. From the library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
חדשות ארכיאלוגיות, no. 107 (1997).
Yerushalayim: Agaf ha-ʻatiḳot, Miśrad ha-ḥinukh ṿeha-tarbut, 1997. Oak Collection: DS111.A1 H3 no.107 (1997). From the library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
ידיעות בחקירת ארץ-ישראל ועתיקותיה, shanah 31:hov. 1-4 (1967).
Yerushalayim: ha-Ḥevrah la-ḥaḳirat Erets-Yiśraʼel ṿe-ʻatiḳoteha, 1967. Oak Collection: DS111.A1 I8 shanah 31:hov. 1-4 (1967). From the library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
מכמנים = Michmanim, broken run of issues from no. 3 (1986)-no. 9 (1996).
Haifa, Israel: Reuben and Edith Hecht Museum, University of Haifa, 1986-1996. Oak Collection: DS111.A1 M53. From the library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
Bulletin (Palestine Museum, Jerusalem), no. 1 (1924)-no. 4 (1927).
[Jerusalem]: issued by the Department of Antiquities for Palestine, 1924-1927. Oak collection: DS111.A1 P35. rom the library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
קדמוניות = Qadmoniot, broken run of issues from v. 1:no.1 (1968)-v. 42:no. 137 (2009).
Yerushalayim: ha-Ḥevrah la-ḥaḳirat Erets-Yiśraʼel ṿe-ʻatiḳoteha, 1968-2009. Oak Collection: DS111.A1 Q3. From the library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
The Byzantine-Islamic transition in Palestine: an archaeological approach. .
1st ed. Oxford studies in Byzantium. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014. Small Collection: DS111 .A96 2014.
Hiskija, König von Juda: ein Beitrag zur judäischen Geschichte in assyrischer Zeit. .
Grazer theologische Studien; 6. Graz: Eigenverlag des Instituts für Ökumenische Theologie und Patrologie an der Universität Graz, 1982. Small Collection: DS121.6 .H62 1982. From the Library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan, v. 8-9 (1964).
Amman: Published by the Department of Antiquities, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, 1964. Oak Collection: DS153.3 .A3 v.8-9 (1964). From the library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
Guide to the Umayyad Palace at Khirbat al Mafjar. .
Jerusalem: Government of Palestine, Dept. of Antiquities, 1947. Small Collection: DS154.9.M3 B2 1947. From the Library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
Travaux et recherches en Turquie, v. 1 (1982).
Collection Turcica. Leuven, Belgique: Editions Peeters, c1983. Oak Collection: DS155 .T738 v.1 (1982). From the library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
Cahiers de la Délégation archéologique française en Iran, no 3 (1973).
[Paris]: Association Paléorient, 1973. Oak Collection: DS261 .D44 no 3 (1973). From the library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
Elam, Media and Persia. .
His The ancient lands and Bible series No. 5. London: S. Low, Marston, [1933]. Small Collection: DS275 .B6 1933. From the Library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
Jurer et maudire: pratiques politiques et usages juridiques du serment dans le Proche-Orient ancien: actes de la table ronde ... le samedi 5 octobre 1996 à l'université de Paris X-Nanterre. .
Méditerranées, Revue de l'association Méditerranées; no 10-11. Paris, Montréal (Qc): L'Harmattan, 1996. Small Collection: GT3085 .J874 1996.
A brief description of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem, and other Christian churches in the Holy City with some account of the mediæval copies of the Holy Sepulchre surviving in Europe. .
Cambridge [England]: University Press, 1919. Small Collection: NA5978.J4 J4 1919. From the Library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
Hethitica, v. 1 (1977)-3 (1979), v. 5 (1983), v. 10 (1990), v. 14 (1999).
Louvain: Bibliothèque de l'Université, 1972; Louvain: Peeters, 1977-1999. Library's holdings are partially analyzed and classified together. Oak Collection: P945 .A1.
Les textes hourrites de Meskéné/Emar. .
Analecta orientalia; 57/I-II. Roma: Gregorian & Biblical Press, [2015]. Large Collection: P958 .S35 2015 v.1-2.
Scripta classica Israelica, v. 21 (2002).
[Jerusalem] : [Jerusalem Academic Press], 2002. Oak Collection: PA1 .S3 v.21 (2002). From the library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
Newsletter of the American Oriental Society, no. 14 (1992).
[New Haven, Conn.]: The Society, 1992. Oak Collection: PJ2 .A635 no.14 (1992). From the library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
Scripta universitatis atque bibliothecae hierosolymitanarum. Orientalia et judaica, v. 1 (1923).
Hierosolymis: [s.n.], 1923. Oak Collection: PJ3001 .S37 v.1 (1923). From the library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
Semitics, v. 1 (1970).
[Pretoria]: University of South Africa, 1970. Oak Collection: PJ3001 .S43 v.1 (1970). From the library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
Babyloniaca, t. 7 (1913-1923).
Paris: Librairie orientaliste Paul Geuthner, 1913-1923. Oak Collection: PJ3101 .B33 t.7 (1913-1923). From the library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale, broken run of issues from v. 7:no. 3 (1910)-v. 64:no. 1 (1970).
[Paris]: Presses universitaires de France, 1910-1970. Oak Collection: PJ3103 .R4. From the library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
Beiträge zur Assyriologie und vergleichenden semitischen Sprachwissenschaft, Bd. 2:Heft 2 (1892).
Leipzig: J.C. Hinrichs'sche Buchhandlung, 1892. Oak Collection: PJ3104 .B45 Bd.2:Heft 2 (1892). From the library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
Brevis linguae syriacae grammatica, litteratura, chrestomathia cum glossario: in usum praelectionum et studiorum privatorum. .
Porta linguarum orientalium; pars 5. Carolsruhae: H. Reuther, 1881. Small Collection: PJ5423 .N4 1881. From the Library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
L'Écriture de l'histoire en Syriaque: transmissions interculturelles et constructions identitaires entre hellénisme et islam: avec des répertoires des textes historiographiques en annexe. .
Late antique history and religion; 12. Leuven: Peeters, 2015. Small Collection: PJ5643 .D43 2015.
Bibliotheca orientalis, jaarg. 27 (1970).
Leyden: Nederlandsch Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten, 1970. Oak Collection: Z3001 .B5 jaarg.27 (1970). From the library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
Internationale Zeitschriftenschau für Bibelwissenschaft und Grenzgebiete = International review of Biblical studies, Bd. 8:Heft 1-2 (1961-1962).
Düsseldorf: Patmos-Verlag, 1961-1962. Oak Collection: Z7770 .I57 Bd.8:Heft 1-2 (1961-1962). From the library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
Central Asia, Russia, & the Caucasus
Ανδρονικος Κ. Δημητρακορουλος, 1826-1872: απο τουσ μεγαλους περι τα γραμματα Αχαιους: ίστορικη μονογραφια. .
Patrai: Typographeion Theod. A. Koukoura, [197-]. Small Collection: BX619.D46 P37 1970z.
Arménie: 3000 ans d'histoire.
Les dossiers d'archéologie; no 177H (déc. 1992). Quétigny: Archéologia, [1992]. Oak Collection: CC3 .D67 no.177 (1992:déc.) From the library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
Археологические вести, no. 3 (1994).
Sankt-Peterburg: Rossiĭskai͡a akademii͡a nauk, Institut istorii materialʹnoĭ kulʹtury, 1994. Oak Collection: CC13.R9 A69 no.3 (1994). From the library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor.
Political machine: assembling sovereignty in the Bronze Age Caucasus. .
The Rostovtzeff lectures. Princeton: Princeton University Press, [2015]. Small Collection: DK509 .S65 2015.
Απο τη χώρα του χρυσόμαλλου δέρατος: θησαυροί της αρχαίας Κολχίδας. .
Athēna: Mouseio Benakē, ©2009. Large Collection: DK679.5.V36 K33155 2009.
Medieval Central Asia and the Persianate world: Iranian tradition and Islamic civilisation. .
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Древнее стекло: морфология, технология, химический состав.
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