ISAW Library New Titles: January 2017

The following books were acquired and accessioned by the ISAW Library between January 1, 2017 and January 31, 2017. Items are grouped by geographic region, and sorted by Library of Congress classification. This information is also available in a Zotero library

The ISAW Library compiles a single Zotero "library" for the entire year, with each month representing a separate Zotero "collection." The metadata tags are only linked or searchable at the "library" level, not at the "collection" level. For example, if you review acquisitions for December 2016 and select the tag for "Hittite," nothing may come up. However, if you move up the hierarchy from the collection "December 2016" to the "library" for 2016 and then click on "Hittite," you will find items tagged from previous months. Click here for information about Zotero

If you would like to browse these titles geographically on a map, you may do so by following this linkThe base data for this map is available here.


Classical Antiquity & Western Europe

Egypt & North Africa

The Ancient Near East & Asia Minor

The Caucasus & the Western Steppe

Central Asia, South Asia, & Siberia

China & East Asia

Cross-Cultural Studies & Other


Classical Antiquity & Western Europe

Pythagorean knowledge from the ancient to the modern world: askesis, religion, science. Edited by Almut-Barbara Renger and Alessandro Stavru.
Episteme in Bewegung: Beiträge zu einer transdisziplinären Wissensgeschichte Band 4 (ISSN: 2365-5666). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2016. Small Collection: B243 .P98 2016. 

The wisdom of Thoth: magical texts in ancient Mediterranean civilisations. Edited by Grażyna Ba̧kowska-Czerner, Alessandro Roccati, Agata Świerzowska.
Archaeopress archaeology. Oxford: Archaeopress Publishing Ltd., [2015]. Large Collection: BF1591 .M3446 2013.

Bulletin épigraphique t. 11-t. 14 and index 1978-1984.
Paris: Les Belles lettres. Oak Collection: CN1 .B85. t. 11 (1987-1989)-t. 14 (1998-2001), index 1978-1984.

Choix d'inscriptions grecques. Textes, traductions et notes publiés sous la direction de Jean Pouilloux; avec un supplément bibliographique par Georges Rougemont et Denis Rousset.
Epigraphica; 1. Paris: Belles lettres, 2003. Small Collection: CN360 .P68 2003. 

The New Century classical handbook. Edited by Catherine B. Avery; editorial consultant, Jotham Johnson.
New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, [1962]. Reference 3 Collection: DE5 .N4 1962. From the library of David I. Owen. 

Across the Corrupting Sea: Post-Braudelian Approaches to the Ancient Eastern Mediterranean. Edited by Cavan Concannon, Lindsey A. Mazurek.
London: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group, 2016. Small Collection: DE8 .A35 2016. 

Boeotia antiqua III. Editor John M. Fossey.
McGill University monographs in classical archaeology and history; 14. Amsterdam: J.C. Gieben, 1989-. Large Collection: DF261.B5 B64 1989 v.3.

Miletus/Balat: urbanism and monuments from archaic to Ottoman periods, a guide book. Edited by Philipp Niewöhner.
İstanbul: Ege Yayınlari, [2016]. Small Collection: DF261.M5 M56 2016. 

Les céramiques d'usage quotidien à Thasos au IVe siècle avant J-C. Francine Blondé; avec la collaboration de Maurice Picon.
Etudes thasiennes; 20. Athènes: Ecole française d'Athènes, 2007. 2 volumes. Large Collection: DF261.T2 B666 2007 t.1-2.

Hellas und Thessalia. Von Johannes Koder u. Friedrich Hild; Register v. Peter Soustal.
Tabula Imperii Byzantini; 1. Denkschriften - Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse; 125. Wien: Verl. d. Österr. Akad. d. Wiss., 1976. Large Collection: DF501 .T33 Bd.1 1976. 

Die topographische Bezugsgrundlage der Tabula Imperii Byzantini. Fritz Kelnhofer.
Tabula Imperii Byzantini. Beiheft; 1. Denkschriften (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse); 125, Beih. Wien: Verl. d. Österr. Akad. d. Wiss., 1976. Large Collection: DF501 .T33 Bd.1 1976 Suppl.

Aigaion Pelagos: die nördliche Ägäis. Von Johannes Koder; unter Mitarbeit von Peter Soustal und Alice Koder.
Denkschriften / Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse; 259 Bd. Tabula Imperii Byzantini; 10. Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1998. Large Collection: DF501 .T33 Bd.10 1998. 

Ostthrakien (Eurōpē). Von Andreas Külzer.
Tabula Imperii Byzantini; 12. Denkschriften / Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse; 369. Bd. Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2008. Large Collection: DF501 .T33 Bd.12 2008. 

Malta and Gozo. Peter McGregor Eadie; maps and plans by John Flower.
3rd ed. Blue guides. London: A & C Black; New York: WW Norton, 1990. Small Collection: DG988.8 .E224 1990. From the library of David I. Owen. 

Supplementum epigraphicum graecum, vol. 61.
Alphen aan den Rijn [etc.]: Sijthoff & Noordhoff. Reference 3 Collection: PA27 .S8 v. 61 (2011). 

Ausführliche Grammatik der lateinischen Sprache Erster Teil. Raphael Kühner, Friedrich Holzweissig.
Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1994. Reference 3 Collection: PA2087 .K82 T.1 1994. 

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Egypt & North Africa

Orakelsprüche, Magie und Horoskope: wie Ägypten in die Zukunft sah. Herausgegeben von Angelika Zdiarsky.
Nilus; 22. Wien: Phoibos Verlag, 2015. Small Collection: BF1753 .O73 2015.

Christian women in the Greek papyri of Egypt to 400 CE. Erica A. Mathieson.
Studia antiqua australiensia; 6. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, [2014]. Small Collection: BR195.W6 M38 2014.

Ptolemaic coins: an introduction for collectors. Richard A. Hazzard.
Second edition. Toronto: Kirk & Bentley, 2015. Small Collection: CJ737 .H39 2015.

Bulletin of the Egyptological Seminar, v. 19.
[Missoula, Mt.: Scholars Press], 2015. Oak Collection: DT57 .B85 v.19 (2015).

Egyptian archaeology, no. 49.
London: Egypt Exploration Society, 1991-. Oak Collection: DT57 .E59 no.49 (2016:fall).

Trabajos de Egiptología: papers on ancient Egypt, no. 1-6.
Madrid, Spain: Trabajos de egiptología, 2002-2015. 6 issues in 7. Oak Collection: DT57 .T72 no.1 (2002)-no.6 (2015).

The Philae obelisk: tales from Egypt, Dorset and outer space. Edited by Jane Masséglia.
Oxford, UK: The Centre For The Study of Ancient Documents, [2016]. Small Collection: DT62.O2 P45 2016.  

Le matériel archéologique et les restes humains de la nécropole d'Aïn el-Labakha (oasis de Kharga). Bahgat Ahmed Ibrahim [and others].
Paris: Cybèle, ©2008. Large Collection: DT73.A94 M38 2008.  

El-Deir nécropoles, t. 1 & 3. Françoise Dunand, Jean-Louis Heim, Roger Lichtenberg; avec la collaboration de Sophie Brones et Fleur Letellier Willemin; et la participation de Céline Boutantin et Anne-Sophie Delmas.
Paris: Cybèle, ©2010-. 2 volumes. Large Collection: DT73.K5 D864 2010 t.1 & t.3.

The survey of Memphis VIII: Kom Rabia: the Middle Kingdom and Second Intermediate Period Pottery. By D.G. Jeffreys; with a preface by H.S. Smith.
Excavation memoir; 108. London: Egypt Exploration Society, 2016. Oversize Collection: DT73.M5 S87 1985 v.8.

From Amyrtaeus to Ptolemy: Egypt in the fourth century B.C.. Agnieszka Wojciechowska.
Philippika 97 (ISSN: 1613-5628). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2016. Small Collection: DT91 .W65 2016. 

Corpus der ptolemäischen Sklaventexte: drei Teile. Von Reinhold Scholl.
Forschungen zur antiken Sklaverei. Beiheft 1 (ISSN: 0938-250X). Stuttgart: F. Steiner, 1990. 3 volumes. Large Collection: HT1371 .S357 1990 T.1-3.

Michigan papyri (P. Mich. XII). Gerald M. Browne.
American studies in papyrology; 14. Michigan papyri; 12. Toronto: Hakkert, 1975. Large Collection: PA3305 .M5 vol.12 1975. 

Coping with obscurity: the Brown Workshop on Earlier Egyptian Grammar. [edited] by James P. Allen, Mark A. Collier, Andréas Stauder.
Wilbour studies in Egyptology and Assyriology; Number 3. Atlanta, Georgia: Lockwood Press, [2016]. Large Collection: PJ1135 .C68 2016. 

Pharaoh's reeds: a papyrus journey up the Nile = Les flors del faraó: un viatge pel Nil a través dels seus papirs = Las flores del faraón: un viaje por el Nilo a través de sus papiros. Authors = autores, José Luis Alonso [and 11 others].
First edition. Barcelona: IEMed, 2016. Large Collection: PJ1501 .P437 2016.  

The ancient Egyptian Book of Thoth: a demotic discourse on knowledge and pendant to the classical hermetica. Richard Jasnow and Karl-Theodor Zauzich.
Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2005. 2 volumes. Oversize Collection: PJ1559.B822 J37 2005:text & plates. 

Ostraca demotici e ieratici dall'archivio bilingue di Narmouthis, II (nn. 34-99). Paolo Gallo.
Quaderni di Medinet Madi; 3. Pisa: ETS, ©1997. Large Collection: PJ1675 .G35 1997. 

Papyrus British Museum 10808 and its cultural and religious setting. By Val Hinckley Sederholm.
Probleme der Ägyptologie 24 (ISSN: 0169-9601). Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2006. Small Collection: PJ2199 .S43 2006. 

Ancient Egyptian science: a source book, vol. 3. By Marshall Clagett.
Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society 184, 214, 232 (ISSN: 0065-9738). Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1989-. Small Collection: Q127.E3 C53 1989 v.3. 

Medica-papyrologica: specimina di ricerca presentati al convegno "Parlare la medicina" (Parma, 5-7 settembre 2016). A cura di Nicola Reggiani.
TraPassatoFuturo; 1. Parma: Bottega del Libro; [2016]. Small Collection: R135 .M39 2016.  

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The Ancient Near East & Asia Minor

The image of the netherworld in the Sumerian sources. By Dina Katz.
Bethesda, MD: CDL Press, 2003. Small Collection: BL1616.F87 K38 2003.

Ancient Near Eastern cylinder and stamp seals in Australian collections. Parvine H. Merrillees.
2nd edition. Buried history monograph; 4. Melbourne: Australian Institute of Archaeology, 2015. Large Collection: CD5210.A8 M47 2015. 

Catalogue of the Western Asiatic seals in the British Museum: Cylinder Seals III [and] IV.
London: Trustees of the British Museum, 1962-<c2016>. Large Collection: CD5210.G7 L66 1962 v.1:pt.3-4.

Festivals and calendars of the ancient Near East. By Mark E. Cohen.
Bethesda, Maryland: CDL Press, 2015. Small Collection: CE33 .C644 2015. 

Kappadokien: (Kappadokia, Charsianon, Sebasteia und Lykandos). Von Friedrich Hild und Marcell Restle.
Tabula Imperii Byzantini; 2. Denkschriften / Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse; 149. Bd. Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1981. Large Collection: DF501 .T33 Bd.2 1981. 

Nikopolis und Kephallēnia. Von Peter Soustal, unter Mitwirkung von Johannes Koder.
Tabula Imperii Byzantini; 3. Denkschriften / Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse; 150. Band. Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1981. Large Collection: DF501 .T33 Bd.3 1981. 

Galatien und Lykaonien. Von Klaus Belke, mit Beiträgen von Marcell Restle.
Tabula Imperii Byzantini; 4. Denkschriften / Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse; 172. Bd. Wien: Verlag der Österreicheschen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1984. Large Collection: DF501 .T33 Bd.4 1984. 

Kilikien und Isaurien. Von Friedrich Hild und Hansgerd Hellenkemper.
Denkschriften / Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse; 215. Bd. Tabula Imperii Byzantini; 5. Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1990. 2 volumes. Large Collection: DF501 .T33 Bd.5 1990 T.1-2.

Phrygien und Pisidien. Von Klaus Belke und Norbert Mersich.
Tabula Imperii Byzantini; 7. Denkschriften / Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse; 211. Bd. Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1990. Large Collection: DF501 .T33 Bd.7 1990. 

Lykien und Pamphylien. Von Hansgerd Hellenkemper und Friedrich Hild.
Denkschriften / Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse; 320. Bd. Tabula Imperii Byzantini; 8. Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2004. 3 volumes. Large Collection: DF501 .T33 Bd.8 2004 T.1-3. 

Paphlagonien und Honōrias. Von Klaus Belke.
Tabula Imperii Byzantini; 9. Denkschriften / Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse; 249. Bd. Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1996. Large Collection: DF501 .T33 Bd.9 1996. 

The spaces between the teeth: a gazetteer of towns on the Islamic-Byzantine frontier. Asa Eger.
Second edition. Istanbul: Ege Yayınları, [2016]. Reference 4 Collection: DF591 .E38 2016. 

Mylasa Labraunda: Archaeology and rural architecture in Southern Aegean Region = Milas Çomakdağ: Güney Ege Bölgesi'nde arkeoloji ve kırsal mimari. [project director-curator Amelie Edgü; academic advisor Afife Batur; editors Figen Kuzucu, Murat Ural; photographs Ali Konyalı].
1st ed. İstanbul: Milli Reasürans T.A.Ş., 2010. Oversize Collection: DS51.M55 M95 2010. 

Landscape and interaction: the Troodos Archaeological and Environmental Survey Project, Cyprus. By Michael Given, A. Bernard Knapp, Jay Noller, Luke Sollars and Vasiliki Kassianidou; with contributions by Hugh Corley, Ian Evans, Sevina Floridou, Ruth Smadar Gabrieli, Myrto Georgakopoulou, Erin Gibson, Marios Hadjianastasis, Mara T. Horowitz, Jean Humbert, Tracy Ireland, Sarah Janes, Sturt W. Manning, Carole McCartney, Emmanuel Moutafov, Maria Ntinou, Chris Parks, Danielle A. Parks, Robert Schon, Charlotte Schriwer, Neil Urwin, Joanita Vroom and Kristina Winther-Jacobsen.
Levant supplementary series; 14-15. Oxford: Oakville, CT: Oxbow Books. [London]:Council for British Research in the Levant, [2013]. Oxford: Available from Oxbow Books;. Oakville, CT: Available from The David Brown Book Company. 2 volumes. Large Collection: DS54.95.T76 G48 2013 v.1-2.

Proceedings of the 9th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East: 9-13 June 2014, Basel. Edited by Rolf A. Stucky, Oskar Kaelin and Hans-Peter Mathys.
Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2016. 3 volumes. Small Collection: DS56 .I56 2014 v.1-3.

Fortune and misfortune in the Ancient Near East: proceedings of the 60th Rencontre assyriologique internationale at Warsaw 21-25 July 2014. Edited by Olga Drewnowska and Małgorzata Sandowicz.
Winona Lake, Indiana: Eisenbrauns, 2017. Small Collection: DS56 .R46 2014. 

Les Civilisations de l'Orient ancien. Jean Deshayes.
Collection Les Grandes civilisations 9. Paris: Arthaud, 1969. Small Collection: DS57 .D45 1969. From the library of David I. Owen. 

Aspects of the Roman East: papers in honour of Professor Fergus Millar, FBA. Edited by Richard Alston and Samuel N. C. Lieu.
Studia antiqua australiensia; 3, 7. Turnhout: Brepols; [Sydney]: Ancient History Documentary Research Centre, Macquarie University, c2007-2016. 2 volumes. Small Collection: DS62.2 .A87 2007 v.1-2.

Transeuphratène, t. 23.
Paris: Gabalda, c2002. Oak Collection: DS62.23 .T73 t.23 (2002). From the library of Nina Garsoïan. 

Reallexikon der Assyriologie, Bd. 15:Lfg. 1-2. Unter Mitwirkung zahlreicher Fachgelehrter herausgegeben von Erich Ebeling ... und Bruno Meissner ....
Berlin und, Leipzig: W. de Gruyter & Co., 2016. Reference 4 Collection: DS69.1 .R4 1928 Bd.15:Lfg.1-2. From the library of Hayim and Miriam Tadmor. 

The archaeology of Syria: from complex hunter-gatherers to early urban societies (c. 16,000-300 BC). Peter M.M.G. Akkermans, Glenn M. Schwartz.
Cambridge world archaeology. Cambridge, UK; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2003. Small Collection: DS94.5 .A45 2003. 

Tell Jerablus Tahtani, Syria, I: mortuary practices at an early Bronze Age fort on the Euphrates River. Edgar Peltenburg; with contributions by Diane Bolger [and twenty others].
Levant supplementary series; 17. Oxford; Philadelphia: Oxbow Books, 2015. Large Collection: DS99.J283 P45 2015. 

Mari: capital of northern Mesopotamia in the third millennium BC: the archaeology of Tell Hariri on the Euphrates. Jean-Claude Margueron.
Havertown, PA: Oxbow Books, 2014. Large Collection: DS99.M3 M355 2014. 

Excavations at Tell Nebi Mend, Syria, vol. 1. Edited by Peter J. Parr.
Levant supplementary series; 16. Oxford: Oxbow Books, 2015-. Large Collection: DS99.N42 E93 2015. 

The Onomasticon of Iudaea: Palaestina and Arabia in the Greek and Latin sources = האונומסטיקון של יודיאה: פלסטינה וערביה במקורות היווניים והלטיניים. By Leah Di Segni and Yoram Tsafrir, with Judith Green.
Publications of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Publications of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Section of Humanities. Jerusalem: The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, 2015-. Small Collection: DS103.5 .D52 2015. 

Tel Miqne-Ekron excavations 1985-1988, 1990, 1992-1995: field IV lower--the Elite Zone. By Trude Dothan, Yosef Garfinkel, and Seymour Gitin; edited by Seymour Gitin.
Final reports of the Tel Miqne-Ekron excavations; 9/1, 9/3B. Harvard Semitic Museum publications. Winona Lake, Indiana: Eisenbrauns, [2016]. 2 volumes. Large Collection: DS110.E458 D68 2016 pt. 1 & 3B.

Ramat-Raḥel III: final publications of Aharoni's excavations at Ramat-Raḥel (1954, 1959-1962). Oded Lipschits, Yuval Gadot, Liora Freud; with contributions by Nitzan Amitai-Preiss [and 20 others].
Sonia and Marco Nadler Institute of Archaeology Monograph Series; 35. Winona Lake, Indiana: Eisenbrauns, [2016]. 2 volumes. Large Collection: DS110.R34 L57 2016 v.1-2.

A companion to Josephus. Edited by Honora Howell Chapman and Zuleika Rodgers.
Blackwell companions to the ancient world. Chichester, West Sussex, UK; Malden, MA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2016. Small Collection: DS115.9.J6 C66 2016. 

Pétra et les Nabatéens. Marie-Jeanne Roche.
2e tirage. Guide Belles Lettres des civilisations; 28. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, [2015]. Small Collection: DS154.22 .R63 2015. 

The 1927-1938 Italian archaeological expedition to Transjordan in Renato Bartoccini's archives. Stefano Anastasio and Lucia Botarelli.
Oxford [U.K.]: Archaeopress Archaeology, [2015]. Large Collection: DS154.9.A5 A77 2015. 

The mysterious wall paintings of Teleilat Ghassul, Jordan: in context. Bernadette Drabsch.
Monographs of the Sydney University Teleilat Ghassul project; 3. Oxford: Archaeopress Archaeology, 2015. Large Collection: DS154.9.G475 D73 2015. 

A terracotta treasure at Assos. By Tuna Şare Ağtürk and Nurettin Arslan.
Istanbul: Ege Yayınları: Zero Books, [2015]. Small Collection: DS156.A7 A388 2015. 

Foça tarihi = The history of Phokaia. Ahmet Vasfi Pekin.
Istanbul: Ege Yayınlari, [2015]. Large Collection: DS156.F63 P45 2015. 

İnandıktepe: eski Hitit çağında önemli bir kült merkezi = An important cult center in the old Hittite period. Tahsin Özgüç; giriş = introduction by Raci Temizer.
Türk Tarih Kurumu yayınları. V. dizi; sa. 43. Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi, 1988. Large Collection: DS156.I58 O98 1988. 

Korucutepe: final report on the excavations of the University of Chicago, California (los Angeles) and Amsterdam in the Keban Reservoir, Eastern Anatolia 1968-1970. Edited by Maurits N. van loon.
Studies in ancient civilization (Allard Pierson Foundation). Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Co., 1975-1980. 3 volumes. Large Collection: DS156.K67 K67 1975 v.1-3.

Sea Peoples of the Northern Levant?: Aegean-Style Pottery from Early Iron Age Tell Tayinat. By Brian Janeway.
Studies in the archaeology and history of the Levant; 7. Harvard Semitic Museum publications. Winona Lake, Indiana: Eisenbrauns, 2017. Large Collection: DS156.T39 J36 2017. 

Failaka: fouilles françaises, 1984-1985. Sous la direction d'Yves Calvet et Jean-François Salles; avec la collaboration de Dominique Beyer [and others].
Travaux de la Maison de l'Orient no 12 (ISSN: 0766-0510). Lyon: GS-Maison de l'Orient; Paris: Diffusion de Boccard, 1986. Large Collection: DS247.F343 F35 1986. 

Near-Eastern musicology online: Nemo,  vol.1, no. 1.
Paris: Geuthner, [2012]-. Oak Collection: ML348 .N43 v.1:no.1 (2012:Nov.). 

The Standard of Ur. Sarah Collins.
Object in focus. London: British Museum Press, 2015. Small Collection: N5370 .C647 2015. 

Ivories from rooms SW11/12 and T10 Fort Shalmaneser. By Georgina Hermann & Stuart Laidlaw.
Ivories from Nimrud (1949-1963); VII. London: British Institute for the Study of Iraq, 2013. 2 volumes. Oversize Collection: NK5860 .M26 fasc.7:pt. 1-2.

İstanbul Arkeoloji Müzelerinde bulunan Boğazköy Tableterinden seçme metinler, v. 1 & 3. Hazırlıanyar: H. Bozkurt [Kizilyay], M. Çiğ, H.G. Güterbock.
T.C. maarif Vekilligi. Antikite ve Muzeler Mudurlugu Yainlarindan. Seri 3; sayi 1. 2 volumes (of 3). Istanbul: Maarif Matbaasi, 1944-1954. Oversize Collection: P945.A2 I88 v.1 1944-v.3 1954.

The tale of the Poor man of Nippur. By Baruch Ottervanger; with the assistance of Yigal Bloch.
State Archives of Assyria Cuneiform Texts; 12. Helsinki: Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project, 2016. Small Collection: PJ3781 .O88 2016. 

The verb in the Amarna letters from Canaan. Krzysztof J. Baranowski.
Languages of the Ancient Near East; 6. Winona Lake, Indiana: Eisenbrauns, 2016. Small Collection: PJ3887 .B3 2016. 

Neo-Sumerian administrative texts of the Hirose Collection. By Gomi Tohru, Hirose Yoko, Hirose Kazutaka.
Potomac, Md.: Capital Decisions Ltd., 1990. Large Collection: PJ4055 .H57 1990. 

Texts from the British Museum. By Marcel Sigrist.
Sumerian archival texts; 1. Bethesda, Md.: CDL Press, ©1993. Large Collection: PJ4075 .S54 v.1 1993. 

Texts from the Yale Babylonian collections. [edited] by Marcel Sigrist; introduction by William W. Hallo.
Sumerian archival texts; 2-3. Bethesda, Md.: CDL Press, ©2000. 2 volumes. Large Collection: PJ4075 .S54  v.2 (pt.1)-v.3 (pt.2) 2000.

Animal husbandry in the ancient Near East: a prosopographic study of third-millennium Umma. Marek Stępień.
Bethesda, Md.: CDL Press, c1996. Small Collection: SF55.I63 S84 1996. 

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The Caucasus & the Western Steppe

Бeзлюдoвский клад X в.: мaтериалы и исслeдования; пoсвящается 125-лeтию сo дня рождeния Р.Р. Фaсмера. Главный редактор: П.Н. Петров.
a evraziĭskikh stepeĭ; 18. Kazanʹ: Institut istorii im. Sh. Mardzhani Akademii nauk Tatarstana: Otechestvo, 2014. Large Collection: CJ548.5.K53 B37 2014. 

Финно-угры и бaлты в эпоху срeдневековья. Oтветственный рeдaктор тoмa В.В. Седов; [aвтoры тома Л.A. Гoлубева and others].
a SSSR. Moskva: Izd-vo "Nauka", 1987. Large Collection: DJK23 .F55 1987. From the library of Aleksandr Leskov. 

Вoсточныe слaвянe в VI-XIII вв.. В.В.Седов; oтветственный рeдaктор тoмa Б А. Рыбаков.
a SSSR. Moskva: Izd-vo "Nauka, ", 1982. Large Collection: DJK23 .S434 1982. From the library of Aleksandr Leskov. 

Aнтичные расписные вазы в Cеверном Причерноморье: VII--IV вв. дo н.э.. И.И. Вдoвичeнкo.
ʹ: "SONAT", 2008. Large Collection: DJK64 .V388 2008. From the library of Aleksandr Leskov. 

Материалы по археологии Kaбaрдинo-Бaлкарии. Под рeд. М.И. Артамоновa.
Materialy i issledovani
a po arkheologii SSSR = Matériaux et recherches d'archéologie de l'URSS; 3. Moskva, Leningrad: Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR, 1941. Large Collection: DK30 M3 no.3. From the library of Aleksandr Leskov. 

Древности Нижнего Поволжья: итоги работ Сталинградской археологической экспедиции, tom. 1. Ответственный ред. Е. И. Крупнов.
Materialy i issledovani
a po arheologii SSSR; 60. Moskva: Akademia nauk SSSR, 1959-1960. Large Collection: DK30 .M3 no.60. From the library of Emma C. Bunker. From the library of Aleksandr Leskov. 

Евразия в скифо-сарматское время: памяти Ирины Ивановны Гущиной. Ответственные редакторы, Д.В. Журавлёв, К.Б. Фирсов.
Trudy Gosudarstvennogo istoricheskogo muze
a; 191. Moskva: Gosudarstvennyĭ istoricheskiĭ muzeĭ, 2012. Large Collection: DK34.S3 E97 2012. From the library of Aleksandr Leskov. 

Древности скифской эпохи: сборник статей. [ответственные редакторы тома В.Г. Петренко, Л.Т. Яблонский].
Materialy i issledovani
a po arkheologii Rossii; no 7. Moskva: Rossiĭskaa akademia nauk, In-t arkheologii, 2006. Large Collection: DK34.S4 D74 2006. From the library of Aleksandr Leskov. 

На восточных рубежах Скифии: древности донских скифов. В.И. Гуляев.
Moskva: IA RAN, 2010. Large Collection: DK34.S4 G85 2010. From the library of Aleksandr Leskov. 

Степи европейской части СССР в скифо-сарматское время. Oтв. ред. А. И. Мелюкова; [aвторы томa, M.П. Aбрaмoвa and others].
a SSSR. Moskva: Nauka, 1989. Large Collection: DK34.S4 S74 1989. From the library of Aleksandr Leskov. 

Близнец-2: скифский аристократический курган в Днепровском правобережном Надпорожье. В.А. Ромашко, С.А. Скорый.
Dnepropetrovsk: Porogi, 2009. Large Collection: DK508.95.D64 R66 2009. From the library of Aleksandr Leskov. 

Древности Юга России: памяти А.Г. Атавина. [ответственный редактор, Г.Е. Афанасьев].
Moskva: Institut arkheologii RAN, 2008. Large Collection: DK509 .D744 2008. From the library of Aleksandr Leskov. 

Северный Кавказ: историко-aрхеологические oчерки и зaметки: сборник статей. [oтвeтствeнныe рeдaктoры М.П. Абрамова, В.И.Марковин].
Materialy i issledovani
a po arkheologii Rossii; 3. Moskva: Rossiĭskaa akademia nauk, Institut arkheologii, 2001. Large Collection: DK511.C2 S3558 2001. From the library of Aleksandr Leskov. 

Цeнтрaльный Kaвкaз в XVI-X вв. дo н. э.. Б.В. Техов.
Moskva: Nauka, 1977. Small Collection: DK511.C2 T44 1977. From the library of Aleksandr Leskov. 

Страна maскутов в Зaпaдном Прикаспии: курганные могильники Прикаспийского Дaгестана III-V вв. н.э.. В.Ю. Малашев, M.С. Гaджиев, Л.С. Ильюков.
Makhachkala: Mavraev
ʺ, 2015. Large Collection: DK511.D2 M344 2015. 

Меотские древности: (по материалам грунтовых могильников правобережья Кубани) монография. Н.Ю. Лимберис, И.И. Maрчeнко.
Krasnodar: Tradi
sia, 2012. Large Collection: DK511.K6 L66 2012. From the library of Aleksandr Leskov. 

Археологические раскопки в районе Змейской Северной Осетии: Труды археологической экспедиции 1953-1957. Ред. Е. И. Крупнов.
Materialy po arkheologii i drevnei istorii Severnoi Osetii; t. 1. Ordzhonikidze: Severo-Osetinskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1961. Small Collection: DK511.S44 A75 1961. From the library of Aleksandr Leskov. 

Аланские княжеские курганы V в. н.э. у села Брут в Северной Осетии. Т.А. Габуев.
Vladikavkaz: Izdatel
ʹsko-poligraficheskoe predpriatie im. V.A. Gassieva, 2014. Large Collection: DK511.S44 G23 2014. 

Moкрaя Бaлкa, вып 1 Г.E. Aфaнaсьeв, A.П. Рунич.
Moskva: Nauchnyĭ mir, 2001-. Large Collection: DK651.M59 A37 2001 vyp.1. From the library of Aleksandr Leskov. 

Картлис цховреба = История Грузии. [главный редактор Роин Метревели].
Tbilisi: Izd-vo. Artanudzhi, 2008. Large Collection: DK675.4 .K37717 2008. From the library of Aleksandr Leskov. 

История и aрхеология Kрыма = History & Archaeology of Crimea,  вып 2. Кутаисов В. А. (главный редактор), et al.
ʹ: Biznes Inform. izdatelʹstvo, 2014-. Large Collection: GN772.22.U38 I78 2014 vyp.2. 

Древнейшие земледельцы и скотоводы Предкавказья: Maйкопско-новосвободненская oбщность: проблемы внутренней типологии. С.Н. Кореневский.
Moskva: Nauka, 2004. Large Collection: GN778.3.M35 K67 2004. From the library of Aleksandr Leskov. 

Тропою тысячелетий: сборник научных трудов, посвященный юбилею Марианны Арташировны Дэвлет. [редакторы, Д.Г. Савинов, О.С. Советова].
Trudy SAIPI; vyp. 4. Kemerovo: Kuzbassvuzizdat, 2008. Large Collection: GN799.P4 T76 2008. From the library of Aleksandr Leskov. 

Евразийские древности: 100 лет Б.Н. Гракову: архивные материалы, публикации, статьи. [отв. редакторы А.И. Мелюкова, М.Г. Мошкова, В.А. Башилов].
Moskva: Rossiĭska
a akademia nauk, Institut arkheologii, 1999. Large Collection: GN849 .E873 1999. From the library of Aleksandr Leskov. 

Aнтичное Причерноморье: памятники aрхитектуры, скульптуры, живописи и прикладного искусства. Г. Соколов; [фoтoгрaфы Н. Беляев, E. Игнатович].
Leningrad: Izd-vo "Avrora, ", 1973. Oversize Collection: N6995.B56 S64 1973. From the library of Aleksandr Leskov. 

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Central Asia, South Asia, & Siberia

Российская археология, 2016:no. 4.
Moskva: Izd-vo "Nauka", 2016. Oak Collection: DK30 .A1733 2016:no.4.

Maтeриалы и исслeдoвания пo aрхеoлoгии Сибири. Под рeдaкцией С.В. Киселевa.
Materialy i issledovani
a po arkheologii SSSR; 24. Moskva: Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR, 1952. Large Collection: DK30 .M3 no.24. From the library of Aleksandr Leskov. 

Материалы и исследования по археологии Урала и Приуралья, tom. 5.
Materialy i issledovani
a po arkheologii SSSR; 30. Moskva: Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR, 1952. Large Collection: DK30 .M3 no.30 (t.5). From the library of Aleksandr Leskov. 

Археологическая карта Чувашской Республики. Ответственные редакторы Е.П. Михайлов, Н.С. Березина.
Cheboksary: Chuvashskoe knizhnoe izdatel
ʹstvo, 2013-2015. 2 volumes. Large Collection: DK511.C5 A64 2013 t.1-2. 

Aнaньинский мир: истоки, рaзвитие, связи, исторические судьбы. Ответственные редакторы: С.В. Кузьминых, А.А. Чижевский.
a evraziĭskikh stepeĭ; 20. Kazan': Institut istorii im. Sh. Mardzhani Akademii nauk Tatarstana: Otechestvo, 2014. Large Collection: DK511.E27 A63 2014. 

An historical atlas of Central Asia. By Yuri Bregel.
Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section eight, Central Asia 9 (ISSN: 0169-8524) = Handbuch der Orientalistik. Abt. 8, Central Asia. Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2003. Oversize Collection: G2202.21.S1 B7 2003. 

Лeсaгуртский клaд IX в. в бaссeйнe Чeпцы: кaтaлoг aрхeoлoгичeской коллекции. T.И. Oстaнинa.
Izhevsk: [n.p.], 2015. Small Collection: GN36.R92 I777 2015. 

Мезолит СССР. Ответственный редактор тома Л.В. Кольцов; [авторы тома Н.О. Бадер ... и др.].
a SSSR. Moskva: Izd-vo "Nauka", 1989. Large Collection: GN774.22.S65 M49 1989. From the library of Aleksandr Leskov. 

Древнемонгольские города. Авторский коллектив: член-корреспондент АН СССР С.В. Киселев and 4 others.
Moskva: Nauka, 1965. Large Collection: GN855.C6 A64 1965. From the library of Aleksandr Leskov. 

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China & East Asia

Science and civilisation in China, vol. 1 & 3. By Joseph Needham.
Cambridge [England]: University Press, 1954-<2015>. Reference 5 Collection: DS721 .N39 1954 v.1 & v.3. 

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Cross-Cultural Studies & Other

Documentary sources in ancient Near Eastern and Greco-Roman economic history: methodology and practice. Edited by Heather D. Baker and Michael Jursa.
Oxford; Philadelphia: Oxbow Books, 2014. Small Collection: HC31 .D63 2014. 

Traders in the ancient mediterranean. Edited by Timothy Howe.
Publications of the Association of Ancient Historians; 11. [United States]: Association of Ancient Historians, 2015. Small Collection: HF3750.7 .T73 2015. 

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