Newsletter 14 Winter 2016
Cover Photo: Gold Funerary Mask from the Tomb of Shi Daode (613-678) in Guyuan, Ningxia, China Courtesy of Guyuan Museum
ISAW Newsletter 14, Winter 2016, included the following contributions:
- From the Director
Roger Bagnall, Leon Levy Director
- Community News
- Seventh Annual M.I. Rostovtzeff Lecture Series:
Silk Roads and Steppe Roads of Medieval China: History Unearthed from Tombs
Jonathan Skaff, Visiting Research Scholar and Professor of History at Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
- Workshops
- Material Worlds: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Contacts and Exchange in the Ancient Near East
Organized by Arnulf Hausleiter, VRS
- The Formation of Cultural Memory: Ancient Mesopotamian Libraries and Schools and Their Contribution to the Shaping of Tradition and Identity
Organized by Beate Pongratz-Leisten, ISAW
- The Global Eighth Century: A Comparative Assessment of Socio-economic and Political Developments in the Eighth Century CE Across Eurasia
Organized by Erik Hermans, ISAW PhD Student
- Iran Across the East/West Trade: Routes of Communication and Exchange, Products of Exchange, and Networks of Trade Circa 500-900 CE
Organized by Parvaneh Pourshariati, VRS
- Progress, Problems and Possibilities of GIS in the South Caucasus
Organized by Karen S. Rubinson, Research Associate
- Cult Practices in Ancient Literatures: Egyptian, Near Eastern and Greco-Roman Narratives in a Cross-Cultural Perspective
Organized by Franziska Naether, VRS
- Material Worlds: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Contacts and Exchange in the Ancient Near East
- Exhibitions: Designing Identity: The Power of Textiles in Late Antiquity
Jennifer Miyuki Babcock, Curatorial Postdoctoral Associate - Publications
- Announcements and News
- Public Events (superseded - see now Events Archive)
A PDF version of Newsletter 14, Winter 2016, which preserves the original print-oriented formatting of the content, is also available for download.