Hours & Access

Access the the ISAW Library

The ISAW library’s core mission is to support the teaching and research of the ISAW community, and secondarily to support ancient studies at NYU and across the world. We therefore welcome all scholars, regardless of affiliation, to come and use our collections. If you have a research project in ancient studies, and you have reason to believe that our collections would be helpful, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us about arranging a visit (contact). 

When writing to request an appointment, please be sure to give us your full name, affiliation (if you have one), a short description of your research project or the item you need to consult, and the proposed dates of your visit.

Library services

Library services are available from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday, with the exception of holidays recognized by New York University or emergency closures ordered by New York City or State.