Public Events and Videos

11/10/2016 06:00 PM ISAW Lecture Hall

Exhibition Lecture: Ancient Sundials

Art, Technology, and Culture

James Evans

Nearly six hundred sundials are preserved from ancient Greek and Roman times. This richly illustrated lecture will explore the styles, uses, and significance of ancient sundials and their relevance historically and in context to our modern understanding of time.
12/01/2016 06:00 PM ISAW Lecture Hall

Exhibition Lecture: Weeks, Months, and Years in Greek and Roman Calendars

Daryn Lehoux

This talk looks at how time was structured in Greek and Roman antiquity. How and why was the year divided into just this many units and not more or less? Where did the seven-day week come from? How was the division of the year into weeks, days, and months related to religious and political cycles and duties?
01/26/2017 06:00 PM ISAW Lecture Hall

Exhibition Lecture: Geographical Portable Sundials

Reliable Instruments or Roman Fashion Statements?

Richard Talbert

This lecture considers one type of Roman sundial represented in the exhibition that has not been sufficiently appreciated from geographical, cultural, and social perspectives. These are the miniature bronze instruments fitted with adjustable rings to accommodate the changes of latitude liable to occur during long journeys. This lecture will explore the possibility that often they were valued not so much for practical use, but rather as prestige objects.
02/27/2017 06:00 PM ISAW Lecture Hall

Exhibition Lecture: Time and Cosmos in Greco-Roman Astrology

Stephan Heilen

This lecture will consist of a brief introduction to the historical development and the main characteristics of Greco-Roman astrology, to be followed by a survey of the theoretical and practical importance of accurate time-measurement in the practice of horoscopy and other astrological applications.
04/06/2017 06:00 PM ISAW Lecture Hall

Exhibition Lecture: A Portable Cosmos

The Antikythera Mechanism

Alexander Jones

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