Search results
715 items matching your search terms
Academic Year 2013-2014
An archive of public events held at ISAW during the 2013-2014 academic year.
Tom Elliott
last modified
06/09/2017 02:50 PM
Academic Year 2014-2015
An archive of public events held at ISAW during the 2014-2015 academic year.
Tom Elliott
last modified
06/09/2017 02:55 PM
Academic Year 2014-2015
An archive of public events held at ISAW during the 2014-2015 academic year.
Tom Elliott
last modified
06/09/2017 02:54 PM
Academic Year 2015-2016
An archive of public events held at ISAW during the 2015-2016 academic year.
Tom Elliott
last modified
06/09/2017 03:04 PM
ISAW Library New Titles: August 2015
Books acquired and accessioned by the ISAW Library between August 1, 2015 and August 31, 2015.
Tom Elliott
last modified
11/05/2015 09:39 AM
Digitization: What is Lost and What is Found?
An Interdisciplinary Panel Discussion, featuring several members of the ISAW community, scheduled for Tuesday 17th November at the NYU Center for the ...
Tom Elliott
last modified
01/27/2016 01:28 PM
ISAW News About Tom Elliott
A dynamic collection of news items site wide that mention Tom Elliott.
Tom Elliott
last modified
09/23/2015 03:13 PM
My Collections
Dynamic collections of site content for various uses.
Tom Elliott
last modified
09/23/2015 03:13 PM
Digital Epigraphy on the World-Wide Web
Announcing "EpiDig": a free and open bibliography of digital resources for the discovery, publication, study, and teaching of epigraphy.
Tom Elliott
last modified
09/22/2016 01:34 PM
Elliott Participates in NEH Meeting
On Friday, 25 September, ISAW's Associate Director for Digital Programs Tom Elliott will participate in a public meeting of digital humanities project ...
Tom Elliott
last modified
10/28/2021 05:30 PM
Test Image
Test image.
Tom Elliott
last modified
09/16/2015 03:53 PM
Pleiades Receives Major Grant
At the beginning of August, the National Endowment for the Humanities announced the award of a $322,615 grant for major upgrades and improvements to the ...
Tom Elliott
last modified
10/28/2021 05:31 PM
Image: ISAW Home Page (desktop/laptop)
Screen capture of the ISAW home page, including the footer.
Tom Elliott
last modified
09/04/2015 09:56 AM
Image: ISAW Home Page (iPhone)
Screen capture of the ISAW home page on an iPhone 6.
Tom Elliott
last modified
09/04/2015 09:24 AM
Website Upgrades Images
Images used in the Website Upgrades news item (September 2015).
Tom Elliott
last modified
09/08/2015 09:16 AM
Website Upgrades
Over the past year, we have been engaged in a significant effort to improve the Institute's website. In August we reached an important milestone in that ...
Tom Elliott
last modified
01/27/2016 12:59 PM
Test 2015 09 02
test summary
Tom Elliott
last modified
09/02/2015 03:02 PM
Workflow Tests Default
A folder in which to conduct workflow tests during August 2015.
Tom Elliott
last modified
08/20/2015 04:33 PM
New Index of Online Publications
Announcing The AWOL Index, an open-access catalog of ancient-world resources on the World-wide Web.
Tom Elliott
last modified
01/27/2016 01:00 PM
ISAW Library New Titles: July 2015
Books acquired and accessioned by the ISAW Library between July 1, 2015 and July 31, 2015.
Tom Elliott
last modified
09/22/2015 07:02 AM
New ISAW Library Titles: June 2015
Books acquired and accessioned by the ISAW Library between June 1, 2015 and June 30, 2015.
Tom Elliott
last modified
08/11/2015 11:45 AM
Report 2011 (in Russian)
Tom Elliott
last modified
07/08/2015 04:37 PM
Tom Elliott
last modified
07/08/2015 02:59 PM
Tom Elliott
last modified
08/11/2015 04:15 PM
Tom Elliott
last modified
07/08/2015 02:45 PM
Academic Affairs
Index of all documentation for faculty and students
Tom Elliott
last modified
08/30/2017 10:57 AM
Academic Programs
Summary information about ISAW's academic programs.
Tom Elliott
last modified
07/08/2015 07:05 AM
Information Technology
Tom Elliott
last modified
07/06/2017 05:37 PM
Employment Resources
Tom Elliott
last modified
08/24/2017 12:51 PM
Link to Associate Director for Administration
Used to redirect site visitors.
Tom Elliott
last modified
01/25/2022 04:53 PM