Past ISAW Library Public Events

12/02/2016 09:30 AM Lecture Hall

LAWDNY Digital Antiquity Research Workshop 2016 AT ISAW

The Digital Programs team of the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World is pleased to announce another LAWDNY (Linked Ancient World Data Initiative New York) event: the Digital Antiquity Research Workshop 2016, an opportunity for scholars and scholars-in-training to present work in progress concerning digital approaches to the study of antiquity.
10/02/2015 10:00 AM Second Floor Lecture Hall


Digital Antiquity Coffee House

The Library and the Digital Programs team of the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World continue the work of the Linked Ancient World Data Initiative (LAWDI) by organizing an informal coffee house for New York metro area scholars and scholars-in-training with an interest in digital approaches to the study of antiquity. Click on the event link to read more about the program and speakers.
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