Finding Resources
There are currently over 60,000 scholarly items about the ancient world in the ISAW collection, spanning the sweep of the ancient Eurasian world, from the western Mediterranean, across the Near East and Central Asia, to northern China. Bibliographic information about our collection is available via Bobcat, the NYU Libraries online catalog.
Members of the ISAW research community may draw not only on the ISAW Library collection, but also on the entire NYU global collection, with a range of scanning and delivery services available to scholars and graduate students. In addition to NYU's deep collection of e-resources, including databases, ebooks, and electronic journals, ISAW Library patrons also benefit from NYU's book-sharing program EZ Borrow and, for those rarer items, Interlibrary Loan.
Of course, one of the great advantages of studying the ancient world in New York is the fact that the metropolitan region boasts some of the richest library collections in the world.
The ISAW library also has a range of digital initiatives that aim at increasing discovery and access to resources about the ancient world. Two of these initiatives are Ancient World Digital Library (AWDL) and our joint project with ISAW Digital Programs to help catalog the online and open access resources described on the Ancient World Online (AWOL).
If you need any help looking for scholarly resources about the ancient world in the ISAW, NYU, online, or anywhere else, please let us know!