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05/02/2023 05:00 PM ISAW Lecture Hall
Headshot of the speaker who will deliver these lectures.

Rostovtzeff Lecture Series: Epistemic Corruption and Epistemic Progress in Ancient Science

Lecture 3: Naturalizing the Social

Daryn Lehoux

This lecture -- the third in a four-part series -- will take place in person at ISAW. Registration is required; click through for the registration link. All attendees must be in compliance with NYU's COVID-19 vaccination requirements and be prepared to present proof of compliance if asked to do so. Ancient scientific and philosophical thinkers not infrequently developed theories about how different groups of people are differently constituted. When classifying people who are different from themselves in some way (different by class, by gender, by national origin), we find that an author’s social biases often bleed over into what they try to justify as natural categories.
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