Prospective Student Open House

Prospective students who are interested in the ISAW Doctoral Program in the Ancient World are invited to attend an open house at ISAW on October 22, 2018. The schedule of events for the day will include:

Coffee with ISAW StudentsFaculty, and Scholars

Program Information Session with Associate Director for Academic Affairs and Director of Graduate Studies

Tour of ISAW Library

Tour of ISAW

Lunch with ISAW Community

Q&A Session with Current Students

Opportunity to Attend ISAW Seminar, "Global Approaches to the Ancient World" (Prof. J. Andrew Dufton)

The ISAW Exhibition, Devotion and Decadence: The Berthouville Treasure and Roman Luxury from the Bibliothèque nationale de France, will be open from 2 to 6pm in connection with the Prospective Student Open House.

For more information or to schedule meetings with individual faculty members on the day of the Open House, please contact , Associate Director for Academic Affairs.

Registration is required at

Please check for event updates.