Archaeological excavations at Kınık Höyük

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Archaeological excavations at Kınık Höyük started in 2011 as a ten-year joint project of the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, New York University and the University of Pavia, with the participation of the Universities of Niğde and Erzurum (Turkey), and of the Laboratoire de Géographie physique, CNRS France.

The site of Kınık Höyük is located in Southern Cappadocia, in the province of Niğde. This region played a strategic role from prehistory up to modern times, due to its geographical position on the routes connecting Central Anatolia to the Levant through the Taurus passes. After a four year survey (2006-2009), Kınık Höyük was recognized as the best preserved and most relevant site in the region, with significant ceramic surface collections dating to pre-classical periods.

The occupation of the site lasted more than 4000 years, with some hiatus, but the major occupation phases currently under investigation correspond to the first Millennium BC, and in particular the Late and Middle Iron Ages (IA). This latter occupation period matches that of the monumental rock reliefs and steles found in the region, all of which are attributed to the Neo-Hittite kingdom of Tuwana. Besides the historical reconstruction, ceramic production, micro-climate and environment reconstruction as well as conservation in situ of the main architectural remains are the focus of the project.

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