Search results 8 items matching your search terms

Programmer Needed for Work on Papyrological Website
Under the auspices of the Integrating Digital Papyrology project, we are seeking (in collaboration with the NYU Digital Library Technology Services team) a ... by admin last modified 01/27/2016 02:16 PM
Tom Elliott
by admin last modified 11/18/2024 09:45 AM — Filed under:
Digital Epigraphy on the World-Wide Web
Announcing "EpiDig": a free and open bibliography of digital resources for the discovery, publication, study, and teaching of epigraphy. by Tom Elliott last modified 09/22/2016 01:34 PM
Work in Progress at the Ancient World Image Bank
Digitizing the 35mm slides of Cornelius and Emily Vermeule and improving technical infrastructure for better access and digital preservation. by Tom Elliott last modified 01/27/2016 03:09 PM
Digital Programs
by last modified 08/26/2020 05:00 PM
Website Upgrades
Over the past year, we have been engaged in a significant effort to improve the Institute's website. In August we reached an important milestone in that ... by Tom Elliott last modified 01/27/2016 12:59 PM
Course Descriptions
by Marc LeBlanc last modified 03/18/2025 10:26 AM
Past Seminars
by Marc LeBlanc last modified 12/09/2024 12:01 PM