Virtual Events
When the pandemic suddenly closed in-person activities in March 2020, ISAW had to move all of our public programming online — including the exhibition that was in our galleries, A Wonder to Behold. We are thrilled to share that if you were unable to come to the galleries to see the exhibition in person, you can now see it through a virtual tour, hosted by Clare Fitzgerald, Associate Director for Exhibitions and Gallery Curator. The pandemic gave us the opportunity to explore new digital platforms, which has helped us reach more of our community than ever before; some virtual events have drawn hundreds of attendees!
We are pleased to share that the majority of these online events have been recorded and work is in progress to publish them on our website with closed captioning. Our first virtual ISAW lecture of the academic year, featuring Alexander Jones and Roger Bagnall, is published. Through a collaboration with the NYU Alumni Association we hosted virtual events for NYU alumni from many different countries, with participation that exceeded what we could have held in-person. Four virtual tours of ISAW exhibitions and a lecture from an ISAW course are also posted on our website for everyone to enjoy. Watch this space for more events to be added as production is completed.