Journal of Inner Asian Art and Archaeology
Contents of volume 5
- Aleksandr NAYMARK, “Drachms of Bukhar Khuda Khunak"
- Zafar PAIMAN/Michael ALRAM, “Tepe Naranj: A Royal Monastery on the High Ground of Kabul, with a Commentary on the Coinage”
- ZHANG He, “Preliminary Study of the Carpets from Sampula, Khotan"
- DUAN Qing, “The Inscriptions on the Sampula Carpets"
- CHING Chao-jung and OGIHARA Hirotoshi, “A Tocharian B Sale Contract on a Wooden Tablet”*
- Giuseppe VIGNATO, "Inter-relationship of Sites, Districts, Groups and Individual Caves in Kucha"
- Satomi HIYAMA, “A New Identification of the Murals of Cave 118 (Hippokampenhöhle), Kizil, as the Story of King Māndhātar”
- Nancy Shatzman STEINHARDT, “Demons on Lintels: Zoomorph and Meaning in Shanxi Province”
- Philip DENWOOD, “Tibetan Arts and the Tibetan ‘Dark Age,’ 842-996 CE”
St John Simpson, The Begram Hoard: Indian Ivories from Afghanistan. London: The British Museum Press, 2011 (Elizabeth Rosen Stone)
Historisches Museum der Pfalz Speyer, ed. Hunnen zwischen Asien und Europa. Aktuelle Forschungen zur Archäologie und Kultur der Hunnen. Langenweissbach: Beier & Beran, 2008 (Sören Stark)