Past Workshops

02/25/2025 05:30 PM Online
AI-generated illustration of DNA strand next to ancient pottery and bones

Expanding the Ancient World Workshop

Studying the Ancient World Through Ancient DNA

Tianrui Zhu

This workshop will take place online. Registration is required; click through for the registration link. Zoom information will be provided via confirmation email to registered participants. Expanding the Ancient World is a series of professional development workshops and online resources for teachers. Almost all living beings have DNA. It is not only an instruction book for building the body of an organism, but also an archive for the history of the species. With modern technology, we are able to extract and analyze DNA from organisms long dead — humans, animals, plants, and even bacteria. In this workshop, we will learn how ancient DNA is used to reconstruct past kinship, migration, agriculture, and diseases.
01/30/2025 05:30 PM Online
A group of people gathered around exhibition cases in ISAW gallery

Expanding the Ancient World Workshop:

Understanding Spain in the Islamic World through "Madinat al-Zahra: The Radiant Capital of Islamic Spain"

Carl Walsh and Lylaah Bhalerao

This workshop will take place online. Registration is required; click through for the registration link. Zoom information will be provided via confirmation email to registered participants. Expanding the Ancient World is a series of professional development workshops and online resources for teachers. This virtual workshop invites teachers to learn more about the place of the Iberian Peninsula in the Islamic world through the ISAW exhibition "Madinat al-Zahra: The Radiant Capital of Islamic Spain."
12/17/2024 05:30 PM Online
Ancient coined, minted a bit off center, showing a boat with sails inside a circular set of dots

RESCHEDULED: Expanding the Ancient World Workshop

Navigating Early Indian Ocean Trade: A Resource for World History Teachers

Priya Barchi

This workshop has been rescheduled for Tuesday, December 17th, at 5:30pm. The workshop will take place online. Registration is required; click through for the registration link. Zoom information will be provided via confirmation email to registered participants. Expanding the Ancient World is a series of professional development workshops and online resources for teachers.
12/04/2024 08:00 PM Online
Painted sculpture showing a group of four musicians riding on the back of a saddled camel

Expanding the Ancient World Workshop:

Perspectives on the Silk Roads: The Sogdians

Mariana Castro

This workshop is organized by the OER Project and the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World. It will take place online. Registration is required; click through for the registration link. Zoom information will be provided via confirmation email to registered participants. Expanding the Ancient World is a series of professional development workshops and online resources for teachers. This workshop will present texts and materials for discussing the interconnected and multicultural society of the Sogdians along the Silk Roads, with an emphasis on personal experiences at home and abroad.
11/13/2024 05:30 PM ISAW Gallery
Elaborate doorway flanked by two columns.

Expanding the Ancient World Workshop:

Discovering Life in al-Andalus through "Madinat al-Zahra: The Radiant Capital of Islamic Spain"

Carl Walsh

This workshop will take place in person at ISAW. Registration is required; click through for the registration link. Expanding the Ancient World is a series of professional development workshops and online resources for teachers. Learn more about Islamic art and material culture during the early Medieval Period (711–1031 CE) through the ISAW exhibition "Madinat al-Zahra: The Radiant Capital of Islamic Spain."
10/23/2024 05:30 PM Online
Photo of pylons at front of temple site; reliefs on pylons depict king and queen smiting their enemies.

Expanding the Ancient World Workshop

Teaching Ancient Nubia: Integrating Kush in the Classroom

Sydney A. Pickens

This workshop will take place online. Registration is required; click through for the registration link. Zoom information will be provided via confirmation email to registered participants. Expanding the Ancient World is a series of professional development workshops and online resources for teachers. Ancient Nubia has a rich history that spans over 4,000 years. This ancient African civilization was home to the city-state of Kerma which lasted an astounding 1,000 years, the Napatan Kings who conquered and ruled Egypt as the 25th Dynasty, and the Warrior Queens of the Meroitic Period who repelled the Roman invasion of Meroe.
10/15/2024 05:30 PM Online
Photo of multi-level Japanese temple

Expanding the Ancient World Workshop:

Global Connections in the Late Antique and Early Medieval World

Erik Hermans

This workshop will take place online. Registration is required; click through for the registration link. Zoom information will be provided via confirmation email to registered participants. Expanding the Ancient World is a series of professional development workshops and online resources for teachers. During the second half of the first millennium CE, societies across the globe were connected with each other through conquest, trade, intellectual exchange, and climatological phenomena. While some of these connections have reached world history textbooks under the umbrella term 'silk road networks', the actual impact, nuances, and the limits of global connectivity in Afro-Eurasia and outside of it are hard to grasp and even harder to teach.
05/02/2024 04:30 PM ISAW Lecture Hall
Event flyer with event text and a line drawing of stylized tree, half of which looks like circuits or a circuit board

Expanding the Ancient World Workshop:

Teaching Latin with AI

David Ratzan and Patrick Burns (ISAW)

This workshop will take place in person at ISAW. Registration is required. Expanding the Ancient World is a series of professional development workshops and online resources for teachers. This workshop aims to explore techniques for integrating AI chatbots into the Latin language classroom. Chatbots (ChatGPT, but also Gemini, Claude, Copilot, and others) are having an obvious impact on classrooms around the world.
05/01/2024 05:30 PM ISAW Lecture Hall
Photo of the Dakhla Oasis showing the dramatic distinction between the grassy oasis and the sands and escarpment of the surrounding desert

Expanding the Ancient World Workshop

Ancient Environmental History: How Do You Build a Roman City in the Middle of Egypt’s Western Desert?

Organized by the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World

This workshop will take place in person at ISAW. Registration is required; click through for the registration link. Expanding the Ancient World is a series of professional development workshops and online resources for teachers. Ancient Trimithis was one of many medium-sized cities in the Roman Empire; but unlike most, it was located right in the middle of Egypt’s inhospitable Western Desert, hundreds of kilometers from the Nile Valley, one of the driest places on earth. In this workshop we will explore how people adapted to and thrived in this harsh and changing environment by studying the results from NYU’s Amheida Excavations in Egypt’s Dakhla Oasis.
04/02/2024 05:30 PM Online
Photo of circular stone stamp seal next to clay impression; the design features stylized hunters and goats.

Expanding the Ancient World Workshop

Globalization in the Ancient World

Organized by the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World

This workshop will take place online. Registration is required; click through for the registration link. Zoom information will be provided via confirmation email to registered participants. Expanding the Ancient World is a series of professional development workshops and online resources for teachers. We tend to think of globalization as a modern phenomenon, where far-flung places impact one other through exchange of ideas, resources, commodities, technologies, and human mobility. How can we engage with the evidence regarding the early history of interconnectedness in the world?
03/12/2024 05:30 PM Online
Seated statue of Buddha with some damage, especially to the hands

CANCELED: Expanding the Ancient World Workshop

How to Look at Ancient Art

Organized by the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World

Due to unforeseen circumstances, this workshop has been canceled. We plan to reschedule for a later date, probably during fall 2024.
02/06/2024 05:30 PM
Greek amphora showing olive harvesting

Expanding the Ancient World Workshop

A Sea of Troubles?: The Historical Impacts of Climate and Environment in Ancient Greece

Organized by the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World

This workshop will take place online. Registration is required; click through for the registration link. Zoom information will be provided via confirmation email to registered participants. Expanding the Ancient World is a series of professional development workshops and online resources for teachers. When you think of Greece and the Aegean Sea, you might picture shining blue water, sleepy coastal villages, and sprawling olive groves. But such images mask a more hostile reality, where tectonic forces, changeable seas, and unpredictable weather present many challenges to daily life in the region.
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