Photo of game dice of various colors on a topographical site plan.

Photo by Gabriel Mckee & Daniela Wolin (CC BY 4.0)


Re-Rolling the Past: Representations and Reinterpretations of Antiquity in Analog and Digital Games

Online Conference organized by Gabriel Mckee (ISAW Library) and Daniela Wolin (Yale University & ISAW Research Affiliate)

Analog and digital games (e.g. video, role play, board, card, pedagogical, and alternative games) are platforms for modeling and experiencing events in fantastic, modern, or historical settings. When devising games based on ancient historical and archaeological contexts, an informed and critical approach is essential, lest games perpetuate problematic narratives or provide inaccurate representations of the past. "Rerolling the Past" builds off of the recent increase in academic studies of games to show how games can serve as a fruitful avenue for communicating information about the ancient world. This conference will bring together historians, archaeologists, scholars of gaming, and game designers to discuss three intersecting themes: archaeology in/of games; pedagogy and games; and critical approaches to game design. We hope to acknowledge and address common issues and challenges that cut across disciplinary divides and envisage how increased collaborative initiatives can be developed in the future.


Wednesday, November 11th

Gabriel Mckee (NYU ISAW), "Re-Rolling the Past: Representations and Reinterpretations of Antiquity in Analog and Digital Games"

Andrew Reinhard (American Numismatic Society), "Video Game Antiquity and the Immediacy of Digital Heritage"


Anne-Elizabeth Dunn-Vaturi (The Metropolitan Museum of Art), "Hounds and Jackals and its Variants in Modern Times"

Christian Casey (NYU ISAW), "Assassin's Creed Origins as Time Machine"

Clara Fernandez-Vara (NYU Game Center), "Game Spaces and Indexical Storytelling"

Schedules for other days of the conference: day 2 | day 3

Please check for event updates.

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