Event banner with text on green background; image of painted wall fragment depicting veiled person in blue clothing

Fragment of a wall painting from the palace of Dewastich, ca. 7th century CE. Panjikent, Tajikistan. © Creative Commons.

Expanding the Ancient World Workshop

Reckoning with Ancient Fragments: The Transcultural World of the Sogdians

Organized by the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World

This workshop will take place online; a Zoom link will be provided via email to registered participants.

Registration is required at THIS LINK.

Expanding the Ancient World is a series of professional development workshops and online resources for teachers. Keyed to the NYC Department of Education Social Studies Scope and Sequence, this program is designed to offer K-12 educators opportunities to develop their knowledge of the ancient world and to provide classroom-ready strategies for teaching the past with reliable sources. Featuring inquiry-based workshops, flexible lesson plans, and up-to-date research, Expanding the Ancient World aims to equip teachers with information and skills that they can share with their students. CTLE credits will be offered to New York State teachers.

The medieval civilization of the Sogdians, from their homeland in modern-day Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, was once renowned as an international agent of transcultural exchange across the Eurasian 'Silk Road'. However, the source material from the Sogdians that survives is highly fragmentary and the limited textual evidence is usually written from outsiders' perspectives. This workshop will explore how to reckon with the historically underrepresented 'other' and give guidance on strategies for the 'reading' of tantalizing fragments of visual and textual sources from different perspectives in the ancient world.

Workshop led by Emily Everest-Phillips (Institute for the Study of the Ancient World)

Participants will receive 1.5 CTLE hours.

Expanding the Ancient World is made possible by generous support from ISAW and an NYU Teaching Advancement Grant.

If you have any questions regarding the Expanding the Ancient World program please email ETAW@nyu.edu.

Please check isaw.nyu.edu for event updates.

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