
In case of medical emergency, call 911 immediately, then notify the nearest administrator or security personnel. For minor physical injuries, First Aid kits are located on every floor, under the sink in each pantry and every kitchen. There is an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) at the security desk.

In case of a security or building emergency during building hours, call 911 if appropriate, then dial x27834 or 212-992-7834 to reach the security desk. If you cannot reach ISAW security, the NYU Emergency line is x82222 or 212-998-2222.

For non-urgent matters that are facilities related, such as leaky faucet, please fill out this form to notify the building maintenance team.

Receiving emergency notifications from NYU:

In the event of a weather or security emergency, NYU notifies everyone who's registered through text, email, and/or phone messages. There is a periodic test of this notification system to ensure effectiveness. You can also view the NYU Facebook page, where weather-related information is posted.

For ISAW-specific updates, someone from ISAW will contact you by email and/or phone based on the contact information you've provided.

To ensure you're contacted in case of emergency, make sure you have valid contact information on file in the NYU PeopleSync system (accessible through NYU Home under the Work tab) and with the ISAW Administrative Aide (at the Reception desk).