pliny_database_ver_1.csv — text/comma-separated-values, 439 KB (449596 bytes)
File contents
directory_entry_as appears in translation,pliny_citation_in_translation,ba_reference,Pleiades link,,,, Abaesamis,6.145,UNLOC,,,,, Abale,6.179,82 D4,,,,, Abali,6.67,6 E5,,,,, Abalus,37.35,10 D2,,,,, Abantias = Euboea,4.64,,,,,, Abdara,3.8,27 B5 Abdera,,,,, Abdera,"4.42, 4.73, 6.217",51 D3,,,,, Abeatae (Abia),4.22,58 C4,,,,, Abellani (Abella),3.63,44 G4,,,,, Abellinates Marsi (Abellinum),3.105,44 G4,,,,, Abellinates Protropi (Abellinum),3.105,44 G4,,,,, Abellinum,3.63,44 G4,,,,, Abila,5.74,71 B2,,,,, Abila m.,"3.4, 5.18",28 D2,,,,, Abisari,6.77,6 C3 Abisareis,,,,, Abnova m.,4.79,11 I4 Abnob(ai)a Ore,,,,, Abobrica,4.112,26 UNLOC Avobriga / Abobrica,,,,, Abolani,3.69,44 UNLOC,,,,, Aboriensian town (Aboriense),5.29,32 UNLOC Aboriense,,,,, Aborigines,3.56,,,,,, Abortae,6.77,6 B4 Oreitae / Nearti § Abortae,,,,, Abretteni (Abrettene),5.123,62 A2,,,,, Abrincatui (Abrincas),4.107,7 E3 Ingena / Abrincas § Abrincatui,,,,, Absarrum,"6.12, 6.13",87 G3 Apsaros § Absarus,,,,, Absarrum r.,"6.12, 6.25, 6.29",87 G3 Apsaros fl.,,,,, Absilae (Absilia),6.14,87 G1 Apsilia,,,,, Absortium isl. (Absortium),3.140,20 B5 Apsarus,,,,, Absuritan town (Absuras),5.29,33 D1 Assuras,,,,, Absyrtides isl.,3.151,20 B5 Apsyrtides,,,,, Abutucensian town (Abutuca),5.29,32 C4 Aptuc(c)a,,,,, Abydos,"2.150, 4.49, 5.141, 6.216",51 G4,,,,, Abydus,5.60,77 F4 Abydos / Ebot,,,,, Abziritan town (Abzir Cella(e)),5.30,32 E4 Abbir Cella(e), ,,,, Abzoae,6.38,85 F1,,,,, Acamantis = Cyprus,5.129,,,,,, Acamas c.,5.129,72 A2 Akamas Pr.,,,,, Acampseon r.,6.12,87 G3 Akampsis fl.,,,,, Acanthus,4.38,51 B4 Akanthos,,,,, Acanthus / Dulopolis,5.104,61 UNLOC Acanthus / Dulopolis,,,,, Acanthus isl.,5.151,UNLOC,,,,, Acarnania / Curetis,"2.205, 4.1, 4.5, 4.6, 4.53, 6.216",54 C4,,,,, Acascomarci,6.21,UNLOC,,,,, Acbatana = Carmelum,5.75,,,,,, Acce = Ptolemais,5.75,,,,,, Acci Gemellensis,3.25,27 B4 Acci / Col. Iulia Gemella,,,,, Accienses,3.69,44 UNLOC,,,,, Accisi,6.21,UNLOC,,,,, Acdei,6.21,UNLOC,,,,, Acelum,3.130,40 B1,,,,, Acerrae Vafriae,3.114,42 UNLOC,,,,, Acerrani (Acerrae),3.63,44 F4,,,,, Acerunitini (Aceruntia),3.73,46 UNLOC Acheruntia / Acheruntini,,,,, Acesinus r.,4.83,23 G1 Acesinus? fl.,,,,, Acesinus r.,"6.71, 12.23, 16.162, 37.200",6 C3 Akesinos / Sandabal fl.,,,,, Acestaei,3.91,47 UNLOC Aceste, ,,,, Achaeans,4.28,,,,,, Achaeans (Achaea),"6.16, 6.17, 6.30",84 E4 Achaia,,,,, Achaeans' harbor,"4.49, 4.83, 5.124",,,,,, Achaia / Aegialos,"2.205, 4.1, 4.12, 4.13, 4.22, 4.32, 4.51, 4.54, 6.215, 18.215",58 B1 Achaea,,,,, Achais = Heraclea,6.48,,,,,, Acharne,4.32,55 UNLOC,,,,, Achates r.,3.90,47 E4,,,,, Achaton m.,4.6,UNLOC,,,,, Achelous r.,"2.201, 4.5",54 D4,,,,, Achenum r.,6.147,UNLOC,,,,, Acheron r.,3.73,46 D3, ,,,, Acheron r.,4.4,54 C3,,,,, Acherusia Cavern,6.4,86 B2 Acherousias Pr.,,,,, Acherusia l.,4.4,54 C3,,,,, Acherusia marsh (Acherusia Palus),3.61,44 F4,,,,, Achillea isl.,5.135,61 UNLOC Achilleus / Achilleia Ins.,,,,, Achilleon,5.125,56 C2 Achilleion,,,,, Achilles / Leuce / Macaron isl.,"4.83, 4.93, 10.78",23 D3 Leuke Ins. / Achilleos Nesos,,,,, Achollitan town (Acholla),5.30,33 H2,,,,, Acidula,31.9,UNLOC,,,,, Acidula spring,31.9,UNLOC,,,,, Acila,6.151,4 B3 Akila / Okelis,,,,, Acina,6.184,82 A2,,,,, Acinippo,3.14,26 E5,,,,, Aciris r.,3.97,45 D4,,,,, Acis = Siphnus,4.66,,,,,, Acisalitae,4.85,23 UNLOC,,,,, Acitavones,3.137,17 H2 Acitavones?,,,,, Acmonienses (Acmonia),5.106,62 C4 Akmonia,,,,, Acone harbor,6.4,86 UNLOC Aconai,,,,, Acontius m.,4.25,55 UNLOC Akontion,,,,, Acra Iapygia,"3.100, 3.102",45 inset Sallentinum/Iapygia Pr.,,,,, Acrabaten toparchy,5.70,70 G1 Akraba,,,,, Acrae,4.86,22 UNLOC Acrae,,,,, Acraephia,4.26,55 E4 Akraiphiai,,,,, Acrauceles,5.33,38 C1 Araraukeles?,,,,, Acrenses (Acrae),3.91,47 F4,,,,, Acritas cape,4.15,58 B4 Ak(r)itas Pr.,,,,, Acroceraunian mountains,"2.244, 3.145, 4.1, 4.4, 4.52",49 B3 Acroceraunia Pr.,,,,, Acroceraunium c.,"3.97, 3.150",49 B3 Acroceraunia Pr.,,,,, Acrocorinthos,4.11,58 D2 Akrokorinthos,,,,, Acrothoon,4.37,51 B4,,,,, Acruium,3.144,20 F7 *Agruvium, ,,,, Actaei,6.154,4 C2,,,,, Actania isl.,4.97,10 UNLOC,,,,, Acte = Attice,4.23,,,,,, Actium,4.5,54 C4,,,,, Acusagorus isl.,4.61,UNLOC,,,,, Acutri,6.94,6 C3,,,,, Acytas = Melos,4.70,,,,,, Ad Turrem Lisbonis (Turris Lisbonis),3.85,48 A2 Turris Lisbonis,,,,, Adana,5.92,66 G3 Adana / Antiochia ad Sarum,,,,, Adanu isl.,6.175,4 C3, ,,,, Addiris = Atlas,5.13,,,,,, Addua r.,"2.224, 3.118, 3.131",39 E2,,,,, Adendros isl.,4.57,58 UNLOC,,,,, Adiabari = Megabarri,6.189,,,,,, Adiabene; Adiabeni,"5.66, 6.25, 6.27, 6.28, 6.41, 6.44, 6.114, 6.129, 6.131",91 E2,,,,, Adirmachidae,5.39,73 D2 Adyrmachidai,,,,, Adonis r.,5.78,68 A5,,,,, Adovi,4.111,UNLOC,,,,, Adramytteos / Pedasus,"5.122, 5.123",56 D2 Adramyttium,,,,, Adrastia = Parium,5.141,,,,,, Adulites,"6.172, 6.174",4 A2 Adouli,,,,, Aduna r.,6.135,UNLOC,,,,, Adunicates,3.35,16 UNLOC,,,,, Aea,6.13,87 H2 Aia / Nesos,,,,, Aeantion,5.125,56 C2 Aianteion,,,,, Aeantion isl.,4.74,UNLOC,,,,, Aeantium c.,4.32,55 E2 Aianteion Pr.,,,,, Aeas = Aous r.,3.145,,,,,, Aeas b.,6.165,UNLOC,,,,, Aeas m.,6.168,78 UNLOC,,,,, Aecani (Aecae),3.105,45 B2,,,,, Aeculani (Aeculanum),3.105,45 B2 Aeclanum, ,,,, Aedepsos,"4.64, 31.29",55 E3 Aidepsos, ,,,, Aedesa r.,5.101,65 C4,,,,, Aedi,4.41,UNLOC,,,,, Aedosa,6.180,81 UNLOC Aedos,,,,, Aedro,3.121,40 C2 Portus Edronis,,,,, Aedui,4.107,18 B3 (H)Aedui,,,,, Aefulani (Aefula),3.63,43 D2,,,,, Aegae,4.33,50 B4 Aigeai,,,,, Aegaeae,5.121,56 E4 Aegae,,,,, Aegaeae,5.91,67 B3 Aigai(ai) / Aegeae,,,,, Aege c.,5.140,56 D3 Aiga Pr.,,,,, Aegean s. (Aegaeum Mare),"2.224, 4.9, 4.19, 4.42, 4.51, 4.62, 4.71, 5.102, 9.52",57 C2,,,,, Aegialeus m.,4.24,59 B3 Aigaleos M.,,,,, Aegialia isl.,4.53,UNLOC,,,,, Aegialos = Achaia,4.12,,,,,, Aegila isl.,4.57,57 B6 Aigila,,,,, Aegilia isl.,4.65,55 G4 Aigilia?,,,,, Aegilodes b.,4.16,UNLOC,,,,, Aegimoeroe isl.,5.42,32 G2,,,,, Aegina isl.,4.57,58 F2,,,,, Aeginium,4.33,50 UNLOC Aiginion,,,,, Aegipanes,"5.7, 5.44, 5.46, 6.197",UNLOC,,,,, Aegira,4.12,58 C1 Aigeira,,,,, Aegira = Lesbos,5.139,,,,,, Aegium,"4.12, 4.22",58 C1 Aigion,,,,, Aegonia,4.27,55 UNLOC Aeconia,,,,, Aegos r.,"2.149, 4.48",51 H4 Aigospotamos,,,,, Aegosthenenses (Aegosthena),4.23,58 E1 Aegosthena,,,,, Aegusa = Aethusa,3.92,,,,,, Aegyptus = Nile,5.53,,,,,, Aelamitae,6.155,4 UNLOC,,,,, Aelana / Laeana,"5.65, 6.165",76 F2 Aelana / Aila,,,,, Aelaniticus / Alaenitic / Laeanitic / Leanitic,"5.65, 6.156",76 F5 Aelaniticus Sinus,,,,, Aeminium; Aeminienses,"4.113, 4.118",24 C4,,,,, Aeminius / Limaea / Oblivion r.,"4.113, 4.115",UNOC,,,,, Aenare isl.,5.137,UNLOC,,,,, Aenaria / Inarime / Pithecusa / Pithecussae isl.,"2.203, 2.227, 3.82, 31.9",44 E4 Aenaria / Pithekoussai Ins. § Inarime Ins.,,,,, Aeneanici = Callenses,3.14,,,,,, Aenienses (Ainis),4.6,55 C3,,,,, Aeningia isl.,4.96,UNLOC,,,,, Aenona,3.140,20 C5,,,,, Aenos,"4.43, 6.217",51 G3 Ainos,,,,, Aenum / Philoterias,6.168,78 UNLOC,,,,, Aenuscabales sp.,6.158,UNLOC,,,,, Aeoliae / Liparaei / Hephaestiades / Volcaniae isl.,"2.203, 2.238, 3.92, 32.21",47 A3,,,,, Aeolis / Aeolia / Mysia,"5.103, 5.120, 5.121, 5.123, 5.125, 6.7",56 D3,,,,, Aeolium c.,4.49,51 G4 Aeolium Pr.,,,,, Aepolium,4.82,23 D3,,,,, Aequicoli,3.108,42 E4 Aequiculi,,,,, Aequiculani (Aequiculi),3.106,42 E4 Aequiculi,,,,, Aerea,3.36,17 D5 Aeria,,,,, Aeria = Creta,4.58,,,,,, Aeria = Thasus,4.73,,,,,, Aesepus r.,5.141,52 B4 Aisepos fl.,,,,, Aesernini (Aesernia),3.107,44 F2,,,,, Aesinates (Aesis),3.113,42 E1,,,,, Aesis r.,3.113,42 E2,,,,, Aesius r.,5.148,UNLOC,,,,, Aesolani,3.69,UNLOC,,,,, Aesonenses (Aeso),3.23,25 G3,,,,, Aestrienses (Astraia),4.35,50 B1,,,,, Aestuaria = Ossonoba Aestuaria,3.7,,,,,, Aesyros r.,5.148,UNLOC,,,,, Aethalia = Chios,5.136,,,,,, Aethalia = Ilva,3.81,,,,,, Aetheria = Aethiopia,6.187,,,,,, Aethiope = Lesbos,5.139,,,,,, "Aethiopia / Aetheria / Atlantia, Aethiopians (Aethiopia)","2.91, 2.169, 2.184, 2.189, 2.201, 2.205, 2.237, 2.238, 5.17, 5.27, 5.30, 5.43, 5.48, 5.49, 5.52, 5.53, 5.54, 5.55, 5.59, 6.70, 6.173, 6.174, 6.177, 6.179, 6.181, 6.182, 6.183, 6.184, 6.186, 6.187, 6.189, 6.192, 6.194, 6.195, 6.196, 6.197, 6.198, 6.199, 10.74, 12.107, 16.160, 19.15, 27.2, 31.9, 31.17, 37.33, ",34 B5,,,,, Aethiopian Darathitae,5.10,UNLOC,,,,, Aethiopian Perorsi,"5.10, 5.16, 5.43",UNLOC,,,,, Aethiopian Tarrelii,5.44,UNLOC,,,,, Aethiopic Ocean / Sea,"2.245, 6.196, 6.209",UNLOC,,,,, Aethre isl.,5.137,UNLOC,,,,, Aethria = Rhodos,5.132,,,,,, Aethria = Thasus,4.73,,,,,, Aethusa / Aegusa isl.,"2.204, 3.92",1 F3,,,,, Aethusa isl.,2.204,UNLOC,,,,, Aetna m.,"2.234, 2.236, 3.88",47 F3,,,,, Aetnenses (Aitna),3.91,47 UNLOC Inessa / Aitna,,,,, "Aetolia, Aetoli","4.1, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.11, 4.53, 6.216, 7.201",55 A3,,,,, Aex,4.51,UNLOC,,,,, Aezetini (Aezetium),3.105,45 F2,,,,, Africa,"2.127, 2.153, 2.173, 2.181, 3.3, 3.4, 3.45, 3.83, 3.84, 3.87, 3.92, 4.122, 5.1, 5.5, 5.6, 5.8, 5.9, 5.23, 5.24, 5.25, 5.29, 5.30, 5.35, 5.38, 5.40, 5.41, 5.42, 5.43, 5.46, 5.47, 5.48, 5.50, 5.53, 5.62, 6.1, 6.106, 6.177, 6.180, 6.190, 6.192, 6.197, 6.208, 6.210, 6.212, 6.213, 7.96, 7.200, 8.228, 10.74, 10.132, 12.107, 18.216, 19.4, 31.15, 31.22, 32.18, 37.38",,,,,, Africa Nova,5.25,100 H4/J5,,,,, Africa Vetus,5.25,100 H4/J5,,,,, African Sea (Africum Mare),3.83,32 C1,,,,, Aga m.,5.83,89 B1,,,,, Agamathae,6.21,UNLOC,,,,, Agamede,5.139,56 UNLOC,,,,, Agandaei,6.22,84 UNLOC,,,,, Aganippe sp.,4.25,UNLOC,,,,, Agatha,3.33,15 A3,,,,, Agathusa = Telos,4.69,,,,,, Agathyrnum,3.90,47 F2,,,,, Agathyrsi,4.88,23 A1 Agathyrsoi,,,,, Aggar,5.30,33 G1,,,,, Aggasus h.,3.103,45 UNLOC Portus Aggasus,,,,, Agida,3.129,20 A4 Aegida,,,,, Agipsum,6.167,,,,,, Agla Minor,3.10,26 UNLOC,,,,, Agoce,6.179,UNLOC,,,,, Agra,6.156,83 C5 Egra / Meda'in Salih,,,,, Agrae,4.20,UNLOC,,,,, Agraei,"6.154, 6.159, 6.161",4 C3,,,,, Agragas = Agrigentum,"3.89, 7.200",,,,,, Agranis,6.120,91 UNLOC,,,,, Agrigentum / Agragas,3.89,47 D4 Akragas / Agrigentum,,,,, Agrillenses,5.149,UNLOC,,,,, Agriophagi,6.195,6 D5,,,,, Agrippinensis (colony),4.106,11 G2 Ara Ubiorum / Col. Claudia Ara Agrippinensium,,,,, Agugo,6.180,UNLOC,,,,, Aguntum,3.146,19 E3,,,,, Agylla = Caere,3.51,,,,,, Agyrini (Agyrium),3.91,47 F3,,,,, Aiathuris,6.158,4 UNLOC Aiathuris,,,,, Aidomacum,6.178,81 UNLOC,,,,, Aigilion = Capraria,3.81,,,,,, Aithaloessa = Rhodos,5.132,,,,,, Alabanda,5.109,61 F2,,,,, Alabanenses (Alaba),3.25,27 C4 Ab(ou)la / Al(a)ba,,,,, Alabastri (Alabastronpolis),5.61,75 D4,,,,, Alabastros r.,5.122,56 UNLOC,,,,, Alabenenses (Alabo),3.26,25 D4 Allobo,,,,, Alabi,6.190,UNLOC,,,,, Alae,5.92,67 B3 (H)Alai,,,,, Alaea isl.,6.150,UNLOC,,,,, Alaenitic = Aelaniticus,6.456,,,,,, Alana,6.179,82 D3,,,,, Alani,4.80,85 B3 Alanoi,,,,, Alba,3.106,44 D1 Alba Fucens,,,,, Alba ,3.36,17 D4 Alba Helviorum,,,,, Alba Longa; Albani,"3.63, 3.69",43 C3,,,,, Alba Pompeia,3.49,39 C4,,,,, Alba r.,3.22,25 H3,,,,, Alban sea (Albanum mare),6.38,88 H3 Albanum Mare,,,,, Albania; Albani,"4.39, 6.29, 6.36, 6.38, 6.39, 7.98",88 F3,,,,, Albanus m.,"3.64, 3.69",43 C2,,,,, Albanus r.,6.39,88 F3 Albanos fl.,,,,, Albensian communities,3.69,44 UNLOC Albenses,,,,, Albion = Britannia,4.102,,,,,, Albiones,4.111,24 E1,,,,, Albis r.,4.100,10 F3,,,,, Albula = Tiberis,3.53,,,,,, Albula r.,"3.110, 31.10",42 F3,,,,, Album c.,3.3,UNLOC,,,,, Album c.,5.75,69 B3,,,,, Album Ingaunum,3.48,16 F1,,,,, Album Intimilium,3.48,16 E2 Alb(i)um Intimilium,,,,, Alces r.,5.149,UNLOC,,,,, Alcyon m.,4.36,UNLOC,,,,, Alea,4.20,58 C2,,,,, Alebaece Reiorum Apollinarium,3.36,16 B2,,,,, Aleian plains,5.91,66 G3 Aleion Pedion,,,,, Alele,5.35,UNLOC,,,,, Aleon r.,"5.117, 31.14",56 C5,,,,, Aleria,3.80,48 D2 Alalie / Aleria,,,,, Aletini (Aletium),3.105,45 H4 (B)Aletium,,,,, Aletrinates (Aletrium),3.63,44 D2,,,,, Aletrini,3.105,45 UNLOC,,,,, Alexander's town (Alexandria),6.62,6 B3 Alexandria,,,,, Alexandria,6.107,3 UNLOC,,,,, Alexandria,6.49,6 B1 Alexandria Eschate,,,,, Alexandria,6.97,6 B4 Alexandria / Rhambakia,,,,, Alexandria (in Mygdonia),6.42,89 UNLOC,,,,, Alexandria / Antiochia,6.47,98 C1,,,,, Alexandria / Rhacotes,"2.178, 2.183, 2.186, 2.245, 5.39, 5.49, 5.59, 5.62, 5.64, 5.128, 5.132, 6.102, 6.207, 6.209, 6.212, 19.3",74 B2,,,,, Alexandria = Charax,6.138,,,,,, Alexandria = Issus,5.91,,,,,, Alexandria = Troas,5.124,,,,,, "Alexandria Arii, Alexandria Arion","6.61, 6.92, 6.93",98 C4 Alexandria Ariorum,,,,, Alexandropolis,6.113,UNLOC,,,,, Alfaterni,3.108,44 UNLOC,,,,, Alfaterni,3.63,44 G4,,,,, Alfellani,3.105,45 UNLOC,,,,, Aliaeu isl.,6.173,4 B2 Alalaiou Inss.,,,,, Alimon / Holmon,4.29,55 UNLOC,,,,, Alindenses (Alinda),5.109,61 F2,,,,, Alipheraei (Alipheira),4.22,58 B2,,,,, Allantenses (Allante),4.35,50 C3,,,,, Allifani (Allifae),3.63,44 F3 Al(l)ifae,,,,, Allobroges,"3.34, 3.36",17 E3,,,,, Almopi (Almopia),4.35,50 A3,,,,, Alope,4.27,55 D3,,,,, Alope = Ephesus,5.115,,,,,, Alopece isl.,4.87,84 UNLOC,,,,, Alopece isl.,5.138,UNLOC,,,,, Alopeconnesus,4.74,51 G4 Alopekonnesos,,,,, Aloritae,4.34,,,,,, Aloros,4.34,50 B3,,,,, Alpes Carnicae m.,3.147,20 A3,,,,, Alpes m.,"2.162, 2.194, 2.224, 2.227, 2.244, 3.18, 3.31, 3.33, 3.35, 3.37, 3.38, 3.43, 3.47, 3.48, 3.117, 3.118, 3.121, 3.123, 3.124, 3.128, 3.132, 3.133, 3.134, 3.135, 3.136, 3.147, 4.79, 4.122, 6.218, 7.96, 10.77, 10.133, 10.134, 14.68, 37.44",1 E2,,,,, "Alpes, Graian","3.123, 3.134",17 H2,,,,, "Alpes, Poenine",3.123,17 H2,,,,, Alpheus r.,"2.225, 4.14, 4.21",58 A2 Alphe(i)os fl.,,,,, Alsa r.,3.126,19 F4,,,,, Alsium,"3.44, 3.51",43 A2,,,,, Altar of Alexander,6.49,6 UNLOC Ara Alexandri,,,,, Altars of Sestius,4.111,24 UNLOC Arae Augusti / Arae Sestianae,,,,, Altars of the Philaeni,5.28,37 D2 Arae Philaenorum,,,,, "Altars, of Alexander",6.62,6 UNLOC Ara Alexandri,,,,, Altinum,"3.119, 3.126, 6.218",40 C1,,,,, Aluntium,3.90,47 F2 Haluntium,,,,, Alutae,3.139,UNLOC,,,,, Alutrenses,3.130,UNLOC,,,,, Alvona,3.140,20 B4 Albona,,,,, Alyzia,4.5,54 C4,,,,, Amaitaei,6.158,4 B3,,,,, Amalcius ocean,4.94,10 UNLOC Amalcium Mare,,,,, Amanitini,3.148,21 B4,,,,, "Amantes, Amantini (Amantia)","3.145, 3.148, 4.35",49 B3,,,,, Amanum h. ,4.110,25 B2 Flaviobriga,,,,, Amanum harbor = Flaviobrica,4.110,,,,,, Amanus m.,"5.80, 5.91, 6.142, 6.214",67 C4,,,,, Amardi,6.36,90 D4 (A)Mardoi,,,,, Amasia,"6.8, 6.10",87 A4 Amaseia,,,,, Amastris = Sesamon,6.5,,,,,, Amathus,5.130,72 C3 Amathous,,,,, Amathusia = Cyprus,5.129,,,,,, Amazonium,6.10,UNLOC,,,,, Amazonius m.,"5.99, 6.10",87 B4 Amazonius M.,,,,, "Amazons, Amazonians (Amazones)","3.43, 5.115, 5.118, 6.19, 6.35, 6.39, 7.201",UNLOC,,,,, Ambiani,4.106,11 B3,,,,, Ambilatri,4.108,14 D1,,,,, Ambisontes,3.137,19 E2,,,,, Ambitouti,5.146,63 UNLOC,,,,, Ambracia,4.4,54 C3 Ambracus,,,,, Ambracia,"4.6, 14.76",54 C3,,,,, Ambracian b. (Ambracius Sinus),"2.201, 2.205, 4.4, 4.5",54 C4,,,,, Ambrysus,4.8,55 D4 Ambrossos § Ambryssos,,,,, Amenda,6.78,6 C3 Souastene § Amenda,,,,, "Ameria, Amerini","2.148, 3.113, 3.114",42 C3,,,,, Ameriola,3.68,44 UNLOC,,,,, Amisis r.,4.100,10 D3 Amisia fl.,,,,, Amisum / Pompeiopolis,"6.7, 6.9, 6.11, 6.216",87 B3 Amisus,,,,, Amiternini (Amiternum),3.107,42 E4,,,,, Amithoscatta,6.152,4 UNLOC Amithoscattha / Amithoscatta / Amithoscutta,,,,, Amitinenses,3.52,44 UNLOC Amitinum,,,,, Amitinum,3.68,44 UNLOC,,,,, Ammoni,6.159,4 B3,,,,, Amnamethus isl.,6.150,4 UNLOC,,,,, Amnum r.,6.151,4 UNLOC,,,,, Amodata,6.179,81 UNLOC,,,,, Amorge = Ephesus,5.115,,,,,, Amorgos / Hypere / Patage / Platage,4.70,61 B4, ,,,, Ampeloessa,5.74,69 UNLOC,,,,, Ampelome,6.159,UNLOC,,,,, Ampelos,4.37,51 UNLOC,,,,, Ampelos,"4.59, 32.18",60 F2,,,,, Ampelusia c.,5.2,28 C2 Soloeis / Ampelusia Pr.,,,,, Amphimala,4.59,60 B2,,,,, Amphipolis,"4.38, 6.216",51 B3,,,,, Amphipolis,5.87,67 G4,,,,, Amphisa,4.8,55 C3 Amphissa,,,,, Amphyraei,6.158,UNLOC,,,,, Ampreutae,6.12,87 G3,,,,, Ampsaga r.,"5.21, 5.22, 5.25, 5.29",31 E3 Am(p)saga fl.,,,,, Ampsanctus l.,2.208,UNLOC,,,,, Amyclae,4.16,58 C3 Amyklai,,,,, Amyclae / Amynclae,3.59,44 UNLOC,,,,, Amycopolis,5.150,UNLOC,,,,, Amycopolis b.,5.150,UNLOC,,,,, Amycus,"5.150, 16.239",53 B2 Amykos,,,,, Amymone sp.,4.17,58 UNLOC,,,,, Amynclae = Amyclae,3.59,,,,,, Amyzon,5.109,61 F2,,,,, Anactoria = Miletus,5.112,,,,,, Anactorian state (Anactorica Civitas) (Anactorium),4.4,54 C4 Anactorium,,,,, Anaetica,5.83,89 B1 Anaetica Regio,,,,, Anagnini (Anagnia),3.63,44 D2,,,,, Anagnutes,4.108,14 D2,,,,, Ananis r.,6.107,3 UNLOC Anamis / An(d)anis fl.,,,,, "Anapauomenon = Jupiter, spring of",2.228,,,,,, Anaphe isl.,"2.202, 4.71",61 B5,,,,, Anariaci,"6.36, 6.46",90 E3 Anariakai?,,,,, Anas r.,"3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.13, 3.17, 4.116, 4.117",26 C3,,,,, Anasi,6.22,84 UNLOC,,,,, Anatilia,3.36,15 UNLOC,,,,, Anatilii,3.34,15 D2,,,,, Anatis r.,5.9,1 B4,,,,, Anaxum r.,3.126,UNLOC,,,,, Anazarbeni = Caesarea Augusta,5.93,,,,,, Anchiale,5.91,66 F3 Anchiale(ia),,,,, Anchialum,4.45,22 E6 Anchialus,,,,, Anclacae,6.21,UNLOC,,,,, Ancona,"2.182, 3.111, 3.112, 3.115, 3.129, 6.218, 14.67",42 F1 Ancon(a),,,,, Ancyra,5.145,,,,,, Ancyra,5.146,63 B1,,,,, Andarae,6.67,5 E3,,,,, Andecavi,4.107,14 E1,,,,, Andelonenses (Andelos),3.24,25 D3,,,,, Andera,5.126,56 E2 Astyra? / Andeira?,,,,, Anderae,6.190,UNLOC,,,,, Andetrium,3.142,20 D6,,,,, Andiseni,6.78,6 UNLOC,,,,, Andizetes,3.147,20 F4,,,,, Andria,5.100,65 C5 Andriake,,,,, Andria,5.145,63 A3 Andeira,,,,, Androcalis,6.179,UNLOC,,,,, Androcus r.,5.91,,,,,, Andros isl.,4.103,8 A1 A(n)dros Ins.,,,,, Andrus,4.65,60 A4 Andros,,,,, Andrus isl.,"2.231, 4.65, 4.68, 4.69, 31.16",60 A4 Andros Ins.,,,,, Andura,6.178,81 UNLOC,,,,, Anemo r.,3.115,40 B4,,,,, Anemurium,"5.93, 5.94, 5.130",66 B4,,,,, Angulani (Angelum),3.107,42 UNLOC,,,,, Anhydros isl.,5.137,UNLOC,,,,, Anichiae,4.26,UNLOC,,,,, Anio r.,"3.54, 3.109",43 C2,,,,, Antacati,6.50,,,,,, Antaeopolite n. (Antaeopolites),5.49,77 F2 Antaiopolites Nomos,,,,, Antaeus' palace,5.3,,,,,, Antandros / Edonis,5.123,56 D2,,,,, Antandrus = Ceos,"4.51, 4.65",,,,,, Antemna,3.68,43 C2 Antemnae,,,,, Anthedon,4.25,55 E4,,,,, Anthedon,5.68,70 E2,,,,, Anthedus p.,4.18,58 UNLOC Anthedos,,,,, Anthemus,4.36,UNLOC,,,,, Anthemus,6.118,91 UNLOC,,,,, Anthemus r.,6.15,87 G1,,,,, Anthemusa = Samus,5.135,,,,,, Anthemusia,5.86,67 G3,,,,, Anthi,6.35,UNLOC,,,,, Anthia,4.16,58 UNLOC,,,,, Anthinae / Pisistratus' isl.,5.137,UNLOC,,,,, Anthium,4.45,UNLOC,,,,, Anthropophagi,"4.88, 6.53",6 UNLOC Scythae Androphagi,,,,, Anthropophagi,6.195,UNLOC,,,,, Antiadalaei,6.154,UNLOC,,,,, Antibacchias isl.,6.173,4 UNLOC,,,,, Antichthones = Taprobane,6.81,,,,,, Anticyra,4.8,55 D4 Antikyra,,,,, Antigonea,4.34,50 B2 Antigoneia?,,,,, Antigonea = Mantinea,4.20,,,,,, Antigonenses,4.2,UNLOC,,,,, Antigonia = Troas,5.124,,,,,, Antilibanus m.,"5.77, 5.80",68 B5,,,,, Antinates (Antinum),3.106,44 D2,,,,, Antiochi isl.,5.131,UNLOC,,,,, Antiochia,5.108,65 A2 Antiochia ad Maeandrum,,,,, Antiochia,"5.66, 5.79, 6.24, 6.213",67 C4,,,,, Antiochia,6.132,UNLOC,,,,, Antiochia (Arabian),6.117,? 93 D3 Jebel Khayabir / Alexandria?,,,,, Antiochia / Nesebis (in Mygdonia),6.42,89 D3 Nisibis / Antiochia,,,,, Antiochia = Alexandria,6.47,,,,,, Antiochia = Caesarea,5.94,,,,,, Antiochia = Edessa,5.86,,,,,, Antiochia = Trallis,5.108,,,,,, Antiochia isl.,5.151,UNLOC,,,,, Antiochia near Daphne,5.79,68 C4 Antiochia / Theoupolis,,,,, Antiochia on the Euphrates,5.86,67 F2 Ourima / Antiochia ad Euphratem,,,,, Antiochid sea = Caspian,2.167,,,,,, Antiochieses,4.35,UNLOC,,,,, Antiphellos / Habesos,5.100,65 C5,,,,, Antipolis,"3.35, 3.68, 3.79, 6.217",16 D2,,,,, Antirrhium c.,"2.205, 4.6",55 B4 Antirrhion Pr.,,,,, Antissa,5.139,56 C3,,,,, Antissa isl.,"2.204, 2.206",UNLOC,,,,, Antium,"3.57, 3.81",43 C4,,,,, Antoniopolitae = Tripolitani,5.111,,,,,, Anxa / Callipolis,3.100,45 G4 Kallipolis / Anxa,,,,, Anxani Frentani (Anxanum),3.106,42 G4,,,,, Anxatini,3.106,44 UNLOC,,,,, Anxur = Tarracina,3.59,,,,,, Aornos,4.2,UNLOC,,,,, Aorsi,"4.80, 6.39",84 E2 Aorsoi,,,,, Aous / Aeas r.,3.145,49 B3,,,,, Apamea,5.81,68 B3 Pella / Apamea,,,,, Apamea,"5.86, 6.119",67 F2,,,,, Apamea,"6.129, 6.132, 6.146",93 C1,,,,, Apamea / Celaenae / Cybotos / Damea,"5.106, 5.113, 5.127, 5.145, 16.240",65 D1 Apamea / Kelainai / Kibotos,,,,, Apamea / Myrlea of the Colophonians,"5.143, 5.149",52 D4 Brylleion / Myrleia / Apamea / Col. Iulia Concordia,,,,, Apamea Rhagiane,6.43,94 A4 [Khuvar] / Choara / Apameia (Rhagiane)?,,,,, Apamestini,3.105,45 UNLOC,,,,, Apartaei,6.21,UNLOC,,,,, Apate,6.155,4 UNLOC,,,,, Apaturos,6.18,87 L2 Apatouros,,,,, Apavortene,6.46,97 E2 Apavortene,,,,, Aperlae,5.100,65 C5,,,,, Aperopia isl.,4.56,58 E3,,,,, Apesantus m.,4.17,58 D2 Apesas M.,,,,, Aphas r.,4.4,54 C3,,,,, Aphrodisias,4.44,22 UNLOC,,,,, Aphrodisias,6.111,UNLOC,,,,, Aphrodisias / Politice Orgas,5.122,56 UNLOC,,,,, Aphrodisias = Erythea,4.120,,,,,, Aphrodisias c.,5.104,61 F4,,,,, Aphrodisienses (Aphrodisias),5.109,65 A2 Aphrodisias / Ninoe,,,,, Aphrodisium,3.57,UNLOC,,,,, Aphrodisium r.,31.10,,,,,, Aphrodites,5.64,74 UNLOC,,,,, Aphroditopolite n. (Aphroditopolites),5.49,77 E3 Aphroditopolites Nomos,,,,, Apia = Peloponnesus,4.9,,,,,, Apidanus r.,4.30,55 C2 Apiandos fl.,,,,, Apilas r.,4.34,UNLOC,,,,, Apina,3.104,45 UNLOC,,,,, Apiolae,3.70,44 UNLOC,,,,, Apis,5.39,38 UNLOC,,,,, Apitami,6.150,4 B2,,,,, Aple,6.134,93 UNLOC,,,,, Apollo c.,"5.20, 5.23, 5.24",UNLOC,,,,, "Apollo Clarius, cave of",2.232,,,,,, "Apollo Curius, spring of ",32.17,,,,,, Apollo Phaestius h.,4.7,55 C4 Phaistinos,,,,, "Apollo shrine, at Claros",5.116,,,,,, "Apollo Surius, spring of",31.22,,,,,, "Apollo, city of (Appollonopolis)",5.60,77 E3 Apollonopolis Heptakomias Mikra,,,,, "Apollo, oracle = Branchidae",5.112,,,,,, Apollonia,"4.37, 4.38",55 A3,,,,, Apollonia,4.42,51 C3,,,,, Apollonia,"4.45, 4.78, 6.32",22 E6 Apollonia Pontica,,,,, Apollonia,4.59,60 D2,,,,, Apollonia,"5.31, 5.32",38 C1 Apollonia / Sozousa,,,,, Apollonia,5.69,69 A5,,,,, Apollonia (Apolloniates),"2.237, 3.100, 3.145, 6.216",49 B3,,,,, Apollonia = Assos,"5.123, 5.126",,,,,, "Apollonia on the Rhyndacum, Apolloniatae","5.123, 6.217",52 D4 Apollonia ad Rhyndacum,,,,, Apollonia Thynias,6.32,42 G2 Thynias / Apollonia / Daphnousia Ins.,,,,, Apolloniatae,4.92,UNLOC,,,,, Apolloniatae (Apollonia),5.109,65 B2 Apollonia Salbakes,,,,, Apollonihieritae,5.111,62 UNLOC Apollonos Hieron,,,,, Apollonopolite n.,5.49,77 E2 Apollonopolites Nomos,,,,, Apollo's town,6.189,UNLOC,,,,, Appennine forest (Appennini Silva),3.74,,,,,, Appenninus m.,"2.194, 2.229, 3.48, 3.48, 3.53, 3.109, 3.115, 3.118, 6.218, 8.227, 10.78",1 E2 Ap(p)enninus M.,,,,, Appiani (Appia),5.105,62 C3,,,,, Apros,"4.47, 4.48",51 UNLOC,,,,, Aprusa r.,3.115,40 D4,,,,, Aprustani (Aprustum),3.98,46 E3,,,,, Apta Julia,3.36,15 E2,,,,, Apteron,4.59,60 B2 Aptera,,,,, Apuli,"3.38, 3.104",45 B1,,,,, Apulia ,"3.99, 3.103, 3.151, 6.217",45 C2,,,,, Apuscidamus l.,31.22,UNLOC,,,,, Aquae,5.21,32 D4,,,,, Aquae Cutilae,2.209,UNLOC,,,,, Aquae Regiae,4.4,UNLOC,,,,, Aquae Scantiae,2.240,44 UNLOC,,,,, Aquae Sextiae,3.36,15 E2 Col. Aquae Sextiae,,,,, Aquae Statiellorum,3.49,39 C4,,,,, Aquenses Taurini (Aquae Tauri),3.52,42 B4,,,,, Aquicaldenses (Aquae Calidae),3.23,25 H4,,,,, Aquileia,"2.225, 3.126, 3.127, 3.129, 3.131, 3.132, 6.218",19 F4,,,,, Aquiloni (Aquilonia),3.105,44 B2, ,,,, Aquinates = Saltus Galliani,3.116,,,,,, Aquinum,3.63,44 E3,,,,, Aquitania / Aquitani,"3.37, 4.108, 6.218, 31.4",25 E2,,,,, Aquitania / Aremorica,4.105,14 F3,,,,, Aquitanic b.,4.109,25 C2 Aquitanicus Sinus,,,,, Araba,6.193,82 D5,,,,, Arabeta,6.178,81 UNLOC,,,,, Arabia Eudaemon = Arabia Felix,6.138,,,,,, Arabia Felix / Arabia Eudaemon / Beatae,"5.65, 5.87, 6.138",76 G3 Arabia Eudaemon,,,,, "Arabia, Arabes","2.169, 2.178, 2.201, 5.59, 5.60, 5.61, 5.65, 5.66, 5.67, 5.68, 5.69, 5.70, 5.72, 5.74, 5.85, 5.86, 5.87, 6.25, 6.84, 6.90, 6.95, 6.98, 6.100, 6.104, 6.108, 6.109, 6.116, 6.117, 6.118, 6.125, 6.129, 6.136, 6.138, 6.139, 6.140, 6.141, 6.142, 6.143, 6.154, 6.156, 6.160, 6.162, 6.163, 6.165, 6.167, 6.168, 6.170, 6.176, 6.177, 6.178, 6.179, 6.191, 6.212, 6.213, 12.51, 12.54, 12.55, 12.56, 12.57, 12.82, 12.83, 12.84, 16.160, 19.7, 19.14, 19.15, 31.18, 37.204",3 D4,,,,, Arabian b.,"2.168, 2.169, 2.73, 6.108",4 A1 Arabicus Sinus / Erythr(ae)um / Rubrum Mare,,,,, Arabic n. (Arabia),5.49,74 F3 Arabia Nomos,,,,, Arabis r.,6.109,6 B4,,,,, Arabricenses,4.118,26 UNLOC Arabriga,,,,, Aracelitani (Aracelium),3.24,24 H1,,,,, Araceni,6.157,83 B2 Sarakenoi § Araceni,,,,, Aracha isl.,6.111,93 G4 Arakia?,,,,, "Arachosia, Arachosii / Arachotae","6.61, 6.78, 6.92",6 B3,,,,, Aracynthus m.,4.6,55 A4 Arakynthos M.,,,,, Arados,"2.227, 5.78, 5.128",68 A4 ,,,,, Arae,5.42,UNLOC,,,,, Araethyrea = Phlius,4.13,,,,,, Arama,6.178,UNLOC,,,,, Aramii = Sacae,6.50,,,,,, Aramum,6.179,81 UNLOC,,,,, Aranditani (Arandis),4.118,26 B4,,,,, Arar r.,3.33,17 D2,,,,, Araris r.,3.32,15 A2 Arauris,,,,, Arasmi,6.48,UNLOC,,,,, Arassenses (Arassa),5.147,65 B4 Araxa,,,,, Aratthus r.,4.4,54 D3 Arachthos fl.,,,,, Arausio,3.36,15 D1 Col. Arausio,,,,, Araxes r.,"6.25, 6.26, 6.42",90 B2,,,,, Araxus c.,"4.13, 4.55",58 A1 Araxos Pr.,,,,, Arba,3.140,20 B5,,,,, Arba isl.,3.140,20 B5,,,,, Arbae,6.77,6 B4 Arabitai,,,,, Arbelitis = Sittacene,6.132,,,,,, Arbii,"6.95, 6.110",6 B4 Aribitai,,,,, Arbila / Arbilitis,"2.180, 6.41, 6.132",89 G4 Arbela,,,,, Arbium r.,6.97,6 B4,,,,, Arca,5.74,68 B4,,,,, "Arcadia / Drymodes / Pelasgis, Arcades","2.227, 2.231, 3.56, 4.20, 4.21, 4.22, 7.205, 16.238, 31.14, 31.10, 31.26, 31.27",58 B2,,,,, Archaeopolis,5.117,UNLOC,,,,, Archelais,6.8,63 E4 Garsaura / Col. Claudia Archelais / Koloneia,,,,, Archidemia sp.,3.89,47 UNLOC,,,,, Archippe,3.108,UNLOC,,,,, Archisarmi,6.192,UNLOC,,,,, Archous r.,6.132,93 B2,,,,, Arcobrigenses (Arcobriga),3.24,25 C4,,,,, Arconesos,4.74,51 UNLOC,,,,, Arconnesus isl.,5.133,61 E4 Arkonnesos Ins.,,,,, Arctonnesos = Cyzicum,5.142,,,,,, Ardabae,6.77,6 UNLOC,,,,, Ardea,3.56,43 C3,,,,, Areatae,4.41,UNLOC,,,,, Arecomici,3.37,15 C2,,,,, Arelate,3.36,15 D2 Theline / Col. Arelate § Col. Iulia Paterna Sextanorum Arelate,,,,, Aremni,6.178,UNLOC,,,,, Aremorica = Aquitanica,4.105,,,,,, Arene,4.15,58 UNLOC Arene / Arena,,,,, Arethusa,6.159,68 C4,,,,, Arethusa sp.,"2.225, 3.89",47 G4 Arethusae Fons,,,,, Arethusa sp.,4.25,UNLOC,,,,, Arethusa sp.,4.64,UNLOC,,,,, Arethusii (Arethusa),"4.35, 4.38",51 B3 Arethousa,,,,, Arethusii (Arethusa),5.82,68 C4 Areth(o)usa,,,,, Aretissa l.,"2.226, 6.127",89 F2 Arsissa / Aretissa L.,,,,, Areus r.,5.148,UNLOC,,,,, Areva r.,3.27,25 C4,,,,, Arevaci,"3.19, 3.27, 4.112",25 B4,,,,, Argaeus m.,6.8,63 E4 Arg(ai)os M.,,,,, Argaris m.,5.68,UNLOC,,,,, Argennon isl.,5.135,56 C5 Argennon Pr.,,,,, Argenteus r.,3.35,16 B3,,,,, Argenuus,6.97,6 B4, ,,,, Argetini,3.105,UNLOC,,,,, Argiae isl.,5.133,61 D3 Argiai,,,,, Arginusae isl.,"5.137, 5.140, 8.225",56 D3 Arginous(s)ai Inss.,,,,, Argolian b. (Argolicus Sinus),"4.17, 4.56",58 D3,,,,, "Argolica, Argolis","2.225, 4.1",58 D2,,,,, Argos Amphilochicum,4.5,54 D4 Argos Amphilochikon?,,,,, Argos Hippium = Arpi,"3.104, 4.17",,,,,, Argos Inachium / Argos Dipsium / Argos Dipsion,"4.18, 7.195",UNLOC Argos,,,,, "Argos, Argives","3.51, 4.22, 6.214, 7.194",58 D2,,,,, Argyna,4.7,55 UNLOC,,,,, Argyre isl.,6.80,6 UNLOC,,,,, Argyripa = Arpi,3.104,,,,,, Argyruntum,3.140,20 C5,,,,, Aria = Chalceritis,6.32,,,,,, "Aria, Arii ","6.78, 6.92, 6.113, 6.212",98 B4 Ar(e)ia,,,,, Arialdunum,3.10,26 UNLOC,,,,, "Ariana, Ariani","6.93, 6.95, 6.113, 6.116",6 UNLOC,,,,, Aricia,"2.240, 3.63",43 C3,,,,, Aries,6.61,98 B4 Ar(e)ia,,,,, Arimaspi,"4.88, 6.50",UNLOC,,,,, Arimi,5.127,62 A4 Katakekaumene,,,,, Ariminum,"3.112, 3.115, 6.218",40 D4,,,,, Ariminus r.,3.115,40 C4 Ariminus § Maricla fl.,,,,, Arimphaei,"6.19, 6.34",UNLOC,,,,, Arinates,3.114,UNLOC,,,,, Arine isl.,4.56,UNLOC,,,,, Arinistae,3.143,UNLOC,,,,, Arisbe,5.125,51 H4,,,,, Arisbe,5.139,56 C3 Arisba,,,,, Aristaeum,4.45,22 E6 ,,,,, Aristera isl.,4.56,58 E3,,,,, Arius r.,6.93,98 C4,,,,, Armenia,"2.180, 4.39, 5.83, 5.84, 5.127, 6.27, 6.28, 6.37, 6.39, 6.40, 6.112, 6.114, 6.118, 6.129, 6.131 , 6.141, 6.216, 6. 217, 7.98, 31.25",89 C1,,,,, Armenia Maior,"2.226, 6.9, 6.12, 6.24, 6.25, 6.26, 6.41, 6.42, 6.127",88 B4,,,,, Armenia Minor,"5.83, 5.102, 6.9, 6.24, 6.25, 6.26",64 G2,,,,, Armenian Gates,5.99,89 UNLOC Armeniae Pylae,,,,, Armenochalybes,"6.12, 6.29",89 False,,,,, Armine,6.6,86 F1 Armene,,,,, Armua r.,5.22,32 A3,,,,, Armuzia,6.107,3 G4 Harmozeia / Armuzia,,,,, Arnates (Arna),3.113,42 C2 Arna,,,,, Arne,4.28,55 D4,,,,, Arnum r.,3.22,25 H4,,,,, Arnus r.,"3.50, 3.52",41 D2,,,,, Arogas r.,3.96,46 E4 Arocas fl.,,,,, Arosape r.,6.93,6 UNLOC,,,,, Aroteres,"4.44, 6.39",84 UNLOC,,,,, Aroteres (Aethiopian),6.173,UNLOC,,,,, "Arpi / Argos Hippium /Argyripa, Arpani","2.211, 3.104, 3.105, 4.17",45 C1 Argos Hippium / Arpi / Argyripa,,,,, Arpinates (Arpinum),3.63,44 E2,,,,, Arraei Sarmatae,4.41,UNLOC,,,,, Arreni,6.157,83 C5,,,,, "Arretines (Arretium), Arretini Fidentiores, Arretini Julienses, Arretini Veteres","3.52, 3.53, 3.54",42 B2,,,,, Arrhene,6.128,UNLOC,,,,, Arroni,4.111,24 D1,,,,, Arrotrebae / Artabri,"4.111, 4.114, 4.119",24 C1 Artabri / Arrotrebae,,,,, Arsa,3.14,26 UNLOC,,,,, Arsace,6.113,97 D2 Asaak / Arsace,,,,, Arsagalitae,6.78,6 C3,,,,, Arsamosata,6.26,89 B2,,,,, Arsanias r.,"5.84, 6.128",89 B2,,,,, Arsanus r.,5.84,64 UNLOC,,,,, Arsennaria,5.19,30 inset,,,,, Arsi,"6.48, 6.155",4 UNLOC,,,,, Arsia r.,"3.44, 3.129, 3.132, 3.139, 3.150",20 B4,,,,, Arsinoe,5.130,72 A2,,,,, Arsinoe,5.61,75 D2 Krokodilopolis / Ptolemais Euergetis § Arsinoe?,,,,, Arsinoe,"5.65, 6.167",74 H5 Clysma § Arsinoe,,,,, Arsinoe,5.92,66 C4,,,,, Arsinoe / Teuchira,"5.31, 5.32",38 B1 Arsinoe / Taucheira,,,,, Arsinoite n. (1) (Arsinoites),"5.50, 5.61",75 D2 Arsinoites / Krokodeilopolites Nomos,,,,, Arsinoite n. (2),5.50,UNLOC,,,,, Artabri = Arrotrebae,4.114,,,,,, Artabrum / Magnum / Olisiponensian c.,"2.242, 4.113",24 B1 Nerion / Artabrum / Celticum / Magnum Pr.,,,,, Artacabene,6.93,6 UNLOC Artacoana / Artacabene,,,,, Artacaeon,5.151,52 B4 Artace,,,,, Artacaeon isl,5.151,52 B4 Artake,,,,, Artace,"5.141, 5.142",52 B4,,,,, Artacoana,6.93,6 UNLOC Artacoana / Artacabene,,,,, Artaxata,"6.26, 6.42",89 G1,,,,, Artemisia = Dianium,3.81,,,,,, Artemisium,4.64,55 E2 Artemision,,,,, Artemisius m.,"4.17, 4.21",58 D2 Artemision M.,,,,, Artemita,6.117,91 F4 Karastel / Artemita?,,,,, Artemita isl.,"4.5, 4.67",UNLOC,,,,, Arthabatitae,6.195,UNLOC,,,,, Arthedon isl.,5.138,UNLOC,,,,, Articula isl.,6.184,UNLOC,,,,, Artigi Julienses,3.10,26 E3 Artigi,,,,, Artynia l.,5.142,52 D4 Miletopolitis / Apolloniatis / Artynia l.,,,,, Arunci,3.14,26 C4 Arucci,,,,, Arunda,3.14,26 E5,,,,, Arusium,14.73,UNLOC,,,,, Arva,3.11,26 E4,,,,, Arverni,4.109,17 B2,,,,, Arviates,3.148,20 D2 Arabiates,,,,, Arycanda,5.95,65 D4,,,,, Arycandus r.,5.100,65 D5,,,,, Asachae,6.191,UNLOC,,,,, Asampatae,6.22,84 UNLOC,,,,, Asamus r.,3.149,22 B5,,,,, Asana r.,5.13,1 B4,,,,, "Asara, Asaraei","6.168, 6.193",4 UNLOC,,,,, Asarduma,6.178,UNLOC,,,,, Asbytae,5.34,38 B1 / D1,,,,, Ascalo,"5.68, 6.213, 12.109",70 F2 Ashqelon / Ascalon,,,,, Ascania,5.144,52 F4 Askania,,,,, Ascania isl.,4.71,61 A5,,,,, Ascaniae isl.,5.138,UNLOC,,,,, Ascanium r.,5.144,52 E4 Kios / Askanios fl.,,,,, Ascanius h.,5.121,56 D4 Kyllene? / Ascanius Portus?,,,,, Ascanius l.,5.148,52 E4 Askania Lacus,,,,, Ascapos,4.74,51 UNLOC,,,,, Ascitae (Arabians),6.176,4 E2 Askitai,,,,, Ascliae isl.,6.148,UNLOC,,,,, Asculacae (Macedones),5.123 ,UNLOC,,,,, Asculum,3.111,42 F3,,,,, Asel,6.193,UNLOC,,,,, Asia,"2.127, 2.173, 2.181, 2.200, 2.205, 2.208, 2.210, 2.225, 2.232, 3.3, 4.39, 4.49, 4.71, 4.75, 4.78, 4.83, 4.86, 4.87, 4.90, 4.122, 5.47, 5.48, 5.95, 5.97, 5.102, 5.118, 5.120, 5.126, 5.127, 5.128, 5.139, 5.141, 5.142, 5.150, 6.1, 6.7, 6.18, 6.24, 6.31, 6.33, 6.36, 6.97, 6.209, 6.210, 7.98, 7.99, 9.50, 10.79, 10.132, 12.57, 18.215, 19.15, ",,,,,, Asiaces r.,2.230,UNLOC,,,,, Asiatic Sea,5.102,UNLOC,,,,, Asido Caesarina,3.11,26 E5,,,,, Asinaeus b.,"4.15, 4.56",58 C4 Asinaeus / Coronaeus Sinus,,,,, Asine,4.15,58 B4,,,,, Asines r.,3.88,47 G3 Asinius fl. § Asines fl. § Akesines? Fl.,,,,, Asini,6.77,UNLOC,,,,, Asisinates (Asisium),3.113,42 D2,,,,, Asium,4.59,60 UNLOC Asos,,,,, Asmagi,6.73,6 C3 Assakanoi § Asmagi,,,,, Asopis,4.13,UNLOC,,,,, Asopis = Euboea,4.64,,,,,, Asopus r.,5.105,65 B2 Asopos?,,,,, Aspagani,6.79,6 B2 Astakenoi / Sattagydai § Aspagani,,,,, Aspelia = Cyprus,5.129,,,,,, Aspendus,5.96,65 F4 Aspendos / Primoupolis,,,,, Asphaltites l.,"2.226, 5.71, 5.72, 5.73",71 A2 Mortuum Mare / Asphaltitis L.,,,,, Aspis isl.,4.57,8 E2,,,,, Aspis isl.,5.131,65 B4,,,,, Aspis isl.,5.138,61 D1,,,,, Aspledon,4.26,55 D3,,,,, Assera,4.38,50 D3 Asseros,,,,, Asseriates (Asseria),"3.130, 3.139",20 C5,,,,, Assoi,6.78,6 C3 Assakanoi § Assoi,,,,, Assorini (Assorus),3.91,47 E3,,,,, Assos / Apollonia,"2.210, 5.123",56 C3,,,,, Assyrani,4.85,23 UNLOC,,,,, Assyria = Armenia Adiabene,5.66,,,,,, "Assyria, Assyrians","5.86, 6.41, 6.117, 6.120, 6.121, 7.192, 7.203, 18.216",86 E2,,,,, Astabores r.,5.53,82 E4,,,,, Astacae,6.5,UNLOC,,,,, Astacenus b.,"5.148, 5.149",52 F3,,,,, Astacus,5.148,52 F3 Astakos,,,,, Astapus r.,5.53,4 A3 Astapous fl.,,,,, Astelephus r.,6.14,87 G2 Astelephos / Euripos fl.,,,,, Asteria = Delos,4.66,,,,,, Asteria = Rhodos,5.132,,,,,, Asterion m.,4.17,UNLOC,,,,, Asteris isl.,4.55,54 C5 Asteria Ins.,,,,, Astice,4.45,52 C2 Astike,,,,, Astigi / Augusta Firma,"3.7, 3.12",26 E4 Astigi / Col. Augusta Firma,,,,, Astigi Vetus,3.12,26 UNLOC,,,,, Astosapes r.,5.53,UNLOC,,,,, Astrabe = Casos,4.70,,,,,, Astron r.,5.122,56 UNLOC,,,,, Astura isl.,"3.57, 3.81",44 C3,,,,, Astura r.,3.57,43 D4,,,,, Astures,4.111,24 E1 Astures Transmontani,,,,, Astures Augustani,3.28,24 E2,,,,, Astures m.,3.6,24 E2 Iuga Asturum,,,,, Astures Transmontani,3.28,24 E1,,,,, Asturia,"4.112, 4.118",24 E1,,,,, Asturica (Asturum conventus),"3.18, 3.28",24 E2,,,,, Astypalaea isl.,"2.243, 4.71",61 C4 Astypalaia Ins.,,,,, Astyre,5.122,56 D3 Astyra?,,,,, Asylum,6.135,94 UNLOC,,,,, Atabuli,6.189,UNLOC,,,,, Atabyria = Rhodos,5.132,,,,,, Atalante isl.,"2.204, 4.71",55 E3,,,,, Atarnea,5.122,56 D3 Artneus,,,,, Atax r.,3.32,25 H2,,,,, Ategua,3.10,27 A4,,,,, Atellani (Atella),3.63,44 F4,,,,, Ater m.,5.35,35 D4,,,,, Aternus,3.44,42 G4,,,,, Aternus r.,"3.106, 3.110",42 F4,,,,, Atesis r.,3.121,40 A1 At(h)esis fl.,,,,, Ateste,3.130,40 B2,,,,, Atesui,4.107,UNLOC,,,,, Athamanes (Athamania),4.6,55 A2,,,,, Athamas m.,4.29,55 UNLOC,,,,, Athen,6.179,UNLOC,,,,, Athena,6.181,81 UNLOC Attenia,,,,, Athenae,6.159,4 C3 Adane / Athenae / Eudaimon Arabia,,,,, Athenopolis,3.35,16 C3,,,,, "Athens (Athenae), Athenians (Athenienses)","2.54, 2.120, 2.188, 2.201, 2.225, 3.58, 3.95, 4.24, 4.25, 4.57, 5.113, 5.125, 6.2157.194, 16.240, ",59 B3,,,,, Athernei,6.22,84 UNLOC,,,,, Athos m.,"4.37, 4.72, 4.73, 18.215",51 C4,,,,, Athotadrus isl.,6.99,UNLOC,,,,, Athribis,5.64,74 E4,,,,, Athribite n. (Athribites),5.49,74 E3 Athribites Nomos,,,,, Athrida,6.159,4 B2 Athroula / Laththa § Athrida,,,,, Athyras / Pidaras r.,4.47,52 C2,,,,, Atianos r.,6.55,UNLOC,,,,, Atina,3.131,8 UNLOC,,,,, Atinas Campus (plain of),2.225,45 B4,,,,, Atinates (Atina),3.63,44 E2,,,,, Atinates (Atina),"3.98, 3.104, 3.105",45 C4,,,,, Atlantes,"5.44, 5.45",UNLOC,,,,, Atlantia = Aethiopia,6.187,,,,,, Atlantic ocean/sea / Great Sea (Atlanticus oceanus; Atlanticum mare; Magnum mare),"2.205, 3.3, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.74, 4.114, 5.6, 5.140, 6.175, 6.199, 6.212, 37.37",1 A3,,,,, Atlantici = Cambolectri,3.36,,,,,, Atlantis,"6.199, 6.201",UNLOC,,,,, Atlas / Addiris m.,"5.5, 5.10, 5.11, 5.13, 5.14, 5.16, 6.199, 6.201, 27.2",1 B4,,,,, Atlas isl.,6.199,UNLOC,,,,, Atraces (Atrax),4.6,55 C1,,,,, Atragia isl.,4.71,UNLOC,,,,, Atramitae,"6.155, 12.42",4 C2 Adramiton Chora § Atramitis,,,,, Atrani (Atre),3.105,45 C1,,,,, "Atrapatene, Atrapateni",6.42,89 H2 Media Atropatene,,,,, Atrax,4.29,55 C1,,,,, Atrax r.,4.6,UNLOC,,,,, Atrebates,4.106,8 F3,,,,, Atria,3.120,40 C2 (H)Atria,,,,, Atrian marshes (Atrianorum Paludes),3.120,40 C3,,,,, Atriatic Sea (Atriaticum Mare) = Hadriatic Sea,3.120,,,,,, Attacori,6.55,6 D3,,,,, Attaleia,5.121,56 F3,,,,, Attalenses,5.126,UNLOC,,,,, Attalenses,5.146,UNLOC,,,,, Attali,6.125,UNLOC,,,,, Attali,6.125,UNLOC,,,,, Attana,6.149,UNLOC,,,,, Attelebussa isl.,5.131,UNLOC,,,,, Attene,6.148,95 B4,,,,, Attica / Attice / Acte,"4.1, 4.19, 4.23, 4.24, 4.32, 4.62, 4.63, 4.71, 7.191, 7.200, 10.78, 18.214",59 B2,,,,, Attidiates (Attidium),3.113,42 D2,,,,, Atussa,5.143,UNLOC,,,,, Auchetae,"4.88, 6.22",84 UNLOC,,,,, Audaristenses (Audaristos),4.35,50 A2,,,,, Aufentum r.,3.59,44 D3 Ufens fl.,,,,, Aufidentates (Aufidena),3.107,44 F2,,,,, Aufidus r.,3.102,45 C2,,,,, Aufinates Cismontani (Aufinum),3.107,42 F4,,,,, Augilae,"5.26, 5.27, 5.43, 5.45",38 C4 Augilai,,,,, Augurina = Segida,3.10,,,,,, Augusta Bagiennorum,3.49,39 B4,,,,, Augusta Bracara = Bracara,4.112,,,,,, Augusta Emerita,4.117,26 D3,,,,, Augusta Firma = Astigi,3.12,,,,,, Augusta Gemella = Tucci,3.12,,,,,, Augusta Nova = Nova Augusta,3.27,,,,,, Augusta Praetoria,"3.43, 3.123",39 A2,,,,, Augusta Taurinorum,"3.123, 3.132",39 B3,,,,, Augusta Tricastinorum,3.36,17 D5 Noiomagos / Col. Augusta Tricastinorum,,,,, Augustan canal (Fossa Augusta),3.119,40 C3,,,,, Augustani = Astures,3.28,,,,,, Augustani = Ceretani,3.23,,,,,, Augustani = Saetabitani,3.25,,,,,, Augustani = Urbs Iulia Gaditana,4.119,,,,,, Augustobrigenses (Augustobriga),4.118,26 E2,,,,, Aulerci Cenomani,4.107,14 F1,,,,, Aulerci Eburovices,4.107,11 A4 Eburovices,,,,, Aulis,"4.26, 4.64",55 F4,,,,, Aulocrene,"5.106, 16.240",65 D1 Aulutrene / 'Aulocrene' L.,,,,, Aulocrene m.,5.113,62 FALSE,,,,, Aulon,4.14,58 B3,,,,, Aulon Cilicius,5.130,66 F4,,,,, Aunios isl.,4.111,24 C2,,,,, Aurelia = Carisa,3.15,,,,,, Aureum Cornu,9.51,UNLOC,,,,, Aurini = Saturnini,3.52,,,,,, Aurinia = Saturnini,3.52,,,,,, Aurunci,3.56,44 E3,,,,, Ausci,4.108,25 F2 Auscii,,,,, Ausculani (Ausculum),3.105,45 C2 Ausculum,,,,, Auser r.,3.50,41 C1,,,,, Ausetani,"3.22, 3.23",25 H4,,,,, Ausones,"3.56, 3.95",44 UNLOC,,,,, Ausonian Sea (Ausonium Mare),"3.75, 3.95, 3.151, 14.69",1 G3 Siculum / Ausonium Mare,,,,, Austaceni,2.235,UNLOC,,,,, Austeravia = Glaesaria,"4.97, 37.42",,,,,, Autacae,6.21,UNLOC,,,,, Autaei (Arabians),"6.158, 6.167, 6.168",4 UNLOC,,,,, Autaridea,6.153,UNLOC,,,,, Authiandae,6.21,UNLOC,,,,, Authusiani,6.50,UNLOC,,,,, Automate = Hiera,"2.202, 4.70",,,,,, Automula,6.75,6 C5,,,,, Autoteles / Autololes,"5.5, 5.9, 5.17, 6.201",28 A6 Autololes / Autoteles,,,,, Autrigones,3.27,25 C2,,,,, Auximates (Auximum),"3.63, 3.111",42 E2,,,,, Avalitae,6.157,4 B3 Aualites,,,,, Avalitu b.,6.174,4 B3 Aualites,,,,, Avantici,3.37,17 G4,,,,, Avatici,3.34,15 E3,,,,, Avennio,3.36,15 D2,,,,, Avens r.,3.109,42 D4,,,,, Avernus l.,"3.61, 31.6, 31.21",44 F4,,,,, Aves,5.25,35 B1,,,,, Aves r.,5.21,30 F3,,,,, Avesticos,4.74,51 UNLOC,,,,, Avitta,5.30,32 E4 Avitta Bibba,,,,, Axanthos isl.,4.103,7 A3 Uxantis Ins.,,,,, Axati,3.11,26 E4,,,,, Axenus = Pontus,4.76,,,,,, Axiacae,4.82,23 D1,,,,, Axinus = Pontus,6.1,,,,,, Axius r.,"4.34, 4.35, 31.14",50 A1 Axios fl.,,,,, Axon r.,5.103,65 A4,,,,, Aza,6.26,89 B1 Haza / Hassis,,,,, Azali,3.148,20 F2,,,,, Azanian sea / ocean (Azanium mare),"6.108, 6.153, 6.172",4 B5 Azanium Mare,,,,, Azetae,5.81,UNLOC,,,,, Azibintha isl.,4.71,61 UNLOC,,,,, Azochis,6.118,UNLOC,,,,, Azoni,6.118,89 UNLOC,,,,, Azotos,5.68,70 F2 Ashdod / Azotos (Mesogeios),,,,, Babba / Iulia Campestris,5.5,28 UNLOC Babba / Col. Iulia Campestris Babba,,,,, Babylon ,"2.235, 2.237, 5.89, 5.90, 6.109, 6.117, 6.120, 6.121, 6.123, 6.124, 6.213",91 F5,,,,, "Babylonia / Mesopotamia, Babylonians","2.188, 2.191, 5.66, 5.86, 5.87, 5.89, 6.121, 6.122, 6.129, 6.133, 6.212, 7.193, 18.216",93 A1,,,,, Bacaschami,6.158,4 UNLOC Bacaschami Riphearina,,,,, Bacata,6.178,UNLOC,,,,, Bacchias isl.,6.173,4 UNLOC,,,,, Bacchium isl.,5.138,UNLOC,,,,, Bachylitae,6.158,4 B3,,,,, Baclanaza,6.157,83 B3,,,,, Bactra / Zariasta,"6.45, 6.48",98 G2 Bactra / Zariaspa,,,,, "Bactria, Bactri / Bactrians","2.236, 4.39, 6.47, 6.48, 6.52, 6.92, 6.134, 6.216, 16.160",99 B2,,,,, Bactrus r.,"6.48, 6.52",6 B2 Bactrus? / Zariaspis? fl.,,,,, Bacuntius r.,3.148,20 F4,,,,, Baebiani = Ligures Baebiani,3.105,,,,,, Baeculonenses (Baeculo),3.23,27 B3 Baecula?,,,,, Baedro,3.10,26 E3,,,,, Baelo,"3.7, 5.2",26 E5,,,,, Baesippo,"3.7, 3.15",26 E5,,,,, Baetasi,4.106,11 F1,,,,, Baeterrae,"3.36, 14.68",15 A3 Col. Baeterrae,,,,, Baethaemi = Hylatae,5.81,,,,,, Baetica,"3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.13, 3.16, 3.17, 3.19, 3.30, 4.116, 4.118, 4.119, 5.2",1 C3,,,,, Baetis r.,"2.219, 3.7, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12, 3.13",26 E4,,,,, Baetulo,3.22,25 H4,,,,, Baeturia Celtici (Baeturia Celtica),"3.13, 3.14",26 D3,,,,, Baeturia Turduli (Baeturia Turdulorum),"3.13, 3.14",26 E3,,,,, Bagienni,"3.47, 3.49, 3.117, 3.149",39 B4 Augusta Batiennorum § Bagienni,,,,, Bagrada r.,5.24,3.20E+04,,,,, Baiae,"3.61, 14.61, 14.64, 31.5",44 F4,,,,, Baian bay (Baianus sinus),"2.227, 31.4",44 F4,,,,, Balanea,5.79,68 A3,,,,, Balari,3.85,48 B2,,,,, Balbura,5.101,65 C4 Balboura,,,,, Balce,5.126,56 UNLOC,,,,, Balcia / Basilia isl.,4.95,10 UNLOC,,,,, Balesium,3.101,45 H3 Valentium / Balesium § Valentia § Balsentium,,,,, Baletum r.,3.72,46 UNLOC Baletus,,,,, Baliares / Gymnasiae isl.,"3.76, 3.77, 3.78, 6.216, 8.226, 10.133, 10.135, 14.71",27 inset,,,,, Baliaric Sea (Baliaricum Mare),3.74,27 F2,,,,, Balla,5.37,36 UNLOC,,,,, Ballienses,3.64,UNLOC,,,,, Ballii,6.194,UNLOC,,,,, "Balsa, Balsenses","4.116, 4.118",26 C4,,,,, Bambyce / Hierapolis / Mabog,"5.81, 5.89",67 F3 Hierapolis / Bambyke,,,,, Banasa / Valentia,5.5,28 B4,,,,, Banbotum r.,5.10,UNLOC,,,,, Bangeni,6.176,UNLOC,,,,, Baniurae,5.17,28 C4,,,,, Bantini (Bantia),3.98,45 D3,,,,, Baracum,5.37,36 D4,,,,, Barasasaei,6.155,4 UNLOC Brasasa,,,,, Barbatia,6.146,93 UNLOC,,,,, Barbesula,"3.8, 3.15",26 E5,,,,, Barbesula r.,3.8,26 E5,,,,, Barbitace,6.133,93 UNLOC,,,,, Barce = Ptolemais,5.32,,,,,, Barcino / Faventia,3.22,25 H4 Col. Barcino,,,,, Bardili,4.118,26 UNLOC,,,,, Bargus r.,4.50,22 UNLOC,,,,, Bargylia,5.107,61 F3,,,,, Bargylus m.,5.78,68 B3,,,,, Baria,3.19,27 D4,,,,, Barigaza,6.174,UNLOC,,,,, Baris,5.147,65 D2,,,,, Barium,3.102,45 E2,,,,, Barpana isl.,3.81,41 UNLOC,,,,, Basa isl.,6.151,UNLOC,,,,, Basaboiates,4.108,UNLOC,,,,, Basilia = Balcia,4.95,,,,,, Basilicus b.,5.112,61 E3,,,,, Basilidae,4.88,UNLOC,,,,, Bassi,4.106,25 UNLOC,,,,, "Basta, Basterbini","3.100, 3.105",45 H4,,,,, Basternae,"4.81, 4.100, 7.98",22 F3 Bastarnae,,,,, "Bastitania, Bastitani","3.10, 3.19, 3.25",27 C4,,,,, Bastuli (Basti),"3.8, 3.19, 3.25",27 C4,,,,, Batavi (Batavodurum),"4.101, 4.106",10 B5 Batavodurum / (Ulpia) Noviomagus § Batavi,,,,, Bateni,6.48,6 UNLOC,,,,, Bathea Pontus,2.224,UNLOC,,,,, Bathymi,6.149,UNLOC,,,,, Bathynias r.,4.47,52 D2,,,,, Bathys r.,6.12,87 G3,,,,, Batinum r.,3.110,42 F3 Batinus? fl.,,,,, Batrasavaves,6.149,UNLOC,,,,, Baucidias isl.,4.56,UNLOC,,,,, Bauli,3.61,44 F4,,,,, Baunonia,4.94,10 UNLOC,,,,, Beatae = Arabia Felix,5.65,,,,,, Bebryces,5.127,52 E2 Bebrykes,,,,, Becare,6.105,5 D5 Bakare,,,,, Bechires,6.11,UNLOC,,,,, Bedesis r.,3.115,40 C4,,,,, Bedriacum,10.135,39 G3,,,,, Begerri,4.108,27 UNLOC Bigerra / Begerra,,,,, Belbina isl.,4.56,58 F3,,,,, Belendi,4.108,UNLOC,,,,, Belgica [Gallia Belgica],"4.105, 16.161,",11 G2,,,,, Belgites,3.148,20 UNLOC,,,,, Belippo,3.15,26 UNLOC,,,,, Bellovaci,4.106,11 B3,,,,, Belus / Pacida,"5.75, 5.81, 5.82, 6.121",69 B4,,,,, Bembinadia,4.20,58 UNLOC Bembina,,,,, Benacus l.,"2.224, 3.131",39 H2,,,,, Beneventum / Maleventum,"3.105, 32.19",44 G3,,,,, Beni,4.40,51 UNLOC Benna,,,,, Berconum,3.79,16 D2 Vergoanum,,,,, Bercorcates,4.108,UNLOC,,,,, Berdrigae,6.47,UNLOC,,,,, Berecyntius,5.108,UNLOC,,,,, Beregrani,3.111,42 UNLOC *Veregra / Beregra,,,,, Berenice,"2.183, 6.103, 6.168, 6.171",80 inset,,,,, Berenice / Hesperides,"5.31, 5.32",38 B1,,,,, Berenice Epi Dires,6.170,UNLOC,,,,, Berenice Panchrysos,6.170,81 F4,,,,, Bergi,4.104,UNLOC,,,,, "Bergomum, Bergomates","3.124, 3.125",39 F2,,,,, Beroea,"4.33, 6.216",50 B3 Ber(r)oia,,,,, Beroeenses,"5.82, 5.89",67 E4 Beroia,,,,, Berressa,6.180,82 UNLOC,,,,, Berrice,4.104,UNLOC,,,,, Beruenses,3.130,40 UNLOC Berua,,,,, Berytus / Felix Julia,"5.78, 6.213",69 C2,,,,, Besaro,3.15,26 UNLOC Belippo / Besaro,,,,, Besbicos / Besbicus isl.,"2.204, 5.151",52 D3 Besbikos Ins.,,,,, Bessi,"4.40, 6.217",22 B6,,,,, Betholeptepha,5.70,UNLOC,,,,, Bibaga isl.,6.80,6 B5 Bibakta Ins.,,,,, Biballi,3.28,24 D3,,,,, Bidini (Bidis),3.91,47 F4,,,,, Bilbilitani (Bilbilis),3.24,25 D4,,,,, Billis r.,6.4,86 C2 Billaios fl.,,,,, Binbelli,3.47,39 A4,,,,, Bisaltae (Bisaltia),"4.38, 4.40",50 D2 Bisaltia,,,,, Bisambritae,6.78,6 UNLOC,,,,, Bisanthe,4.43,51 UNLOC,,,,, Bisgargitani (Biscargis),3.23,25 UNLOC Biscargis,,,,, Bistones,4.42,51 D2,,,,, "Bithynia / Cronia / Thessalis / Malianda / Strymonis, Bithyni","2.204, 5.142, 5.143, 5.145, 5.148, 5.149, 5.150, 5.151, 31.23",52 E4,,,,, Bithynia = Thynias,5.151,,,,,, Bithynion,5.149,86 B3,,,,, Bitienses (Bitia),3.85,48 A4,,,,, Bituriges / Cubi,"4.109, 19.8",14 G1,,,,, Bituriges / Vivisci,"4.108, 19.8",14 E3,,,,, Bizone,4.44,22 F5,,,,, Bizye,4.47,52 B1,,,,, Blacippo,3.15,26 E5 Lacippo,,,,, Blanda,3.72,46 C2,,,,, Blandae,3.22,25 H4,,,,, Blascorum isl.,3.79,UNLOC,,,,, Blemmyae,"5.44, 5.46",81 D2 Blemmyes,,,,, Blendium,4.111,24 G1,,,,, Blendium harbor,4.111,24 G1 Portus Blendium,,,,, Blerani (Blera),3.52,42 C4,,,,, Boagrius r.,4.27,UNLOC,,,,, Boarium forum,10.79,,,,,, Bocchis,6.181,? 81 UNLOC Abounkis,,,,, Bocchori,3.77,27 inset,,,,, Bocchus = Mauretania Caesariensis,5.19,,,,,, Bodincomagum = Industria,3.122,,,,,, Bodincus r. = Padus r.,3.122,39 C3,,,,, Bodiocasses,4.107,7 F2 Baiocasses,,,,, Bodiontici,3.37,16 B1,,,,, Boea,4.17,58 E4 Boia(i) § Boea,,,,, Boebeis l.,4.30,55 D1 Boibe L.,,,,, "Boeotia, Boeoti / Hyantes","2.204, 2.206, 2.230, 4.1, 4.8, 4.24, 4.25, 4.26, 4.62, 4.63, 5.76, 6.216, 7.196, 8.226, 10.74, 10.78, 16.215, 31.15",55 D3,,,,, Bogghiana,6.178,81 UNLOC Bongiana, ,,,, Bogutiana = Maruetania,5.19,,,,,, Boi,"3.116, 3.124, 3.125",40 A3 Boi(i),,,,, Boi,3.146,20 D2,,,,, Boi,4.107,14 I2 Boii,,,,, Boin,5.37,36 UNLOC Boin / Boinag,,,,, Boion,4.28,55 C3,,,,, Bolani,3.69,44 UNLOC,,,,, Bolbitine (mouth),5.64,74 C2 Bolbitinon Stoma,,,,, Bolbulae isl.,5.137,UNLOC,,,,, Bolingae,6.77,6 D4,,,,, Bombos r.,5.93,66 UNLOC,,,,, Bomitae,5.80,UNLOC,,,,, Bononia = Felsina,"3.115, 6.218, 16.161",40 A4,,,,, Boos Coete = Helgas,5.143,,,,,, Borcani,3.105,45 UNLOC,,,,, Borgodi,6.148,UNLOC,,,,, Borion c.,5.28,5 inset Boreion Pr.,,,,, Borion Stoma,4.79,23 C3,,,,, Bormani (Borma),3.36,16 B3,,,,, Boron,6.178,82 D4,,,,, Borysthenes,4.78,23 E2,,,,, Borysthenes,4.82,23 F2 Borysthenitai,,,,, Borysthenes l.,4.82,23 F2,,,,, Borysthenes r.,"4.82, 4.83, 4.88, 4.91, 4.93, 6.218, 6.219, 9.45",23 F2,,,,, Bosporos Thracius,"2.205, 4.45, 4.46, 4.76, 4.77, 4.92, 5.149, 5.150, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 9.49, ",53 B2 Bosphorus,,,,, Bosporus = Panticapaeum,4.78,,,,,, Bosporus Cimmerius,"2.99, 2.205, 4.76, 4.77, 4.87, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.17, 6.18, 6.31, 6.218",87 L2 Cimmerius Bosp(h)orus,,,,, Botrys,"5.78, 6.213",68 A5,,,,, Bottiaei (Bottiaea),4.40,50 B3 Botti(ai)a / Emathia,,,,, Bova isl.,3.152,20 D6,,,,, Bovianum Undecumanorum,3.107,44 F3,,,,, Bovianum Vetus,3.107,UNLOC,,,,, Bovillae,3.63,43 C2,,,,, Braca m.,5.10,1a C3,,,,, Bracares (Bracara),"3.18, 3.28, 4.112",24 C3 Bracara Augusta,,,,, Bracata = Narbonensis,3.31,,,,,, Bragae isl.,6.150,UNLOC,,,,, Bragmanae,6.64,6 UNLOC Brachmanai,,,,, "Branchidae, oracle",5.112,,,,,, Brangosi,6.76,6 UNLOC,,,,, Brasuertae,6.77,6 UNLOC,,,,, Brattia isl.,3.152,20 D6,,,,, Brauron,4.24,"59 C3 Artemis Brauronia, T. ",,,,, Breuci,3.147,20 D4,,,,, Breves,6.179,UNLOC,,,,, Brevni,3.137,19 D2,,,,, Brietium,31.23,UNLOC,,,,, Brigae,4.40,UNLOC,,,,, Brigiani,3.137,17 H4 Brigianii,,,,, Brilessus m.,4.24,59 C2 Pentelikon / Brilessos M.,,,,, Brisari,6.55,6 UNLOC,,,,, Britanni,4.106,UNLOC,,,,, "Britannia / Albion isl., Britanni","2.186, 2.187, 2.217, 3.119, 4.102, 4.103, 4.104, 4.122, 6.219, 37.35",2 C2,,,,, Britannic sea / ocean,"4.109, 7.206 ",2 C4 Britannicum Mare,,,,, Briullitae,5.120,UNLOC,,,,, Brixa r.,6.136,94 UNLOC,,,,, Brixenetes,3.137,19 D3,,,,, Brixia,"3.130, 3.132",39 G2,,,,, Brixillum,3.115,39 H4 Brixellum,,,,, Brodionti,3.137,16 B1 Bodiontici,,,,, Bromiaeus m.,4.29,55 UNLOC,,,,, Brundisium,"2.230, 2.244, 3.99, 3.101, 3.102, 3.151, 6.216",45 G3,,,,, Brundulum,3.121,40 C2,,,,, Bruttium c.,3.5,46 C5 Leucopetra Pr. § Bruttium Pr.,,,,, "Bruttium, Bruttii","3.38, 3.71, 3.72, 3.86, 3.98",46 D3,,,,, Bryalion,5.144,52 D4 Brylleion / Myrleia / Apamea / Col. Iulia Concordia,,,,, Bryazon r.,5.148,UNLOC,,,,, Brygi,5.145,?49 D2 Brygai,,,,, Bubassus,5.104,61 G4 Bybassos,,,,, Bubastite n. (Bubastites),5.49,74 E3 Boubastites Nomos,,,,, Bubeium,5.37,36 UNLOC,,,,, Bubetani,3.69,44 UNLOC,,,,, Bubon,5.101,65 B4 Boubon,,,,, Buca,3.106,44 G1,,,,, Bucephala,6.77,6 C3 Boukephala,,,,, Bucephalus,4.18,58 E2 Boukephalos,,,,, Buces l.,"4.84, 4.88",23 G2 Bykes Limne,,,,, Buces r.,4.84,23 G2 Bykes fl.,,,,, Bucinna isl.,3.92,47 A2 Phorbantia Ins. § Bucinna Ins.,,,,, Bucolium,4.20,58 UNLOC Boukolion,,,,, Budini,4.88,UNLOC,,,,, Budroe isl.,4.61,60 B2 Boudroe Inss.,,,,, Bulba,5.37,36 UNLOC Buluba / Bulba,,,,, Bulenses (Bulis),4.8,55 D4 Boulis,,,,, Bulini,3.139,UNLOC,,,,, Buliones (Byllis),3.145,49 B3,,,,, Bulla Regia,5.22,32 C3,,,,, Bullidenses,4.35,50 UNLOC Bullidum,,,,, Buma,6.180,UNLOC,,,,, Buporthmos,4.70,UNLOC,,,,, Buprasium,4.13,58 UNLOC Buprasion,,,,, Bura,"2.206, 4.12",58 C1 Boura,,,,, Bura,6.118,91 UNLOC,,,,, Burcana / Fabaria isl.,4.97,10 C3,,,,, Burgodiones,4.99,UNLOC,,,,, "Burnum, Burnistae","3.139, 3.142",20 C5,,,,, Bursaonenses (Bursao),3.24,25 D4,,,,, Busiris,5.64,75 UNLOC Bousiris,,,,, Busirite n. (Busiris),5.49,74 E3 Bousirites Nomos,,,,, Butae,6.76,6 UNLOC,,,,, Buthrotum,"4.4, 4.52",54 B2 Bouthroton,,,,, Butoa isl.,4.61,UNLOC,,,,, Butos,5.64,74 D2 Bouto,,,,, Butrium,3.115,40 C4,,,,, Butuanum,3.144,UNLOC,,,,, Butuntinenses (Butuntum),3.105,45 E2,,,,, Buxentum / Pyxus,3.72,46 C1 Pyxous / Buxentum,,,,, Buxeri,6.11,UNLOC,,,,, Buzygaeus m.,4.29,55 UNLOC,,,,, Byblos,"5.78, 6.213",68 A5,,,,, Byzacium,5.24,33 F1,,,,, Byzantium / Lygos,"4.46, 4.78, 5.149, 6.217, 7.50, 7.51",53 A2,,,,, Cabalaca,6.29,88 F4 Chabala,,,,, Cabalia,"5.101, 5.147",65 C4 Kabalis,,,,, Cabasite n. (Cabasites),5.49,74 D2 Kabasites Nomos,,,,, Cabellio,3.36,15 E2,,,,, Cabienses (Cabum),3.64,43 C2,,,,, Cabirus r.,6.94,5 D4,,,,, Caburriates,3.47,UNLOC,,,,, Cachina isl.,6.150,4 UNLOC Cachin(n)a / Chachina / Capina,,,,, Cadaei,6.149,UNLOC,,,,, Cadeum,6.179,UNLOC,,,,, Cadieni (Macedones),5.111,UNLOC,,,,, Cadistus m.,"4.59, 4.60, 4.71",60 E2 Kadiston M.,,,,, Cadmus m.,"5.118, 10.75",65 A2 Kadmos M.,,,,, Cadrusi,6.92,6 UNLOC,,,,, Cadurci,4.109,14 G4,,,,, Cadusia,6.36,90 D2 Kadousioi,,,,, Cadusii = Legi,6.48,,,,,, Cadyanda,5.101,65 B4 Kadyanda,,,,, Caecandrus isl.,6.110,UNLOC,,,,, Caeci,5.149,UNLOC,,,,, Caeciae isl.,4.57,58 UNLOC,,,,, Caecina r.,3.50,41 C3,,,,, Caecuban field (Caecubus Ager),"2.209, 3.60, 14.61",44 D3,,,,, Caedici,"3.108, 14.62",44 UNLOC,,,,, Caela,4.47,51 G4 Koila,,,,, Caelestini,3.114,42 UNLOC,,,,, Caelia,3.101,45 E2,,,,, Caelina,3.131,UNLOC,,,,, Caene isl.,3.92,47 UNLOC,,,,, Caenia m.,3.35,17 H5 Cema M.,,,,, Caenicenses,3.36,15 UNLOC Caenica / Caenicenses,,,,, Caenici (Caenica),"4.40, 4.47",51 H3 Kainike,,,,, Caenina,3.68,44 UNLOC,,,,, Caenus c.,3.73,46 C5 Kainys Pr.,,,,, Caere / Agylla,3.51,44 B2,,,,, Caeretanus r.,3.51,44 B1 Aquae Caeretanae, ,,,, Caesaraugusta,"3.18, 3.24",25 E4,,,,, Caesarea,6.26,UNLOC,,,,, Caesarea / Antiochia,5.94,65 F5 Antiochia / Col. Caesarea,,,,, Caesarea / Iol,"3.19, 5.20, 5.21, 5.51",30 D3 Iol Caesarea,,,,, Caesarea = Mazacus,6.8,,,,,, Caesarea = Prima Flavia,"5.69, 6.213",,,,,, Caesarea Augusta / Anazarbeni,5.93,67 B2 Anazarbos / Caesarea,,,,, Caesarea Paneas,"5.71, 5.74",69 C3 Paneas / Caesarea Philippi,,,,, Caesarienses (Caesarea),5.120,61 F2 Tralles / Dia / Seleuceia ad Maeandrum / Kaisareia,,,,, Caesariensis = Mauretania,"5.19, 5.52",,,,,, Caesarii Iuvenales = Castulo,3.25,,,,,, Caesarina = Asido,3.11,,,,,, Caesarina = Norba,4.117,,,,,, Caesaris Salutariensis = Urgia,3.15,,,,,, Caesarobrigenses (Caesarobriga),4.118,27 A2,,,,, Caesena,"3.116, 14.67",40 C4,,,,, Caesi,6.73,6 D3,,,,, Caetriboni,6.73,6 UNLOC,,,,, Caiatia,3.63,44 F3,,,,, Caicus r.,"5.121, 5.125",56 E3,,,,, Caieta,3.59,44 E3,,,,, Cainnas r.,6.64,60 E5,,,,, Calabria / Messapia / Peucetia,"3.99, 3.105, 3.151, 14.69, 31.14",45 G3,,,,, Calagurritani Fibularenses (Calagurris Fibularia),3.24,25 E3,,,,, Calagurritani Nasici (Calagurris Nasica),3.24,25 D3,,,,, Calaminae isl.,2.209,UNLOC,,,,, Calamisus,4.7,55 UNLOC,,,,, Calamos,5.78,68 A5 Kalamos,,,,, Calathe,4.74,51 UNLOC,,,,, Calathusa,4.74,51 UNLOC,,,,, Calauria isl.,4.56,58 F2 Kalaureia,,,,, Calchadon / Procerastis,"5.149, 5.150, 6.3, 6.217, 9.50, 9.51",56 B3 Chalcedon,,,,, Caldone c.,6.147,UNLOC,,,,, Calenum (Cales),"2.230, 3.60, 3.63, 14.65",44 F3,,,,, Caleti,4.107,11 A3 Caletes,,,,, Caletranian Fields (Caletranus Ager),"3.52, 19.8",42 A3,,,,, Calidonia,4.102,9 C3 Caledonia,,,,, Calingae,"6.64, 6.65",5 E3,,,,, Calingi,6.159,4 B2,,,,, Calingon c.,6.72,5.00E+03,,,,, Caliordi,4.85,23 UNLOC,,,,, Calissae,6.67,5 UNLOC,,,,, Callaeci,3.28,24 C2 Callaeci Bracari,,,,, Callatis / Cerbatis,"4.44, 4.78, 6.218",22 F5,,,,, "Callet, Callenses / Aeneanici","3.12, 3.14, 3.15",26 E4,,,,, Callichorum r.,6.4,86 B2 Oxinas / Kallichoros? fl.,,,,, Callicula,3.12,27 B4 Calecula / Callicula,,,,, Callidromus m.,4.28,UNLOC,,,,, Callinipaza,6.63,UNLOC,,,,, Calliope,"6.44, 6.113",UNLOC,,,,, Callipolis,4.49,51 H4 Kallipo(u)lis,,,,, Callipolis = Anxa,3.100,,,,,, Callipolis = Dionysias,4.67,,,,,, Callippia spring,5.115,,,,,, Callirrhoe,5.86,,,,,, "Callirrhoe, hot spring",5.72,,,,,, Callirroe Enneacrunos sp.,4.24,UNLOC,,,,, Calliste = Thera,4.70,,,,,, Callode isl.,3.85,48 UNLOC,,,,, Calon Stoma (mouth),4.79,23 C3 Kalon Stoma,,,,, Calpas h.,6.4,52 G2 Kalpe,,,,, Calpe m.,"3.4, 3.5, 3.7, 6.1",26 E5,,,,, Calucones,3.137,19 B3,,,,, Calycadnus r.,"5.92, 5.93",66 D4,,,,, Calydne isl.,5.133,61 E3 Kalymna Ins., ,,,, Calydon,4.6,55 B4,,,,, Calymna isl.,4.71,61 E3 Kalymna Ins.,,,,, Calynda,5.103,65 A4 Kalynda,,,,, Calypsus / Ogygia isl.,3.96,46 UNLOC,,,,, Camacae,"6.21, 6.50",UNLOC,,,,, Camactulici,3.34,16 A3,,,,, Camae,6.50,UNLOC,,,,, Camalodunum,2.187,8 H3 Camulodunum,,,,, Camari isl.,6.151,UNLOC,,,,, Camarina,"3.89, 3.92",47 E5,,,,, Cambades m.,5.98,UNLOC,,,,, Cambalidus m.,6.134,UNLOC,,,,, Cambari r.,6.55,UNLOC,,,,, Cambolectri / Atlantici,3.36,UNLOC,,,,, Cambolectri Agessinates,4.108,25 G2 Cambolectri; 25 G2 Agessinates,,,,, Cambyses r.,6.39,88 D3 Kambyses fl.,,,,, Cambysu,6.165,UNLOC,,,,, Camelitae isl.,5.135,UNLOC,,,,, Camellani,3.114,UNLOC,,,,, Camerium,3.68,44 UNLOC Cameria,,,,, Camertes (Camerinum),3.113,42 E2 Camerinum,,,,, Caminacum,6.160,4 B2,,,,, Caminia isl.,4.71,57 E6,,,,, Camirus,5.132,60 F3 Kamiros,,,,, Cammaneni (Cammanene),6.9,63 D2 Cham(m)anene,,,,, "Campania, Compani","2.136, 2.180, 3.38, 3.40, 3.60, 6.217, 14.62, 14.69, 19.10, 31.4, 31.8, 32.17, 32.21",44 F3,,,,, Campanian bay,2.203,,,,,, Campanian Territory (Campanus Ager),3.70,44 F4,,,,, Campestres = Oscidates,4.108,,,,,, Campi Lapidei,3.34,15 D2,,,,, Camponi,4.108,UNLOC,,,,, Camunni,"3.134, 3.136",19 C4,,,,, Canae,5.122,56 D3 Kane / Autokane,,,,, Canaitis r.,5.121,56 D3 Kanaites fl.,,,,, Canama,3.11,26 E4,,,,, Canaria,6.205,1a A3 Fortunatae Inss.,,,,, Canarii,5.15,29 B3,,,,, Canas,5.101,65 UNLOC,,,,, Canastraeum c.,4.36,51 B5 Kanastraion Pr.,,,,, Canatha,5.74,69 E4 Canatha / Gabinia / Septimia,,,,, Canauna,6.150,4 B2,,,,, Canchlei,5.65,UNLOC,,,,, Candaei / Ophiophagi,6.169,4 UNLOC,,,,, Candaviae m.,3.145,49 C2,,,,, Candidum c.,5.23,32 E2,,,,, Candragori,6.193,UNLOC,,,,, Candyba,5.101,65 C5 Kandyba,,,,, Cane,6.104,4 C3 Kane,,,,, Canes,5.61,75 D4 Kynopolis,,,,, Canis r.,6.149,UNLOC,,,,, Cannenefates,4.101,10 A4 Aurelium Cananefatium / Forum Hadriani § Cananefates,,,,, Cannenses (Cannae),3.105,45 D2,,,,, Canon,6.157,4 C3,,,,, Canophic town,5.29,UNLOC,,,,, Canopitan town (Canope),5.30,32 F3 Canop(e)?,,,,, Canopus (mouth),"5.40, 5.47, 5.48, 5.62, 5.63, 5.64, 5.128",74 C2 Kanobikon Stoma,,,,, Canopus isl.,5.128,74 C2 Kanope,,,,, Cantaba r.,6.71,,,,,, Cantabri,"3.21, 3.27, 4.111, 31.23",24 G1,,,,, Canthace,6.158,4 UNLOC,,,,, Cantici,6.22,84 UNLOC,,,,, Cantiocaptae,6.21,UNLOC,,,,, Canusium,"3.102, 3.104, 6.217",45 D2,,,,, Capenates (Capena),3.52,42 D4,,,,, Caperenses (Capera),4.118,24 E4,,,,, Capeus b.,6.147,95 C3,,,,, Caphereus c.,"4.63, 4.64",55 H4 Kaphereus Pr.,,,,, Capheris,4.74,51 UNLOC Capheris Mesate Ins.,,,,, Caphrena,6.119,67 F2,,,,, Caphya,16.238,58 C2 Kaphyai,,,,, Capillati,"3.47, 3.135",UNLOC,,,,, Capisa,6.92,6 B2,,,,, Capisene,6.92,6 C2,,,,, Capitalia m.,6.74,6 C5,,,,, Capitulum Hernicum,3.63,44 UNLOC,,,,, Capotes m.,5.83,64 H1,,,,, Cappa,3.15,26 E5,,,,, "Cappadocia, Cappadocians","2.244, 4.39, 5.83, 5.84, 5.85, 5.95, 5.127, 5.145, 5.146, 6.6, 6.8, 6.9, 6.23, 6.25, 6.214, 6.215, 7.98, 8.225, 37.46",64 B2,,,,, Cappadox r.,6.9,86 E4,,,,, Capraria / Aigilion isl.,3.81,48 D1 Caprasia Ins.,,,,, Capraria isl.,"3.78, 6.202, 6.204",27 inset,,,,, Caprasia (mouth) (Ostium Caprasiae),3.120,40 C3,,,,, Capreae,3.82,44 F4,,,,, Capreatae,5.127,UNLOC,,,,, Caprus r.,5.105,65 B2 Kapros ? fl.,,,,, Capsitani (Capsa),5.30,33 C4 Capsa (Iustiniana),,,,, Capua,"3.43, 3.63, 14.62, 14.69",44 F3,,,,, Carabmis c.,"2.245, 4.86, 6.6",86 D1 Karambis Pr.,,,,, "Caralis, Caralitani","2.243, 3.85",48 B3,,,,, Caralitanum c. (Caralitanum promunturium),"3.84, 3.87",48 B3,,,,, Carambucis r.,6.34,UNLOC,,,,, Carandra b.,6.167,UNLOC,,,,, Caranitis,5.83,UNLOC,,,,, Carastasei,6.21,UNLOC,,,,, Carbantorate,3.36,15 E1 Carpentorate / Forum Neronis,,,,, Carbantus m.,6.133,UNLOC,,,,, Carbilesi,4.40,UNLOC,,,,, Carbileti,4.40,22 D6 Kabyle,,,,, Carbonaria (mouth) (Ostium Carbonaria),3.121,40 C2 Ostium Carbonaria,,,,, Carbula,3.10,26 E4,,,,, Carcasum Volacrum Tectosagum,3.36,25 H2 Carcas(s)o / Col. Iulia,,,,, Carcathiocerta,6.26,89 False Karkathiokerta,,,,, Carcine,"4.84, 4.85",23 G2 Karkine?,,,,, Carcinites b.,"4.84, 4.85, 4.93",23 F3 Karkinitis Kolpos,,,,, Carcinus r.,3.96,46 E4,,,,, Cardamine isl.,6.169,4 UNLOC Kardamine,,,,, Cardamyle,4.16,58 C4 Kardamyle,,,,, Cardava,6.154,4 B2,,,,, Cardia,"4.48, 4.49",51 H3 Kardia / Lysimacheia,,,,, Carduchi / Cordueni,6.44,UNLOC,,,,, Cardytenses,5.82,UNLOC,,,,, "Carecini, Lower (Carecini Infernates)",3.106,44 F1,,,,, "Carecini, Upper (Craecini Supernates)",3.106,44 F2,,,,, Carene,5.122,56 D3 Karene?,,,,, Carenses (Cara),3.24,25 D3 Car(t)a,,,,, Cares,6.20,UNLOC,,,,, Caresus r.,5.124,52 A4 Karesos? fl.,,,,, Caria / Maeonia,"2.244, 5.103, 5.105, 5.107, 5.108, 5.110, 5.113, 5.119, 5.133, 6.215, 7.203, 8.229, ",61 F2,,,,, Carice,2.205,UNLOC,,,,, Carietes,3.26,25 C3,,,,, Carina,5.145,UNLOC,,,,, Caripeta,6.160,4 C3,,,,, Carisa / Aurelia,3.15,26 E5 Caris(s)a,,,,, "Carmania, Carmani(i)","6.84, 6.95, 6.98, 6.107, 6.109, 6.110, 6.113, 6.149,6.152, 6.212, 12.56, 37.39",3 G4,,,,, Carmei,6.157,4 B2 C(h)armei,,,,, Carmelum / Acbatana,5.75,69 B4 Karmiel,,,,, Carnae,6.21,UNLOC,,,,, Carne,5.79,68 A4,,,,, Carni,"3.38, 3.127, 3.130, 3.131, 3.133, 3.146",19 F3,,,,, Carnion,4.20,UNLOC,,,,, Carnos isl.,4.53,54 C4 Karnos Ins.,,,,, Carnuntum,"4.80, 37.44",13 B4,,,,, Carnus,6.154,4 B2 Karna,,,,, Carnuteni (Carnutes),4.107,11 B4 Carnutes,,,,, Caroni,6.22,84 UNLOC,,,,, Carpasium,5.130,72 E1 Karpasia § Carpasium,,,,, Carpathian Sea (Carpathium Mare),"2.243, 4.71, 5.102, 5.133",61 E5 Karpathion Mare,,,,, Carpathos / Carpathus isl.,"4.60, 4.71, 5.133",60 E4 Karpathos Ins.,,,,, Carpetana m.,3.6,24 F4 Carpetana Iuga,,,,, "Carpetania, Carpetani ","3.19, 3.25",27 A1,,,,, Carphati,6.150,4 UNLOC Carphati / Karbai,,,,, Carpi,5.24,? 32 G2 Aquae Carpitane,,,,, Carrea Potentia,3.49,39 B3 Carreum Potentia,,,,, Carrei,6.161,83 C5,,,,, Carrhae,5.86,67 H3,,,,, Carrinian territory (Carrina),2.231,24 UNLOC Carrinensis Ager,,,,, Carseolani (Carseoli),3.106,44 D1 Carsioli,,,,, Carsulani (Carsulae),3.113,42 D3,,,,, Cartana / Tetrogonis,6.92,6 UNLOC,,,,, Carteia / Tartesos,"3.7, 3.17, 6.214",26 E5 Carteia / Calpe / Karpessos,,,,, Cartenna,5.20,30 B3,,,,, Carteria isl.,5.138,UNLOC,,,,, Carthaea,4.62,58 G2 Karthaia,,,,, "Carthago (Magna), Carthaginians","2.169, 2.200, 3.8, 3.21, 3.123, 5.4, 5.8, 5.24, 5.25, 5.26, 5.40, 5.41, 5.42, 5.76, 6.199, 6.200, 6.212, 7.199, ",32 F3 Carthago,,,,, Carthago Nova,"3.9, 3.16, 3.18, 3.19, 3.21, 3.25, 3.76, 6.215",27 E4,,,,, Carusa,6.7,87 A3 Karousa,,,,, Caryanda,5.107,61 F3 Karyanda,,,,, Caryanda isl.,5.134,61 E3 Karyanda Ins.,,,,, Carystus,"4.51, 4.64, 6.216",58 G1 Karystos,,,,, Casani,6.150,4 B2,,,,, Cascantenses (Cascantum),3.24,25 D3,,,,, Casilinum,3.70,44 F3,,,,, Casinum,"2.227, 3.63",44 E3,,,,, Casiri (of India),6.55,6 UNLOC Scythae Androphagi / Casiri / Komaroi / Gamerae / Kallatiai,,,,, Casius m.,"5.65, 5.68, 6.167",70 C3,,,,, Casius m.,5.80,68 A2 Cas(s)ius M.,,,,, Casmonates,3.47,UNLOC,,,,, Casos / Astrabe isl.,"4.70, 4.71, 5.133",60 G2 Kasos Ins.,,,,, Caspasum r.,6.50,UNLOC,,,,, Caspi,"6.39, 6.40, 6.45, 6.46, 6.114, 6.217",90 UNLOC Kaspioi / Caspii,,,,, Caspian / Seleucid / Antiochid Sea,"2.167, 2.168, 2.173, 5.97, 5.99, 6.15, 6.17, 6.26, 6.27, 6.28, 6.31, 6.35, 6.36, 6.37, 6.39, 6.40, 6.42, 6.46, 6.51, 6.52, 6.53, 6.58, 6.112, 6.131, 6.216, 6.218",90 F2 Caspium / Hyrcanium Mare,,,,, Caspian Gates,"5.99, 6.30, 6.40, 6.43, 6.44, 6.45, 6.61, 6.76, 6.214",88 C2 Kaspiai Pylai / Caucasiae Portae,,,,, Cassandra isl.,6.111,UNLOC,,,,, Cassandria / Potidaea,"2.150, 4.36, 6.216",50 D4 Kassandreia,,,,, Cassiope,4.52,54 A2 Kassiope,,,,, Cassiterides isl.,"4.119, 7.197",UNLOC,,,,, Cassopaei (Cassopia),4.2,55 C3 Kassopia, ,,,, Castabala,"5.93, 6.8",67 C2 Hierapolis / Kastabala,,,,, Castalius sp.,4.8,UNLOC,,,,, Castana,4.32,55 D1 Kasthaneia,,,,, Castellum Firmanorum,3.111,42 F2,,,,, Castra Caecila,4.117,26 D2 Castra Caecilia,,,,, Castra Cornelia,"5.24, 5.29",32 F2 Castra Corneli(ana),,,,, Castra Gemina,3.12,26 UNLOC,,,,, Castra Hannibalis,3.95,46 E4,,,,, Castra Servilia,4.117,26 UNLOC,,,,, Castra Vinaria,3.10,26 UNLOC,,,,, Castrimoenienses (Castrimoenium),3.63,43 C2,,,,, Castrum Ilium = Urgia,3.15,,,,,, Castrum Novum,"3.44, 3.110",42 F3,,,,, Castrum Novum,3.51,44 A1,,,,, "Castulo / Caesarii Iuvenales, Castulonenses","3.17, 3.25, 3.29",27 B3,,,,, Casuagus r.,6.65,6 F4,,,,, Casuentillani,3.113,42 B1,,,,, Casuentum r.,3.97,45 D3 Casuentus fl.,,,,, Casus r.,6.39,88 G3 Kasios fl.,,,,, Casyponis,5.91,66 UNLOC,,,,, Catabanes,5.65,UNLOC,,,,, Catabani,6.153,UNLOC,,,,, Catabathmus,"5.32, 5.38, 5.39",73 C2 Catabathmus Maior,,,,, Cataces,"6.92, 14.75",6 UNLOC,,,,, Catadupi,5.54,80 inset Cataracta Prima,,,,, Catadupi,6.178,4 UNLOC Kadoupoi,,,,, Cataeetae,6.22,84 UNLOC,,,,, Catali,3.133,20 A4,,,,, Cataonia,"5.127, 6.6, 6.9, 6.24, 6.214",64 C4 Kataonia,,,,, "Cataract, last (Cataracta Prima)","5.54, 5.59",80 inset Cataracta Prima,,,,, Catari,3.148,20 UNLOC,,,,, Catarractes r.,5.96,65 E4 Katarraktes fl.,,,,, Catenates,3.137,12 F4 Cat(t)enates?,,,,, Catharraei,6.148,95 D4,,,,, Cathei m.,6.21,UNLOC,,,,, Catina,"3.88, 3.89, 6.214",47 G3 Katane / Catina,,,,, Catizi,4.44,UNLOC,,,,, Catoslugi,4.106,11 B3,,,,, Caturia Gazelum,6.6,UNLOC,,,,, Caturiges,"3.125, 3.137",17 G4,,,,, Caucasian Gates (Caucasiae Portae),"6.30, 6.31, 6.40",88 C2 Kaspiai Pylai / Caucasiae Portae,,,,, Caucasus / Croucasis m.,"4.39, 5.98, 6.14, 6.15, 6.16, 6.21, 6.28, 6.29, 6.37, 6.39, 6.41, 6.46, 6.47, 6.50, 6.60, 6.62, 6.71, 6.78, 9.62, 6.134, 6.137, 6.217",88 B2,,,,, Caucasus = Paropanisus,6.71,,,,,, Caucasus m. (in India),"6.60, 6.62",6 D3 Hemodos / Imaus / Caucasus M.,,,,, Caucenses (Cauca),3.26,24 G3,,,,, Cauchian plains,6.129,UNLOC,,,,, Caucinian (wine),14.63,UNLOC,,,,, Caudini (Caudium),3.105,44 G3,,,,, Cauline (wine),14.69,UNLOC,,,,, Caulon,"3.95, 3.96",46 D5 Caulonia,,,,, Caunaravi,6.159,UNLOC,,,,, Caunos,"5.104, 5.131, 6.214",65 A4,,,,, Caura,3.11,26 D4,,,,, Caurienses (Caurium),4.118,26 D2,,,,, Cauros = Ceos,4.65,,,,,, Cauthadae,6.21,UNLOC,,,,, Cavares,3.34,15 D2,,,,, Cavares,3.36,17 D5,,,,, Cavi,3.143,UNLOC,,,,, Caystrus r.,5.115,62 D4 Kaystros fl.,,,,, Cea = Ceos,"4.62, 2.206",,,,,, Cea = Coos,5.134,,,,,, Ceae,6.77,6 C3 Kekeoi,,,,, Cebenna m.,"3.31, 4.105",17 B4,,,,, Cebrenia,5.124,56 D2 Kebren,,,,, Cecryphalos isl.,4.57,58 E2 Kekryphaleia,,,,, Cedrei,5.65,UNLOC,,,,, Celadine = Rhene,4.67,,,,,, Celadusa = Rhene,4.67,,,,,, Celadussae isl.,3.152,20 C6,,,,, Celaenae = Apamea,"5.106, 5.145",,,,,, Celegeri,3.149,21 C6,,,,, Celeia,3.146,20 C3,,,,, Celenderitis (Celenderis),5.92,66 C4, ,,,, Celsenses (Celsa),3.24,25 E4,,,,, Celti,3.11,26 E4,,,,, "Celtiberia, Celtica, Celtiberi, Celtici","3.8, 3.13, 3.14, 3.19, 3.20, 3.25, 3.26, 3.28, 3.27, 4.111, 4.116, 4.118, 4.119, 6.218",25 B4,,,,, Celtica,6.34,UNLOC,,,,, Celtica / Lugdunensis,4.105,17 C2 Lugdunensis,,,,, Celtici,3.28,26 C2,,,,, Celtici Neri,4.111,24 B2 Neri,,,,, Celtici Praestamarci,4.111,24 C2 Praestamarci,,,,, Celtici Supertamarci,4.111,24 C2 Supertamarci,,,,, Celtici Turduli,4.116,26 C4,,,,, Celticum c.,"4.111, 4.114",24 B1 Nerion / Artabrum / Celticum / Magnum Pr.,,,,, Cemenelum,3.47,16 D2,,,,, Cenaeum,4.63,55 D3 Kenaion,,,,, Cenchreae,"4.10, 4.18, 4.57",58 D2 Kenchreai,,,,, Cendebia marsh,5.75,UNLOC,,,,, Cenomani,3.130,39 F3,,,,, Cenomani = Aulerci Cenomani,4.107,,,,,, Centuripini (Centuripae),3.91,47 F3,,,,, Ceos / Cea / Hydrusa / Cauros / Antandrus / Lasia / Nonagria / Epagris isl.,"2.206, 4.62, 4.65",58 G2 Keos Ins.,,,,, Cephallania / Melaena isl.,"4.54, 4.55, 32.18",54 C5,,,,, Cephaloedis,3.90,47 E2 Cephaloedium,,,,, Cephalonesus isl.,4.93,23 F2 Kephalonesos,,,,, Cephalotomi,6.16,84 UNLOC,,,,, Cephania,6.41,UNLOC,,,,, Cepheni,6.28,UNLOC,,,,, Cephisia sp.,4.24,59 B2 Kephisos fl.,,,,, Cephisus r.,"2.230, 4.8, 4.26, 4.27",55 D3,,,,, Cepoe,6.18,87 L2 Kepoi,,,,, Ceraine,5.145,UNLOC,,,,, Ceramic b.,"5.107, 5.134",61 E4 Kerameios / Doridis Sinus,,,,, Ceramus,5.109,61 F3 Keramos,,,,, Ceramus,5.133,UNLOC,,,,, Cerastis = Cyprus,5.129,,,,,, Cerasus,6.11,87 D4 Kerasous / Pharnakeia,,,,, Cerauni,3.143,UNLOC,,,,, Ceraunian m.,"5.99, 6.20, 6.27, 6.29",88 F3 Ceraunii M.,,,,, Ceraunii m.,4.2,49 B3,,,,, Cerbalus r.,3.103,45 C2,,,,, Cerbani,"6.154, 6.161",4 C3,,,,, Cerbatis = Callatis,4.44,,,,,, Cerceii,"2.201, 3.56, 3.57, 3.58, 3.59, 3.62",44 D3 Circeii 2,,,,, Cercetae,"6.16, 6.17",84 D4 Kerketai,,,,, Cercetii m.,4.30,55 UNLOC,,,,, Cercetius m.,5.135,61 D2 Kerketeus M.,,,,, Cerciae isl.,5.137,UNLOC,,,,, Cercina,5.41,33 H3,,,,, Cercina isl.,5.41,33 H3,,,,, Cercinitis isl.,5.41,33 H3,,,,, Cereatini Mariani (Ceretae Marianae),3.63,,,,,, Ceretani (Augustani and Juliani),"3.22, 3.23",25 G3 Cer(r)etani,,,,, Cerialis = Ebora,3.10,,,,,, Ceribobus,6.115,UNLOC,,,,, Cerinthos,4.64,55 E3 Kerinthos,,,,, Cermorus,4.38,51 UNLOC Kermoros,,,,, Cerne,"6.198, 6.199",UNLOC,,,,, Cerona r.,31.12,UNLOC,,,,, Cesani,6.159,UNLOC,,,,, Cescum,31.15,UNLOC,,,,, Cessero,3.36,15 A3 Araura/Cessero,,,,, Cessetania,3.21,25 G4,,,,, Cestria,4.4,UNLOC,,,,, Cestrini,4.2,54 B2 Kestrine / Kammania,,,,, Cetius r.,5.126,UNLOC,,,,, Ceutrones (Forum Claudii Ceutronum),3.135,17 H2 Axima / Forum Claudii Ceutronum § Ceutrones,,,,, Chabrias,5.68,UNLOC,,,,, Chabura spring,31.16,UNLOC,,,,, Chaculatae,6.155,4 UNLOC,,,,, Chadisia,6.9,87 B3,,,,, Chadisia r.,6.9,87 B3,,,,, Chaeronea,4.26,55 D4,,,,, Chalaeon,4.7,55 C4 Chaleion,,,,, Chalastra,4.36,50 C3,,,,, Chalce isl.,5.133,60 F3 Chalke Ins.,,,,, Chalceritis / Aria,6.32,UNLOC,,,,, Chalcia isl.,4.71,60 F3 Chalke Ins.,,,,, Chalcidene,5.81,68 C2 Chalcis ad Belum,,,,, Chalcis,6.159,UNLOC,,,,, Chalcis isl.,4.53,UNLOC,,,,, Chalcis m.,4.6,55 B4 Chalkis M.,,,,, Chalcis on the Belus,"5.81, 5.89",68 C2 Chalcis ad Belum,,,,, "Chalcis, Chalcidians","3.61, 3.62, 4.64, 6.216 ",55 F4,,,,, Chalcitis isl.,5.151,53 B3 Chalkitis / Demonnesos Ins.,,,,, Chalcodontis = Euboea,4.64,,,,,, Chaldaea,5.90,93 UNLOC,,,,, "Chaldaei, Chaldaeans (Chaldaei)","6.121, 6.123, 6.143, 6.145",93 UNLOC Chaldaea,,,,, Chaldaic lakes,"6.131, 6.134",93 C2 Chaldaici? L.,,,,, Chalonitis,"6.122, 6.131",89 False,,,,, Chalybes,"6.11, 7.197",87 B3,,,,, "Chaonia, Chaones",4.2,54 B2,,,,, Characene,6.136,93 C2 Mesene / Characene,,,,, Characeni,4.85,23 UNLOC,,,,, Charadrus,5.79,68 UNLOC,,,,, Charaeta = Dionysia,5.131,,,,,, Charax / Alexandria,"6.100, 6.124, 6.125, 6.130, 6.135, 6.136, 6.138, 6.145, 6.146, 6.147, 6.156",93 D3 Jebel Khayabir / Alexandria? / Antiochia? / Spasinou Charax?,,,,, Charbrusa,4.74,51 UNLOC,,,,, Chardaleon,6.150,4 B1,,,,, Chariattaei,6.157,UNLOC,,,,, Charien r.,6.14,87 G2 'Arios' / Charieis fl.,,,,, Charini,4.99,UNLOC see Bude,,,,, Charmae,6.75,6 D4,,,,, Charybdis,3.87,47 H2,,,,, Chasamari,6.192,UNLOC,,,,, Chasirus m.,6.136,UNLOC,,,,, Chatramotitae,"6.154, 6.161",UNLOC,,,,, Chatti,4.100,11 I2,,,,, Chauci,"4.99, 4.101, 16.2, 16.5",10 D3,,,,, Chelidoniae isl.,"2.227, 5.131, 6.206",65 D5,,,,, Chelidonium c.,5.97,65 D5,,,,, Chelonates c.,4.13,58 A2 Chelonatas Pr.,,,,, Chelonitis isl.,6.151,4 B2,,,,, Chelonophagi,6.109,3 UNLOC Chelonophagoi,,,,, Chenneseri,6.158,4 UNLOC,,,,, Cherronesus,"4.43, 4.45, 4.47, 4.48, 4.49, 4.72, 4.74, 4.75, 4.78, 4.86, 5.32, 6.217",51 G4 Chersonesus,,,,, Cherronesus (Rhodian),31.30,UNLOC,,,,, Cherronesus Nea,4.85,23 G4 Palaia Chersonesos,,,,, Cherusci,4.100,10 F4,,,,, Chesius r.,5.135,61 D2 Chesios fl.,,,,, Chia = Chios,5.136,,,,,, Chimaera m.,"2.236, 5.100, 5.131 ",65 D5,,,,, Chimarone m.,4.29,55 UNLOC,,,,, Chimera,4.4,49 B3 Chimaira,,,,, Chimerion = Cimmerium,6.18,,,,,, Chindita,6.178,81 UNLOC,,,,, Chindrum r.,6.48,96 A3 Babol / Chindrum? / Erindes? / Charinda(s)? fl.,,,,, Chiniavensian town (Chiniava),5.29,32 E3,,,,, Chios,5.136,56 C5,,,,, Chirotosagi,6.64,6 F4,,,,, Chius / Aethalia / Chia / Macris / Pityusa / Pelinnaeus isl.,"2.245, 4.51, 5.136, 5.138, 5.139, 6.214, 6.215, 6.241, 14.73, 32.16",56 B5,,,,, Chlamydia = Delos,4.66,,,,,, Chlorus r.,5.91,67 C3 Karsos fl.,,,,, Choamani,6.47,6 UNLOC,,,,, Choani,6.159,UNLOC,,,,, Choara,6.44,96 A4 Cho(a)rene,,,,, Choaspes r.,6.130,93 E2 Shaur / Choaspes? / Eulaeus? / Eknu? fl.,,,,, Choatras m.,5.98,89 UNLOC Choathras M.,,,,, Chobum r.,6.14,87 G2 Chorsos / Chobos fl.,,,,, Chodae,6.158,UNLOC,,,,, Choerogylion isl.,5.131,UNLOC,,,,, Choma,5.101,65 C4,,,,, Chomarae,6.47,6 UNLOC,,,,, Chora = Lower Egypt,6.212,,,,,, Chorasari = Persians,6.50,,,,,, Chorasmi,6.48,UNLOC,,,,, Chorranitae,6.159,UNLOC,,,,, Chrisobora,6.69,6 D4,,,,, Chroasai,6.50,UNLOC,,,,, Chrysa,"5.122, 5.123",56 C2,,,,, Chryse c.,6.55,UNLOC,,,,, Chryse isl.,6.80,6 UNLOC Chryse / Aurea Ins.,,,,, Chrysea isl.,4.61,60 E3,,,,, Chrysei,6.73,5 UNLOC,,,,, Chryseon Ceras c.,4.46,53 A2 Chrysokeras,,,,, Chrysopolis,5.150,53 B2,,,,, Chrysorrhoa r.,5.110,UNLOC,,,,, Chrysorrhoas r.,5.74,69 C5 Chrysoroas fl.,,,,, Chrysorrhoas r.,6.14,87 G1,,,,, Chryssorrhoas = Geudos,5.148,,,,,, Chullu,5.22,31 F2,,,,, Chytri,5.130,72 C2 Chyt(h)roi,,,,, Chytrophoria = Hippi,5.117,,,,,, Cibarci,4.111,24 D1,,,,, Cibilitani (Cibilis),4.118,26 B4,,,,, Cibotos = Apamea,5.106,,,,,, Cibotus m.,2.205,UNLOC,,,,, Cibyra,"5.92, 5.105",65 B3,,,,, Cibyratae,5.103,65 C4 Kibyratis,,,,, Ciconae,6.55,UNLOC,,,,, Cicones,"2.226, 4.43",51 F3 Kikones,,,,, Cicynethus isl.,4.72,55 E2,,,,, Cidamus,"5.35, 5.36",35 B4,,,,, Cilbian m.,5.115,56 UNLOC Kilbion M.,,,,, "Cilbiani, Lower",5.120,UNLOC,,,,, "Cilbiani, Upper",5.120,UNLOC,,,,, Cileni,"4.111, 4.112",24 C2,,,,, Cilicia,"5.66, 5.67, 5.80, 5.91, 5.92, 5.93, 5.94, 5.96, 5.99, 5.127, 5.129, 5.130, 6.7, 6.24, 6.142, 6.213, 7.98, 8.225, 18.215, 31.11, 31.15, 31.17",67 B2,,,,, Cilician Gates,5.91,67 C3 Amanikai Pylai / Ciliciae Portae,,,,, Cilician Gates,"5.99, 6.214",66 F2 Kilikiai Pylai,,,,, Cilician Mandacandeni = Mandacandeni,5.123,,,,,, Cilician Sea,"5.96 , 5.129, 5.130",66 F4 Cilicius Aulon,,,,, Cilla,5.122,56 UNLOC Killa,,,,, Cilliba,5.35,35 C2 Tillibari,,,,, Cimbri,"2.148, 4.95, 4.97, 4.99",10 UNLOC,,,,, Cimbrian Cape,"2.167, 4.96, 4.97",10 E1 Chersonesos Kimbrike,,,,, Ciminian woods,2.211,42 C4 Ciminius M.,,,,, Cimmerii,6.35,UNLOC,,,,, Cimmeris,5.123,UNLOC,,,,, Cimmerium,3.61,UNLOC,,,,, Cimmerium,4.87,87 UNLOC,,,,, Cimmerium / Chimerion,"6.18, 6.19",87 Inset UNLOC Kimmeris / Kimmerikon / Kimmerike / Cimmerium / Kerberias / Cerberion,,,,, Cimmerius Bosporus = Bosporus ,"2.99, 2.205, 4.76, 4.77, 4.87, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.17, 6.18, 6.31, 6.218",,,,,, Cimolis,6.5,86 E2 Kinolis,,,,, Cimolus / Echinusa isl.,4.70,60 C5 Kimolos Ins.,,,,, Cinaedopolis isl.,5.134,UNLOC,,,,, Cinara isl.,4.70,61 C4 Kinaros Ins.,,,,, Cincienses,3.24,UNLOC,,,,, Cingilla,5.86,67 UNLOC,,,,, Cingulani,3.63,44 UNLOC,,,,, Cingulani (Cingulum),3.111,42 E2 Cingulum,,,,, Cinithi,5.30,33 E4 / 35 C1 Cinithii,,,,, Cinyps,5.27,35 G2 Kinyps,,,,, Cinyps r.,5.27,35 G2 Kinyps fl.,,,,, Cinyria,5.130,72 C3 Amathous,,,,, Cios,"5.144, 5.148",52 E4 Prusias ad Mare / Kios,,,,, Cios r.,5.144,52 E4 Kios / Askanios fl.,,,,, Circaeum,6.13,UNLOC,,,,, Circius m.,5.98,UNLOC,,,,, Cirnaba b.,6.55,UNLOC,,,,, Cirrha,4.7,55 C4 Kirra,,,,, Cirta Sittianorum,5.22,31 F4,,,,, Cisamon,4.59,60 A2 Kisamos,,,,, Cisimbrium,3.10,27 A4,,,,, Cisippades,5.27,35 G3,,,,, Cismontani = Aufinates,3.107,,,,,, Cisori,6.194,UNLOC,,,,, Cispii,6.194,UNLOC,,,,, Cissa,4.48,UNLOC,,,,, Cissa isl.,3.151,20 C5,,,,, Cisserusa isl.,5.133,UNLOC,,,,, Cissi,6.35,UNLOC,,,,, Cissii m.,6.21,UNLOC,,,,, Cissyros,4.74,51 UNLOC,,,,, Cistaepe,6.179,82 UNLOC Gistate / Cist(a)epe,,,,, Cisthene,5.122,56 D3 Kisthene?,,,,, Citarini,3.91,UNLOC,,,,, Cithaeron m.,4.25,55 E4,,,,, Citharista,3.34,15 F3,,,,, Citheni m.,6.44,UNLOC,,,,, Citis,6.170,UNLOC,,,,, Citium,5.130,72 D3 Kition § Citium,,,,, Cizania,5.37,36 UNLOC,,,,, Cizici,6.19,84 UNLOC,,,,, Clampetia,3.72,46 D3,,,,, Clanis = Liris r.,3.59,,,,,, Clanis r.,"3.53, 3.54",42 C3,,,,, Clari,6.150,4 UNLOC Clara / Clari / Glari,,,,, Clariae,4.41,22 UNLOC,,,,, Claritas Julia = Ucubi,3.12,,,,,, Claros,5.116,61 E1 Klaros,,,,, Classica = Forum Iuli,3.35,,,,,, Claterna,3.116,40 B4,,,,, Claudiopolis,5.85,64 UNLOC Claudias / Claudiopolis,,,,, Claudius m.,3.148,20 UNLOC,,,,, Clazomenae,"2.149, 5.117, 7.201, 14.73, 32.18",56 D5 Klazomenai,,,,, Clazomeni,6.20,UNLOC,,,,, Cleonae,"4.12, 4.20",58 D2 Kleonai,,,,, Cleonae,4.37,51 C4 Kleonai,,,,, Clibanus,5.94,66 B3 Germanicopolis / Clibanus ?,,,,, Clibanus m.,3.96,46 UNLOC,,,,, Clidae c.,5.129,72 F1 Kleides Pr.,,,,, Clides isl.,5.130,72 F1 Kleides Inss.,,,,, Climax Megale,6.115,UNLOC,,,,, Cliternia,3.103,42 E4,,,,, Cliternini (Cliternia),3.106,44 H2,,,,, Clitorium,4.20,58 C2 Kleitor,,,,, Clodian canal (Fossa Clodia),3.121,40 UNLOC,,,,, Clostra Romana,3.57,44 C3,,,,, Cluana,3.111,42 F2,,,,, Cludrus r.,5.108,62 C5 Klydros fl.,,,,, Clunia,"3.18, 3.26, 3.27",25 B4,,,,, Clupea,6.212,32 H3 Aspis / Clipea,,,,, Clupea isl.,5.42,? 32 H3 Aspis / Clipea,,,,, "Clusini Novi, Clusini Veteres (Clusium)",3.52,42 B2,,,,, Clusiolum,3.114,42 UNLOC,,,,, Clypea,5.24,32 H3 Aspis / Clipea,,,,, Cnemis,4.27,55 D3 Knemis,,,,, "Cnidus, Cnidii","2.236, 2.245, 3.152, 5.104, 5.133, 6.214, 14.75",61 E4 Cnidus,,,,, Coboea,6.150,UNLOC,,,,, Coboris isl.,6.151,4 UNLOC,,,,, Cocondae,6.76,6 UNLOC,,,,, Cocosates Sexsignani,4.108,25 D2 Cocosates (Sexsignani),,,,, Cocylium,5.122,56 C2 Kokylion?,,,,, Cocynthos / Cocynthum c.,"3.43, 3.95",46 E5 Cocynthum Pr.,,,,, Codani,6.155,4 UNLOC,,,,, Codanus b.,4.96,10 D2 Codanus? Sinus,,,,, Coelaletae (Greater and Lesser),4.43,51 G1 Koilaletai,,,,, Coelaletae (Greater),4.41,51 G1 Koilaletai, ,,,, Coelaletae (Lesser),4.41,51 G1 Koilaletai, ,,,, Coele (Syria),"5.66, 5.77, 5.81, 6.212",101 P4 Syria Coele,,,,, Coele isl.,5.138,UNLOC,,,,, Coelerni,3.28,24 C2,,,,, Coelos,"4.49, 4.74",51 G4 Koila,,,,, Coeranus r.,6.9,64 UNLOC,,,,, Coetum,6.180,UNLOC,,,,, Cogamus r.,5.111,56 G5 Kogamos fl.,,,,, Coitae,6.19,84 UNLOC,,,,, Colapiani,3.147,20 C4,,,,, Colapis r.,3.148,20 C4,,,,, Colarni (Colarnum),4.118,26 UNLOC,,,,, Colchians (Colchis),"2.226, 3.129, 3.144, 3.145, 6.12, 6.15, 6.21, 6.29, 10.132",89 B2, ,,,, Colchinium = Olcinium,3.144,,,,,, Colebae,6.67,6 D3 Colobae,,,,, Colentum isl.,3.140,20 C6,,,,, Coliacum c.,6.86,5 D4,,,,, Colica,6.15,87 UNLOC Koloi,,,,, Colinias = Cyprus,5.129,,,,,, Collatia,3.68,43 C2,,,,, Collatini,3.105,45 UNLOC Collatia,,,,, Collippo,4.113,26 B2,,,,, Collocat,6.193,UNLOC,,,,, Colobana,3.11,26 D5 Conobaria / Colobana,,,,, Colocasitis l.,6.172,4 UNLOC,,,,, Colone,5.123,56 C2 Kolonai,,,,, Colonis isl.,4.56,UNLOC,,,,, Colopene,6.8,64 C1 Kouloupene,,,,, "Colophon, Colophoni","2.232, 5.116, 5.416, 6.215",61 E1,,,,, Colossae,"5.145, 31.29",65 B2,,,,, Colpe,5.117,UNLOC,,,,, Colpusa,5.149,UNLOC,,,,, Colubraria / Ophiusa isl.,"3.76, 3.78",27 G3,,,,, Columbaria isl.,3.81,41 UNLOC,,,,, Columna Regia,"3.71, 3.73, 3.86",46 C5 Ad Columnam,,,,, Colycantii,5.127,UNLOC,,,,, Comamenses (Comama),5.147,65 D3,,,,, Comana,"6.8, 6.10",64 C4,,,,, Comani,3.36,15 UNLOC,,,,, Comini,3.108,44 UNLOC,,,,, Commagene,"2.235, 5.66, 5.85, 5.86, 6.9, 6.24, 6.41, 6.142, 37.204",67 D2,,,,, Commone isl.,5.137,UNLOC,,,,, Commori,6.47,UNLOC,,,,, "Compsa, Compsani ","2.147, 3.105",44 H4, ,,,, Comum,"2.232, 3.124, 3.132",39 E2,,,,, Concordia,3.126,40 D1 Iulia Concordia,,,,, Concordia Julia = Nertobriga,3.14,,,,,, Concordienses (Concordia),4.118,26 UNLOC,,,,, Concupienses,3.112,42 UNLOC Forum Iulii Concupiensium,,,,, Condigramma,6.94,6 UNLOC,,,,, Conimbriga,4.113,24 C4,,,,, Conisium,5.126,56 UNLOC Konisine / Konision,,,,, Conium,5.145,62 UNLOC,,,,, Conopon Diabasis isl.,4.79,23 C3,,,,, Conplutenses (Complutum),3.24,25 B5,,,,, Consaburrenses (Consaburra),3.25,27 B2 Consabura / Consabrum,,,,, Consentia,"3.72, 14.69",46 D3,,,,, Consilinum (Castra Consilium),3.95,46 UNLOC,,,,, Consoranni,4.108,25 G2,,,,, Constantia Julia = Lacimurga,3.14,,,,,, Consuarani,3.32,UNLOC,,,,, Contestania,"3.19, 3.20",27 D3,,,,, Contibuta Jullia = Ugultunia,3.14,,,,,, Convenae,4.108,25 F3,,,,, Coos / Merope / Cea / Meropis / Nymphaea isl.,"4.71, 5.134",61 E4 Cos Ins.,,,,, Copae,4.26,55 E3 Kopai,,,,, Cophantus m.,2.236,UNLOC,,,,, Cophes r.,"6.62, 6.78, 6.91",6 C3 Kophen / Koa fl.,,,,, Copori,4.111,24 C2,,,,, Coptite n. (Coptos),5.49,80 B1,,,,, Coptos,"5.60, 6.102, 6.103, 6.168, ",80 B1,,,,, Coracesium,5.93,65 G4 Korakesion,,,,, Coracesius m.,5.98,UNLOC,,,,, Coralis spring,6.150,4 B2 Coralis? fl.,,,,, Coralius r.,6.4,86 UNLOC,,,,, Coralliba isl.,6.80,6 UNLOC Domai / Coralliba Ins.,,,,, Corambis,6.179,81 UNLOC,,,,, Corani (Cora),3.63,43 D3,,,,, Corassiae isl.,4.70,61 C2 Korsiai Ins.,,,,, Coraxi,"2.224, 6.15",UNLOC,,,,, Coraxici = Heniochi,"5.99, 6.26, 6.39",,,,,, Corcyra,4.52,54 A2,,,,, Corcyra / Scheria / Phaeacia / Drepane isl.,"2.244, 3.45, 4.52, 4.53",54 A2,,,,, Corcyra Melaena isl.,3.152,20 D7 Corcyra Nigra,,,,, Corduba / Patricia,"3.7, 3.10, 3.13, 3.14",26 F4,,,,, Cordueni = Carduchi,6.44,,,,,, Cordule h.,6.11,87 E3 Kordyle,,,,, Cordylusa isl.,5.133,61 D4,,,,, Corese isl.,4.62,UNLOC,,,,, Coresus,4.62,58 G2 Koresia / Arsinoe,,,,, Coretus b.,4.84,23 H2 Coretus Sinus,,,,, Corfinienses (Corfinium),3.106,42 F4,,,,, Corinaeum,5.130,72 C2 Keryn(e)ia / Keraunia § Corinaeum?,,,,, Corinenses,3.105,45 UNLOC,,,,, Corinium,3.140,20 C5,,,,, Corinthian b. (Corinthiacus Sinus) (Corinthius Sinus),"2.205, 2.206, 2.244, 4.6, 4.10, 4.11, 4.22",58 C1,,,,, "Corinthus / Ephyra, Corinthii","3.145, 4.11, 4.12, 6.215, 7.198, 31.30",58 D2,,,,, Coriolani,3.69,44 UNLOC Corioli,,,,, Coriosuelites,4.107,14 A1 Coriosolites,,,,, Cormalos r.,5.122,56 UNLOC,,,,, Cornacates,3.148,20 F4,,,,, Corneliani = Ligures Corneliani,3.105,,,,,, Corniculum,3.68,43 C1,,,,, Corolia,6.154,4 B2 Coralis? fl.,,,,, Coronaeus b.,4.15,58 C4 Asinaeus / Coronaeus Sinus,,,,, Corone,4.15,58 B4 Korone,,,,, Coronea,4.26,55 D4,,,,, Corpili (Corpilike),4.40,51 F2 Korpilike,,,,, Corseae isl.,5.135,61 C2 Korsiai Inss.,,,,, Corsi,3.85,48 B2,,,,, Corsiae = Thebae,4.8,,,,,, Corsica / Cyrnos / Melaena isl.,"3.80, 3.83, 6.216",1 E2; 48,,,,, Corticata isl.,4.111,24 C2,,,,, Cortonenses (Cortona),3.24,25 C4,,,,, Cortonenses (Cortona),3.52,42 B2,,,,, Corycoe isl.,4.61,60 A1 Korykiai Inss.,,,,, Corycos,5.92,65 D5 Korykos,,,,, Corycus m.,"4.59, 31.30",60 A1 Korykos Pr.,,,,, Corydalla,5.100,65 D5 Korydalla,,,,, Corynaeum c.,"5.116, 5.117",56 C5,,,,, Coryphanta,5.148,UNLOC,,,,, Coryphas,5.122,56 D3 Koryphas,,,,, Coryphasium,4.18,UNLOC,,,,, Cosa,"3.51, 3.81",42 A4,,,,, Coscinus,5.109,61 UNLOC Koskinia,,,,, Cosiri,6.64,6 UNLOC,,,,, Cossiaei,6.134,51 UNLOC Kossaia,,,,, Cossora = Cossyra,5.42,,,,,, Cossyra / Cossora isl.,"3.92, 5.42",47 inset,,,,, Costoboci,6.19,UNLOC,,,,, Cosuanetes,3.137,19 D2,,,,, Cothon isl.,4.56,UNLOC,,,,, Cotiaion,5.145,62 C3 Kotiaeion,,,,, Cotieri,6.50,UNLOC,,,,, Cotonis isl.,4.53,UNLOC,,,,, Cottae,"5.2, 32.15",28 C2,,,,, Cottian states (Cottianae civitates) (Cottian Alpes),"3.135, 3.138",17 H4 Alpes Cottiae,,,,, Cottonara,6.105,5 D5,,,,, Cotyi (Cotyora),6.11,87 C4 Kotyora,,,,, Cous,6.59,61 E4 Kos,,,,, Cous isl.,"2.245, 4.71, 5.134, 6.214",61 E4 Cos Ins. ,,,,, Cragus c.,5.100,65 B5 Hiera Akra / Kragos ? Pr.,,,,, Cragus m.,5.98,66 A4,,,,, Crambusa isl.,5.131,65 D5 Dionysias / Krambousa,,,,, Cramda,6.179,UNLOC,,,,, Cranaos,5.108,61 UNLOC Kranaos,,,,, Crania m.,4.6,54 D3 Hieron Oros / Crania M.,,,,, Crannon,"4.29, 4.32, 31.20",55 C1 Krannon,,,,, Craspedites b.,5.148,UNLOC,,,,, Crataeis r.,3.73,56 UNLOC,,,,, Crateae isl.,3.152,UNLOC,,,,, Crathis r.,"3.97, 31.13, 31.14, 37.38, ",46 D2 Crathis / Crater fl.,,,,, Craugiae isl.,4.57,58 UNLOC,,,,, Cremmyon,4.23,58 E2 Krommyon § Kremmyon,,,,, Cremniscoe,4.82,23 D3 Kremniskoi,,,,, Cremona,"3.130, 6.218",39 G3,,,,, Crenacca r.,6.65,5 UNLOC,,,,, Creone m.,5.140,UNLOC,,,,, Cressus h.,5.104,61 G4 Kressa,,,,, Creta / Aeria / Curetis / Macaron ils. [Crete],"2.203, 3.75, 4.16, 4.57, 4.58, 4.61, 4.71, 5.32, 6.157, 6.206, 6.213, 7.98, 7.197, 7.201, 7.204, 8.227, 10.76, 16.161",60,,,,, Cretic Sea (Creticum Mare),"3.75, 4.19, 4.51, 4.58, 4.71, 5.32",60 C1,,,,, Crexi,3.140,20 B5 Crexa,,,,, Crexi isl.,3.140,20 B5 Crexa,,,,, Crianos r.,5.122,56 UNLOC,,,,, Crinivolum,3.114,42 UNLOC,,,,, Crisa,4.8,55 C4 Krisa,,,,, Crisaeus b.,4.7,55 C4,,,,, Critensi,6.190,UNLOC,,,,, Crithotes,4.48,51 H4 Krithote,,,,, Criu Metopon c.,4.86,23 G4 Kriou Metopon,,,,, "Criu Metopon, c.","4.58, 4.60, 4.61",60 A2 Kriou Metopon Pr.,,,,, Crobyzi,4.82,23 D1,,,,, Crocala isl.,6.80,6 UNLOC,,,,, Crocodile town (Crocodilopolis),5.61,75 D2 Krokodilopolis / Ptolemais Euergetis § Arsinoe?,,,,, Crocodilon,5.75,UNLOC,,,,, Crocodilon r.,5.75,69 B4,,,,, Crocodilopolite n. (Krokodeilopolites),5.50,75 D2 Arsinoites / Krokodeilopolites Nomos,,,,, Crocodilus m.,5.91,66 UNLOC,,,,, Crocyle isl.,4.54,UNLOC,,,,, Crommyonesos Megale isl.,5.138,UNLOC,,,,, Cromna,6.5,86 C2 Kromna,,,,, Cronia = Bithynia,5.143,,,,,, Cronium sea,"4.95, 4.104",UNLOC,,,,, Crotalus r.,3.96,46 E4,,,,, "Croto(n), Crotonienses","2.211, 3.72, 3.97",46 F3 Croto(n) § Crotona,,,,, Croucasis = Caucasus m.,6.50,,,,,, Crunoe c.,6.17,84 UNLOC,,,,, Crunos = Dionysopolis,4.44,,,,,, Crusa isl.,5.134,UNLOC,,,,, Crustumeria,3.68,43 C1 Crustumerium,,,,, Crustuminian Fields (Crustuminus Ager),"2.211, 3.52, 3.53, 3.68",43 C1 Crustumerium,,,,, Crustumium r.,3.115,42 C1 Crustumius fl.,,,,, Crya,5.103,65 A4 Krya,,,,, Cryea isl.,5.131,UNLOC,,,,, Cryon r.,5.119,56 F4 Kryos fl.,,,,, Cryptos = Cyprus,5.129,,,,,, Ctesiphon,"6.122, 6.130, 6.131",91 F4,,,,, Cubi = Bituriges,4.109,,,,,, Cubile Nympharum isl.,6.97,6 A4 Asthala / Solis? / Karmina? Ins. § Nympharum Cubile,,,,, Cubulterini (Cubulteria),3.63,44 F3 Kupelternum / Cubulteria,,,,, Cucios sp.,6.173,4 UNLOC,,,,, Cufis,6.92,6 B3 Alexandria / Alexandropolis / Cufis,,,,, Cumae,"3.61, 19.10, 19.11",44 F4,,,,, Cumania,6.30,88 C2,,,,, Cunerum c.,3.111,42 F1,,,,, Cuneus c.,4.116,26 C5,,,,, Cuniculariae isl.,3.83,48 B1,,,,, Cupra,3.111,42 F2 Cupra Maritima,,,,, Cuprenses Montani (Cupra Montana),3.111,42 E2,,,,, Curenses (Cures),3.107,42 D4,,,,, Curensian shore,3.7,26 D5 Curense Litus,,,,, Curetis = Acarnania,4.5,,,,,, Curetis = Creta,4.58,,,,,, Curias,5.130,UNLOC,,,,, Curiates,3.114,42 UNLOC Suriates,,,,, Curici = Flamonienses,3.130,,,,,, Curictae ils.,3.139,20 B4 Curicta Ins,,,,, Curiga = Ugultunia,3.14,,,,,, Curubis,5.24,32 G3,,,,, Cusuetani,3.69,44 UNLOC,,,,, Cutiliae l.,"2.209, 3.109, 31.10",42 E4 Cutiliensis L.,,,,, Cyane sp.,3.89,47 G4 Cyanes Fons,,,,, Cyaneae,5.101,65 C5 Kyaneai,,,,, Cyaneae / Planctae / Symplegades ils.,"4.92, 6.32",53 B2 Symplegades / Kyaneai Inss.,,,,, Cyaneos r.,6.13,87 H2 Glaukos / Dokonos? / Kyaneos ? fl.,,,,, Cyclades isl.,"2.202, 4.65, 4.66, 4.68, 4.71, 4.72, 6.214, 6.215, 18.214, ",57 D4,,,,, Cyclopian islands,5.133,61 UNLOC Cyclopis Ins.,,,,, Cydara r.,6.86,5 inset,,,,, Cydnus r.,"5.92, 31.11",66 F2 Cydnus fl.,,,,, Cydonea,"4.59, 4.61",60 B1 Kydonia,,,,, Cydonea isl.,"2.232, 5.140",56 UNLOC,,,,, Cygnus,"6.13, 6.14",87 G2 Gyenos / Cygnus,,,,, Cylipenus b.,4.97,UNLOC,,,,, Cyllanicum,5.147,UNLOC,,,,, Cyllene,4.13,58 A2 Kyllene,,,,, Cyllene m.,4.21,58 C2 Kyllene M.,,,,, Cyllenius b.,4.13,58 A2,,,,, Cyme,5.121,56 D4,,,,, Cymothoe sp.,4.13,UNLOC,,,,, Cynaethae,4.20,58 C1 Kynaitha(i),,,,, Cynamolgi,6.195,UNLOC,,,,, Cynethus = Delos,"4.66, 4.69",,,,,, Cynopolis,5.64,UNLOC,,,,, Cynopolite n. (Cynopolites),5.49,75 D3 Kynopolites Nomos,,,,, Cynos r.,6.148,UNLOC,,,,, Cynossema c.,4.49,51 G4 Kynossema? Pr.,,,,, Cynthia = Delos,4.66,,,,,, Cynthius m.,4.66,61 A3 Kynthos M.,,,,, Cynus,4.27,55 E3 Kynos,,,,, Cyparissia = Samus,5.135,,,,,, Cyparissius b.,4.15,58 A2,,,,, Cyparissus,4.15,58 B3 Kyparissia,,,,, Cyphans p.,4.17,58 D4 Kyphanta,,,,, Cyprus / Acamantis / Cerastis / Aspelia / Amathusia / Macaria / Cryptos / Colinias isl.,"2.204, 2.243, 5.92, 5.129, 5.131, 5.132, 6.206, 6.213, 6.2141 7.195, 12.109, 18.215",72 C2,,,,, Cypsela,4.43,51 G3 Kypsela,,,,, Cyrei,6.158,UNLOC,,,,, Cyrenaica / Pentapolitan Region,"2.115, 5.28, 5.31, 5.38, 6.209, 6.212, 10.79, 12.108",38 B1,,,,, "Cyrene, Cyrenae","4.58, 4.60, 5.31, 5.32, 5.33, 5.39, 8.227",38 C1,,,,, Cyrnos = Corsica,3.80,,,,,, Cyrnus isl.,4.53,UNLOC,,,,, Cyrrestae (Cyrros),4.34,50 B3 Kyrros,,,,, Cyrrestica,"5.81, 6.24",67 D3,,,,, Cyrrus,5.81,67 D3,,,,, Cyrus r.,"6.25, 6.26, 6.29, 6.39, 6.45, 6.52",90 D1,,,,, Cytae,4.86,UNLOC,,,,, Cytaeum,4.59,60 C2 Kytaion?,,,,, Cythera / Porphyris,4.56,58 inset Kythera,,,,, Cythera isl.,"4.56, 4.57",58 inset,,,,, Cythnos isl.,4.66,58 G3 Kythnos Ins.,,,,, Cytinum,4.28,55 D3 Kytinion,,,,, Cytorus m.,"6.5, 6.6",86 C2,,,,, Cyzicum / Arctonnesos / Dolionis / Didymis,"5.142, 5.151, 6.216, 31.19",52 B4,,,,, Dabanegoris,6.150,UNLOC,,,,, Dabelli,"6.190, 6.196",UNLOC,,,,, Dabitha,6.131,93 UNLOC,,,,, Daci (Dacia),"4.80, 4.100, 6.219",21 E4,,,,, Dactyli Idaei,7.197,UNLOC,,,,, Daedala,5.103,65 A4 Daidala,,,,, Daedaleon isl.,5.131,UNLOC,,,,, Dahae,6.50,97 B1 Daoi / Dahae,,,,, Damanitani,3.24,25 UNLOC Damania,,,,, Damascena,5.66,69 D2,,,,, Damascus,"5.74, 5.88, 5.89",69 D2,,,,, Damea = Apamea,5.127,,,,,, Damnia,6.152,UNLOC,,,,, Dandaguda,6.72,UNLOC,,,,, Danei h.,6.165,UNLOC,,,,, Dangalae,6.92,6 UNLOC,,,,, Danuvius / Hister r. [Danube],"3.127, 3.128, 3.147, 3.148, 3.149, 4.41, 4.79, 4.80, 9.45, 9.53, 31.25, ",23 A4,,,,, Daphnidis isl.,6.172,4 UNLOC Daphnine,,,,, Daphnus,4.27,55 D3 Daphnous,,,,, Daphnus,5.117,UNLOC,,,,, Daphnusa = Thallusa,5.137,,,,,, Daphusa m.,4.29,55 UNLOC,,,,, Darae,"5.10, 6.150",83 B5,,,,, Darat r.,5.9,1a B3,,,,, Dardae,6.67,6 C2 Daradrai / Dadikai,,,,, Dardani (Dardania),"3.149, 4.3, 4.33, 4.35",49 C1,,,,, Dardania = Samothrace,4.73,,,,,, Dardanium,"5.125, 5.127",51 G4 Dardanos,,,,, Darde,6.193,4 UNLOC,,,,, Dardi,3.104,45 UNLOC,,,,, Dareium,6.46,97 E2 Dara / Dareium,,,,, Daremae,6.176,UNLOC,,,,, Dari,6.73,6 C5,,,,, Daritis,6.95,6 UNLOC,,,,, Dascusa,"5.84, 6.27",64 H3,,,,, Dascylos,5.143,52 D4 Daskyleion,,,,, Dasibari r.,5.37,36 UNLOC,,,,, Dassaretae (Dassaretis),"3.145, 4.3",49 C3,,,,, Datos,4.42,51 UNLOC Daton / Datos,,,,, Daulis,4.8,55 D3,,,,, Daulotos sp.,6.151,4 UNLOC,,,,, Daunii,"3.103, 3.104",45 B2,,,,, Daversi,3.143,20 E7 Daorsi,,,,, Decapolis,"5.74, 5.77",69 C4 Dekapolis,,,,, Deciani,3.105,45 UNLOC,,,,, Deciates,"3.35, 3.47",16 C2,,,,, Decri,5.37,36 C4 Dedris?,,,,, Dedris,5.36,36 C4,,,,, Deitania,3.19,UNLOC,,,,, Delmatae = Dalmatia,3.142,,,,,, Delmatia = Dalmatia,3.141,,,,,, "Delmatia, Delmetae","2.115, 3.141, 3.142, 3.147",20 C6 Dalmatia,,,,, Delos / Cynthia / Ortygia / Asteria / Lagia / Chlamydia / Cynethus / Pyrpyle isl.,"2.202, 2.229, 2.244, 4.65, 4.66, 4.67, 4.68, 4.91, 6.214, 16.240, 32.18",61 A3,,,,, Delphacie isl.,5.151,UNLOC,,,,, Delphi,"2.208, 3.120, 4.7, 4.8, 4.27, 6.216, 16.238 ",55 D4,,,,, Delphinus harbor,3.48,39 E5 Portus Delphinus,,,,, Delta,"3.121, 5.48, 5.50, 5.59, 6.165",74,,,,, Demadatis,6.193,UNLOC,,,,, Demetrias = Pagasa,4.29,,,,,, Demonnesos isl.,5.151,53 B3 Chalkitis / Demonnesos Ins.,,,,, Denda,3.145,UNLOC,,,,, Denna,6.179,UNLOC,,,,, Denselatae,"4.3, 4.40",49 E1 Dentheletai,,,,, Deraemistae,3.143,20 E6,,,,, Derangae,6.76,3 H3 Drangiane / Zarangiane § Derangae,,,,, Derasidae isl.,"2.204, 5.114",UNLOC,,,,, Deretini,3.143,20 E6,,,,, Dertona,3.49,39 D4,,,,, Dertosani (Dertosa),3.23,25 F5,,,,, Derzene,5.83,89 B1,,,,, Desitiates,3.143,20 E5 Daesitiates,,,,, Detumo,3.10,26 E4,,,,, Deuelton = Deultum,4.45,,,,,, Deultum / Deuelton,4.45,22 E6,,,,, Deuri,3.142,20 UNLOC,,,,, Devade isl.,6.150,4 B2,,,,, Dexendrusi,6.92,6 UNLOC,,,,, Deximontani,6.99,UNLOC,,,,, Dexivates,3.34,15 E2,,,,, Dia,4.86,UNLOC,,,,, Dia isl.,4.61,60 D2,,,,, Dia isl.,4.67,61 B4 Dia?,,,,, Diabatae isl.,5.133,61 F4 Diabetai Inss.,,,,, Diablinti (Noiodounon Diablintum),4.107,7 F3 Noiodounon Diablintum,,,,, Dialeon,4.74,51 UNLOC,,,,, "Diana, temple of","2.201, 5.115, 6.135, ",,,,,, Dianenses = Dianium,3.25,,,,,, Dianium / Artemisia isl.,3.81,41 E5 Artemisia / Dianium Ins.,,,,, "Dianium, Dianenses","3.20, 3.25, 3.76, 3.81",27 F3,,,,, Diaron,6.191,UNLOC,,,,, Diarrheusa isl.,5.137,UNLOC,,,,, Diarrhytum = Hippo Dirutus,5.23,,,,,, Dicaea,4.36,50 C4 Dikaia,,,,, Dicaea,4.42,51 E3 Dikaia,,,,, Dicaearchea = Puteoli,3.61,,,,,, Dictaea,4.74,51 UNLOC,,,,, Dictynnaeus m.,4.59,60 F2 Dikte M.,,,,, Diduri,6.29,88 D2,,,,, Didyma,"5.112, 6.49, ",61 E3,,,,, Didymae isl.,5.131,65 B4,,,,, Didymae isl. ,5.138,UNLOC,,,,, Didyme isl.,3.94,47 F1,,,,, Didymis = Cyzicum,5.142,,,,,, Didymus m.,5.142,52 B4 Dindymon M.,,,,, Dienses,4.35,UNLOC,,,,, Diethusa,4.74,51 UNLOC,,,,, Digba,6.126,93 UNLOC,,,,, Digerri,4.40,UNLOC,,,,, Diglito r.,6.127,UNLOC,,,,, Dimastos isl.,5.133,60 F3,,,,, Dimastus m.,4.66,61 UNLOC Dimastos M.,,,,, Dimidia ,31.9,UNOC,,,,, Dimuri,6.77,6 UNLOC,,,,, Dindari,3.143,UNLOC,,,,, Dinia,3.37,16 B1,,,,, Diobessi,4.40,UNLOC,,,,, Diocaesarea,6.8,UNLOC,,,,, Diodori isl.,6.174,UNLOC,,,,, Diomedia / Teutria isl.,3.151,45 Inset,,,,, Diomedia isl.,3.151,45 Inset,,,,, Diomedis c.,3.141,20 C6,,,,, Dion,5.74,50 B4,,,,, Dionysia / Charaeta isl.,5.131,UNLOC,,,,, Dionysia isl.,4.53,UNLOC,,,,, Dionysias / Sicilia Minor / Callipolis isl.,4.67,UNLOC,,,,, Dionysopolis / Crunos,"4.44, 4.45",22 F5 Dionysopolis / Krounoi,,,,, Dionysopolitae (Dionysopolis),5.106,62 B5 Dionysoupolis,,,,, Diophanes r.,5.91,UNLOC,,,,, Dioryctos,4.5,54 C4 Dioryktos,,,,, Dioscoron isl.,3.96,46 UNLOC,,,,, Dioscurias,"6.15, 6.16",UNLOC,,,,, Dioscuridu isl.,6.153,4 D3 Diosko(u)rides ins.,,,,, Dioshieritae (Dioshieron),5.120,61 E1,,,,, Diospege,6.118,UNLOC,,,,, Diospolis,5.79,68 UNLOC,,,,, Diospolis = Laodicea,5.105,,,,,, Diospolis Magna / Thebes,"5.60, 7.194",80 B2 Diospolis Magna / Thebai,,,,, Diospolite n. (Diospolites),5.49,77 G4 Diospolites Nomos,,,,, Dipsium = Argos Inachium,4.18,,,,,, Dirce sp.,4.25,UNLOC,,,,, Direa,6.178,UNLOC,,,,, Direlis,6.179,82 A2 Direla,,,,, Dirini (Diria),3.105,45 F3,,,,, Ditiones,3.142,20 D5,,,,, Dium,4.59,UNLOC,,,,, Dium,4.64,55 D3 Dion?,,,,, Doberi,4.35,51 UNLOC Doberes,,,,, Dochi,6.190,UNLOC,,,,, Docleatae (Doclea),3.143,49 B1,,,,, Dodone,"2.228, 4.2, 4.6",54 C2 Dodona,,,,, Dolates Sallentini,3.113,42 UNLOC,,,,, Doliche = Icaros,4.68,,,,,, Dolichiste isl.,5.131,65 C5,,,,, Dolionis = Cyzicum,5.142,,,,,, Dolongae,4.41,UNLOC,,,,, Dolopes (Dolopia),4.6,55 B2,,,,, Domata,6.157,UNLOC,,,,, Domazenes,6.176,4 UNLOC,,,,, Donacoessa m.,4.29,55 UNLOC,,,,, Donusa isl.,4.69,61 B3 Donousa Ins.,,,,, Dora sp.,6.151,4 UNLOC,,,,, Doricae isl.,6.151,4 UNLOC Dolicae / Doricae,,,,, Dorion,4.15,58 B3,,,,, Dorion,5.117,UNLOC,,,,, Dorion,5.92,UNLOC,,,,, Doris,"4.1, 4.28",55 C3,,,,, Doris,"5.103, 5.104, 5.107, 6.214",86 A3,,,,, Doriscum,4.43,51 G3 Doriskos,,,,, Dorisdorsigi,6.94,6 UNLOC,,,,, Dorum,5.75,69 A4 Dora,,,,, "Dorylaeum, Dorylaei","5.105, 5.119",62 E2 Dorylaion,,,,, Dotion,4.32,55 UNLOC,,,,, Dracanon,4.74,51 UNLOC,,,,, Draco m.,5.118,56 F5,,,,, Drangae (Drangiane),"6.61, 6.94",3 H3 Drangiane / Zarangiane,,,,, Dratinus r.,6.110,UNLOC,,,,, Draus r.,3.147,20 A3 Dravus,,,,, Drepana,"3.88, 3.90, 3.91",47 A2 Drepanum,,,,, Drepane = Corcyra,4.52,,,,,, Drepanum = Lepte Acra,6.175,,,,,, Dribyces,6.48,96 UNLOC Dribykes,,,,, Drinius r.,3.150,21 B5 Dreinos fl.,,,,, Drino r.,3.144,49 B2 Drilon fl.,,,,, Dromiscos isl.,2.204,UNLOC,,,,, Dromos Achilleos,4.83,23 E2 Achilleos Dromos,,,,, Druantia r.,3.33,15 D2 Druentia,,,,, Drugeri,4.40,UNLOC,,,,, Drymatina,6.152,UNLOC,,,,, Drymodes = Arcadia,4.20,,,,,, Drymusa isl.,5.137,56 D3 Drymousa Ins.,,,,, Dryopes (Dryopis),4.2,54 C3,,,,, Dryopis = Haemonia,4.28,,,,,, Dryusa = Samus,5.135,,,,,, Duatas b.,6.150,UNLOC,,,,, Dulichium,4.54,54 D5 Dolicha? Ins.,,,,, Dulopolis = Acanthus,5.104,,,,,, Dumana,6.178,82 B3,,,,, Dumatha,6.146,93 UNLOC,,,,, Dumna isl.,4.104,9 A2,,,,, Duria (Duria (Bautica)) r.,3.118,39 A2,,,,, Duria r.,3.118,39 B3,,,,, Duria r.,4.81,20 E2,,,,, Durine,6.138,93 UNLOC,,,,, Durius r.,"4.112, 4.113, 4.115",24 C3,,,,, Dyme,4.13,58 B1,,,,, Dyrrachium / Epidamnum,"3.101, 3.145, 4.36, 4.42, 4.46, 6.217, 32.18",49 B2 Dyrr(h)achium / Epidamnos,,,,, eastern ocean,"2.243, 37.39",,,,,, Eblythaei m.,6.149,UNLOC,,,,, Ebora / Liberalitas Julia,4.117,26 C3 Ebora or 26 D5 Aipora / Ebora,,,,, Ebora Cerialis,3.10,26 UNLOC Ebura Cerialis,,,,, Eburini (Eburum),3.98,45 B3,,,,, Eburobrittium,4.113,26 A2,,,,, Eburovices = Aulerci Eburovices,4.107,,,,,, Ebusus / Pityussae isl.,"3.76, 3.78, 8.226",27 G2,,,,, Ecbatana,"6.42, 6.43, 6.116, 6.133, 31.17",92 D2,,,,, Ecdini,3.137,16 D1 Ecdinii,,,,, Ecdippa,5.75,69 B3 Ekdippa,,,,, Echeleos r.,"5.143, 5.145",52 E4,,,,, Echetlienses,3.91,47 UNLOC Echetla,,,,, Echinades isl.,"2.201, 4.53",54 D5,,,,, Echinus,4.28,55 D3 Echinos,,,,, Echinus,4.5,54 C4 Echinos,,,,, Echinusa = Cimolus,4.70,,,,,, Edenates,3.137,17 G5,,,,, Edessa / Antiochia,5.86,67 H2 Edessa/ Antiochia ad Callirhoem,,,,, Edesus l.,6.216,UNLOC,,,,, "Edetania / Edetania, Edetani","3.20, 3.23, 3.24",27 E2,,,,, Edones,6.50,UNLOC,,,,, Edoni,4.40,51 B3 Edones,,,,, Edonis = Antandros,5.123,,,,,, Edonus m.,4.50,UNLOC,,,,, Egasmala,6.179,UNLOC,,,,, Egelestani,3.25,27 UNLOC Egelsta,,,,, Egguini (Egguina),3.91,47 F3 Engyon,,,,, Egi,4.111,UNLOC,,,,, Egritice,6.14,UNLOC,,,,, Egvi,3.137,17 H5 Eguiturii?,,,,, "Egypt, Egyptians (Aegyptus)","2.88, 2.91, 2.107, 2.121, 2.135, 2.178, 2.182, 2.188, 2.195, 2.201, 3.121, 4.39, 5.1, 5.39, 5.47, 5.48, 5.49, 5.50, 5.54, 5.59, 5.60, 5.65, 5.70, 5.128, 5.132, 6.60, 6.101,6.106, 6.142, 6.165, 6.166, 6.172, 6.177, 6.179, 6.181, 6.182, 6.183, 6.188, 6.191, 6.196, 6.212, 6.220, 7.192, 7.193, 7.194, 7.195, 7.196, 7.200, 7.203, 7.205, 7.206, 10.75, 10.134, 12.56, 12.108, 14.75, 18.215, 19.3, 19.7, 19.11, 19.12, 19.14, 37.36, ",,,,,, Egyptian Sea (Aegyptium Mare),"2.173, 5.54, 5.62, 5.102, 6.166",74 C1 Aegyptium Mare,,,,, Elaea,4.59,60 UNLOC,,,,, Elaea,"5.121, 5.126",56 E4,,,,, Elaea isl.,5.151,UNLOC,,,,, Elaeuomne m.,4.36,UNLOC,,,,, Elaeus,4.49,51 G4 Elaious,,,,, Elaeusa isl.,5.130,? 66 E4 Elaioussa / Sebaste,,,,, Elaeusa isl.,5.138,56 D4 Elaioussa Ins.,,,,, Elaphites isl.,3.152,20 E7,,,,, Elaphitis isl.,5.137,UNLOC,,,,, Elaphonnesus / Neuris isl.,5.151,52 A4,,,,, Elaphus m.,8.225,UNLOC,,,,, Elaphusa isl.,4.53,54 UNLOC,,,,, Elatea,4.27,55 D3 Elateia,,,,, Elatium,5.89,UNLOC,,,,, Elatos,4.59,UNLOC,,,,, Elatus m.,4.54,54 inset,,,,, Elbocori (Elbocoris),4.118,26 UNLOC,,,,, Eldamari (Arabians),6.118,UNLOC,,,,, Elea = Velia,3.71,,,,,, Electrides = Gleasia,"3.152, 4.103, 37.32",,,,,, Elegea,5.84,89 UNLOC,,,,, Elegosine,6.127,89 F1 Arsesa / Elegosine,,,,, Eleon,4.26,UNLOC,,,,, Elephantine isl.,5.59,80 inset,,,,, Eleus,5.107,UNLOC,,,,, Eleus,5.93,66 E4 Elaioussa / Sebaste,,,,, Eleusa isl.,4.57,58 UNLOC,,,,, Eleusis,"2.206, 4.23, 4.62",59 B2,,,,, Eleutherae,4.26,55 E4 Eleutherai,,,,, Eleuthernae,4.59,60 C2 Eleutherna,,,,, Elis,6.214,58 A2,,,,, "Elis, Elii / Epioe","2.181, 4.14, 4.22",58 A2,,,,, Ellopiae spring,4.64,55 E3 (H)Ellopia,,,,, Elmataeis,6.158,UNLOC,,,,, Elorum r.,3.89,47 F5 Helorus fl.,,,,, Elusates (Elusa),4.108,25 F2 Elusa § Elusates,,,,, "Elymais, Elymaei","6.111, 6.134, 6.135, 6.136, 6.212",93 E1,,,,, Emathia = Macedonia,4.33,,,,,, Emeae,6.178,UNLOC,,,,, Emeum,6.179,81 UNLOC,,,,, Emmaus,5.70,70 F2,,,,, Emodus m.,5.98,6 D3 Hemodos / Imaus / Caucasus M.,,,,, Emona,"3.128, 3.147",20 B3,,,,, Emporiae,3.22,25 I3,,,,, Encheleae,3.139,BA F7 Enchelei,,,,, Endondacometae,6.179,81 UNLOC,,,,, Eneti,"6.5, 37.43",86 UNLOC Enete,,,,, Engada,5.73,70 G3 Engaddai,,,,, Enini,3.91,UNLOC,,,,, Enipeus r.,4.30,55 C2,,,,, Enipi,5.37,36 UNLOC,,,,, Enispe,4.20,58 UNLOC Enispa,,,,, Enoecadioe,4.83,23 F2,,,,, Enosis isl.,3.84,48 A3,,,,, Entellini (Entella),3.91,47 C3,,,,, Eoan Ocean (Eous Oceanus),"2.243, 6.33, 6.53, 6.56, 6.82",5 F3 Orientale Mare / Gangeticus Sinus / Eous Oceanus,,,,, Eon,6.18,87 L2 Eone,,,,, "Eordaea, Eordenses","4.34, 4.35",50 A3 Eordaia,,,,, Eorum r.,6.94,6 UNLOC,,,,, Epagerritae,6.16,87 F1,,,,, Epagris = Ceos,4.65,,,,,, Epetini (Epetium),3.142,20 D6,,,,, Ephesus / Alope / Ortygia / Amorge / Zmyrna Trachia / Haemonion / Ptelea,"2.201, 2.204, 2.244, 5.114, 5.115, 5.116, 5.120, 5.137, 6.215",61 E2,,,,, Ephyra = Corinthus,4.11,,,,,, Ephyre isl.,4.56,58 G4 Ephyra?,,,,, Ephyri (Ephyra),4.6,55 C1 Krannon / Ephyra,,,,, Epicrane sp.,4.25,UNLOC,,,,, Epidamnum = Dyrrachium,3.145,,,,,, Epidaurum,"2.204, 4.18, 4.22, 4.57",58 E2 Epidauros,,,,, Epidaurum,3.144,20 F7,,,,, Epidaurum,5.130,72 UNLOC,,,,, Epidaurus Limera,4.17,58 E4 Epidauros Limera,,,,, Epimaranitae,6.149,3 F5 Epimaranitae? / Nareitai?,,,,, Epioe = Elii,4.14,,,,,, Epiphanenses on the Orontes (Epiphaneia),5.82,68 C3 Amathe / Epiphaneia,,,,, Epiphania,5.86,67 F2 Epiphaneia ad Euphratem,,,,, Epiphania / Oenoandos,5.93,67 C3 Oeniandos / Epiphaneia,,,,, Epirus,"3.45, 3.97, 3.98, 3.101, 3.145, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.32, 4.33, 6.215",54 B2,,,,, Epis,6.180,82 D5,,,,, Epium,4.20,58 B2 Ep(e)ion,,,,, Epopos m.,2.203,44 E4 Epomeus M.,,,,, Epora,3.10,27 A3,,,,, Eporedia,3.123,39 B3,,,,, Epytus m.,4.36,UNLOC,,,,, Equaesi,3.28,24 UNLOC,,,,, Equestris (colony),4.106,18 D3 Col. Iulia Equestirs / Nociodunum,,,,, Eramnomboua r.,6.65,6 E5 Erannoboas / Sonus fl.,,,,, Eranusa isl.,3.96,46 UNLOC,,,,, Erasinus r.,"2.225, 4.17",58 D2 Erasinos fl.,,,,, Eratonos isl.,6.169,4 UNLOC Eratonos Inss.,,,,, Eravisci,3.148,20 F3,,,,, Erebinthote isl.,5.151,53 (T)Erebinthodes Ins.,,,,, "Eresos, Eresi","5.123, 5.139",56 B3,,,,, Ereta,4.45,22 E5 Erite / Ereta,,,,, Eretria,4.64,55 F4,,,,, Ergavicenses,3.24,25 UNLOC Ergavicia,,,,, Ergetini,3.91,47 UNLOC Sergetion? / (H)Ergetium,,,,, Erginus r.,4.47,52 A2 Agrianes / Erginos fl.,,,,, Ericusa isl.,3.94,47 E1 Erikodes / Ericusa Ins.,,,,, Ericusa isl.,4.53,54 UNLOC,,,,, Eridanus / Spineticus (mouth) (Ostium Eridanum / Ostium Spineticum),3.120,40 C3,,,,, Eridanus r. = Padus,"3.117, 37.31, 37.32",,,,,, Erineon,4.28,55 C3 Erineos,,,,, Erineos,4.12,58 B1,,,,, Erycini (Eryx),3.91,47 B2,,,,, Erymandus r.,6.92,6 A3 Erymandros fl.,,,,, Erymanthus r.,4.21,58 B2 Erymanthos fl.,,,,, Erymnae,4.32,55 D1 Eurymenai,,,,, Eryth(r)ea / Aphrodisias / Juno's island,4.120,26 D5 Aphrodisias / Erythea / Iuonis Ins.,,,,, Erythrae,4.26,55 E4 Erythrai,,,,, Erythrae isl.,"5.116, 5.136, 5.138",56 C5 Erythrai,,,,, Erythrean Sea = Red Sea,"4.120, 6.107",,,,,, Eryx m.,3.90,47 B2,,,,, Esar / Sape,6.191,4 UNLOC Eser,,,,, Esbonitae,5.65,UNLOC,,,,, Essedones,"4.88, 6.21, 6.50",85 UNLOC Issendones / Essedones,,,,, Essenes,5.73,UNLOC,,,,, Estiae,5.150,53 B2 Echaia Pr.,,,,, Esubiani,3.137,UNLOC,,,,, Etaxalos isl.,6.149,UNLOC,,,,, Etene,5.107,UNLOC,,,,, Eteonos,4.26,55 UNLOC,,,,, Ethraui,6.158,4 B2,,,,, "Etruria, Etruscans, see also Tusc-","2.138, 2.139, 2.140, 2.143. 2.199, 2.227, 3.38, 3.50, 3.51, 3.52, 3.53, 3.112, 3.115, 6.217, 14.68",42 B1 Etruria,,,,, Euanthia = Trallis,5.108,,,,,, Euboea / Chalcodontis / Macris / Macra / Chalcis / Abantias / Asopis isl.,"2.204, 2.219, 4.26, 4.51, 4.62, 4.63, 4.64, 4.65, 4.68, 4.71, 6.216, 31.29, 32.18",55 E3,,,,, Eucarpeni (Eucarpia),5.105,62 D5 Eukarpia,,,,, Euchatae,6.50,UNLOC,,,,, Eudemia isl.,4.72,55 F2,,,,, Eudon r.,5.108,61 F2 (H)Eudonos fl.,,,,, Euenus r.,5.122,56 E2 Euenos fl.,,,,, Euergetae,6.94,UNLOC,,,,, Euganean people (Euganeae gentes),3.133,UNLOC,,,,, Euganei,"3.130, 3.134",UNLOC,,,,, Euhippia = Thyatira,5.115,,,,,, Euhippini (Euhippe),5.109,61 G2,,,,, Eulaeus r.,"6.100, 6.135, 6.136, 6.138",92 B3 Saimarreh / Eulaeus? / Ula(ya)? fl.,,,,, Eulimna isl.,"4.71, 5.133",60 F3,,,,, Eumenia,4.44,22 UNLOC,,,,, Eumenia,"5.108, 5.113",UNLOC,,,,, "Eunia, grove of",5.101,65 C5 Eunias Nemus,,,,, Euoenos = Peparethus,4.72,,,,,, Euonmitos,6.184,UNLOC,,,,, Euonymos isl.,3.94,46 B4 Euonymus Ins.,,,,, Eupalia,4.7,55 B4 Eupalion,,,,, Eupalimna,4.6,UNLOC,,,,, Eupatoria / Pompeiopolis,6.7,87 B3,,,,, Euphorbeni,5.106,62 UNLOC Euphorbium,,,,, Euphrates r.,"2.244, 5.66, 5.67, 5.82, 5.83, 5.84, 5.86, 5.87, 5.89, 5.90, 6.8, 6.25, 6.26, 6.100, 6.109, 6.116, 6.119, 6.120, 6.121, 6.122, 6.124, 6.125, 6.126, 6.128, 6.130, 6.137, 6.145, 6.146, 6.147, 6.159, 8.229, ",93 A2,,,,, Eupilis l.,3.131,3.90E+03,,,,, Euripus,"4.26, 4.63, 4.71",55 F4 Euripos,,,,, Euripus,4.75,UNLOC,,,,, Eurome,5.109,61 F3 Europos / Euromos / Philippoi,,,,, Europa,"2.169, 2.173, 2.205, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.74, 3.94, 3.97, 3.145, 4.1, 4.40, 4.49, 4.50, 4.52, 4.75, 4.77, 4.78, 4.87, 4.90, 4.92, 4.94, 4.102, 4.121, 5. 141, 5.145, 5.150, 6.1, 6.18, 6.32, 6.34, 6.208, 6.210, 9.50, 19.9",,,,,, Europus,4.34,50 B3 Europos,,,,, Europus,5.87,91 B3 Dura / Europus,,,,, Eurotas r.,4.16,58 C3,,,,, Euryanassa isl.,5.137,UNLOC,,,,, Eurymedon r.,5.96,66 F3,,,,, Eurymenae r.,31.29,55 D1 Eurymenai,,,,, Eutane,5.107,61 G4 Euthenai,,,,, Euthia isl.,4.72,55 UNLOC,,,,, Euxinus = Pontus,"4.76, 4.86, 6.1, 6.15, 6.36, 9.50",,,,,, Evenus r.,"4.6, 4.11",55 B4 Evenos fl.,,,,, Extended Latium (Latium Adiectum),3.59,44 D3,,,,, Exusta isl.,6.175,4 B2,,,,, Fabaria = Burcana,4.97,,,,,, Fabraterni Novi (Fabrateria Nova),3.64,44 E2,,,,, Fabraterni Veteres (Fabrateria Vetus),3.64,44 D2,,,,, Faesulae,3.52,42 A1,,,,, Fagifulani (Fagifulae),3.107,44 G2,,,,, Falerienses (Falerio),3.111,42 E2,,,,, Falernus (Faleruns Ager),"3.60, 3.64, 14.62, 14.63, 14.65, 14.67",44 E3,,,,, Falinates,3.114,42 UNLOC,,,,, Falisca Etruscorum,3.51,42 C4 Falerii,,,,, Faliscus,2.230,42 C4 Falisci,,,,, Fama Julia = Seria,3.14,,,,,, Fanum Fortunae,3.113,42 E1,,,,, Faventia = Barcino,3.22,,,,,, Faventini (Faventia),"3.116, 19.9, ",40 B4 Faventia,,,,, Favonienses = Nucerini,3.114,,,,,, Fecusses,3.133,20 A5,,,,, Felicitas Julia = Olisipo,4.117,,,,,, Feliginates,3.114,UNLOC,,,,, Felix Julia = Berytus,5.78,,,,,, Felsina = Bononia,3.115,,,,,, Feltrini,3.130,19 D3 Feltria § Feltrini,,,,, Ferentinates (Ferentinum),3.64,44 D2,,,,, Ferentinum,3.52,42 C4,,,,, Fertinates isl. (Fertinium),3.139,20 B4 Fulfinium/Fertinium,,,,, Fertor r.,3.103,45 B1 Fertur fl. § Frento fl.,,,,, Fertor r.,3.48,39 D5,,,,, Fescennia,3.52,42 C4 Fescennium,,,,, Ficana,3.68,43 B2,,,,, Ficaria isl.,3.84,48 B3,,,,, Ficolenses (Ficolea),"3.64, 3.107",44 C2 Ficulea,,,,, "Fidenae, Fidenates","3.53, 3.69, 3.107, 1078",43 C2,,,,, Fidentini (Fidentia),3.116,39 G4,,,,, Firmum Iulium / Sexi,"3.8, 8.225",27 B5,,,,, Fiscellus m.,3.109,42 UNLOC,,,,, Flamonienses Curici,3.130,20 B4 Curicum,,,,, Flamonienses Vanienses,3.130,19 UNLOC Flamonienses,,,,, Flanatic b. (Flanaticus Sinus),"3.129, 3.139",20 B4,,,,, "Flanona, Flanates ",3.1394.140,20 B4,,,,, Flavian canal (Fossa Flavia),3.120,40 C3,,,,, Flaviobrica / Amanum harbor,4.110,25 B2 Flaiobriga § Portus Amanum,,,,, Flaviopolis,4.47,51 H3 Aphrodisias / Col. Flaviopolis,,,,, Flevum (mouth),4.101,10 B4 Flecum Lacus,,,,, Florentini (Florentia),3.52,42 A1,,,,, Florius r.,4.111,24 UNLOC,,,,, Focunates,3.137,19 C2,,,,, Fontes Amari,6.165,UNLOC,,,,, Forat,6.145,93 D3 Maghlub / Forat?,,,,, Forentani,3.64,UNLOC,,,,, Forentani (Forentum),3.105,45 C2,,,,, Foretani,3.130,UNLOC,,,,, Foreti,3.69,UNLOC,,,,, Foriulienses Transpadani (Forum Iulii),3.130,19 F3,,,,, Formiae / Hormiae,"3.59, 3.81",44 E3,,,,, Formio r.,3.127,20 A4,,,,, Foroaugustana = Libisosa,3.25,,,,,, Forobrentani,3.113,42 UNLOC Forum Bretani / Bretanorum,,,,, Forocorneliensian = Forum Cornelii,3.120,,,,,, Foroflaminienses (Forum Flaminii),3.113,42 D4,,,,, Foroiulienses Concupienses,3.113,42 UNLOC Forum Iulii Concupiensium,,,,, Foroneronienses = Lutevani,3.37,,,,,, Foropopulienses (Forum Populii),3.64,44 E3,,,,, Forosempronienses (Forum Sempronii),3.113,42 D1,,,,, "Forovibienses (Forum Vibii), see also Vibi Forum",3.117,39 A4,,,,, Fortunales = Siarum,3.14,,,,,, Fortunatae / Six Gods isl.,"4.119, 6.202, 6.203",1a A3,,,,, Forum Appi (Forum Appii),"3.64, 14.61",44 D3,,,,, Forum Cambusis,6.181,81 B3,,,,, Forum Clodi,3.116,UNLOC,,,,, Forum Cornelii,"3.116, 3.120",40 B4 Forum Cornelii,,,,, Forum Deci,3.107,42 E3 Forum Decii,,,,, Forum Druentini,3.116,UNLOC,,,,, Forum Fulvi Valentinum,3.49,39 D4 Forum Fulvii Valentinum,,,,, Forum Iuli / Pacensis / Classica,3.35,16 C3 Col. Forum Iulii,,,,, Forum Julium = Iliturgi,3.10,,,,,, Forum Licinius,"3.116, 3.124",39 E2 Licini Forum?,,,,, Forum Livi,3.116,40 C4 Forum Livii,,,,, Forum Novum,3.107,42 D4,,,,, Forum Popilii,3.116,40 C4 Forum Popilii,,,,, Forum Voconi,3.37,16 B3 Forum Voconii,,,,, Fossae isl.,3.83,48 B1 Fossae? Ins.,,,,, Fossiones (mouth) (Ostium Fossiones),3.121,40 C2,,,,, Fratuentium,3.101,45 UNLOC Fratuertium / Fratuentium,,,,, Fregellani (Fregellae),3.64,44 E2,,,,, Fregenae,3.51,44 B2,,,,, Freginates,3.64,44 UNLOC,,,,, Frentana (Frentani),3.103,45 A1,,,,, Frentani,"3.38, 3.105, 3.106",44 G2,,,,, Frisiavones,"4.101, 4.106",11 E1,,,,, Frisii,4.101,10 A4,,,,, Frusinates (Frusino),3.64,44 D2,,,,, Fucentes Lucenses,3.106,UNLOC,,,,, Fucinus l.,"2.224, 3.106, 3.108",4.40E+03,,,,, Fulginiates (Fulginiae),3.113,42 D3,,,,, Fundanian wine (Fundi),14.65,44 D3 Fundi,,,,, Fundanus l.,3.59,44 D3,,,,, Fut r.,5.13,1a C2 Fut / Quosenum fl.,,,,, Gabala,5.79,68 A3,,,,, Gabales,4.109,17 A5 Gabali,,,,, Gabe,5.74,69 UNLOC Gaba,,,,, Gabellus r.,3.118,39 G5,,,,, Gabini (Gabii),"2.209, 3.64",44 C2,,,,, Gabri,6.21,UNLOC,,,,, Gabuleni,5.81,67 UNLOC Gabeni,,,,, Gadara,5.74,71 B1,,,,, Gades,"2.167, 2.168, 2.169, 2.202, 2.206, 2.219, 2.227, 2.242, 2.243, 2.244, 3.7, 3.15, 3.17, 3.84, 4.94, 4.116, 4.119, 4.120, 4.121, 5.36, 5.76, 6.175, 6.202, 6.214, 19.4, ",26 D5 Gadeira / Gades / Col. Augusta Gaditana § Urbs Iulia Gaditana,,,,, Gadir = Potinusa,4.12,,,,,, Gaditan ocean,2.227,1 A3 Atlanticus Oceanus,,,,, Gaditan strait / Porthmos (Gaditanum Fretum),"3.3, 3.5, 3.74, 4.93, 5.9, 6.206, 6.207",26 E6 Herakleios Porthmos / Gaditanum Fretum,,,,, Gaeli,6.48,90 D3 Gelai?,,,,, Gaesus r.,5.113,61 E2 Gaison? fl.,,,,, "Gaetulia, Gaetuli","5.9, 5.10, 5.12, 5.17, 5.30, 5.43, 6.201",34 B3,,,,, Gagae,5.100,65 D5 Gagai,,,,, Gagaude isl.,6.184,82 A3 Bagada/Gagauden, ,,,, Galacteni (Galacte),3.91,47 E2 Kale Akte,,,,, Galata isl.,3.92,48 UNLOC,,,,, Galata isl.,5.42,32 G1,,,,, Galatia,"5.95, 5.145, 5.146, 5.147, 5.149, 6.5, 6.9, 6.215",63 B1,,,,, Galene,2.205,UNLOC,,,,, Galilee,5.70,69 B4 Galilaea,,,,, "Gallaecia, Gallaeci","4.112, 4.118, 19.10",24 C2 Callaecia,,,,, Galles,6.179,81 UNLOC,,,,, Gallia Aquitania,"4.105, 4.108, 6.218",14 F3 Aquitania,,,,, Gallia Belgica = Belgica,4.105,,,,,, Gallia Braccata = Braccata,3.31,,,,,, Gallia Celtica = Celtica,4.105,,,,,, Gallia Comata,4.105,2 D1,,,,, Gallia Lugdunensis,"4.105, 4.107",100 F2,,,,, Gallia Narbonensis = Narbonensis,"2.121, 3.31, 3.37, 3.74, 4.105, 4.109, 6.215, 14.68, 19.4, 31.4",,,,,, Gallia Togata,3.112,42 D1 Ager Gallicus,,,,, "Gallia, Galli / Galliae","2.167, 2.170, 2.195, 2.244, 3.30, 3.31, 3.33, 3.38, 3.57, 3.79, 3.112, 3.123, 3.133, 4.79, 4.102, 4.110, 5.146, 6.57, 6.215, 6.218, 6.219, 10.133, 12.108, 14.68, 18.216, 19.7, 19.8, 19.13, 31.12, 37.203",1 D1,,,,, Gallic Ocean / Sea,"2.220, 3.6, 4.109, 4.114",24 F1 Boreios / Gallicus / Cantabricus Oceanus,,,,, Gallic Sea,3.74,15 C3 Gallicum Mare,,,,, Gallitae,3.137,16 B1,,,,, Gallitalutae,6.77,6 C5,,,,, Gallus r.,"5.147, 31.9",86 A3 Gallos fl.,,,,, Gallus r.,6.4,62 G3 Gallos / Terias fl.,,,,, Galsa,5.37,36 UNLOC Galsa / Galia,,,,, Gamala,"2.205, 5.69",69 C4,,,,, Gambre,5.126,56 E3 Gambreion,,,,, Gamphasantes,"5.44, 5.45",35 B4,,,,, Gandari,6.48,6 UNLOC Gandaris,,,,, Gangarides Calingae,6.65,6 F5 Gangaridae,,,,, Ganges r.,"2.243, 2.244, 6.60, 6.63, 6.64, 6.65, 6.67, 6.68, 6.69, 6.70, 6.72, 9.46, ",5 inset,,,,, Gangre,6.7,86 D3 Gangra,,,,, Ganos,4.47,52 A3 Serreion Teichos / Ganos,,,,, Garama,5.36,36 C5 Garama Metropolis,,,,, Garamantes,"5.26, 5.34, 5.36, 5.38, 5.43, 5.45, 6.209",36 C4,,,,, Garasa,5.74,69 C5 Gerasa / Antiochia ad Chrysorhoam,,,,, Gardens of the Hesperides,"5.3, 5.46",28 UNLOC Hesperidum Horti,,,,, Gardens of the Hesperides (2),5.31,UNLOC,,,,, Garganus m.,"3.103, 3.105, 3.111",45 C1,,,,, Gargaphie sp.,4.25,55 UNLOC Gargaphia,,,,, Gargara m.,5.122,56 D2 Gargara Akron,,,,, Garnae h.,3.103,45 UNLOC Portus Garnae,,,,, Garresci,4.35,50 UNLOC Gareskos,,,,, Garroe,6.193,UNLOC,,,,, Garroe isl.,6.193,UNLOC,,,,, Garsauritis,6.9,63 D4 Garsauritis,,,,, Garunna r.,4.105,14 E4 Garumna fl.,,,,, Gattaei,6.147,95 UNLOC,,,,, Gaudos isl.,4.61,60 B3 Kaudos? Ins.,,,,, Gaugamela,6.118,89 F4,,,,, Gaulopes,6.147,UNLOC,,,,, Gaulos isl.,"3.92, 5.42",47 inset,,,,, Gaurani m. (Gaurani Montes),3.60,44 F4 Gaurus m.,,,,, Gauratae isl.,6.99,UNLOC,,,,, Gaza,"5.65, 5.68, 6.144, 6.174, 12.64",70 E2,,,,, Gazacena,6.8,87 A4 Gazakene,,,,, Gazae,6.42,90 B3 Ganzak? / Gazaca? / Gazae?,,,,, Geba,5.75,69 B4 Gaba?,,,,, Gebadaei,6.168,UNLOC,,,,, Gebbanitae,"6.153, 12.63",4 C3 Cerbani § Gebbanitae,,,,, Gedranitae,6.158,4 B3 , ,,,, Gedrosi (Gedrosia),"6.78, 6.212",3 H4,,,,, Gedrusi,"6.94, 6.95",UNLOC,,,,, Gegari,6.21,UNLOC,,,,, Gelani (Gela),3.91,47 E4,,,,, Gelas r.,3.89,47 E4,,,,, Gelbes r.,5.143,UNLOC,,,,, Gelon spring,31.19,UNLOC,,,,, Geloni,4.88,UNLOC,,,,, Gemellensis = Acci Gemellensis,3.25,,,,,, Gemelli hills (Gemelli Colles),3.88,47 D3,,,,, Genaunes,3.137,19 C2,,,,, Genesara / Tarichea l.,5.71,69 C4 Tiberiadis Mare / Gennesar L.,,,,, Genetae,6.11,87 UNLOC Genetes,,,,, Genetiva Urbanorum = Urso,3.12,,,,,, Gensoe,6.180,81 UNLOC Censoe,,,,, Genua,"3.48, 6.217, 14.68",39 D5,,,,, Genusini (Genusia),3.105,45 E3,,,,, Geoaris isl.,4.53,UNLOC,,,,, Georgi,6.35,UNLOC,,,,, Ger r.,5.15,UNLOC,,,,, Geraestum c.,"4.63, 4.65, 4.68",58 H2 Geraistos Pr.,,,,, Geraestus,"4.51, 5.64",58 H2 Geraistos,,,,, Gerania,4.16,58 C4 Geren(i)a,,,,, Gerania,4.23,UNLOC,,,,, Gerania,4.44,22 F5,,,,, Geretae,6.78,6 UNLOC,,,,, Gergitha,5.122,56 F3,,,,, Germani Oretani = Oretani,3.25,,,,,, "Germania, Germani","2.167, 2.170, 2.246, 3.25, 3.132, 4.79, 4.80, 4.81, 4.96, 4.98, 4.99, 4.102, 4.106, 4.122, 6.219, 9.45, 10.132, 16.5, 19.9, 31.20, 37.35, 37.36, 37.42, 37.43, 37.44, ",2 E3,,,,, Germanic sea (Germanicum Mare),4.103,2 D2,,,,, Germanicoplis = Helgas,5.143,,,,,, Gerontia isl.,4.72,55 UNLOC,,,,, Gerrha,6.147,95 A3 Thaj / Gerra?,,,,, Gerrhaïcus b.,6.147,95 B2 Gerraicus? Sinus,,,,, Gerrhum,6.167,70 B3 Gerra,,,,, Gerrhus r.,4.84,23 I1 Gerros fl.,,,,, Gerundenses (Gerunda),3.23,25 H4,,,,, Geryones,4.120,UNLOC,,,,, Gesoriacum,"4.102, 4.106",11 B2,,,,, Getae,"4.41, 4.80",22 C4,,,,, Gethone isl.,"4.74, 5.138",51 UNLOC,,,,, Getta,5.75,69 UNLOC,,,,, Geudos / Chryssorrhoas r.,5.148,UNLOC,,,,, Gigarta,5.78,68 A5,,,,, Gigartho sp.,5.135,61 UNLOC,,,,, Gigurri (Forum Gigurrorum),3.28,24 D2,,,,, Gindareni (Gindaros),5.81,67 D4,,,,, Giri m.,5.37,UNLOC,,,,, Giris r. = Nile,5.53,,,,,, Gissa,3.140,20 B5 Cissa,,,,, Gissa isl.,3.140,20 C5 Cissa Ins.,,,,, Gistate,6.178,81 UNLOC,,,,, Glaesaria / Austeravia isl.,"4.97, 37.42",10 UNLOC,,,,, Glaesia / Electrides isl.,"3.152, 4.103, 37.32",UNLOC,,,,, Glanum,3.37,15 D2,,,,, Glauconnesos isl.,4.65,58 UNLOC Glaukonnesos Ins.,,,,, Glaucus r.,"5.103, 5.131",62 C5 Glaucus fl.,,,,, Glaucus r.,5.108,65 B4,,,,, Glaucus r.,6.13,87 H2 Glaukos / Dokonos? / Kyaneos ? fl.,,,,, Glinditiones,3.143,20 F6,,,,, Glissa,4.26,55 E4 Glisas,,,,, Gnatia,"2.240, 3.102",45 F3 Egnatia / Gnathia,,,,, Gnesiochartae,6.123,93 UNLOC,,,,, Gnissi,6.19,84 UNLOC,,,,, Gnosus,4.59,60 D2 Knosos,,,,, Gogaraei,6.76,6 C4,,,,, Golgoe,5.130,72 D2 Golgoi,,,,, Gomphi,"4.29, 4.30",55 B2 Gomphoi,,,,, Gophana,5.70,70 G2 Gophna,,,,, Goploa,6.178,81 UNLOC,,,,, Gora,6.179,82 D4,,,,, Gorditanum c. (Gorditanum Promunturium),3.84,48 A2,,,,, Gordiu Come / Juliopolis,5.143,86 B3 Gordioukome / Iuliopolis,,,,, Gordium,5.146,62 H2 Gordion,,,,, Gordyaei,"6.118, 6.129",89 E3 Gordyene / Corduena,,,,, Gordyniae,4.34,50 C2 Gortynia,,,,, Gorgades isl.,"6.200, 6.201",UNLOC,,,,, Gortyna,4.20,58 C2 Gortys § Gortyna,,,,, Gortyna,4.59,60 C2 Gortyn(a),,,,, Grabaei,3.144,UNLOC,,,,, Graccurritani (Graccurris),3.24,25 D3 Illurcis / Grac(ch)urris,,,,, "Graecia, Greek(s)","2.8, 2.10, 2.53, 2.63, 2.84, 2.89, 2.90, 2.96, 2.97, 2.106, 2.117, 2.119, 2.120, 2.131, 2.149, 2.164, 2.228, 2.231, 2.248, 3.7, 3.8, 3.21, 3.22, 3.34, 3.42, 3.50, 3.60, 3.71, 3.72, 3.74, 3.75, 3.76, 3.77, 3.78, 3.80, 3.81, 3.86, 3.92, 3.99, 3.100, 3.107, 3.112, 3.117, 3.122, 3.124, 3.134, 3.144, 3.151, 3.152, 4.1, 4.14, 4.18, 4.23, 4.28, 4.51, 4.62, 4.79, 4.80, 4.85, 4.98, 4.99, 4.102, 4.103, 4.112, 4.119, 5.1, 5.2, 5.2, 5.4, 5.8, 5.22, 5.23, 5.31, 5.33, 5.48, 5.49, 5.81, 5.99, 5.136, 6.7, 6.32, 6.44, 6.48, 6.58, 6.79, 6.107, 6.132, 6.155, 6.159, 6.180, 6.197, 6.211, 7.192, 7.193, 7.195, 7.205, 7.206, 9.52, 12.52, 12.55, 14.60, 16.239, 18.210, 31.19, 37.31, 37.33, 37.41, 37.43 ",,,,,, Granicus r.,"5.124, 5.141",52 A4,,,,, Granis r.,6.99,94 A4 Helleh / Granis? fl.,,,,, Grau Come,6.179,81 UNLOC,,,,, Graviscae,3.51,42 B4,,,,, Grecian Sea (Graeciense Mare),4.51,,,,,, Grovi,4.112,24 C2 Grovii,,,,, Grumbestini (Grumum),3.105,45 E2,,,,, Grumentini (Grumentum),"3.98, 14.69",45 C4,,,,, Grylios r.,5.122,56 D3,,,,, Grynia,5.121,56 E4 Gryneion,,,,, Guberni,4.106,11 G1 Cugerni,,,,, Guium,3.77,27 inset,,,,, Gunugu,5.20,30 C3,,,,, Gurdinii m.,6.30,88 B2,,,,, Guthalus r.,4.100,UNLOC,,,,, Gutones,4.99,UNLOC,,,,, Gyani,6.99,UNLOC,,,,, Gyara isl.,4.69,60 A4 Gyaros Ins.,,,,, Gygaean l.,5.110,56 G4 Gygaia / Koloe / Talaimenis L.,,,,, Gygemeros m.,4.50,UNLOC,,,,, Gymnasiae = Baliares,3.77,,,,,, Gymnetes,6.190,UNLOC,,,,, Gymnetes Pharusii,5.43,27 UNLOC,,,,, Gynaecocratumenian Sauromatae,6.19,UNLOC,,,,, Gynaecopolite n. (Gynaikopolites),5.49,74 C3 Gynaikopolites Nomos,,,,, Gyrton,4.32,55 D1,,,,, Gyrus isl.,4.70,61 A4 Gyaros Ins.,,,,, Gytheates b.,4.16,UNLOC,,,,, Gythium,6.214,58 D4 Gyth(e)ion,,,,, Habesos = Antiphellos,5.100,,,,,, Habrotonum,5.27,35 E2 Arbotonum / Sabratha,,,,, Hadranitani (Hadranum),3.91,47 F3 Adranon § Hadranum,,,,, Hadria ,"3.110, 3.112",42 F3 Hatria,,,,, Hadriatic / Hadria / Atriatic Sea (Hadriaticum Mare),"3.44, 3.100, 3.118, 3.119, 3.120, 3.126, 3.127, 3.128, 3.132, 1.136, 3.150, 3.147, 3.150, 4.46, 6.218, 9.53, 14.60, 14.67, 37.32, 37.33, 37.43, 14.67",1 F2 (H)Adriaticum / Superum Mare,,,,, Hadriatic bay,"14.60, 37.33",1 F2 (H)Adriaticum / Superum Mare,,,,, Hadrumetum,"5.25, 6.212",33 G1 Hadrumetum / Iustinianopolis,,,,, Hadylius m.,4.25,UNLOC,,,,, Haegra,6.157,UNLOC,,,,, Haemasi,3.143,20 E7,,,,, Haemodae isl.,4.103,9 UNLOC Acmodae / Haemodae,,,,, Haemonia / Dryopis / Pelasgis / Thessalia / Hellas,4.28,UNLOC,,,,, Haemonion = Ephesus,5.115,,,,,, Haemus m.,"3.149, 4.3, 4.38, 4.41, 4.45",22 C6,,,,, Hagne isl.,5.133,UNLOC,,,,, Halaesini (Halaesa),3.91,47 E3,,,,, Halasit,5.37,36 UNLOC Halasit / Alasit,,,,, Halcyone,4.27,55 UNLOC,,,,, Halesus r.,5.116,61 E1 Hales fl.,,,,, Haleti,4.40,UNLOC,,,,, Haliacmon r.,"4.34, 31.14",50 A4 Haliakmon fl.,,,,, Haliartus,4.26,55 E4 Haliartos,,,,, Halicarna,4.6,55 B4 Halikyrna,,,,, Halicarnasus,"2.204, 5.107, 5.134, 6.214",61 E3 Halicarnassus,,,,, Halicuenses (Halicuae),3.91,47 B3 Halicyae § Ankylion?,,,,, Haliserne,5.126,56 E3 Halisarna,,,,, Halizonae,5.143,UNLOC,,,,, Halmydesos,4.45,52 C1 Salmydessos,,,,, Halmyris l.,4.79,23 B4 Halmyris Limne,,,,, Halone,5.151,52 B4,,,,, Halone = Halonesos,"2.202, 5.137",,,,,, Halone isl.,5.151,52 B4,,,,, Halonesi isl.,6.169,4 UNLOC,,,,, Halonesos / Halone isl.,"2.202, 4.74, 5.137",56 A2 Halonnesos,,,,, Halos,4.28,55 D2,,,,, Halys r.,"6.6, 6.8",87 A3,,,,, Hamaxitos,5.107,56 C2,,,,, Hamaxitus,5.124,UNLOC,,,,, Hamaxobii,4.80,UNLOC,,,,, Hamiroei,6.158,4 B3 Homeritai§ Hamiroei,,,,, Hammon,"2.228, 5.31, 5.49, 5.50, 6.186, 14.107, 37.33",73 C4 Ammon,,,,, Hammoniac n. (Hammoniacus),5.49,73 B4 Hammoniacus Nomos,,,,, Hannibal isl.,3.78,27 UNLOC,,,,, Hannibalis Castra = Castra Hannibalis,3.95,,,,,, Hannibal's tomb,5.148,UNLOC,,,,, Hannibal's towers,2.181,UNLOC,,,,, Hareni m.,3.7,26 D4,,,,, Harmastus,"6.29, 6.30",88 C3 Harmozike,,,,, Harmedon isl.,4.61,60 D5,,,,, Harmozaei,6.110,3 G4 Harmozeia / Armuzia,,,,, Harpasa,"2.110, 5.109",61 G2,,,,, Harpasus r.,5.109,61 G2 Harpasos fl.,,,,, Harusbi,6.192,UNLOC,,,,, Hasta,3.49,39 D5,,,,, Hasta Regia,3.11,26 D5 (H)Asta / Col. Hasta Regia,,,,, Hebrus r.,"4.40, 4.41, 4.43, 4.50, 4.73",51 G1 Hebros fl.,,,,, Hebudes isl.,4.103,9 A5 (H)Ebudes Inss.,,,,, Hecatompylos,"6.44, 6.61, 6.113",96 C4,,,,, Hedyphon r.,6.135,93 F3 Jarrahi / Hedyphon? fl.,,,,, Helene isl.,"4.62, 4.68",59 D3 Helena Ins., ,,,, Helgas / Germanicopolis / Boos Coete,5.143,52 D4 Helge / Caesarea Germanice,,,,, Helice,"2.206, 4.12",58 C1 Helike,,,,, Helicon m.,"4.8, 4.25",55 D4 Helicon M.,,,,, Helinium (mouth),4.101,10 A5,,,,, Heliopolis (see also Sol's Town),5.80,69 D1 Heliopolis,,,,, Heliopolite n. (Heliopolites),5.49,74 E4 Heliopolites Nomos,,,,, Hellas = Haemonia,4.28,,,,,, "Hellas, Hellenes (see also Graecia)","4.9, 4.23, 4.28, 4.62",102 D4,,,,, Helleni,4.112,24 C2,,,,, Hellespont,"2.202, 2.205, 4.1, 4.49, 4.50, 4.63, 4.64, 4.75, 4.76, 4.92, 5.121, 5.127, 5.140, 5.141, 5.150, 6.1, 6.2, 6.216, 7.206, 8.225, 16.238, 18.215",51 H4,,,,, Hellespontii ,5.123,UNLOC,,,,, Hellopes,4.2,55 UNLOC (H)Ellopia,,,,, Helos,4.15,UNLOC,,,,, Helos,5.117,56 C4,,,,, Helveti,4.106,18 D3 Helvetii,,,,, Helvinum r.,3.110,42 F2 Helvinus? fl.,,,,, "Hemesa, Hemeseni ","5.81, 5.89",68 C4,,,,, Hemnatae,6.157,83 D6,,,,, Hemodus m.,"6.56, 5.60, 6.64, 6.88",6 D3 Hemodos / Imaus / Caucasus M.,,,,, Heniochi,"6.12, 6.14, 6.15, 6.30","87 F1, F4 Heniochoi",,,,, Heniochi / Coraxici m.,6.26,88 A3,,,,, Hennenses (Henna),3.91,47 E3 (H)Enna,,,,, Hephaestia,4.73,56 A2 Hephaistia,,,,, Hephaestiades = Aeoliae,3.92,,,,,, Hephaestium,5.100,65 D5 Hephaistion,,,,, Hephaestus m.,2.236,UNLOC,,,,, Heptaporus r.,5.124,UNLOC,,,,, Heraclea,3.33,15 UNLOC,,,,, Heraclea,4.34,50 C4 Herakleion,,,,, Heraclea,4.44,UNLOC,,,,, Heraclea,4.59,60 D2 Herakleion,,,,, Heraclea,"5.109, 5.113",61 F2 Heraclea ad Latmum,,,,, Heraclea,"5.151, 6.4, 6.216, 16.239",86 B2,,,,, Heraclea,5.79,68 A2 Herakleia?,,,,, Heraclea / Achais,6.48,UNLOC,,,,, Heraclea / Siris,3.97,46 E1,,,,, Heraclea Cherronesus / Megarice,4.85,23 G4 Chersonesos,,,,, Heraclea Sintica,"4.35, 4.38, 4.42",50 D2 Herakleia Sintike,,,,, Heraclea Trechin,4.28,55 C3 Trachis / Herakleia,,,,, Heracleopolite n. (Herakleopolites),5.50,75 D3 Herakleopolites Nomos,,,,, Heracleotae (Heraclea),4.78,52 B3 Perinthus/Heraclea,,,,, Heracleotes (Heraclea),5.122,56 D3 Herakleia / Elateia?,,,,, Heracleotic (mouth),5.64,UNLOC,,,,, Heracleum,"6.16, 6.17",84 UNLOC,,,,, Heracleum c.,6.12,87 E1 Herakleion Pr.,,,,, Heracleum r.,6.12,87 UNLOC,,,,, Heraclia,4.5,54 C4 Herakleia,,,,, Heraclia / Onus isl.,4.70,61 A4 Herakleia,,,,, Heraea,4.20,58 B2 Heraia,,,,, Heras Lutra isl.,3.85,48 UNLOC,,,,, Herbanum,3.52,UNLOC,,,,, Herbessenses (Herbessos),3.91,47 E4,,,,, Herbitenses,3.91,47 UNLOC Herbita,,,,, Herbulenses,3.91,UNLOC,,,,, Herculaneum,3.62,44 F4,,,,, Hercules' harbor,3.73,46 UNLOC Portus Herculis / Herakleous Limen,,,,, Hercules Monecus,3.47,16 D2,,,,, "Hercules, pillars of = Pillars of Hercules","2.167, 2.242, 3.4, 5.2, 6.212, 19.4, 27.2",,,,,, "Hercules, town of (Herakleopolis)","5.50, 5.61",75 D3 Herakleopolis,,,,, Herculis isl.,3.84,48 A1,,,,, Hercuniates,3.148,20 E3,,,,, Hercynium forest,"4.80, 10.132, 16.6",12 UNLOC Hercynia Silva,,,,, Hercynium m.,4.100,12 UNLOC Hercynia Silva,,,,, Hercynna r.,31.15,UNLOC,,,,, Herdonienses (Herdoniae),3.105,45 C2,,,,, Hermesia,5.117,UNLOC,,,,, Hermia,5.93,66 D4 Holmoi / Hermia ?,,,,, Hermione,"4.18, 4.56",58 E3,,,,, Hermiones,4.100,10 UNLOC Herminones,,,,, Hermisium,4.87,87 UNLOC,,,,, Hermocapelitae,5.126,UNLOC,,,,, Hermonasa,6.18,87 L2 Hermonassa,,,,, Hermonthite n. (Hermonthis),5.49,80 B2,,,,, Hermopolite n. (Hermopolites),5.49,75 D4 Hermopolites Nomos,,,,, Hermunduri,4.100,12 C3 / F1,,,,, Hermus r.,5.119,56 E4,,,,, Hernician Alfaterni (Hernici),4.63,43 E2,,,,, Herodium,5.70,70 G2 Herodeion,,,,, Heroon,6.165,74 G3 Heroonpolis,,,,, Heroopolite n.,5.50,74 F4 Heroopolites Nomos,,,,, Heroopoliticus b.,5.65,76 B3 Heroopoliticus Sinus,,,,, Heroum,6.156,74 G3 Heroonpolis,,,,, Hertichei,6.22,84 UNLOC,,,,, Hesperides = Berenice,5.31,,,,,, Hesperides isl.,6.201,UNLOC,,,,, Hesperii (Aethiopian),"6.197, 6.199",UNLOC,,,,, Hesperioe,"6.195, 6.197, 6.199",UNLOC,,,,, Hesperu Ceras c.,"5.10, 6.197, 6.199, 6.201",UNLOC,,,,, Hesperu m.,2.237,UNLOC,,,,, Hiberia = Hispania,"3.21, 37.32",,,,,, "Hiberia, Hiberians","3.8, 4.39, 6.12, 6.27, 6.29, 6.30, 6.39, 6.40, 6.216, 7.98",88 B2 Iberia,,,,, Hiberic Sea (Hibericum Mare),"3.6, 3.74, 5.110",1 C3 Ibericum Mare,,,,, Hibernia isl.,"4.102, 4.103",2 B3,,,,, Hiberus r.,"3.21, 3.24, 4.111",25 B3 (H)Iberus fl.,,,,, Hiberus r.,6.29,88 B3,,,,, Hibiethes r.,5.135,UNLOC,,,,, Hiera,5.139,56 C3,,,,, Hiera / Automate isl.,"2.202, 4.70",61 A5,,,,, Hiera / Therasia isl.,"2.238, 3.93",47 F2,,,,, Hiera Cepia isl.,5.130,72 A3 Noumenion / Hiera et Cepia? Ins.,,,,, Hiera Sycaminos,6.184,82 C2 Hierasykaminos,,,,, Hierapolis,4.59,60 UNLOC,,,,, Hierapolis = Bambyce,5.81,,,,,, "Hierapolis, Hierapolitae ","2.208, 5.105",65 B2 Hierapolis,,,,, Hierapytna,"4.59, 4.61",60 E2,,,,, Hiericous,5.70,70 G2 Hierichous,,,,, Hieromix r.,5.74,69 C4 Hieromyces fl.,,,,, Hieron,6.17,84 UNLOC,,,,, Hieronenses,5.147,UNLOC,,,,, Hieronnesos isl.,3.92,47 A3 Hiera / Maritima Ins.,,,,, Hieros r.,5.122,56 UNLOC,,,,, Hieros r.,5.149,86 B3 Hieros / Siberis fl.,,,,, Hierosolyma,"5.70, 5.72, 5.73, 6.213",70 G2 Ierusalem / Hierosolyma / Col. Aelia Capitolina,,,,, Hilleviones,4.96,UNLOC,,,,, Himani,3.139,UNLOC,,,,, Himantopodes,"5.44, 5.46",,,,,, Himera,3.90,47 D3,,,,, Himeras r.,3.90,47 D3,,,,, Himerte = Lesbos,5.139,,,,,, Hippalum c.,6.172,4 UNLOC,,,,, Hippareni (Hipparenum),6.123,93 B1 Nippur / Nufar / 'Hippareni',,,,, Hippi / Chytrophoria,5.117,56 C5 Hippoi Isl.,,,,, Hippium = Argos,4.17,,,,,, Hippo,"5.71, 5.74",69 C4 Hippos,,,,, Hippo = Vibo Valentia,3.73,,,,,, Hippo Dirutus / Diarrhytum,"5.23, 6.212",32 E2 Hippo Diarrhytus,,,,, Hippo Nova,3.10,27 A4 Iponuba / Hippo Nova,,,,, Hippo Regius,"5.22, 6.212",31 H3,,,,, Hippocrene sp.,4.25,UNLOC,,,,, Hipponesos isl.,5.134,UNLOC,,,,, Hipponiensis b.,5.23,32 E2 Hipponensis L.,,,,, Hippopodes isl.,4.95,UNLOC,,,,, Hippos r.,6.13,87 H2,,,,, Hippuris isl.,4.71,61 B5 Hippouris Ins.,,,,, Hippuros h.,6.84,5 inset Hippuri Pr.,,,,, Hipsordores,6.190,UNLOC,,,,, Hirpini,"2.208, 3.99, 3.105",45 A2,,,,, Hirpinian mountains (Hirpini montes),3.102,UNLOC,,,,, Hirri,4.97,UNLOC,,,,, Hispalis / Hispal Romulensis,"2.219, 3.7, 3.11, 3.13",26 E4 Hispalis / Col. Romula,,,,, Hispania Further (Ulterior),"3.6, 3.18, 3.29, 7.96",1 C3 Baetica,,,,, Hispania Nearer (Citerior) / Tarraconensis,"3.6, 3.9, 3.13, 3.18, 3.29, 3.30, 4.110, 6.217, 14.71",100 F3,,,,, "Hispania, Hispaniae / Hiberia","2.127, 2.167, 2.168, 2.169, 2.181, 2.231, 2.241, 2.242, 2.244, 3.3, 3.5, 3.6 3.8, 3.21, 3.30, 3.74, 4.102, 4.110, 4.112, 4.113, 4.115, 4.118, 4.120, 5.19, 6.215, 6.216, 8.226, 9.49, 10.133, 14.71, 18.216, 19.4, 19.10, 37.32, 37.203",1 B2,,,,, Hispanian Mouth (Hispaniense Ostium),3.33,15 C3,,,,, Hispanian Sea (Hispanum Mare) / Balearic Sea (Baliaricum Mare) / Hiberian Sea (Hibericum Mare),3.74,25 G5 Hispanum / (H)Ibericum Mare,,,,, Hispellum,3.113,42 D3,,,,, Hister / Danuvius r. [Danube],"3.127, 3.128, 3.146, 4.41, 4.42, 4.44, 4.45, 4.78, 4.79, 4.80, 4.81, 4.82, 4.92, 9.53",23 A4 Danuvius / Istros / Hister fl.,,,,, Histi,6.50,UNLOC,,,,, Histonium,3.106,44 G1,,,,, "Histria, Histri ","3.38, 3.45, 3.127, 3.129, 3.151",20 A4,,,,, Histropolis,"4.44, 4.78, 4.79",22 F4 Histria,,,,, Holmoe,5.92,66 D4 Holmoi / Hermia ?,,,,, Holmon = Alimon,4.29,,,,,, Homeritae,"6.158, 6.161",4 B3 Homeritai,,,,, Homna,6.149,UNLOC,,,,, Homodoti,6.50,UNLOC,,,,, Homolium,4.32,55 D1 Homolion,,,,, Horcon r.,4.31,UNLOC,,,,, Horisius r.,5.142,UNLOC,,,,, Hormiae = Formiae,3.59,,,,,, Hortanum,3.52,42 C4 Horta,,,,, Hortenses,3.69,44 UNLOC,,,,, Hortona,3.106,42 G4 Ortona,,,,, Hyampolis,4.27,55 D3,,,,, Hyantes = Boeoti,4.26,,,,,, Hybanda isl.,2.204,UNLOC,,,,, Hyblenses,3.91,UNLOC,,,,, Hyctanis r.,6.98,3 UNLOC Hyktanis fl.,,,,, Hydas,5.104,61 G4,,,,, Hydaspes r.,"6.62, 6.71",6 C3,,,,, Hyde = Sardis,5.110,,,,,, "Hyde, Hydenses","5.95, 5.147",66 D2,,,,, Hydissenses (Hydissos),5.109,61 F3,,,,, Hydrelitae,5.105,65 UNLOC Hydrela,,,,, Hydreuma,6.102,UNLOC,,,,, Hydreuma,6.102,UNLOC,,,,, Hydreuma of Apollo,6.102,80 F4 Apollonos,,,,, Hydreuma Vetus / Trogodyticum,6.103,80 inset Vetus Hydreuma,,,,, Hydruntum,"3.100, 3.101",45 H4,,,,, Hydrusa = Ceos,4.62,,,,,, Hydrusa = Tenos,4.65,,,,,, Hyetusa ils.,5.133,61 D3,,,,, Hylaei,4.84,UNLOC,,,,, Hylaeum Sea (Hylaeum Mare),4.83,23 E2,,,,, Hylas r.,5.144,UNLOC,,,,, Hylatae / Baethaemi,5.81,68 UNLOC,,,,, Hyle,4.26,55 E4,,,,, Hyllis c.,3.141,20 C6,,,,, Hyllus r.,5.119,56 G4 Hyllos fl.,,,,, Hymettus m.,4.24,59 C3 Hymettos M.,,,,, Hymos isl.,5.133,61 F4,,,,, Hypaea isl.,3.79,16 UNLOC,,,,, Hypaepeni (Hypaipa),5.120,56 F5,,,,, Hypanis r.,"4.83, 4.84, 4.88",23 E1,,,,, Hypasis r.,"2.183, 6.62, 6.63, 6.71",6 C3 Zadadros / Hypasis / Sydrus fl.,,,,, Hypaton = Mulon,6.180,,,,,, Hyperboreans (Hyperborei),"4.89, 6.34, 6.55, 6.219",UNLOC,,,,, Hypere = Amgorgos ,4.70,,,,,, Hyperia sp.,4.29,55 UNLOC Hyperia fons,,,,, Hyperis r.,6.99,UNLOC,,,,, Hypius m.,5.148,86 A3 Hypios ? M.,,,,, Hypobarus r.,37.39,6 C3 Souastos fl.,,,,, Hypsa r.,3.90,47 B3 Hypsa(s) fl.,,,,, Hypsalti,4.40,UNLOC,,,,, Hypsizonus m.,4.36,UNLOC,,,,, Hyrcani (Hyrcania),"6.36, 6.46, 6.113",96 C2 Varkana / Hyrcania / Gurgan,,,,, Hyrcani (Hyrkanis),5.120,56 F4 Hyrkanis,,,,, Hyrcani (Macedones),5.120,UNLOC,,,,, Hyrcanian Sea,"5.97, 6.15, 6.35, 6.36, 6.41, 6.46, 6.58, 6.112",90 F2 Caspium / Hyrcanium Mare,,,,, Hyrcanius m.,5.99,UNLOC,,,,, Hyrgale,5.113,62 B5 Hyrgaleis,,,,, Hyrie,4.26,55 F4 Hyria,,,,, Hyrie = Zacynthus,4.54,,,,,, Hyrmine,4.13,58 A2,,,,, Hyrminum r.,3.89,47 F5,,,,, Hysiae,4.12,58 D2 Hysiai,,,,, Iactus r.,3.118,UNLOC,,,,, Iader,"3.140, 3.141, 3.152",20 C5,,,,, Ialysus,5.132,60 G3 Ialysos,,,,, Iambe isl.,6.168,4 UNLOC,,,,, Iamneae (1),5.68,70 F2 Iamneia Paralios,,,,, Iamneae (2 inland),5.68,70 F2 Iamneia,,,,, Iamo,3.77,27 inset,,,,, "Iapudia, Iapudes","3.38, 3.127, 3.129, 3.139, 3.140, 3.146",20 B4,,,,, Iapygia = Sallentinum,3.103,,,,,, Iapygia c. (Ipygia Pr.),3.102,45 inset,,,,, Iapyx r.,3.102,45 UNLOC,,,,, Iasi,3.147,20 D4 Ias(s)ii,,,,, Iasian b.,"5.107, 5.112",61 F3 Iasi(k)os / Bargylietikos Sinus,,,,, Iasus,5.107,61 F3 Iasos,,,,, Iaxartes/ Silis r.,"6.36, 6.45, 6.49",6 C1,,,,, Iazyges,4.80,23 E1,,,,, Ibrona,3.15,26 UNLOC Brona,,,,, Icarian Sea (Icarium Mare),"4.51, 4.71, 6.215",61 C3 Ikarion Mare,,,,, Icarius m.,4.24,UNLOC,,,,, Icaros / Doliche / Macris / Ichthyusa isl.,"4.68, 5.135",61 C2 Ikaros Ins.,,,,, Icarus isl.,6.147,93 E4 E-kara / Icarus Ins.,,,,, Icarus r.,6.17,84 UNLOC,,,,, Icatalae,6.21,UNLOC,,,,, Ichanenses,3.91,47 UNLOC Icana,,,,, Ichnae,4.34,50 C3 Ichnai,,,,, Ichnusa = Sardinia,3.85,,,,,, Ichthus c.,4.14,58 A2 Ichthys Pr.,,,,, Ichthyophagi,"6.95, 6.97, 6.149, 6.150, 6.151, 6.176",3 H4 Ichthyogapoi,,,,, Ichthyophagi Oritae,6.95,6 B4 Oreitae / Nearti § Abortae,,,,, Ichthyusa = Icaros,4.68,,,,,, Iconium,"5.93, 5.95",66 B1,,,,, Icositani,3.19,27 UNLOC,,,,, Icosium,5.20,30 F3,,,,, Ictis isl.,4.104,UNLOC,,,,, Ida m.,"2.50, 5.122, 6.216",56 D2,,,,, Idaeus m.,4.59,60 C2 Ida(ion) M.,,,,, Idale,5.126,56 D3 Herakleia / Elateia,,,,, Idalium,5.130,72 C2 Idalion,,,,, Idomenenses (Idomene),4.35,50 B2 (E)Idomene,,,,, Idumaea,"5.67, 5.68, 5.70, 6.213",70 F3,,,,, Idyris,5.131,65 E4 Idyros?,,,,, Iessonienses (Iessos),3.23,25 G4,,,,, Ietenses (Ietas),3.91,47 C3,,,,, Ieterus r.,3.149,22 C5,,,,, Igilgili,5.20,31 D3,,,,, Igilium isl.,3.81,41 D5,,,,, Iguini (Iguvium),3.113,42 D2,,,,, Ilerdenses (Ilerda),3.24,25 F4,,,,, Ilergaones,3.21,25 F4 Ilergetes § Ilourgetes§ Ilaraugatai § Ilergaones § Regio Ilergetum,,,,, Ilergetes,3.21,25 F4,,,,, Iletia,4.29,55 D3 Elateia,,,,, Iliberri Florentini,3.10,27 B4,,,,, Ilici,3.19,27 E3,,,,, Ilicitanian b.,3.19,27 E3 Ilicitanus Sinus,,,,, Ilienses,3.85,48 UNLOC Iolaia,,,,, Ilionenses,3.64,44 UNLOC,,,,, Ilipa / Ilpa,3.11,26 E4 Ilipa Magna,,,,, Ilipula Laus,3.10,26 UNLOC,,,,, Ilipula Minor,3.12,26 E4 ,,,,, Ilisos,4.24,UNLOC,,,,, Ilissus r.,4.72,51 F4 Ilissos? fl.,,,,, Iliturgi Forum Julium,3.10,27 B4 Iliturgi § Forum Iulium,,,,, Ilium,"2.201, 2.211, 2.230, 5.124, 6.216, 10.74, 16.238",56 C2 Ilium / Troia,,,,, Illetia isl.,5.137,UNLOC,,,,, Illiberis,"2.244, 3.32",25 H3,,,,, "Illyricum, Illyrii / Illyrians","2.228, 3.45, 3.101, 3.102, 3.139, 3.144, 3.147, 3.150, 3.151, 3.152, 4.79, 6.217, 6.218",49 B3,,,,, "Ilorci, Ilorcitani","3.9, 3.25",27 D3,,,,, Ilpa = Ilipa,3.11,,,,,, Iluberitani (Iluberis),3.24,25 D3 *Ilu(m)beris,,,,, Ilurco,3.10,27 B4,,,,, Iluro,3.22,25 H5,,,,, Ilursenses,3.24,UNLOC,,,,, Ilva / Aethalia isl.,3.81,41 C4,,,,, Imacarenses (Imacara),3.91,47 E3 Imachara?,,,,, Imadochi,6.21,UNLOC,,,,, Imavus m.,"5.98, 6.60, 6.64, 6.214, 6.215",6 D3 Hemodos / Imaus / Caucasus M.,,,,, Imbarus m.,5.93,66 UNLOC,,,,, Imbrasus r.,5.135,61 D2 Imbrasos fl.,,,,, Imbrus isl.,"4.72, 4.73, 6.216",51 F4 Imbros Ins.,,,,, Imenei,5.86,UNLOC,,,,, Imityes r.,6.21,UNLOC,,,,, Imityi,6.21,UNLOC,,,,, Inachium = Argos,4.18,,,,,, Inachus r.,4.17,58 D2 Inachos fl.,,,,, Inarime = Aenaria,3.82,,,,,, Inchobriche,6.149,UNLOC,,,,, Incia r.,3.118,39 G4,,,,, "India, Indi / Indians","2.170, 2.183, 2.184, 2.185, 2.242, 2.243, 4.39, 5.60, 6.45, 6.52, 6.55, 6.56, 6.57, 6.58, 6.59, 6.60, 6.62, 6.66, 6.68, 6.69, 6.72, 6.74, 6.76, 6.78, 6.79, 6.81, 6.82, 6.86, 6.88, 6.95, 6.96, 6.101, 6.104, 6.106, 6.110 , 6.151, 6.161,6.175, 6.212, 6.213, 6.214, 9.46, 12.48, 16.160, 16.161, 16.162, 19.7, 19.15, 31.17, 31.21, 32.21, 37.36, 37.39, 37.40, 37.41, 37.46, 37.203, ",5 D2,,,,, Indian Sea (Indicum Mare) / Indian Ocean (Indicus Oceanus),"2.167, 5.97, 6.33, 6.56",4 D4 Indicum Mare,,,,, Indigetes,3.21,25 H3,,,,, Indus / Sindus r.,"6.48, 6.56, 6.60, 6.62, 6.70, 6.71, 6.73, 6.77, 6.78, 6.80, 6.92, 6.93, 6.109, 6.137",6 B4 Indus / Sinthos / Phison fl.,,,,, Indus r.,"2.211, 5.103",65 A4,,,,, Industria / Bodincomagum,"3.49, 3.122",39 C3,,,,, Ingauni,3.46,16 F1,,,,, Inguaeones,"4.96, 4.99",UNLOC,,,,, Inopus spring,2.229,UNLOC,,,,, Insubres,"3.124, 3.125, 10.77",39 D2,,,,, Interamnates Nartes (Interamna Nahars),"3.107, 3.113",42 D3,,,,, Interamnates Sucasini / Lirenates (Interamna Lirenas),3.64,44 E3,,,,, Interannienses,4.118,24 D4,,,,, Intercatienses (Intercatia),3.26,24 F3,,,,, Invallis isl.,6.202,UNLOC,,,,, Iol = Caesarea,5.20,,,,,, Iolcus,"4.32, 7.205",55 D2 Iolkos,,,,, Iomanes r.,"6.63, 6.69, 6.73",6 D4,,,,, "Ionia, Ionians","2.204, 5.103, 5.110, 5.112, 5.113, 5.119, 5.135, 6.7, 6.215, 10.133, 18.215",56 D4,,,,, Ionian Sea (Ionium Mare),"3.88, 3.100, 3.150, 3.151, 3.152, 4.5, 4.6, 4.9, 4.19, 4.51",1 G3,,,,, Iope,"5.69, 5.70, 6.213",70 F1 Ioppe,,,,, Ios / Phoenice isl.,"4.69, 4.70",61 A4 Ios Ins.,,,,, Iotape,5.92,66 A4,,,,, Ipra,3.10,26 E4 Iporca, ,,,, Iptuci,3.15,26 E5,,,,, Ireseum,4.26,UNLOC,,,,, Iresia,4.72,55 UNLOC,,,,, Iresiae,4.32,55 UNLOC,,,,, Iria,3.49,39 D4,,,,, Irini,3.105,45 UNLOC,,,,, Iris r.,"6.8, 6.10",87 A4,,,,, Irmene,3.131,UNLOC,,,,, Isacia ils. = Oenotrides,3.85,,,,,, Isara r.,3.33,17 E3,,,,, Isarci,3.137,19 D3,,,,, Isari,6.64,6 UNLOC,,,,, Isaura,5.94,66 A2,,,,, Isauric people / Isaurica (Isauria),5.94,66 A2,,,,, Isbeli,6.194,UNLOC,,,,, Isis (town),5.64,UNLOC,,,,, Isis h.,6.174,UNLOC,,,,, Isis r.,6.12,87 G3,,,,, Ismaron,4.42,51 UNLOC Ismaros,,,,, Ismenus r.,4.25,UNLOC,,,,, Ispallenses,3.24,UNLOC,,,,, "Issa, Issaei","3.45, 3.142, 3.152",20 D6,,,,, Issatis,"6.44, 6.113",UNLOC,,,,, Issi,6.22,84 UNLOC,,,,, Issus / Alexandria,"5.91, 6.214",67 C3,,,,, Issus b.,"2.243, 5.91, 6.7, 6.207",67 B3 Issicus Sinus,,,,, Isthmos / Isthmus,"2.244, 4.9, 4.11, 4.12, 4.18, 4.23, 4.24, 4.38, 4.48, 6.215, 7.205",58 D2,,,,, Istros isl.,5.133,61 E4,,,,, Istuaeones,4.100,10 UNLOC Istaevones,,,,, Isturgi Triumphales,3.10,27 A3 Isturgi § Municipium Triumphale,,,,, Isura isl.,6.150,UNLOC,,,,, Itali,3.71,UNLOC,,,,, Italia,"2.126, 2.136, 2.146, 2.153, 2.178, 2.182, 2.186, 2.197, 2.199, 2.203, 2.204, 2.206, 2.209, 2.218, 2.224, 2.227, 2.238, 3.25, 3.31, 3.38, 3.43, 3.46, 3.47, 3.48, 3.49, 3.58, 3.62, 3.73, 3.80, 3.85, 3.86, 3.87, 3.92, 3.93, 3.95, 3.97, 3.100, 3.101, 3.106, 3.109, 3.110, 3.112, 3.115, 3.122, 3.126, 3.127, 3.129, 3.132, 3.133, 3.138, 3.139, 3.143, 3.145, 3.150, 4.52, 4.121, 4.122, 6.5, 6.143, 8.225, 8.227, 10.77, 10.132, 10.135, 12.109, 14.66, 14.69, 14.71, 14.75, 14376, 16.161, 18.214, 19.3, 19.9, 19.10, 19.13, 32.19, 37.31, 37.34, 37.40, 37.201, 37.203",1 F2,,,,, Italian Sea (Italum Mare),3.54,BA 1 F2 Tyrrhenum/Inferum Mare,,,,, Italica,3.11,26 D4,,,,, Itanum c.,4.61,60 F2 Itanon Pr.,,,,, Ithaca isl.,"4.54, 4.55, 8.226",54 C5,,,,, Ithacesiae isl.,3.85,46 UNLOC,,,,, Ithome,4.15,58 B3 Ithome M.,,,,, Ituci / Virtus Julia,3.12,27 A4 I(p)tuci § Col. Virtus Iulia,,,,, Iturean people (Iturea),5.81,69 C2 Itouraia,,,,, Iuanenses (Iuanum),3.106,44 F1 Iuvanum,,,,, Iuliopolis,6.102,74 B2,,,,, Iulis,4.62,58 G2 Ioulis,,,,, Iuras r.,4.45,UNLOC,,,,, Iuvaum,3.146,19 F2 Iuvavum,,,,, Ivor r.,5.13,1a C2,,,,, Izi,6.64,6 UNLOC,,,,, Janiculum,3.68,,,,,, Jasonium r.,6.11,87 UNLOC Iasonios fl.,,,,, Jordanes r.,"5.70, 5.71",70 H2 Iordanes fl.,,,,, Judaea,"2.226, 5.66, 5.67, 5.70, 5.72, 5.73, 6.213, 7.98, 12.64, 12.109, 31.24",70 F2 Iudaea,,,,, Juli Genius = Lucurgentum,3.11,,,,,, Julia Apta = Apta Julia,3.36,,,,,, Julia Campestris = Babba,5.5,,,,,, Julia Claritas = Ucubi,3.12,,,,,, Julia Concordia = Nertobriga,3.14,,,,,, Julia Constantia = Osset,3.11,,,,,, Julia Constantia Zilil,5.2,28 C2 Zilil / Zilis § Col. Iulia Constantia Zilil,,,,, Julia Contributa = Ugultunia,3.14,,,,,, Julia Fama = Seria,3.14,,,,,, Julia Felicitas = Olisipo,4.117,,,,,, Julia Gaditana = Urbs Julia Gaditana,4.119,,,,,, Julia Liberalitas = Ebora,4.117,,,,,, Julia Pietas = Pola,3.129,,,,,, Julia Restituta = Segida,3.14,,,,,, Julia Scarabantia = Scarabantia Julia,3.146,,,,,, Julia Virtus = Ituci,3.12,,,,,, Juliani = Ceretani,3.23,,,,,, Julias,5.71,69 C4 Bethsaida? / Iulias?,,,,, Julienses,3.130,UNLOC,,,,, Julienses,5.105,UNLOC,,,,, Julienses = Arretini,3.52,,,,,, Julienses = Artigi ,3.10,,,,,, Julienses = Teari,3.23,,,,,, Julienses Carni (Iulium Carnicum),3.130,19 F3,,,,, Juliobriga/ Juliobrica,"3.21, 3.27, 4.111",24 G2 Iuliobriga,,,,, Juliopolis = Gordiu Come,5.143,,,,,, Juliopolitae (Iuliopolis),5.149,86 B3 Gordioukome / Iulopolis,,,,, Junonia,"6.202, 6.204",UNLOC,,,,, Juno's cape,3.7,26 D5 Iunonis Pr.,,,,, Juno's Island = Erythea,4.120,,,,,, Jupiter (town),5.60,77 G4 Diospolis Mikra,,,,, Jupiter Ammon's lagoon,2.228,,,,,, "Jupiter, spring of / Anapauomenon",2.228,,,,,, Jupiter's spring at Labrayndus,32.16,,,,,, Jures m.,"3.31, 4.105",18 D3,,,,, Labaetia,6.160,4 B2,,,,, Labatanis isl.,6.151,4 UNLOC,,,,, Labeateae,3.144,49 B1,,,,, Labican Alfaterni (Labicum),3.63,43 C2,,,,, Labrayndos,"5.109, 32.16",61 F3 Labraunda,,,,, "Lacedaemon, Lacadaemonians","2.96, 2.187, 2.191, 7.200, 32.19",58 C3 Lacedaemon / Laconia, ,,,, Lacetani,"3.22, 3.24",25 G4,,,,, Lacimurga / Constantia Julia,3.14,26 E2 Laci(ni)murga,,,,, Lacinia,2.240,UNLOC,,,,, Lacinienses,3.139,UNLOC,,,,, Lacinium c.,"3.43, 3.96, 3.97, 3.99",46 F3,,,,, Lacobrigenses (Lacobriga),3.26,24 G2,,,,, Lacones,3.99,UNLOC,,,,, Laconica,"2.243, 4.1, 4.16, 5.32, 6.214",58 C3 Lacedaemon / Laconia,,,,, Laconican b. (Laconicus Sinus) / Laconican Sea,"2.244, 4.56",58 D4,,,,, Laconican sea = Laconican b.,2.244,,,,,, Lade / Late isl.,5.135,61 E2,,,,, Ladon r.,4.21,58 B2,,,,, Laeana = Aelana,6.165,,,,,, Laeanitae,6.156,UNLOC,,,,, Laeanitic = Aelaniticus ,"6.156, 6.165",,,,,, Laeetani (Laeetania),3.211 14.71,25 H4,,,,, Laelia,3.12,26 D4,,,,, Laepia Regia,3.15,26 UNLOC,,,,, Laestrygones (see Laestrygonian Plains),3.59,UNLOC,,,,, Laestrygonian Plains (Laestrygonii Campi),3.89,47 F4,,,,, Laevi,3.124,39 D3,,,,, Lagaran wine (Lagaria),14.69,46 UNLOC,,,,, Lagia = Delos,4.66,,,,,, Lagnus b.,4.97,UNLOC,,,,, Lagous r.,6.21,UNLOC,,,,, Lagusa isl.,5.131,UNLOC,,,,, Lagusae isl.,5.138,56 C2 Kalydnai / Lagusae Inss.,,,,, Lalasis,5.94,66 C3 Lalassis,,,,, Lambrus r.,"3.118, 3.131",39 E2,,,,, Lamia,4.28,55 C3,,,,, Lamiae,4.26,UNLOC,,,,, Lamiae isl.,5.138,UNLOC,,,,, "Laminia, Laminitani, Laminitanian territory","3.6, 3.25",27 B3,,,,, Lampeus m.,4.21,58 B2 Lampeia M.,,,,, Lampia,4.20,UNLOC,,,,, Lamponia isl.,4.74,51 UNLOC,,,,, Lampsacus / Lampsacos / Pityussa,"4.49, 5.141, 6.200, 6.216",51 H4 Pityoussa / Lampsacus,,,,, Lamse isl.,4.71,61 UNLOC,,,,, Lancienses (Lancia),"3.28, 4.118",24 F2,,,,, Lanivini (Lanivium),3.64,44 C2 Lanuvium,,,,, Lanos r.,6.55,UNLOC,,,,, Laodicea,"5.79, 6.213",68 A2,,,,, Laodicea,"6.115, 6.117",92 D2 Nemavand / Laodicea,,,,, Laodicea / Diospolis / Rhoas,5.105,65 B2 Laodicea ad Lycum / Diospolis / Roas,,,,, Laodiceans on the Libanus (Laodicea on Libanus),5.82,68 C4 Laodicea ad Libanum,,,,, Lapethos,5.130,72 C2,,,,, Laphias r.,5.149,UNLOC,,,,, "Lapithae, abode of",4.30,UNLOC,,,,, Larendani,6.153,4 UNLOC,,,,, Larinates Frentani (Larinum),3.105,45 A1,,,,, Larine sp.,4.24,UNLOC,,,,, Larinum,3.103,45 A1,,,,, Larisa,4.27,55 D3 Larisa Kremaste,,,,, Larisa,"4.29, 6.216",50 C1 Larissa,,,,, Larisa,5.121,61 F2,,,,, Larisa,5.123,56 E4 Laris(s)a?,,,,, Larisa,6.159,UNLOC,,,,, Larisaei,5.82,68 C3,,,,, Larius l.,"2.224, 2.232, 3.131, 10.77",39 E1,,,,, Larumna,4.27,55 E3 Larymna,,,,, Larymna,5.104,61 G4,,,,, Lascuta,3.15,26 E5,,,,, Lasia = Ceos,4.65,,,,,, Lasia = Lesbos,5.139,,,,,, Lasia isl.,4.56,UNLOC,,,,, Lasia isl.,5.131,UNLOC,,,,, Lasos,4.59,60 FALSE,,,,, Lassuni,4.108,UNLOC,,,,, Lasthenes,4.46,53 B2 Lasthenes,,,,, Lastigi,"3.12, 3.14",26 D4,,,,, Late = Lade,5.135,,,,,, Latinienses,"3.69, 14.67",44 UNLOC,,,,, Latium,"3.38, 3.53, 3.54, 3.56, 3.59, 3.68, 3.70, 3.109, 7.193, ",44 C2,,,,, Latmus m.,"5.113, 8.229",61 F2 Latmos m.,,,,, Latonium = Ossigi,3.10,,,,,, Latopolite n. (Latopolis),5.49,80 B3,,,,, Latovici,3.148,20 B4 Latobici,,,,, Latris isl.,4.97,UNLOC,,,,, Latusates,4.108,25 E2 Tarusates § Latusates,,,,, Laud r.,5.18,28 D3,,,,, Laupas h.,6.151,4 B3,,,,, Laurentum,"3.56, 14.71",UNLOC,,,,, Lauronensian wine (Lauro) ,14.71,27 UNLOC, ,,,, Laus = Ilipula,3.10,,,,,, Laus Pompeia,3.124,39 E3,,,,, Laus r.,3.72,46 C2 Laos fl.,,,,, Lazi,6.12,UNLOC,,,,, Lea isl.,4.71,UNLOC,,,,, Leanitic = Aelanitic,6.156,,,,,, Lebadea,"4.25, 8.226",55 D4 Lebadeia,,,,, Lebedos,"2.202, 5.116",61 D1,,,,, Lebena,4.59,60 C3 Leben,,,,, Leberidas isl.,3.85,UNLOC,,,,, Lebinthus isl.,4.70,61 C3 Lebinthos Ins.,,,,, Leborinian plains,3.60,44 UNLOC Leboriae,,,,, Lecheae,"4.10, 4.12",58 D2 Lechaion,,,,, Lechieni,6.155,UNLOC,,,,, Lectum c.,"5.123, 5.145",56 C3 Lekton Pr.,,,,, Legi / Cadusii,6.48,85 UNLOC Legae,,,,, Lelantus r.,4.64,55 F4,,,,, Lelegeis = Miletus,5.112,,,,,, Leleges,5.127,56 D2,,,,, Leleges = Locri Epicnemidii,4.27,,,,,, Lemannus l.,"2.224, 3.33",18 D3,,,,, Lemavi,3.28,24 D2,,,,, Lemnos / Lemnus isl.,"2.202, 4.73, 6.216",56 A2 Lemnos Ins.,,,,, Lemovices,4.109,14 F3,,,,, Leonicenses,3.24,25 UNLOC Leonica,,,,, Leontini,"3.89, 31.27",47 G4,,,,, Leontopolis,5.64,69 UNLOC,,,,, Leontopolite n. (Leontopolites),5.49,74 E3 Leontopolites Nomos,,,,, Lepadusa isl.,"3.92, 5.42",1 F3 Lopadusa Ins.,,,,, Lepcis,5.25,33 G1 Lepti Minus,,,,, Lepcis Magna,"5.27, 5.31, 5.76, 32.18",35 G2 Neapolis / Lepcis Magna,,,,, Lepetymnus m.,5.140,56 C3 Leptymnos M.,,,,, Leponti,"3.134, 3.135, 3.137",39 C1 Lepontii,,,,, Lepreon Arcadiae,4.20,58 B3 Lepreon,,,,, Lepria isl.,5.137,UNLOC,,,,, Leprium,4.14,58 B3 Lepreon,,,,, Lepsia ils.,5.133,61 D3,,,,, Lepsimandus isl.,5.134,61 E3 Lepsimandos? Ins.,,,,, Lepte Acra / Drepanum,6.175,80 inset Lepte Akra,,,,, Lerina isl.,3.79,16 D2 Planasia / Lerina Ins.,,,,, Lerne,4.17,58 D2 Lerna,,,,, Lero isl.,3.79,16 D2,,,,, Leros ils.,5.133,61 D3,,,,, Lesbos / Aegira / Aethiope / Himerte / Lasia / Macaria / Pelasgia isl.,"2.204, 2.232, 5.136, 5.139, 5.140",56 C3,,,,, Lete,4.36,50 C3,,,,, Lethon r.,5.31,38 B1 Lathon / Leton fl.,,,,, Letoia isl.,4.55,54 UNLOC,,,,, Leuca,5.119,56 D4 Leukai,,,,, Leucadia (Leucas isl.),"4.52, 4.53",54 C4,,,,, Leucadia / Neritis peninsula,4.5,1 C4 Leucas Ins. § Leukadia Ins.,,,,, Leucadia b.,4.5,UNLOC,,,,, Leucae isl.,5.140,56 D4 Leukai,,,,, Leucas / Neritum,"2.205, 2.244, 4.5, 4.11",54 C4,,,,, Leucatas c.,4.5,1 C4 Leukata(s) Pr., ,,,, Leucatas c.,5.149,53 E3,,,,, Leuce = Achilles,4.93,,,,,, Leuce isl.,4.61,60 B2 Leukai Inss.,,,,, Leuci,4.106,11 F4,,,,, Leucoe-Aethiopians,5.43,UNLOC,,,,, Leucogaei springs,31.12,44 F4 Colles Leucogaei,,,,, Leucolithium,5.95,UNLOC,,,,, Leucolla c.,5.96,65 G4,,,,, Leucolla isl.,5.131,65 G4 Leucolla Pr.,,,,, Leucopetra c.,"3.43, 3.74",46 C5,,,,, Leucophrys = Tenedus,5.140,,,,,, Leucopolis,5.107,UNLOC,,,,, Leucosia isl.,"2.204, 3.85",45 A4,,,,, Leucosyri,6.9,UNLOC,,,,, Leucothea,3.83,45 UNLOC,,,,, Leucothea,5.60,UNLOC,,,,, Leucothea sp.,5.135,UNLOC,,,,, Leuctra,4.16,58 C4 Leuktron § Leuktra,,,,, Leuni,4.112,24 C3,,,,, Leuphitorga,6.178,81 UNLOC,,,,, Lexianae,6.154,4 C3,,,,, Lexovii,4.107,11 A4,,,,, Libade,5.117,UNLOC,,,,, Libanus m.,"5.77, 5.78, 5.80, 5.82, 6.142, 6.213",69 C2,,,,, Libarna,3.49,39 D4,,,,, Liberalitas Julia = Ebora,4.117,,,,,, Liberosus hill,2.231,,,,,, Liberthra sp.,4.32,,,,,, Libica mouth,3.33,15 C3 Libica Ora,,,,, Libicii,3.124,39 C3,,,,, Libienses (Libia),3.24,25 B3,,,,, Libii,3.37,15 C2 Libicii?,,,,, Libisosa Foroaugustana (Libisosa Forum Augustum),3.25,27 C3,,,,, Libistos,4.44,22 UNLOC Libistus,,,,, "Liburnia, Liburni","3.38, 3.45, 3.110, 3.112, 3.129, 3.139, 3.141, 3.152 ",20 B5,,,,, Liburnicae isl.,3.152,UNLOC,,,,, Libya = Africa,"5.1, 5.60, 5.61, 6.191",,,,,, Libya Mareotis = Mareotis Libya,"5.39, 5.49",,,,,, Libyan Egyptians,5.43,UNLOC,,,,, Libyan Sea (Libycum Mare),"5.1, 5.61",73 C2,,,,, Libyphoenices,5.24,33 F1,,,,, Libyssa,5.148,52 F3,,,,, Licates,3.137,19 C2,,,,, Lichades isl.,4.62,UNLOC,,,,, Ligauni,3.35,16 B2,,,,, Liger r.,4.107,14 D1,,,,, Ligures Baebiani,3.105,44 G3,,,,, Ligures Bagienni = Bagienni ,"3.117, 3.135",,,,,, Ligures Corneliani,3.105,44 H3,,,,, "Liguria, Ligures","3.38, 3.46, 3.47, 3.48, 3.49, 3.105, 3.117, 3.122, 3.123, 3.124, 3.135, 6.217, 14.68, 31.4, 37.33, 37.34",39 D4,,,,, Ligurian Ingauni = Ingauni,3.46,,,,,, Ligustian Sea (Ligusticum Mare),"2.121, 3.74, 3.80, 3.135",39 D5,,,,, Lilaea,"4.8, 4.27",55 D3 Lilaia,,,,, Lilaeus r.,5.149,UNLOC,,,,, Lilybaeum,"2.243, 3.87, 3.90, 3.92, 6.213",47 A3,,,,, Lilybaeum c.,"3.87, 3.90",47 A3,,,,, Limaea = Aeminius,4.115,,,,,, Limia r.,4.112,24 C3,,,,, Limici,3.28,24 D2,,,,, Limyra,5.100,65 D5,,,,, Limyros r.,5.100,65 D5,,,,, Lindus,"5.132, 19.12",60 G3 Lindos,,,,, Lingones,4.106,18 B2,,,,, Lintuma,6.180,81 UNLOC Linthuma / Lintuma,,,,, Lion's Town (Leontos),5.78,75 UNLOC,,,,, Lipara / Meligunis / Milogonis,3.93,47 F2,,,,, Lipara isl.,"3.93, 3.94",47 F2,,,,, Liparaei = Aeoliae,3.92,,,,,, Liparis r.,5.93,66 E3,,,,, Liquentia r.,3.126,40 D1,,,,, Lirenates = Interamnates Sucasini,3.64,,,,,, Liria r.,3.32,15 A2,,,,, Liris / Clanis r.,"2.227, 3.56, 3.59",44 E2,,,,, Lisa,5.101,65 A4 Lissa,,,,, Lissa,5.2,28 UNLOC,,,,, Lissa isl.,3.152,20 C5,,,,, Lissum,"3.144, 3.145",49 B2 Lissus,,,,, Liternum,3.61,44 F4,,,,, Liviopolis,6.11,87 E3 Libiopolis,,,,, Lixus,"5.2, 5.4, 5.5, 5.9",28 B3,,,,, Lixus r.,"5.4, 32.15",28 B3,,,,, Locri,"2.153, 2.211, 3.5, 3.74, 3.95, 6.216",46 D5 Lokroi Epizephyrioi,,,,, "Locri Epicnemidii (Locris Epicnemidia), Leleges",4.27,55 D3 Lokris Epiknemidia,,,,, Locri m.,3.5,46 D5 Lokroi Epizephyrioi,,,,, Locri Ozolae,"4.1, 4.7",55 B4 Locris Ozolia,,,,, Locris,"4.1, 18.215",55 D3 Locris Epiknemidia; 55 D3 Locris Opuntia,,,,, Longani,3.69,UNLOC,,,,, Longi Muri,4.48,UNLOC,,,,, Longopori,6.194,UNLOC,,,,, "Lopsica, Lopsi ","3.139, 3.140",20 B5,,,,, Loryma,5.104,61 G4,,,,, Lotophages / Machroae,5.28,? 35 C1 Lotophages,,,,, Lotophagitis isl. = Meninx,5.41,,,,,, Lower sea = Tuscan sea,"3.44, 3.75, 3.132, 3.136, 14.67",,,,,, Luca,"3.50, 6.217",41 C2,,,,, "Lucania, Lucani","2.147 3.38, 3.71, 3.98, 3.104, 6.216, 14.69 ",45 C3,,,,, Lucanus terr.,3.71,44 F2 Lucanus ? Ager,,,,, Lucenses = Fucentes Lucenses,3.106,,,,,, Lucentum,3.20,27 E3,,,,, Luceria,3.104,45 B1,,,,, Lucrinus l.,3.61,44 F4,,,,, Lucurgentum / Juli Genius,3.11,26 E4,,,,, Lucus (Lucus Augusti / Lucensis conventus),"3.18, 3.24, 3.28, 4.111",24 D1 Lucus Augusti,,,,, Lucus Augusti,3.37,17 E4,,,,, Lucus Feroniae,3.51,42 D4,,,,, Lugdunensis = Celtica,4.105,,,,,, Lugdunum,"4.107, 4.122",17 D2 Col. Lugdunum,,,,, Luna,"3.50, 6.217, 14.68",41 C1,,,,, Lupenii,6.29,88 E3,,,,, Lupia,3.101,45 H4 Lupia(e) § Lubias,,,,, Lusitani,4.116,24 D2,,,,, Lusitania,"3.6, 3.8, 3.13, 4.112, 4.113, 4.116, 4.118, 4.120, 6.217",1 B3,,,,, Lutevani / Foroneronienses (Luteva / Forum Neronis),3.37,15 A2,,,,, Luxia r.,3.7,26 D4 Iberos / Luxia fl.,,,,, Lycabettus m.,4.24,59 B3(j) Lykabettos M.,,,,, Lycaeus m.,4.21,58 B3 Lykaion M.,,,,, Lycaones,5.105,UNLOC,,,,, Lycaonia,"5.95, 5.102, 5.145, 5.147, 6.24, 6, 214",66 B2,,,,, Lycastos,4.59,60 D2 Lykastos,,,,, Lycastum,6.9,87 UNLOC Lykastos,,,,, Lycia,"2.211, 2.236, 2.243, 5.97, 5.100, 5.101, 5.150, 6.214, 8.225, 31.22, 32.17",65 B4,,,,, Lycian Sea (Lycium Mare),"5.97, 5.131",65 A5,,,,, Lycide,5.126,56 UNLOC,,,,, Lycomedes l.,5.27,UNLOC,,,,, Lycon,5.61,77 E2 Lykopolis / Siout,,,,, Lycopolite n. (Lycopolites),5.49,77 D2 Lykopolites Nomos,,,,, Lyctus,4.59,60 D2 Lyktos,,,,, Lycus = Rhyndacus,5.142,,,,,, Lycus r.,"2.225, 5.105, 5.115",65 B2,,,,, Lycus r.,5.78,69 C2 Lykos fl.,,,,, Lycus r.,5.84,UNLOC,,,,, Lycus r.,5.91,UNLOC,,,,, Lycus r.,6.118,UNLOC,,,,, Lycus r.,6.4,86 B2 Lykos fl.,,,,, Lycus r.,"6.8, 6.9, 6.10",87 C4 Lykos fl.,,,,, Lydda,5.70,70 F2,,,,, Lydi = Tyrrheni,3.50,,,,,, Lydia,"2.209, 3.108, 5.110, 5.119, 6.215, 7.196, 7.204, 7.205, 31.25",56 F4,,,,, Lygdamum,5.126,56 UNLOC,,,,, Lygos = Byzantium,4.46,,,,,, "Lyncestis, Lyncestae","2.230, 4.35",49 D2 Herakleia,,,,, Lyphorta,6.94,6 UNLOC,,,,, Lyrnesos,5.122,56 E2 Lyrnessos,,,,, Lyrnesos = Tenedus,5.140,,,,,, Lyrnessus,5.96,UNLOC,,,,, Lysanitae,6.158,4 B2,,,,, Lysiadi (Lysias),5.82,68 B2,,,,, Lysias,5.108,62 D2 Lysinoe,,,,, Lysimachea,"4.47, 4.48",51 H3 Kardia / Lysimacheia,,,,, Lysimachea,"5.122, 6.217",56 D4,,,,, Lystreni (Lystra),5.147,66 A1,,,,, Lytharmis,6.34,UNLOC,,,,, Mabog = Bambyce,5.81,,,,,, Macae,5.34,35 F3,,,,, Macae,"6.98, 6.152",95 inset Mykoi / Macae,,,,, Macaria = Cyprus,5.129,,,,,, Macaria = Lesbos,5.139,,,,,, Macaria = Rhodos,5.132,,,,,, Macaron = Achilles,4.93,,,,,, Macaron = Creta,4.58,,,,,, "Macedonia / Emathia, Macedones","2.167, 3.114, 3.145, 4.1, 4.3, 4.29, 4.33, 4.35, 4.36, 4.38, 4.39, 4.50, 4.51, 5.62, 5.111, 5.120, 6.42, 6.117, 6.122, 6.138, 6.216, 8.227, 18.214, 31.14, 31.28, 31.30",50 A2,,,,, Macedonian Asculacae = Asculacae,5.123,,,,,, Macedonian Cadieni = Cadieni,5.111,,,,,, Macedonian Sea (Macedonicum Mare),4.51,51 D4 Thracium / Macedonicum Mare,,,,, Macedonians' harbor,6.110,UNLOC,,,,, Maceondian Hyrcani = Hyrcani,5.120,,,,,, Macerones,6.29,UNLOC,,,,, Macestos r.,5.142,52 C4 Mekestos fl.,,,,, Machaerus,5.72,71 B2 Machairous,,,,, Machia,4.70,UNLOC,,,,, Machorones,6.11,87 E4 Makrones / Machelones,,,,, Machroae = Lotophages,5.28,,,,,, Macistum,4.20,58 B2 Makistos,,,,, Macistus m.,5.140,56 UNLOC,,,,, Macomades,5.25,34 F2,,,,, Macra = Euboea,4.64,,,,,, Macra isl.,4.93,UNLOC,,,,, Macra r.,"3.48, 3.49",39 F5,,,,, Macra r.,"3.50, 3.51",41 B1,,,,, Macrales,3.69,44 UNLOC,,,,, Macria isl.,2.204,UNLOC,,,,, Macris = Chios,5.136,,,,,, Macris = Euboea,4.64,,,,,, Macris = Icaros,4.68,,,,,, Macris isl.,5.131,65 B4,,,,, Macrobii,4.37,UNLOC,,,,, Macrobii,6.190,UNLOC,,,,, Macrocephali,6.11,87 D4 Makrokephaloi,,,,, Macrocremni m.,4.82,23 C2,,,,, Macron Tichos,"4.43, 4.45",,,,,, Mactocalingae,6.64,6 E5,,,,, Macua,6.179,UNLOC,,,,, Macurebi,5.21,30 E4,,,,, Macynia,4.6,55 B4 Makyneia,,,,, Macynium m.,4.6,UNLOC,,,,, Madum,6.193,UNLOC,,,,, Maeander r.,"2.201, 5.106, 5.108, 5.110, 5.111, 5.113",61 E2,,,,, Maeandria,4.4,UNLOC,,,,, Maeandropolis,5.108,61 E2 Maiandros / Maiandroupolis,,,,, Maedi,"4.3, 4.40",50 C1 Maidoi,,,,, Maedica,6.217,UNLOC,,,,, Maenalus m.,4.21,58 C2 Mainalion M.,,,,, Maenuba,3.8,27 A5,,,,, Maenuba r.,"3.8, 3.11, 3.12",27 A5,,,,, Maeones,6.20,UNLOC,,,,, Maeonia,5.146,56 G4 Maionia / Mysia,,,,, Maeonia = Caria,5.110,,,,,, Maeonii (Maeonia),"5.110, 5.111, 5.117",56 F4 Lydia / Maionia,,,,, Maeotae,4.88,UNLOC,,,,, Maeotic Marsh,2.168,UNLOC,,,,, Maeotici,6.19,UNLOC,,,,, Maeotis / Temarunda l.,"2.206, 2.243, 4.75, 4.76, 4.78, 4.84,4.87, 4.88, 5.47, 5.97, 6.1, 6.3, 6.15, 6.18, 6.20, 6.38, 6.206, 6.207, 6.219, 27.2",84 B2,,,,, Maezei,3.142,20 D4 Maezaei,,,,, Magadale,6.179,81 UNLOC Magadale Parva,,,,, Magasneos,6.179,UNLOC,,,,, Magassa,6.180,81 UNLOC,,,,, Magea sp.,3.89,47 UNLOC,,,,, Magellini,3.91,47 UNLOC Macella,,,,, Magi,6.116,UNLOC,,,,, Magirsos,5.91,66 G3 Magarsa / Antiochia ad Pyramum,,,,, Magium,5.44,,,,,, Magna Graecia,"3.38, 3.42, 3.95",1 G3,,,,, Magnesia,"2.204, 2.205, 4.1, 4.3, 4.32, 4.33, 5.114, 18.214",55 D1,,,,, Magnesia on the Maeander / Mandrolytia,5.114,61 F2,,,,, Magnetes (Magnesia ad Sipylum),5.120,56 E4,,,,, Magnopolis,6.8,87 B4 Eupatoria / Magnopolis,,,,, Magnum = Artabrum,4.113,,,,,, Magnum sea = Atlantic,3.74,,,,,, Mago,3.77,27 isent,,,,, Magoa,6.135,UNLOC,,,,, Magoras r.,5.78,69 C2,,,,, Magusum,6.160,4 UNLOC,,,,, Maieli,3.47,39 A4,,,,, Malaca,3.8,27 A5,,,,, Malaca,5.19,27 UNLOC,,,,, Malaca r.,3.8,27 A5,,,,, Malea c.,"4.16, 4.22, 4.56, 4.60, 6.214",58 E5,,,,, Maleus m.,"2.184, 6.69",6 F5,,,,, Maleventum = Beneventum,3.105,,,,,, Maliacus b.,4.27,55 D3,,,,, Malianda = Bithynia,5.143,,,,,, Malichu isl.,6.175,4 B2 Malichou Inss.,,,,, Malli,6.64,6 F5,,,,, Mallos,5.91,66 G3,,,,, Mallos,"6.178, 6.179",UNLOC,,,,, Mallus m.,6.64,6 F5,,,,, Malthace isl.,4.53,54 UNLOC,,,,, Malthaecorae,6.74,UNLOC,,,,, Malvane r.,5.18,29 C2 Mulucha?/Malva? fl.,,,,, Mamaean shore,6.150,4 B2 Mamaeum Litus,,,,, Mambli,6.180,82 B3,,,,, Mamertini = Messana,3.88,,,,,, Mammisea (tetrarchy),5.82,68 UNLOC,,,,, Mamortha = Neapolis,5.69,,,,,, Manain r.,6.94,6 UNLOC,,,,, Manates,3.69,44 UNLOC,,,,, Mandacandeni,5.123,56 UNLOC Mandacanda,,,,, Mandaei,6.64,6 E5,,,,, Mandalum l.,6.172,4 UNLOC,,,,, Mandragaeum r.,6.51,UNLOC,,,,, Mandrolytia = Magnesia on the Maeander,5.114,,,,,, Mandruani,6.47,UNLOC,,,,, Mandrum r.,6.48,UNLOC,,,,, Manduria,2.226,45 G4,,,,, Mania,6.179,81 UNLOC,,,,, Mantinea / Antigonea,"4.17, 4.20",58 C2 Mantineia,,,,, Mantua,3.130,39 H3,,,,, Maraces,4.6,55 UNLOC Marakoi / Maraces,,,,, Maraeu isl.,6.169,4 UNLOC,,,,, Marathe isl.,4.53,54 UNLOC,,,,, Marathesium,5.114,61 E2 Marathesion,,,,, Marathon,4.24,59 C2,,,,, Marathos,5.78,68 A4,,,,, Marathusa,4.59,60 UNLOC Marathousa,,,,, Marathusa isl.,5.137,UNLOC,,,,, Marchadae,6.165,UNLOC,,,,, Marchubi,5.30,31 E3,,,,, Mardani,6.117,UNLOC,,,,, Mardi,"6.16, 6.47, 6.134",84 UNLOC Mardi,,,,, Marebbata,6.155,4 C2 Mari(a)ba,,,,, Mareotae,5.39,UNLOC,,,,, Mareotis l.,"5.62, 5.63",74 B2,,,,, Mareotis Libya,"5.39, 5.49",UNLOC,,,,, Margiane,6.46,98 C1 Margiana / Margush / Merv,,,,, Margus r.,3.149,21 D5,,,,, Margus r.,6.47,98 C1,,,,, Maria,6.113,UNLOC,,,,, Mariamnitani,5.82,68 B4 Mariamme,,,,, Marian Canals (Fossae Marianae),3.34,15 D3,,,,, Mariana,3.80,48 D2,,,,, Mariandyni,6.4,86 A3 Mariandynoi,,,,, Mariani = Cereatini Mariani,3.63,,,,,, Mariba,"6.157, 6.159, 6.160",4 C2 Mari(a)ba,,,,, Marici,3.124,39 D3,,,,, Marigarri,6.192,UNLOC,,,,, Maritima,3.34,15 E3,,,,, Marium,5.130,72 A2 Marion,,,,, Marma,6.154,4 B2 Marma § Merma,,,,, Marmaridae / Marmarides,"5.33, 5.39",73 A2 Marmaridai,,,,, Maroae,6.74,6 C4,,,,, Marogomatrae,6.77,6 UNLOC,,,,, Maronea / Orthagurea,"4.42, 6.217",51 UNLOC Orthagoreia,,,,, Maroneus m.,3.88,47 E3,,,,, Marotiani,6.48,6 UNLOC,,,,, Marruca Sacrana,3.12,27 A4 Marruca,,,,, Marrucini,"2.199, 3.38, 3.106",42 G4,,,,, Marruvini (Marruvium),3.106,44 E1,,,,, Marsaci(i),"4.101, 4.106",11 D1 Marsaci?,,,,, Marsi,"3.105, 3.106, 3.108, 6.218",42 F4,,,,, Marsyas r.,5.106,65 D1,,,,, Marsyas r.,"5.81, 5.86",68 B3,,,,, Marsyas spring,31.19,UNLOC,,,,, Martialium = Sacili Martialium,3.10,,,,,, Marus r.,4.81,13 B4,,,,, Masada,5.73,70 G3,,,,, Masaesyli,"5.17, 5.19, 5.52",28 UNLOC,,,,, Masath r.,5.9,1a C2,,,,, Masathi,5.9,UNLOC,,,,, Masei (Arabians),6.118,UNLOC,,,,, Masice,5.90,UNLOC,,,,, Masicytus m.,5.100,65 D5 Masikytos M.,,,,, Massabatene,"6.134, 6.135",92 B3 Masabadan / Massabatene,,,,, Massagetae,6.50,6 A2 Massagetai,,,,, Massaliotic Mouth (Massalioticum Ostium),3.33,15 C4,,,,, Massican m. (Massici Montes),"3.60, 14.64",44 E3 Massicus m.,,,,, Massili,5.30,34 E2 Massyli,,,,, "Massilia, Massilenses","2.187, 2.217, 3.33, 3.34, 3.35, 3.47, 3.79, 3.130, 6.217, 14.68",15 E3,,,,, Mastaurenses (Mastaura),5.120,61 G2,,,,, Masthitae,3.143,UNLOC,,,,, Mastromela marsh,3.34,15 E3 Stomalimne / Mastramela Stagnum,,,,, Mastusia c.,"4.49, 4.72",51 G4 Mast(o)usia Pr.,,,,, Mastusia m.,5.118,56 D5 Mastousia M.,,,,, Mastya,6.5,86 UNLOC,,,,, Mateolani,3.105,45 UNLOC,,,,, Matera,5.30,45 E3,,,,, Mathoae,6.77,6 UNLOC,,,,, Matiani,6.48,6 UNLOC,,,,, Matilicates (Matilica),3.113,42 E2,,,,, Matium,"4.59, 4.61",60 FALSE Mation,,,,, Matium,"6.10, 6.12",87 UNLOC,,,,, Mattiacum,31.20,UNLOC,,,,, Mattitae,6.190,UNLOC,,,,, Maumarum,6.180,UNLOC,,,,, Mauretania,"2.168, 3.19, 5.2, 5.10, 5.11, 5.16, 5.17, 5.19, 5.21, 5.34, 5.43, 5.51, 5.52, 6.175, 6.195, 6.199, 6.201, 6.202, 6.212, 32.15",1 C4,,,,, Mauretania Bogutiana,"5.19, 5.51",28 C3 Mauretania Tingitana,,,,, Mauretania Caesariensis,"5.19, 5.52",29 C2,,,,, Mauri / Maurusii,5.17,28 D4 Maurusii,,,,, Maurusii = Mauri,5.17,,,,,, Maxalla,5.37,36 UNLOC,,,,, Maxula,5.24,32 F3,,,,, Mazaca / Mazacus / Caesarea,"2.444, 6.8",64 A3 Mazaka / Eusebeia / Caesarea,,,,, Mazamacae,6.21,UNLOC,,,,, Mazara r.,3.90,47 B3,,,,, Mazi,6.92,6 C3 Mazagae § Mazi,,,,, Maziris r.,6.46,96 D2 Gurgan / Maziris? / Maxeraas? fl.,,,,, Meandaraei,6.22,84 UNLOC,,,,, Mechir,6.106,UNLOC,,,,, Mecyberna b. (Mecyberna),4.37,51 A4 Mekyberna,,,,, Medeon,4.26,55 E4,,,,, "Media, Medes / Medi (Media)","2.237, 4.39, 6.19, 6.28, 6.42, 6.43, 6.44, 6.113, 6.114, 6.115, 6.127, 6.130, 6.131, 6.133, 6.135, 6.137, 6.214, 31.22",92 B2 Media / Mad(aya),,,,, Medimni,6.190,UNLOC,,,,, Mediolanum,"3.124, 6.218",39 E3 Mediolan(i)um,,,,, Mediomatrici,4.106,11 G3,,,,, Mediterranean Sea (Internum Mare),"2.205, 3.4, 3.8, 5.18, 5.65, 6.126, 6.142, 6.182",1 G4,,,,, Medma,3.73,46 C5,,,,, Medmassa,5.107,61 E3 Madnasa,,,,, Medoe isl.,6.193,UNLOC,,,,, Meduacus Maior r.,3.121,40 C2,,,,, Meduacus Minor r.,3.121,40 C2,,,,, Medubrigenses Plumbari (Medubriga),4.118,24 D4 Me(i)dubriga,,,,, Medulli,3.137,17 H3,,,,, Medullum,3.68,44 UNLOC Medull(i)um,,,,, Megabarri / Adiabari,"6.189, 6.190",82 C3 Megabar(r)i?,,,,, Megadale,6.178,81 UNLOC,,,,, Megale isl.,5.151,53 B3,,,,, Megalepolis,"2.237, 4.20",58 C3 Megalopolis,,,,, Megallae,6.73,6 C4 Abastanoi / Sambastai § Megallae,,,,, Megara,"4.23, 6.215, 7.196",58 E2,,,,, Megari,6.77,6 UNLOC,,,,, Megaric b. (Megaricus Sinus),"4.19, 4.57",58 E2,,,,, Megarice,5.148,UNLOC,,,,, Megarice = Heraclea Cherronesus,4.85,,,,,, Megaris,3.89,47 G4 Megara Hyblaia,,,,, Megaris,"4.1, 4.23, .26",58 E2,,,,, Megaris isl.,3.82,,,,,, Megatichos / Mirsion,6.179,UNLOC,,,,, Megisba marsh (Megisba Stagnum),6.86,5 inset,,,,, Megista isl.,5.131,65 C5 Megiste Ins.,,,,, Melaena = Cephallania,4.54,,,,,, Melaena = Corsica,3.152,,,,,, Melaenae,4.20,58 UNLOC Melainai,,,,, Melamphyllos m.,4.50,UNLOC,,,,, Melamphyllus = Samus,5.135,,,,,, Melanchlaeni,6.15,87 UNLOC Melanchlainoi,,,,, Melane isl.,5.137,UNLOC,,,,, Melano isl.,5.134,UNLOC,,,,, Melanoscope isl.,5.131,65 A4,,,,, Melanoscopium,5.101,65 UNLOC Melanoscopium,,,,, Melanthia,4.74,51 UNLOC,,,,, Melanthium r.,6.11,87 C4 Melanthios fl.,,,,, Melas b.,"4.43, 4.48, 4.49, 6.217",51 H3 Melas Kolpos,,,,, Melas r.,2.230,UNLOC,,,,, Melas r.,4.43,51 H3,,,,, Melas r.,5.93,66 D4,,,,, Melas r.,6.11,87 UNLOC,,,,, Melcumani,3.143,20 F6,,,,, Meldi,4.107,11 D4,,,,, Meles r.,5.118,56 E5,,,,, Meliboea,4.32,55 UNLOC Meliboia,,,,, Meligunis = Lipara,3.93,,,,,, Melita,4.24,59 B3(b) Melite,,,,, Melita,6.8,64 G4 Melitene,,,,, Melita isl.,3.92,47 inset,,,,, Melite,4.32,55 C2 Meliteia,,,,, Melite isl.,3.152,20 E7,,,,, Melitene,"5.84, 6.9",64 E4,,,,, Melizitan town (Melzi),5.30,32 UNLOC Melzi / Melz / Milz,,,,, Mellaria,3.14,26 E3,,,,, Mellaria,"3.3, 3.7",26 E5,,,,, Meloessa isl.,3.96,46 UNLOC,,,,, Melos / Mimblis / Zephyria / Mimallis / Siphis / Acytas,4.70,58 G4,,,,, Melos isl.,"2.202, 2.248, 4.70",58 G4,,,,, Melpes r.,3.72,46 B1,,,,, Melpum,3.125,39 UNLOC,,,,, Memini,3.36,15 D1,,,,, Memnones,6.190,UNLOC,,,,, Memnon's palace (in Abydus),5.60,UNLOC,,,,, Memphis,"2.201, 5.50, 5.61, 6.177",75 E1,,,,, Memphite n. (Memphites),5.50,75 E1 Memphites Nomos,,,,, Menaini (Menai),3.91,47 F4,,,,, Menapi,4.106,11 D2 Menapii,,,,, Menaria isl.,3.81,41 UNLOC,,,,, Menariae isl.,3.78,27 UNLOC,,,,, Mendae,4.36,51 UNLOC Mende,,,,, Mendesian n. (Mendesios),5.49,74 F2 Mendesios Nomos,,,,, Mendesic (mouth),5.64,74 G2 Mendesion Stoma,,,,, Mendeteros isl.,5.133,UNLOC,,,,, Menelaite n. (Menelaites),5.49,74 C2 Menelaites Nomos,,,,, Meninx,5.41,35 C1 Meninge,,,,, Meninx / Lotophagitis isl.,5.41,35 C1 Meninx / Lotophagitis / Girba Ins.,,,,, Menobardi,6.28,UNLOC,,,,, Menoncaleni,3.133,20 UNLOC,,,,, Menosca,4.110,25 UNLOC,,,,, Menotharus r.,6.21,UNLOC,,,,, "Mentesa, Mentesani Oretani","3.9, 3.19, 3.25",27 C3,,,,, Mentesani Bastuli (Mentesa Bastia),3.25,27 B4,,,,, Mentores (Mentorides Inss.),3.139,20 B5,,,,, Mercurii c. (Mercurii Promontorium),"3.87, 5.23, 5.24",32 H2 Hermaia Akra / Mercurii Pr. / Kalon Akroterion?,,,,, Mercury,5.61,UNLOC,,,,, Meritus m.,4.50,UNLOC,,,,, Merme,6.154,4 B2 Marma § Merma,,,,, Merobrica,4.116,UNLOC,,,,, Meroe,"2.178, 2.184, 2.186, 2.245, 5.53, 6.177, 6.178, 6.180, 6.181, 6.183, 6.184, 6.185, 6.189, 6.191, 6.193, 6.196, 6.209, 6.220",82 D5,,,,, Merope = Coos,5.134,,,,,, Meropia = Siphnus,4.66,,,,,, Meropis = Coos,5.134,,,,,, Merula r.,3.48,16 UNLOC,,,,, Merus m.,6.79,UNLOC,,,,, Mesae,6.77,6 B4,,,,, Mesagches,6.190,UNLOC,,,,, Mesala,6.158,4 C3,,,,, Mesammones = Nasamones,5.33,,,,,, Mesate,4.74,51 UNLOC Capheris Mesate Ins.,,,,, Mese / Pomponiana isl.,3.79,16 UNLOC,,,,, Mesembria,4.45,22 E6,,,,, Mesene,"6.129, 6.131, 6.132, 6.152",91 UNLOC,,,,, Mesopotamia,"2.225, 6.25, 6.116, 6.117, 6.121, 6.123, 6.126, 6.129, 6.137, 6.212, 32.16",89 B3,,,,, Mesopotamia = Babylonia,"5.66, 5.86, 5.87, 5.90",,,,,, Messa,4.45,58 C4,,,,, "Messana / Zancleaei, Mamertini / Messenii","2.220, 3.88, 14.66",47 H2 Zancle / Messana § Mamertina,,,,, Messanicus = Padusa,3.119,,,,,, Messapia = Calabria,"3.99, 31.14",,,,,, Messeis sp.,4.30,55 UNLOC,,,,, Messene,"4.15, 4.55",58 B3,,,,, "Messenia / Messania, Messenii","3.91, 4.1, 4.15, 6.214, 7.199",58 B3,,,,, Messeniani,6.19,84 UNLOC,,,,, Messenii = Messana,3.91,,,,,, Mestus r.,"4.40, 4.42",49 F2 Nestos fl.,,,,, Metagonitis = Numidia,5.22,,,,,, Metapinan Mouth (Metapinum Ostium),3.33,15 C3,,,,, Metapontum,3.97,45 E4,,,,, Metaurus r.,3.113,42 D1,,,,, Metaurus r.,"3.73, 3.92",46 C5,,,,, Metelite n. (Metelites),5.49,74 C2 Metelites Nomos,,,,, Metellinsians (Metellinum),4.117,26 E3,,,,, Methone,4.32,55 E2,,,,, Methora,6.69,6 D4,,,,, Methorgum,6.94,6 D4 Methora,,,,, Methurides isl.,4.57,58 UNLOC,,,,, Methydrium,4.20,58 C2 Methydrion,,,,, Methymna,5.139,56 C3,,,,, Metina isl.,3.79,15 UNLOC,,,,, Metinates of Garganus,3.105,45 UNLOC,,,,, Metropolitae (Metropolis),5.106,62 E5,,,,, Metropolitae (Metropolis),5.120,56 E5,,,,, Metubarbis isl.,3.148,20 F4, ,,,, Metuonis,37.35,10 UNLOC Metuonidis / Metuonis,,,,, Mevanates (Mevania),3.113,42 D3,,,,, Mevaniolenses (Mevaniola),3.113,42 B1,,,,, "Midaium, Midaei (Midaion)","5.105, 5.145",62 E2 Midaion,,,,, Midioe = Trogodytice,6.169,,,,,, Midoe = Trogodytice,6.169,,,,,, Mieza,"4.34, 31.30",50 B3,,,,, Miglis Gemella,5.37,34 UNLOC,,,,, Miletopolis = Olbiopolis,4.82,,,,,, "Miletopolis, Miletopolitae","5.123, 5.142",52 C4,,,,, Miletos,4.59,60 E2 Milatos,,,,, Miletos,5.122,56 D2,,,,, Miletus / Lelegeis / Pityusa / Anactoria,"2.31, 2.53, 2.187, 2.191, 2.204, 4.44, 4.45, 4.87, 5.112, 5.113, 5.135, 5.142, 5.144, 6.5, 6.18, 6.159, 6.215, 7.203, 7.205",61 E2,,,,, Milichie sp.,3.89,47 UNLOC,,,,, Milogonis = Lipara,3.93,,,,,, Miltopes,3.101,45 UNLOC,,,,, Milyae,5.95,65 D4 Milyas,,,,, Milyae (Milyas),5.147,65 C4,,,,, Mimallis = Melos,4.70,,,,,, Mimas c.,5.117,56 C4 Mimas M.,,,,, Mimas m.,5.116,56 C4,,,,, Mimblis = Melos,4.70,,,,,, Minaei,"6.155, 6.157, 6.161, 12.54",4 C2,,,,, Mincius r.,"2.224, 3.118, 3.131",39 H3,,,,, Minervae c.,3.62,44 F4,,,,, Minius r.,"4.112, 4.115",24 C2,,,,, Minoida = Paros,4.67,,,,,, Minoium,4.59,60 B1 Minoa,,,,, Minturnae,3.59,44 E3,,,,, Minyius = Orchomenus,4.29,,,,,, Mirana,4.8,UNLOC,,,,, Mirobriga,3.14,26 E3,,,,, Mirobrigenses Celtici (Mirobriga Celtica),4.118,26 B4 Mirobriga,,,,, Mirsion = Megatichos,6.179,,,,,, Misenum,3.61,44 F4,,,,, Misua,5.24,32 G3 Missua,,,,, Mizaei,6.133,UNLOC,,,,, "Mizi, major",6.152,UNLOC,,,,, "Mizi, minor",6.152,UNLOC,,,,, Mochorbae,6.149,UNLOC,,,,, Moci,6.48,6 UNLOC,,,,, Modogalinga isl.,6.67,UNLOC,,,,, Modressae,6.67,6 UNLOC,,,,, Modubae,6.67,5 D3,,,,, Modura,6.105,5 D5 Modoura,,,,, Moenus r.,9.45,11 I2,,,,, Moeris l.,"5.50, 5.61",75 D2,,,,, "Moesia, Moesi","3.149, 4.3, 4.41, 5.145",21 E5,,,,, Mogore,6.180,81 UNLOC,,,,, Molindae,6.67,UNLOC,,,,, Molossi (Molossis),"4.2, 4.4",54 B2,,,,, Molycria,4.6,55 B4 Molykreion,,,,, Mona isl.,"2.187, 4.103",8 C1,,,,, Monadi,3.104,45 UNLOC,,,,, Monaedes,6.69,UNLOC,,,,, Monapia isl.,4.103,9 C6 Manavia Ins.,,,,, Monesi,4.108,25 F3 Onesi,,,,, Monoleus l.,6.171,UNLOC,,,,, Montani,3.135,UNLOC,,,,, Montani Cuprenses = Cuprenses Montani,3.111,,,,,, Montani Oscidates = Oscidates Montani,4.108,,,,,, Mopsopia = Pamphylia,5.96,,,,,, Mopsos,5.91,67 B3 Mopsou(h)estia / Seleukeia pros to Pyramo,,,,, Morgetes,3.71,UNLOC,,,,, Morimarusa,4.95,UNLOC,,,,, Morimene,6.9,63 E3 Mo(u)rimene,,,,, Morini,"4.102, 4.106, 4.122, 19.8",11 B2,,,,, Moriseni,4.41,UNLOC,,,,, Morogi,4.110,25 UNLOC,,,,, Morsynus r.,5.108,61 H2 Morsynos fl.,,,,, Moruni,6.74,6 UNLOC,,,,, Morylli (Moryllos),4.35,50 C3,,,,, Mosa r.,"4.100, 4.101",11 E1,,,,, Moscheni,6.28,UNLOC,,,,, Moschi,"6.13, 6.29",UNLOC,,,,, Moschicus m.,5.99,UNLOC,,,,, Mossylites c.,"6.174, 6.175",UNLOC,,,,, Mossylites h.,6.174,UNLOC,,,,, Mossyni,"5.126, 6.11",87 C4 Mossynoeci,,,,, Mothone,4.15,58 B4 Methone,,,,, Mothris,5.90,UNLOC,,,,, Muda,6.179,UNLOC,,,,, Mulelacha c.,5.9,28 UNLOC,,,,, Mulierum p.,4.46,UNLOC,,,,, Mulon / Hypaton,6.180,82 A3,,,,, Mulucha r.,5.19,29 C2 Mulucha? / Malva? fl.,,,,, Munda,3.12,26 E4,,,,, Munda r.,4.115,26 B1,,,,, Munienses,3.69,44 UNLOC,,,,, Murannimal,6.159,95 UNLOC,,,,, Murgentini (Murgentia),3.91,47 E4 Morgantina § Morgyna? § Murgentia?,,,,, Murgi,"3.6, 3.8, 3.17",27 C5,,,,, Murrasiarae,6.47,UNLOC,,,,, Musecros r.,6.151,UNLOC,,,,, Mustia,3.95,46 UNLOC Mustiae,,,,, Musulami,5.30,33 B1 Musulami(i),,,,, Musuni,5.30,33 C2 Musunii Regiani,,,,, Mutina,"2.96, 2.199, 2.209, 2.240, 3.115",39 H4,,,,, Mutuesci = Trebulani,3.107,,,,,, Mutustratini (Mutustraton),3.91,47 E3 Myttistraton,,,,, Mutycenses (Mutyce),3.91,47 F5,,,,, Muza,6.104,4 B3 Mouza Emporion,,,,, Muziris,6.104,5 D4,,,,, Mycala m.,5.135,61 E2 Mycale M.,,,,, Mycalesos,4.26,55 F4 Mykalessos,,,,, Mycalesus m.,4.25,55 UNLOC Messapion M.,,,,, Mycenae,4.17,58 D2,,,,, Myconus isl.,"4.51, 4.66, 14.75",61 A3 Mykonos Ins.,,,,, Mygdonia,"5.126, 5.145",52 C4,,,,, Mygdonia (Asia),6.42,89 C4,,,,, "Mygdonia (in Europe), Mygdones","4.35, 4.38, 6.42",50 D3,,,,, Mylae,"2.220, 3.90",47 G2,,,,, Mylae isl.,4.61,60 A1 Mylai Inss.,,,,, Mylasa,5.108,61 F3,,,,, Myle,5.92,66 D4 Mylai,,,,, Myndus,"2.204, 5.107",61 E3,,,,, Myonessos isl.,5.137,61 D1, ,,,, Myos Hormos,6.168,80 E1,,,,, Myra,"5.100, 31.22, 32.17",65 C5,,,,, Myriandrus,"2.243, 5.80",67 C3,,,,, Myrina,4.59,60 UNLOC,,,,, Myrina,4.73,56 A2,,,,, Myrina / Sebastopolis,5.121,56 D4,,,,, Myrlea of the Colophonians = Apamea,5.143,,,,,, Myrmeces rocks,5.119,56 D4 Myrmekes,,,,, Myrmecium,4.87,87 L2 Myrmekion,,,,, Myrmidones,4.28,UNLOC,,,,, Myrtilis,"4.116, 4.117",26 C4 (Iulia) Myrtilis,,,,, Myrtoan Sea (Myrtoum Mare),"4.19, 4.51, 5.65, 5.71",58 E3 Myrtoion Mare,,,,, Mysanda,5.93,UNLOC,,,,, Myscella,4.37,UNLOC,,,,, Mysia = Aeolis,5.121,,,,,, "Mysia, Mysians","5.110, 5.119, 5.121, 5.123, 5.125, 5.142, 5.143, 5.145, 6.215, 6.216, 7.206",56 E2,,,,, Mysian Abretteni = Abretteni,5.123,,,,,, Mysian Hellespontii,5.123,UNLOC,,,,, Mysomacedones,5.120,UNLOC,,,,, Mysotimolitae,5.111,UNLOC,,,,, Mystic wine (Mystus),14.75,UNLOC,,,,, "Mytilene, Mytilenaeans ","2.245, 5.125, 5.139",56 D3,,,,, Myuus,5.113,61 E2 Myous,,,,, Nababes,5.21,30 G3,,,,, Nabar r.,5.21,30 F3,,,,, Nabata,6.184,UNLOC,,,,, Nabata,6.184,UNLOC,,,,, Nabataeans (Nabataei),"5.65, 6.144, 6.157",76 C3,,,,, Nabatta,6.179,UNLOC,,,,, Nabrissa Veneria,3.11,26 D5 Nabrissa,,,,, Naecyndes (Nelkynda),6.105,5 D5 Nelkynda,,,,, Naeva,3.11,26 E4,,,,, Naevaza,6.19,84 UNLOC,,,,, Nagia,6.153,4 C2,,,,, Namarini = Varri Namarini,4.111,,,,,, Namnetes,4.107,14 D1 Namnetes / Samnitai,,,,, Nantuates,3.137,18 D3,,,,, Napaei,"6.22, 6.50",UNLOC,,,,, Napata,"6.181, 6.189",82 B3,,,,, Napitae,6.21,UNLOC,,,,, Nar r.,"3.54, 3.109",42 C4,,,,, Naracustoma (mouth),4.79,23 C3 Narakon Stoma,,,,, Narbo Martius,"3.32, 6.217",25 H2 Col. Narbo Martius,,,,, Narbonensis / Bracata / Gallia Narbonensis,"2.121, 3.31, 3.37, 3.74, 4.105, 4.109, 6.215, 14.68, 19.4, 31.4",15 C2,,,,, Nareae,6.74,6 C5,,,,, Naresi,3.143,20 E6 Naresii,,,,, Nareste,3.142,UNLOC,,,,, Nariandos,5.107,61 UNLOC Naryandos,,,,, Narmalcha r.,6.120,91 F4,,,,, Narnienses / Nequinum (Narnia),3.113,42 D3 Nequinum / Narnia,,,,, Naro r.,3.144,20 E6,,,,, Narona,3.142,20 E6,,,,, Narraga r.,6.123,93 UNLOC,,,,, Narthecusa isl.,"2.204, 5.133",60 F3,,,,, Narycum,4.27,55 D3 Naryka,,,,, Nasamones / Mesammones,"5.33, 5.34",38 B3,,,,, Nascus,6.154,4 B2,,,,, Nasici,3.24,UNLOC,,,,, Naspercenitan wine (Naspercene),14.76,UNLOC,,,,, Nathabur r.,5.37,36 UNLOC,,,,, Natini,3.105,45 UNLOC,,,,, Natiso r.,3.126,19 F3,,,,, Nattabudes,5.30,UNLOC,,,,, Naucratis,5.64,74 D3,,,,, Naucratite n. (Naukratites),5.49,74 D3 Naukratites Nomos,,,,, Naucratitic (mouth),5.64,74 D3 Naucratis,,,,, Naulochos isl.,4.61,60 D5,,,,, Naulochum,4.8,55 D4 Naulochos?,,,,, Naulochum,5.113,61 E2 Naulochos,,,,, Naulochum c.,5.150,UNLOC,,,,, Naulochus,4.45,22 E6 Naulochos,,,,, Naupactos,4.6,55 B4 Naupactus,,,,, Nauportus r.,3.128,20 B4 Emona / Nauportus fl.,,,,, Naustathmus h.,3.89,47 G5,,,,, Nautis,6.193,UNLOC,,,,, Navarum,4.84,23 UNLOC Nauaron,,,,, Navectabe,6.193,UNLOC,,,,, Navia r.,4.111,24 E1,,,,, "Naxos, Naxi ","3.88, 3.91",47 G3,,,,, Naxus isl.,"4.67, 4.68, 4.69",61 B3 Naxos Ins.,,,,, "Nazerini, tetrarchy of",5.81,68 B3,,,,, Nea,"2.210, 4.72",55 UNLOC,,,,, Nea Paphos,5.130,72 A3,,,,, Neae isl.,2.202,UNLOC,,,,, Neaethus r.,3.97,46 F3,,,,, Neandros,5.122,56 C2 Neandreia,,,,, Neapolis,4.42,51 C3,,,,, Neapolis,5.24,32 G4,,,,, Neapolis,5.27,UNLOC,,,,, Neapolis / Mamortha,5.69,69 B5,,,,, Neapolis / Parthenope,"2.197, 3.62, 3.82, 6.216, 14.69, 31.12, 32.21",44 F4 Parthenope / Neapolis,,,,, "Neapolis, Neapolitani","5.107, 5.147",61 G2,,,,, Neapolitani (Neapolis),3.85,48 A3,,,,, Nedinates (Nedinum),3.130,20 C5,,,,, Nee,5.124,56 UNLOC,,,,, Negrana,6.160,4 B2 Anagrana / Negram § Negrana,,,,, Nelea r.,31.13,UNLOC,,,,, Neli,6.165,UNLOC,,,,, Nelo r.,4.111,24 D1,,,,, Nemaloni,3.137,16 UNLOC Nemalonii,,,,, Nematuri,3.137,17 H5 Nemeturii; 16 UNLOC Nemeturii,,,,, Nemausum,3.37,15 C2 Nemausus,,,,, Nemea,4.20,58 D2,,,,, Nemetes,4.106,11 H3,,,,, Neminie spring,2.230,UNLOC,,,,, Neocaesarea,"6.8, 6.9",87 B4 Kabeira / Neocaesarea / Diospolis / Sebaste / Hadriane,,,,, Neon Tichos,5.121,56 E4 Neonteichos,,,,, Neoris,6.29,88 UNLOC,,,,, Nepet,3.52,42 C4,,,,, Nequinum = Narnienses,3.113,,,,,, Nereae,6.76,6 UNLOC,,,,, Neretini (Neretum),3.105,45 H4,,,,, Neri,4.111,UNLOC,,,,, Neriphus,4.74,51 UNLOC Neriphos Ins.,,,,, Neripi,6.22,84 UNLOC,,,,, Neritis = Leucadia peninsula,4.5,,,,,, Neritum = Leucas,4.5,,,,,, Neritus m.,4.55,UNLOC,,,,, Nertobriga / Concordia Julia,3.14,26 D3,,,,, Nerusi,3.137,16 C2 Nerusii,,,,, Nervi,4.106,11 D2,,,,, Nesactium,"3.129, 3.140",20 A5,,,,, Nesca,6.160,4 B2 Nascus § Nesca,,,,, Nesebis = Antiochia,6.42,,,,,, Nesei,6.76,6 UNLOC,,,,, Nesimi,5.17,UNLOC,,,,, Nesos,4.64,55 UNLOC,,,,, Nessa,6.158,UNLOC,,,,, Nestus,6.160,4 B2,,,,, Netini (Netum),3.91,47 G5 Neaition / Netum,,,,, Neuris = Elaphonnesus,5.151,,,,,, Neuroe,4.88,UNLOC,,,,, Nicaea,3.47,16 D2,,,,, Nicaea,6.217,52 F4,,,,, Nicaea / Olbia / Prusias,5.148,52 F4,,,,, Nicasia isl.,4.68,61 B3 Nikasiai Inss.,,,,, Nicephorio r.,6.129,89 D2 Nicephorion fl.,,,,, "Nicephorium, Nicephorion","5.86, 6.119",68 G2,,,,, Nicives,5.30,31 F4,,,,, Nicomedia,"5.149, 5.151, 6.217",52 F3,,,,, Nicopolis,6.26,87 D4,,,,, Nicopolitan state (Nicopolitana Civitas) (Nicopolis),4.5,54 C3,,,,, Niger m.,5.37,36 D3,,,,, Nigris r.,"5.30, 5.43, 5.44, 5.52",34 D3 Nigris fl.,,,,, Nigritae,5.43,29 E3,,,,, Nigroe,6.195,UNLOC,,,,, Nile r. (Nilus fl.) / Giris,"2.184, 2.201, 2.229, 3.3, 3.121, 5.40, 5.44, 5.48, 5.50, 5.51, 5.53, 5.57, 5.59, 5.60, 5.64, 5.90, 5.128, 6.65, 6.82, 6.102, 6.165, 6.166, 6.177, 6.181, 6.188, 6.191, 6.192, 6.194, 6.209, 7.206, 9.44, 12.109",74 E4,,,,, Nilides l.,5.51,UNLOC,,,,, Ninguaria,6.204,1a A3,,,,, Ninos,"6.42, 6.117",89 F4 Nineveh / Ninos,,,,, Niobe sp.,4.17,UNLOC,,,,, Niphates m.,5.98,89 E2,,,,, Nisiaea,6.113,97 D2 Nisa(ia),,,,, Nisicathae,6.194,UNLOC,,,,, Nisitae,6.194,UNLOC,,,,, Nissos,4.36,UNLOC,,,,, Nisyros / Porphyris isl.,"5.133, 5.134",61 E4,,,,, Niteris,5.37,36 UNLOC Niteris natio / Niciebres,,,,, Nitibrum,5.37,36 UNLOC,,,,, Nitiobroges,4.109,14 F4,,,,, Nitriae,6.104,5 C4 Naoura / Nitriae,,,,, Noa,6.178,81 A5 Sederinga / Noa,,,,, Nobundae,6.76,6 UNLOC,,,,, Nochaeti,6.148,UNLOC,,,,, Noega,4.111,24 F1,,,,, Noeta,4.111,UNLOC,,,,, Nogrus r.,6.12,87 G2 Mogros / Nigrus fl.,,,,, Noini (Noai),3.91,47 F3,,,,, Nola,3.63,44 G4,,,,, nomads,"4.83, 4.84, 4.88, 5.72, 6.38, 6.51, 6.143, 6.145, 6.148, 6.161, 6.179, 6.189, 6.190",UNLOC,,,,, Nomads (Arabian),"6.125, 6.143",UNLOC,,,,, Nomads (of India),6.55,UNLOC,,,,, Nomads (of Parthia),6.113,UNLOC,,,,, Nomads = Numidia,5.22,,,,,, Nomentani (Nomentum),"3.64, 3.107",43 C1,,,,, Nonacris m.,"2.231, 4.21, 31.27",58 C1 Nonakris,,,,, Nonagria = Ceos,4.65,,,,,, Norbanenses (Norba),3.105,45 F3,,,,, Norbani (Norba),3.64,44 D3,,,,, Norbe,3.68,UNLOC,,,,, Norbensians (Norba / Caesarea),4.117,26 D2 Norba / Col. Norbensis Caesarina,,,,, Noreia,3.131,20 B2,,,,, Norenses (Nora),3.85,48 B4,,,,, Norici = Taurisci,3.133,,,,,, "Noricum, Norici ","3.133, 3.146, 3.147, 4.98",19 E3,,,,, Northern Ocean (Septentrionalis Oceanus),"2.167, 4.94, 4.109, 37.42",,,,,, Notion isl.,5.133,UNLOC,,,,, Notitae,6.123,93 UNLOC,,,,, Notium,5.116,61 E1 Colophon / Colophon ad Mare / Notion,,,,, Notium = Tuscan Sea,3.75,,,,,, Nous r. ,31.15,UNLOC,,,,, Nova Augusta,3.27,24 H2,,,,, Novana,3.111,42 UNLOC,,,,, Novanus r.,2.229,42 UNLOC,,,,, Novaria,3.124,39 D3,,,,, Novem Pagi,3.52,UNLOC,,,,, Novus Hydreuma,"6.102, 6.103",80 inset,,,,, Nubaei,"6.142, 6.192",82 B4,,,,, Nuceria,3.62,44 G4,,,,, Nucerini / Favonienses (Nuceria),3.114,42 D2 Nuceria,,,,, Numana,3.111,42 F1,,,,, "Numantia, Numantini","3.26, 4.112",25 C4,,,,, Numestrani (Numestro),3.98,45 C3,,,,, Numicius r.,3.56,43 B3,,,,, "Numidia / Metagonitis, Numidians / Nomads","5.22, 5.25, 6.212, 6.213, 10.132, 37.40",31 E4,,,,, Numinienses,3.69,UNLOC,,,,, Nups,"6.178, 6.179",82 A2 Pnups?,,,,, Nursini (Nursia),3.107,42 E3,,,,, Nymphaea = Coos,5.134,,,,,, Nymphaea isl.,5.135,61 UNLOC Nymphaia Ins.,,,,, Nymphaeum,"2.209, 2.237, 2.240, 3.145",49 B3 Nymphaion,,,,, Nymphaeum,4.86,UNLOC,,,,, Nymphaeum,5.92,UNLOC,,,,, Nymphaeum,6.128,89 E2,,,,, Nymphaeum c.,3.144,49 B2,,,,, Nymphaeus m.,4.29,55 UNLOC,,,,, Nymphaeus r.,3.57,44 C3,,,,, Nymphais isl.,5.131,UNLOC,,,,, Nympharum Cubile = Cubile Nympharum,6.97,,,,,, Nysa,5.108,61 G2,,,,, Nysa,6.79,UNLOC,,,,, Nysa = Scythopolis,5.74,,,,,, Nystrus isl.,4.53,UNLOC,,,,, Oasite n. (1) (Oasites),5.50,?? 73 Inset Oasites Nomos,,,,, Oasite n. (2),5.50,UNLOC,,,,, Oaxus l.,6.48,6 C2,,,,, Obizene,5.147,63 B4,,,,, Oblivion = Aeminius,4.115,,,,,, Obrima r.,5.106,62 UNLOC,,,,, Obulco Pontificense,3.10,27 A4,,,,, Obulcula,3.12,26 E4,,,,, Ocalee,4.26,55 E4 Okaleia?,,,,, Ocazanes r.,6.29,UNLOC,,,,, "Ocean (see also Aethiopic, Amalcius, Atlantic, Azanian, Britannic, eastern, Eoan, Gaditan, Gallic, Indian, northern, Scythian, Seric, southern oceans)","2.164, 2.168, 2.171, 2.172, 2.173, 2.217, 2.219, 2.242, 2.244, 3.5, 3.7, 3.10, 3.27, 3.75, 4.81, 4.100, 4.105, 4.107, 4.110, 4.121, 5.2, 5.40, 5.43, 5.51, 6.1, 6.28, 6.33, 6.72, 6.74, 6.196, 6.219, 12.107, 16.2, 19.7, 19.10, 27.2, 32.15, 37.35, 37.36, 37.37, 37.38 ",1 A3 Atlanticus Oceanus,,,,, Ocelenses (Ocelum),4.118,24 F3 Ocelum Duri,,,,, Ocelis,6.104,4 B3 Akila / Okelis,,,,, Ocharius r.,6.22,84 UNLOC,,,,, Ochus r.,6.48,98 E2 Ochos? fl.,,,,, Ocra,3.131,20 B4 Ocra M.,,,,, "Ocriculum, Ocriculani ","3.53, 3.114",42 C4,,,,, Octodurenses (Octodurus),3.135,17 I1,,,,, Octulani,3.69,44 UNLOC,,,,, Odanda,6.151,4 B2,,,,, Odessus,4.45,22 E5,,,,, Odia isl.,4.69,UNLOC,,,,, Odomanti,4.40,51 B2 Odomantes,,,,, Odonbaeorae,6.75,6 D3,,,,, Odrysae,4.40,22 D6,,,,, Oeandenses,5.147,UNLOC,,,,, Oeanthe,4.7,55 C4 Oiantheia / Euantheia?,,,,, Oecalices,6.194,UNLOC,,,,, Oechalia,4.15,58 UNLOC Oichalia,,,,, Oechalia,4.64,55 G3 Oichalia?,,,,, Oechalicae,5.44,UNLOC,,,,, Oedipodia sp.,4.25,UNLOC,,,,, Oeenses (Oea),"5.27, 5.38",35 F2,,,,, Oenoanda,5.101,65 C4,,,,, Oenoandos = Epiphania,5.93,,,,,, Oenoe,4.24,59 C2 Oinoe,,,,, Oenoe = Sicinus,4.70,,,,,, Oenone = Piraeus,4.57,,,,,, Oenotri,"3.71, 3.85",46 C2,,,,, Oenotrides / Isacia / Pontia isl.,3.85,45 UNLOC,,,,, Oenusa isl.,5.137,56 C4 Oinousa Ins.,,,,, Oenussae isl.,4.55,58 B4 Oinoussai Inss.,,,,, Oeonae isl.,4.95,UNLOC,,,,, Oescus r.,3.149,22 B5,,,,, Oesyma,4.42,51 C3 Oisyme,,,,, Oeta m.,4.28,55 C3,,,,, Oetaei,6.50,UNLOC,,,,, Oglasa isl.,3.80,41 C5,,,,, Ogygia = Calypsus,3.96,,,,,, Ogyris isl.,6.153,3 UNLOC,,,,, Oiarso,3.29,25 D2 Oiasso,,,,, Olane = Volane,3.120,,,,,, Olarso,4.110,25 D2 Oiasso,,,,, Olbia,4.83,23 E2 Borysthenes / Olbia,,,,, Olbia,5.96,65 E4,,,,, Olbia = Nicaea,5.148,,,,,, Olbiopolis / Miletopolis,4.82,23 E2 Borysthenes / Olbia,,,,, Olbonenses,3.139,UNLOC,,,,, Olcinium / Colchinium,3.144,49 B2,,,,, Olearos isl.,4.67,60 D4 Oliaros Ins.,,,,, Oleastro,3.15,26 UNLOC Kotinai / Oleastron,,,,, Olenum,4.13,58 B1 Olenos,,,,, Oletandros isl.,4.69,UNLOC,,,,, Olisipo / Felicitas Julia,"4.113, 4.116, 4.117",26 A3,,,,, Olisiponensian cape = Artabrum,4.113,,,,,, Olizon,4.32,55 E2,,,,, Ollarum,4.26,UNLOC,,,,, Olliculani,3.69,44 UNLOC,,,,, Ollius r.,"2.224, 3.118, 3.131",39 F2,,,,, Ollius r.,5.122,56 UNLOC,,,,, Olontigi,3.12,26 D4,,,,, Olophyxus,4.36,51 C4 Olophyxos,,,,, Olopyxos,4.59,60 FALSE,,,,, Olympena,5.142,62 A2 Olympene,,,,, Olympia,"2.225, 4.22, 6.214, 7.205, 16.240",58 B2,,,,, Olympus,5.100,65 D5,,,,, Olympus (Pierian) m.,4.30,50 B4,,,,, Olympus m.,"5.118, 5.148",56 E5 Olympos M.,,,,, Olympus m.,5.140,56 C3 Olympos M.,,,,, Olympus m.,5.142,52 E4,,,,, Olympus m. (in Mysia),5.142,UNLOC,,,,, Olympus m. (Macedonian),8.227,UNLOC,,,,, Olynthos,4.42,50 D4,,,,, Olyrus,4.12,58 UNLOC Olouros,,,,, "Omana, Omanades / Omani","5.94, 6.145, 6.149",95 inset Omana?,,,,, Ombite n. (Omboi),5.49,80 B5,,,,, Ombria = Rhodos,5.132,,,,,, Ombrii = Umbria,3.112,,,,,, Ombrios isl.,6.203,UNLOC,,,,, Omma r.,5.84,64 H4,,,,, Omoemus isl.,6.149,UNLOC,,,,, Onchestus,4.25,55 E4 Onchestos,,,,, Oneum,3.142,20 D6,,,,, Oningi,3.12,26 UNLOC,,,,, Onobrisates,4.108,25 F2,,,,, Onochonus r.,4.30,55 B2 Onochonos fl.,,,,, Onuba,3.10,27 A4,,,,, Onuphite n. (Onuphites),5.49,74 D2 Onouphites? Nomos,,,,, Onus = Heraclia,4.70,,,,,, Onysia isl.,4.61,60 F2,,,,, Opharite,6.21,UNLOC,,,,, Opharus r.,6.21,UNLOC,,,,, Ophiophagi = Candaei,6.169,,,,,, Ophiusa = Colubraria,3.78,,,,,, Ophiusa = Rhodos,5.132,,,,,, Ophiusa = Tenos,4.65,,,,,, Ophiusa = Tyra,4.82,,,,,, Ophiusa isl.,5.151,52 A3 Ophiussa,,,,, Ophiussa isl.,4.61,UNLOC,,,,, Ophradus r.,6.94,6 UNLOC,,,,, Opitergium,"3.126, 3.130, 3.132",40 D1,,,,, Oppidum Novum,5.20,28 C4,,,,, Opuntius b.,4.27,UNLOC,,,,, Opus,4.27,55 E3 Opous,,,,, Oracta isl.,6.98,3 G4 Oarakta,,,,, Orani,6.21,UNLOC,,,,, Oratae,6.75,6 C4,,,,, Oratelli,3.137,16 UNLOC,,,,, Oratis r.,"6.111, 6.136",93 F3 Zoreh / Or(o)atis? fl.,,,,, Orba r.,5.106,? 65 D1 Orgas fl.,,,,, Orbelus m.,4.35,51 B2 Orbelos M.,,,,, Orbi,6.94,6 UNLOC,,,,, Orcades isl.,4.103,9 E1,,,,, Orcheni (Orchoe),"6.123, 6.130",93 B2 Uruk / Orchoe / Erech / Orikut,,,,, Orchomenum,4.20,58 C2 Orchomenos,,,,, Orchomenus / Minyius,"4.29, 8.226",55 D4, ,,,, Orciani,6.47,UNLOC,,,,, Ordesos p.,4.82,23 UNLOC Ordessos / Odessos,,,,, Ordymnus m.,5.140,56 B3 Ordymnos M.,,,,, Oreges m.,5.98,UNLOC,,,,, Oreos,4.64,55 E3 Oreos,,,,, Orestae (Orestis),4.35,49 D3,,,,, Orestes' harbor,3.73,46 C5,,,,, Oretana m.,3.6,27 B3 Oretana Iuga,,,,, Oretani (Oretania),3.19,27 B3,,,,, Oretani Germani (Oretum),3.25,27 B3,,,,, Oretes,2.184,UNLOC,,,,, Organagae,6.77,6 UNLOC,,,,, Orgenomesci,4.111,24 G1,,,,, Orgocini,4.85,23 UNLOC,,,,, Orgus r.,3.118,39 B3,,,,, Ori,6.98,UNLOC,,,,, Oricum,"2.204, 3.145, 3.152",49 B3 Orikon,,,,, Orine,5.70,UNLOC,,,,, Orippo,3.11,26 E4,,,,, Oritae,6.95,UNLOC,,,,, Oritanan Artemisium,4.64,55 E2 Artemision § Oritanum,,,,, Ormenium,4.32,55 UNLOC,,,,, Ornithon,5.76,69 B3 'Ad Nonum' / Ornithon Polis?,,,,, Oroanda,"5.94, 5.147",UNLOC,,,,, Oroandes m.,5.98,92 D2 Alvand / Orontes / Oroandes M.,,,,, Oromobii,"3.124, 3.125",39 F2 Orumbovii § Orobii,,,,, Orontes,6.118,89 UNLOC,,,,, Orontes r.,"2.224, 5.79, 5.80, 5.82",67 C4,,,,, Oropus,4.24,59 C1,,,,, Orosines r.,4.45,UNLOC,,,,, Orostrae,6.76,6 UNLOC,,,,, Orothophanitae,6.123,93 UNLOC,,,,, "Orroeon, Orroean Arabs","5.85, 6.25, 6.117, 6.129",89 UNLOC Orroei Arabi,,,,, Orsa m.,6.150,UNLOC,,,,, Orsi,6.78,6 UNLOC,,,,, Orsum,6.180,82 A2,,,,, Ortacia r.,6.136,UNLOC,,,,, Orthagurea = Maronea,4.42,,,,,, Orthe,4.32,55 C1,,,,, "Orthosia, Orthosienses ","5.78, 5.109",61 G2,,,,, Ortoplinia (Ortopla),3.140,20 B5,,,,, Ortospanum,"6.61, 6.62",6 UNLOC Ortospana / Kaboura,,,,, Ortygia = Delos,4.66,,,,,, Ortygia = Ephesus,5.115,,,,,, Orumcolae,6.67,6 G5,,,,, Oruros,6.120,89 UNLOC,,,,, Osca,3.10,26 UNLOC,,,,, Oscenses (Osca),3.24,25 E3,,,,, Osci,"3.56, 3.60",UNLOC,,,,, Oscidates Campestres,4.108,25 E1,,,,, Oscidates Montani,4.108,25 E2,,,,, Oscua,3.10,27 A5 Ascua / Osqua,,,,, Oseriates,3.148,20 D4,,,,, Osicerdenses,3.24,25 UNLOC Osicerda,,,,, Ossa m.,4.30,55 D1,,,,, Osset / Julia Constantia,3.11,26 D4 Osset § Iulia Constantia,,,,, Ossigi Latonium,3.10,27 B4,,,,, Ossigitania,3.9,UNLOC,,,,, Ossismi,4.107,7 E Osismii,,,,, Ossonoba,4.116,26 C4,,,,, Ossonoba Aestuaria,3.7,26 D4,,,,, Osteodes isl.,3.92,47 UNLOC,,,,, Ostia,"2.121, 3.56, 14.61, 19.4",43 B2,,,,, Ostippo,3.12,26 F4,,,,, Ostracine,5.68,70 C3 Ostrakine,,,,, Ostrani (Ostra),3.114,42 E1,,,,, Otene,6.42,90 UNLOC,,,,, Otesini,3.116,UNLOC,,,,, Othronos isl.,4.52,UNLOC,,,,, Othryonei,4.35,UNLOC,,,,, Othrys m.,4.30,55 D2,,,,, Otrus,5.108,65 C5 Otrous,,,,, Oxia isl.,4.53,54 D5 Oxeiai / Thoai Inss.,,,,, Oxii,6.133,93 F1 Ouxioi,,,,, Oxubi(i),"3.35, 3.47",16 C3 Oxubii,,,,, Oxus r.,"6.48, 6.52",6 A1,,,,, Oxyopum,5.126,56 UNLOC Oxyopum,,,,, Oxyrhynchite n. (Oxyrhynchites),5.49,75 D4 Oxyrhynchites Nomos,,,,, Oxyttagae,6.48,6 UNLOC Oxydrankai / Oxystacae / Oxyttagae,,,,, Ozolae,4.7,UNLOC,,,,, Ozuaei,3.143,20 UNLOC,,,,, Pacensian conventus (Pax Iulia),4.117,26 C4 Pax Iulia / Pax Augusta / Col. Pacensis,,,,, Pacensis = Forum Iuli,3.35,,,,,, Pachynum,3.87,47 G5 Portus Pachyni / *Apollineum,,,,, Pachynum c.,"3.87, 3.89",47 G5,,,,, Pacida = Belus ,5.75,,,,,, Pactius r.,3.102,45 UNLOC,,,,, Pactolus / Chrysorrhoa r.,5.110,56 G5,,,,, Pactyae isl.,5.131,UNLOC,,,,, Pactye,4.48,51 H4 Paktye,,,,, Pacyris r.,4.84,23 G2 Karkinites / Hypakyris? fl.,,,,, Padinates,3.116,UNLOC,,,,, Padus / Bodincus/ Eridanus r.,"2.229, 3.49, 3.115, 3.117, 3.120, 3.121, 3.122, 3.123, 3.124, 3.127, 3.130, 3.131, 9.44, 10.135, 19.9, 37.31, 37.32, 37.34, 37.44",40 A2 Padus / Eridanus fl.,,,,, Padusa / Messanicus,3.119,40 C4,,,,, Paedopides r.,6.4,86 UNLOC,,,,, Paeligni,"3.38, 3.106, 6.218, 19.13",42 F4,,,,, Paeonia,"4.33, 4.35, 6.217",50 A1 Paionia,,,,, Paesci,"3.28, 4.111",24 E1,,,,, Paesinates,3.114,42 UNLOC,,,,, Paestanus b. (Paestanus Sinus),"3.71, 3.85",44 G5,,,,, Paestum / Posidonia,3.71,44 H5 Poseidonia / Paestum,,,,, Paesuri,4.113,24 D3,,,,, "Pagae, Pagaei","4.8, 4.23",58 E1 Pagai,,,,, Pagasa,4.29,55 D2 Pagasai?,,,,, Pagasicus / Demetrias b.,"4.29, 4.72",55 D2 Pagasaeus / Demetriacus Sinus,,,,, Pagoartas,6.180,UNLOC,,,,, Pagrae,5.82,67 C4,,,,, Palaebyblos,5.78,69 C2 Palaibyblos,,,,, Palaegoni (inhabitants of Tabrobane),6.81,UNLOC,,,,, Palaehorium,4.37,UNLOC,,,,, Palaei,6.50,UNLOC,,,,, Palaemyndus,5.107,61 E3 Palaia Myndos,,,,, Palaepaphos / Paphos,"2.210, 5.130",72 B3 (Palai)Paphos,,,,, Palaescamander r.,5.124,56 C2 Scamander fl.,,,,, Palaescepsis,5.122,56 D2 Palaiskepsis?,,,,, Palaesimundum,6.85,5 inset Anourogrammon / Palaesimundum?,,,,, Palaesimundus r.,6.86,UNLOC,,,,, Palaestine,"5.66, 5.68, 5.69, 5.77",70 F3,,,,, Palaestine = Sittacene,6.132,,,,,, Palaetyrus,5.76,69 B3 Palaityros,,,,, Palamedium,5.123,56 C3 Polymedion / Palamedium,,,,, Palamna,4.29,UNLOC,,,,, Palantini (Palantia),3.26,24 G2,,,,, Palatitae,6.76,6 UNLOC,,,,, Palatium,4.20,,,,,, Palibothra,"6.63, 6.68",6 F4,,,,, Palibothri,"6.68, 6.69",UNLOC,,,,, Palinandrea,4.36,UNLOC,,,,, Palinurus c.,3.71,46 B1,,,,, Palionenses,3.105,45 UNLOC,,,,, Pallaconta r.,6.118,91 F5,,,,, Pallantias = Triton,5.28,,,,,, Pallantium,4.20,58 C3 Pallantion,,,,, Pallene,4.20,58 F1,,,,, Pallene,4.36,50 D4 Pallene / Phlegra,,,,, Pallon,6.159,UNLOC,,,,, Palma,"3.77, 3.78",27 inset,,,,, Palmaria isl.,3.81,44 C4,,,,, Palmensian territory (Palmensis Ager),"3.110, 3.112",42 F2,,,,, Palmyra,"5.87, 5.88, 5.89, 6.125, 6.143, 6.144",68 F4,,,,, Palo r.,3.47,UNLOC,,,,, Palsicium,3.131,UNLOC,,,,, Paltos,5.79,68 A3,,,,, Palugges,6.191,UNLOC,,,,, Pamisus r.,4.15,58 B3 Pamisos,,,,, Pamisus r.,4.30,55 B2 Pamisos fl.,,,,, Pamphagi,6.195,UNLOC,,,,, Pamphylia / Mopsopia,"5.94, 5.95, 5.96, 5.97, 5.147, 6.214",65 E4,,,,, Pamphylian Sea,"5.96, 5.102, 5.129",65 E5 Pamphylium Mare,,,,, Panaetolium m.,4.6,UNLOC,,,,, Panchaia,7.197,UNLOC,,,,, Panchrysos = Berenice Panchrysos,6.170,,,,,, Panda,6.49,6 UNLOC,,,,, Pandae (Pandion),"6.76, 6.94",5 D5 Pandion,,,,, Pandateria isl.,3.82,44 D4,,,,, Pandenses,5.126,UNLOC,,,,, Pandosia,3.98,46 UNLOC,,,,, Pandosia,4.4,54 C3,,,,, Paneas,5.74,mark around 69 C3 Paneas / Caesarea Philippi,,,,, "Paneas, spring",5.71,69 C3 Aqueducts Paneas,,,,, Pangaeus m.,"4.40, 4.42, 7.197",51 C3 Pangaion M.,,,,, Panhormum,3.90,47 C2 Pan(h)ormus,,,,, Panhormum,4.59,60 C2 Panormos,,,,, Panhormus h.,4.13,58 B1 Panhormos,,,,, Panhormus p.,4.49,UNLOC,,,,, Panionia,5.113,61 E2 Panionion,,,,, Panisos r. = Pannysis r.,4.45,,,,,, Pannonia,"3.147, 3.149, 4.80, 37.43, 37.44",20 C3,,,,, Pannysis r.,4.45,22 E5 Panysos fl.,,,,, Panopolis,5.61,77 F3 Panopolis,,,,, Panopolite n. (Panopolites),5.49,77 F3 Panopolites Nomos,,,,, Pantagies r.,3.89,47 G4 Pantakyas fl.,,,,, Pantanus l.,3.103,45 B1,,,,, "Panticapaeum / Bosporus, Panticapaeenses","4.78, 4.87, 6.20",87 K2 Pantikapaion / Bosp(h)orus,,,,, Panticapes r.,4.83,23 F2 Panticapes? fl.,,,,, Pantomatrium,4.59,60 C2 Pantomatrion / Agropm,,,,, Paphlagonia / Pylaemenia,"2.230, 5.102, 5.146, 6.5, 6.216, 7.98",86 C2,,,,, Paphos = Palaepaphos,2.210,,,,,, Parabaesten (of the Arachosii),6.92,6 A3 Bigis / Bestia Desolata / Parabeste,,,,, Paradisus,5.82,68 C5 (Tri)Paradeisos,,,,, Paradisus r.,5.93,66 UNLOC Paradeisos fl.,,,,, Paraetaceni (Paraetacene),"6.116, 6.131",92 E3,,,,, Paraetonium,"5.33, 5.39",73 E2,,,,, Paramalcum,6.157,UNLOC,,,,, Parapansius r.,4.94,UNLOC,,,,, Parapinae,6.92,6 B3 Paropamisadai § Parapinae,,,,, Parapotamia,6.131,93 UNLOC,,,,, Parasangae,6.73,6 UNLOC,,,,, Parasinus,2.210,UNLOC,,,,, Parenta,6.179,81 UNLOC,,,,, Parentium,3.129,20 A4,,,,, Paria isl.,5.128,UNLOC,,,,, Pariades m.,5.98,87 C4 Paryadres M.,,,,, Pariani,6.48,UNLOC,,,,, Paridon,5.104,61 F4 Pandion ? Collis,,,,, Parihedri / Parihedrus m.,"5.99, 6.25, 6.29",88 C4,,,,, Parisi,4.107,11 C4, ,,,, Parium / Adrastia,"4.48, 5.141",52 A4 Parium,,,,, Parma,"3.115, 31.11",39 G4,,,,, Parnasus m.,4.7,55 C3 Parnassus M.,,,,, Paropanisidae,"6.78, 6.92",UNLOC,,,,, Paropanisus / Caucasus m.,"5.98, 6.48, 6.60, 6.71, 6.78, 6.92",6 B3 Paropamisos / Caucasus M.,,,,, Paropini,"3.91, 3.92",47 UNLOC Paropus,,,,, Paroreatae,4.22,58 UNLOC Paroreatai,,,,, Paros / Platea / Minoida isl.,"4.67, 32.18",61 A3,,,,, Parospus r.,6.94,6 C3 Choaspes § Parospus fl.,,,,, Paroxiaei,4.35,UNLOC,,,,, Parparus m.,4.17,58 D3 Parparos M.,,,,, Parra,3.125,39 F2,,,,, Parrhasie,4.20,58 C3 Parrhasia,,,,, Partheni,"3.143, 3.145",49 B2 Parthini,,,,, Parthenia = Samus,5.135,,,,,, Parthenia r.,6.129,89 D3 Parthenias / Nymphios fl.,,,,, Parthenie,5.117,UNLOC,,,,, Parthenion,4.42,51 UNLOC,,,,, Parthenium,4.20,58 UNLOC,,,,, Parthenium,5.126,56 E3 Parthenion?,,,,, Parthenium c.,4.86,23 G4 Parthenion,,,,, Parthenius c.,2.204,UNLOC,,,,, Parthenius h.,3.72,46 UNLOC,,,,, Parthenius m.,4.21,58 D3 Parthenion M.,,,,, Parthenius r.,6.5,86 C2 Parthenios fl.,,,,, Parthenope = Neapolis,3.62,,,,,, Parthenope = Samus,5.135,,,,,, Parthenopolis,4.44,22 UNLOC,,,,, Parthenopolis,5.148,86 C2 Parthenia,,,,, "Parthia, Parthians","2.147, 2.235, 5.88, 5.89, 6.41, 6.44, 6.46, 6.50, 6.61, 6.111, 6.112, 6.113, 6.114, 6.116, 6.122, 6.126, 6.134, 6.137, 6.141, 6.145, 6.146, 6.162, 6.213, 10.132, 16.160,",97 C1 Parthyene / Parthia,,,,, Parthyaea,6.112,UNLOC,,,,, Parthyene,"2.243. 6.113, 6.212",97 C1 Parthyene / Parthia,,,,, Parva Primis,6.179,UNLOC,,,,, Pasargadae,6.99,94 D3, ,,,, Pasini,3.140,20 UNLOC Pasin (…),,,,, Pasirae,6.97,6 A4,,,,, Pasitigris r.,"6.129, 6.134, 6.145",93 D3,,,,, Passala isl.,5.134,61 F3 Passala,,,,, Passalae,6.67,5 UNLOC,,,,, Patage = Hypere,4.70,,,,,, Patala,"6.72, 6.100",6 B4 Patala / Minnagar,,,,, Patala isl.,"6.71, 6.76, 6.80",6 B5,,,,, Patalis,2.184,UNLOC,,,,, Patami,6.142,UNLOC,,,,, Patara / Pataros,"2.243, 5.100, 6.214",65 B5,,,,, Pataros = Patara,5.100,,,,,, "Patavius, Patavi / Patavians","2.227, 3.121, 3.130, 6.218",40 B2,,,,, Pateria,4.74,51 UNLOC,,,,, Pateronnesos,4.74,51 UNLOC,,,,, Pathissus r.,4.80,21 C2,,,,, Patigga,6.178,82 A2 Patinga?,,,,, Patinga,6.179,82 A2,,,,, Patmus isl.,4.69,61 D3 Patmos Ins.,,,,, Patrae,"2.244, 4.11, 4.13, 6.215",58 B1,,,,, Patricia = Corduba,3.10,,,,,, Pausilypum,3.82,UNLOC,,,,, Pausulani (Pausulae),3.111,42 F2,,,,, Paxoe isl.,4.52,54 B3 Paxoi Inss.,,,,, Paxos isl.,4.54,54 B3,,,,, Pedalie,5.92,66 UNLOC,,,,, Pedalium c.,5.103,65 A4 Pedalion / Ankon Pr.,,,,, Pedani,3.69,44 UNLOC Pedum,,,,, Pedasum,5.107,61 E3 Pedasa,,,,, Pedasus = Adramytteos,5.122,,,,,, Pedna isl.,5.140,UNLOC,,,,, Pegaseum l.,5.115,61 E1 Pegaseum Stagnum,,,,, Pege,5.37,36 UNLOC,,,,, Pegusa / Stadia,5.104,61 F4 Stadia,,,,, "Pelagonia, Pelagones ","4.33, 4.35",49 D2,,,,, Pelasgi,"3.50, 3.51, 3.56, 3.71, 7.193",UNLOC,,,,, Pelasgia = Lesbos,5.139,,,,,, Pelasgia = Peloponnesus,4.9,,,,,, Pelasgis = Arcadia,4.20,,,,,, Pelasgis = Haemonia,4.28,,,,,, Pele isl.,"5.137, 32.18",56 D5,,,,, Pelenariae,6.180,81 UNLOC,,,,, Pelendones,4.112,25 C3,,,,, Pelendos,4.74,51 UNLOC,,,,, Pelinna,4.32,55 C1 Pellina(ion)?,,,,, Pelinnaeus m.,5.136,56 C4 Pelinnaion M.,,,,, Pelium m.,"2.162, 4.30, 7.202",55 E2 Pelion M.,,,,, Pella,"4.34, 6.216",50 C3,,,,, Pella,5.74,69 C5,,,,, Pellaeus,6.138,UNLOC,,,,, Pellaon,3.131,UNLOC,,,,, Pellenaei (Pellenaeorum castellum) (Pellana),4.12,58 C3, ,,,, Pelondones,3.26,25 C3,,,,, Pelopia = Thyatira,5.115,,,,,, Pelopidae,3.50,UNLOC,,,,, Peloponnesus / Apia / Pelasgia,"2.225, 2.244, 3.87, 4.6, 4.8, 4.9, 4.11, 4.19, 4.20, 4.22, 4.23, 4.55, 4.60, 4.61, 6.214, 18.215",58 B2 Peloponnesus,,,,, Pelorias,3.90,47 H2 Pelorus / Regium Pr.,,,,, Pelorum c.,"3.73, 3.87, 3.88",47 H2 Pelorus / Regium Pr.,,,,, Pelso l.,3.146,20 E3,,,,, Peltena,5.95,UNLOC,,,,, Pelteni,5.106,UNLOC,,,,, Peltuinates (Peltuinum),3.107,42 F4,,,,, Pelusiac (mouth),"5.48, 5.64, 5.65",74 H2 Pelousiakon Stoma,,,,, Pelusium,"5.49, 5.65, 5.68, 6.166, 5.167, 6.212, 19.14",74 H2,,,,, Pelusium,5.64,74 H2,,,,, Penelentiae,5.82,UNLOC,,,,, Penius,6.14,87 UNLOC,,,,, Penius r.,"2.230, 4.30, 4.31, 4.32",55 B1 Peneios fl.,,,,, Penius r.,6.14,87 UNLOC,,,,, Pennienses (Pinna),3.107,42 F4,,,,, Pentapolitan region = Cyrenaica,5.31,,,,,, Pentedactylos m.,6.169,81 F3,,,,, Peparethus / Euoenos isl.,"4.72, 14.76",55 F2,,,,, Peraea,5.70,71 B2,,,,, Percote,5.141,51 H4 Perkote,,,,, Perga,5.96,65 E4 Perge,,,,, Pergamum,4.59,60 A1 Pergamos?,,,,, Pergamum,5.126,56 E3,,,,, Perimula c.,6.72,5 C3 Perimula Pr.,,,,, Perinthus,4.47,52 B3 Perinthus / Heraclea,,,,, Perirrheuse isl.,5.137,UNLOC,,,,, Peristerides isl.,5.138,UNLOC,,,,, Perne isl.,2.204,UNLOC,,,,, Perorsi,"5.10, 5.16, 5.43, 6.195",UNLOC,,,,, "Perperene, Perpereni","5.122, 5.126, 31.29",56 D3,,,,, Perrhaebi (Perrhaebia),"4.2, 4.6",55 B1 Perraibia,,,,, Persepolis,"6.115, 6.213",94 C4,,,,, Persian gulf / sea,"6.41, 6.99, 6.108, 6.109, 6.114, 6.115, 6.124, 6.130, 6.134, 6.137, 6.138, 6.143, 6.144, 6.149, 6.198, ",3 F4 Persicus Sinus / Erythr(ae)um Mare,,,,, Persians / Chorasari,"6.50, 6.152",UNLOC,,,,, Persians = Pharusii,5.46,,,,,, "Persis, Persian(s)","2.237, 3.8, 4.37, 4.39, 4.75, 5.46, 6.41, 6.50, 6.95, 6.96, 6.98, 6.111, 6.114, 6.115, 6.120, 6.123, 6.124, 6.131, 6.133, 6.134, 6.135, 6.136, 6.137, 6.148, 6.152, 6.165, 6.212, 6.213, 32.21, ",94 B3,,,,, Pertalis,6.65,6 F5,,,,, Perusia,"3.52, 3.53",42 C2,,,,, Perusii,6.194,UNLOC,,,,, Pestici,6.50,UNLOC,,,,, Petaliae isl.,4.71,58 G2 Petaliai Inss.,,,,, Peteon,4.26,55 E4,,,,, Petilia,3.96,46 F3 Petelia, ,,,, Petra,"5.87, 5.89, 6.144, 6.145, 6.146, 6.212",70 G5,,,,, Petreessa = Rhodos,5.132,,,,,, Petrini (Petrina),3.91,47 C3,,,,, Petrocori,4.109,14 F3,,,,, Petuntium,3.142,20 D6 Pituntium,,,,, Peuce ils.,"4.79, 4.93",23 C3 Peuke Nesos,,,,, Peuces (mouth),4.79,23 C4 Peukes / Hieron Stoma,,,,, Peucetia = Calabria,3.99,,,,,, Peucetii,3.139,45 E3,,,,, Peucini,4.100,UNLOC,,,,, Peucolatis,6.62,6 C3 Peukelaotis / Kaspatyros?,,,,, Peucolis,6.94,6 C3 Peukelaotis / Kaspatyros?,,,,, Peucolitae,6.78,6 C3 Peukelaotis / Kaspatyros? § Peucolitae,,,,, Phacusa isl.,4.68,61 B4 Phakoussai Inss.,,,,, Phaeacia = Corcyra,4.52,,,,,, Phaestum,4.59,60 C2 Phaistos,,,,, Phaestum,4.7,55 C4 Phaistinos,,,,, Phalacrum c.,4.53,54 A2 Phalakron Pr.,,,,, Phalara,4.27,55 D3,,,,, Phalasarna,"4.57, 4.59",60 A1,,,,, Phalera h.,"2.225, 4.24",59 B3 Phaleron,,,,, Phalesina,4.42,51 UNLOC,,,,, Phalliges,6.192,UNLOC,,,,, Phanagoria,6.18,87 L2 Phanagor(e)ia,,,,, Phanesii isl.,4.95,UNLOC,,,,, Phanoria,6.10,87 UNLOC,,,,, Pharbaethite n. (Pharbaethites),5.49,74 F3 Pharbaithites Nomos,,,,, Pharbaethos,5.64,74 F3 Pharbaithos,,,,, Pharia,3.152,20 D6 Pharus,,,,, Pharia isl.,3.152,20 D6 Pharus,,,,, Pharmacotrophi,6.47,UNLOC,,,,, Pharmacusa isl.,4.71,61 E3 Pharmakousa Ins.,,,,, Pharnacea,"6.11, 6.32",87 D4 Kerasous / Pharnakeia,,,,, Pharnacotis r.,6.94,6 UNLOC,,,,, Pharnucias r.,5.149,UNLOC,,,,, Pharos isl.,"2.201, 5.128",74 B2,,,,, "Pharsalus, Pharsalia","4.29, 5.58, 6.216",55 C2 Pharsalus,,,,, Pharusii,"5.10, 5.43, 5.46",UNLOC,,,,, Pharygenitae,4.22,58 UNLOC Pheraia / Pharaia,,,,, "Phaselis, Phaselites","2.236, 5.96",65 E4,,,,, Phasis,"6.13, 6.14",87 G2,,,,, Phasis r.,"6.3, 6.12, 6.52",87 G2,,,,, Phatmitic (mouth),5.64,74 F1 Phatnitikon Stoma,,,,, Phaturite n. (Pathyris),5.49,80 B3 Pathyris / Aphroditopolis,,,,, Phausia,31.30,UNLOC,,,,, "Phazania, Phazanii",5.35,35 B4,,,,, Pheate isl.,5.137,UNLOC,,,,, Phegium m.,2.205,UNLOC,,,,, Phellos,5.100,65 C5,,,,, Phellusa isl.,5.140,UNLOC,,,,, Pheneum,"4.20, 4.21, 31.26",58 C2 Pheneos,,,,, Pherae,4.13,58 B2 Phara(i),,,,, Pherae,4.16,58 C3 Pherai,,,,, Pherae,"4.26, 4.29",55 D2 Pherai,,,,, Pherae,4.59,UNLOC,,,,, Phiala,5.55,UNLOC,,,,, Phila isl.,3.79,16 UNLOC,,,,, Philadelphia,5.74,71 B2,,,,, Philadelphini (Philadelphia),5.111,56 H5,,,,, Philae isl.,5.59,80 inset,,,,, Philippi,"4.42, 4.47",51 C2 Krenides / Philippi / Col. Augusta Iulia Philippensis,,,,, Philippopolis = Trimontium,4.41,,,,,, Philiscum,5.89,91 UNLOC,,,,, Philistina (mouth) (Ostium Philistina) / Tartarus,3.121,40 C2,,,,, Philistina canal (Fossa Philistina),3.121,40 UNLOC,,,,, Philocalia,6.11,87 D3 Philokaleia,,,,, Philocalia r.,6.11,UNLOC,,,,, Philomelium,5.95,62 F5 Philomelion,,,,, Philoterias = Aenum,6.168,,,,,, Phinopolis,4.45,52 UNLOC,,,,, Phintienses (Phintias),"3.91, 31.22",47 D4,,,,, Phintonis isl.,3.83,48 B1,,,,, Phisganzaga,6.43,? 90 B3 Ganzak? / Gazaca? / Gazae?,,,,, Phlegra,4.36,50 D4 Pallene / Phlegra,,,,, Phlegraen Plains (Campi Phlegraei),3.61,44 F4,,,,, Phlius / Araethyrea,4.13,58 UNLOC Araithyrea / Philaision,,,,, Phlygone,4.26,55 D4 Phlygonion?,,,,, Phoar,5.41,35 UNLOC Hares / Haribus / Har / Phoar?,,,,, Phocaea,"5.119, 5.120",56 D4,,,,, Phocaeenses,"3.22, 3.34",UNLOC,,,,, Phocasia isl.,4.62,UNLOC,,,,, Phocis,"4.1, 4.7, 4.27, 18.215",55 C4,,,,, Phocoe isl.,4.61,60 UNLOC,,,,, Phodaca,6.157,UNLOC,,,,, Phoebe isl.,5.151,UNLOC,,,,, Phoenice = Ios,4.69,,,,,, Phoenice = Tenedus,5.140,,,,,, Phoenice isl.,3.79,16 UNLOC,,,,, "Phoenice, Phoenicians","2.205, 3.8, 3.22, 5.66, 5.67, 5.69, 5.75, 5.79, 6.213, 7.192, 7.195, 7.197, 7.201, 12.108, 18.215",69 B3 Phoinice,,,,, Phoenician Sea (Phoenicum Mare),"5.67, 5.97, 5.128",68 A2,,,,, Phoenicusa isl.,3.94,47 F1,,,,, Phoenix r.,4.30,55 C3 Phoinix? fl.,,,,, Pholegandros isl.,4.68,60 C5 Pholegandros Ins.,,,,, Pholoe m.,4.21,58 B2,,,,, Phorontis = Troezene Phorontis ,5.109,,,,,, Phrasargida,6.116,UNLOC,,,,, Phristimus r. ,6.99,UNLOC,,,,, "Phrygia, Phrygians","2.244, 5.102, 5.105, 5.106, 5.110, 5.119, 5.144, 5.145, 5.146, 6.4, 6.9, 6.216, 7.197, 7.199, 7.202, 7.204, 16.240, 31.9, 31.19",62 C4,,,,, Phryx r.,5.119,56 F4 Phrygios fl.,,,,, Phryxelon,4.36,UNLOC,,,,, "Phthia / Phthiotis, Phthiotae ","4.1, 4.28, 4.29",55 C2 Phthiotis § Phthia,,,,, Phthirophagi = Saltiae,6.14,,,,,, Phycus c.,"4.60, 5.32",38 C1 Phykous Akron,,,,, Phygela,5.114,61 E2 P(h)ygela,,,,, Phylacaei,4.34,50 UNLOC Phylakai,,,,, Phylace,4.32,55 D2 Phylake,,,,, Phyrites r.,5.115,56 E5,,,,, Picentia,3.70,UNLOC,,,,, Picentian Territory (Picentinus Ager),3.70,44 G4,,,,, "Picenum, Picentes / Picentines","2.226, 3.38, 3.108, 3.109, 3.310, 3.311, 6.218",42 E2,,,,, Pici,6.21,UNLOC,,,,, Pictones,"4.108, 4.109",14 D2,,,,, Pidaras = Athyras.,4.47,,,,,, Pidema,6.179,UNLOC,,,,, Pidibotae,6.179,UNLOC,,,,, Pidossus isl.,5.134,UNLOC,,,,, Pieres,4.35,51 C3,,,,, Pieria,"4.29, 4.33",50 B3,,,,, Pietas Julia = Pola,3.129,,,,,, Pillars of Hercules,"2.167, 2.242, 3.4, 5.2, 6.212, 19.4, 27.2",28 D1/D2,,,,, Piloros,4.36,51 B4,,,,, Pinara,5.101,65 B5,,,,, Pinara isl.,4.53,UNLOC,,,,, Pinare,5.92,66 UNLOC,,,,, Pinarus r.,5.91,67 C3 Pinaros? fl.,,,,, Pindicitor,6.180,UNLOC,,,,, Pindis,6.180,81 UNLOC,,,,, Pindus,4.28,55 C3 Akyphas / Pindos,,,,, Pindus m.,"4.2, 4.5, 4.30",55 A2,,,,, Pingus r.,3.149,21 D5 Pincus,,,,, Pinpedunni,4.108,UNLOC,,,,, Pion m.,5.115,61 E2 P(e)ion / Pion M. / Lepre Akte,,,,, Pioniae,"5.123, 5.126",56 F2 Pionia(i),,,,, Pirae,3.59,44 UNLOC,,,,, Piraeus / Oenone,"2.201, 4.24, 4.57",59 B3 Peiraieus,,,,, Pirene sp.,4.11,UNLOC,,,,, "Pisae, Pisans","2.227, 3.50, 6.217",41 C2,,,,, Pisaei (Pisa),4.14,58 B2,,,,, Pisaurum,3.113,42 D1,,,,, Pisaurus r.,3.113,42 D1 Pisarus,,,,, Piscinae,3.37,15 A3,,,,, "Pisidia, Pisidians","5.94, 5.145, 5.147, 6.24, 6.214",65 E3,,,,, Pisinuus,5.146,UNLOC,,,,, Pisistratus' Islands = Anthinae,5.137,,,,,, Pistorium,3.52,41 D2 Pistoriae,,,,, Pisuertes = Pitinates,3.114,,,,,, Pitaium,5.107,UNLOC,,,,, Pitane,4.16,58 UNLOC,,,,, Pitane,5.121,56 D4,,,,, Pitara,6.184,UNLOC,,,,, Pithecusa = Aenaria,3.82,,,,,, Pithecussae = Aenaria,2.203,,,,,, Pitinates Mergentini (Pitinum Mergens),3.114,42 D1,,,,, Pitinates Pisuertes (Pitinum Pisaurense),3.114,42 C1,,,,, Pitinian territory (Pitinum),2.229,42 E4, ,,,, Pityodes isl.,5.151,53 B3 Megale / Pityodes / Prinkipos Ins.,,,,, Pityonesos isl.,4.57,58 E2 Pityonesos,,,,, Pityus,6.16,87 F1 Pityous,,,,, Pityusa = Chius,5.136,,,,,, Pityusa = Miletus,5.112,,,,,, Pityusa isl.,4.56,58 E3 Pityoussa,,,,, Pityussa = Lampsacus,5.141,,,,,, Pityussae = Ebussus,3.76,27 G3,,,,, Placentia,"3.115, 3.118, 6.218",39 F3,,,,, Placia,4.86,23 UNLOC Palakion / Placia,,,,, Placia,5.142,52 C4 Plakia,,,,, Planasia isl.,"6.202, 3.80, 3.81",41 C4,,,,, Planctae = Cyaneae,6.32,,,,,, Plangenses,3.114,42 UNLOC,,,,, Planinenses (Planina),3.111,42 E2,,,,, Plantanistus,5.96,UNLOC,,,,, Plataeae,4.26,55 E4 Plataea,,,,, Platage,4.70,UNOC,,,,, Plataneus r.,5.148,UNLOC,,,,, Platanodes c.,4.14,58 B3 Platamodes Pr.,,,,, Plate isl.,5.138,UNLOC,,,,, Platea = Paros,4.67,,,,,, Platea isl.,4.71,57 E6,,,,, Plateae isl.,5.138,UNLOC,,,,, Plateis isl.,4.56,UNLOC,,,,, Platiae isl.,4.61,60 UNLOC,,,,, Plestini (Plestia),3.114,42 D2,,,,, Pleuron,4.6,55 A4 Nea Pleuron / 55 A4 Palaia Pleuron,,,,, Plitaniae isl.,5.138,UNLOC,,,,, Plotae = Strophades,4.55,,,,,, Plumbari = Medubrigenses Plumbari,4.118,,,,,, Pluvialia isl.,6.202,UNLOC,,,,, Podalia,5.101,65 D4,,,,, Poediculi,"3.38, 3.102",45 E3,,,,, Poeeessa,4.62,58 G2 Poiessa,,,,, Poemaneni,5.123,52 B4 Poimanenon,,,,, Poeninian Alpes (Poeninae Alpes),3.123,17 H2 Poeninus M.,,,,, Pola / Pietas Julia,"3.129, 3.132, 3.133, 3.140",20 A5,,,,, Polemonium,6.11,87 C3 Polemonion / Side,,,,, Poletaurini,3.69,44 UNLOC,,,,, Polichnaei (Polichne),5.123,56 D5,,,,, Politice Orgas = Aphrodisias,5.122,,,,,, Politorium,3.68,44 UNLOC,,,,, Pollentia,3.77,27 inset,,,,, "Pollentia, Pollentini","3.49, 3.111",39 B4,,,,, Polydora isl.,5.151,UNLOC,,,,, Polydorus' tomb,4.43,UNLOC,,,,, Polymedia,5.123,56 C3 Polymedion / Palamedium,,,,, Polyrrhenum,4.59,60 A2 Polyrrenia,,,,, Polytelia,6.118,91 UNLOC,,,,, Pomanus r.,6.94,6 UNLOC,,,,, Pometia,3.68,43 D3,,,,, Pompeii,"2.137, 3.62, 14.70",44 F4,,,,, Pompeiopolis = Amisum,6.7,,,,,, Pompeiopolis = Eupatoria,6.7,,,,,, Pompeiopolis = Soloe,5.92,,,,,, Pompeloneses (Pompelo),3.24,25 D3,,,,, Pomponiana = Mese,3.79,,,,,, Pomptine marsh (Pomptina Palus),3.59,44 C2 Pomptinae Paludes,,,,, Poneropolis = Trimontium,4.41,,,,,, Pontia isl. = Oenotrides,3.85,,,,,, Pontiae isl.,3.81,44 C4,,,,, Pontificense = Obulco Pontificense,4.10,,,,,, Pontus,"2.126, 2.127, 2.178, 2.230, 5.102, 6.12, 6.15, 6.24, 6.216, 7.98, 12.56, 14.76, 16.239",87 B4,,,,, Pontus,"2.173, 2.205, 2.206, 2.219, 2.224, 2.245, 3.149, 4.3, 4.41, 4.42, 4.44, 4.45, 4.75, 4.76, 4.77, 4.78, 4.79, 4.86, 4.92, 4.93, 5.47, 5.97, 6.1, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.15, 6.18, 6.24, 6.25, 6.30, 6.31, 6.32, 6.36, 6.52, 9.49, 9.50, 9.51, 9.52, 10.78, ",1 J2 Pontus Euxinus,,,,, Populonium,"3.50, 3.81",41 C4 Fufluna / Populonium,,,,, Porcifera r.,3.48,39 D5 Porcibera,,,,, Pordoselene isl.,"5.137, 8.226",56 D3 Por(d)oselene / Nasos,,,,, Porphyrione isl.,5.151,UNLOC,,,,, Porphyris = Cythera,4.56,,,,,, Porphyris = Nisyros,5.133,,,,,, Porthmos,4.64,59 D1,,,,, Porthmos = Gades ,3.74,,,,,, Portunata,3.140,UNLOC,,,,, Portunata isl.,3.140,20 B5,,,,, Portus Magnus,5.19,29 E1,,,,, Posidea,5.121,56 UNLOC,,,,, Posideum,5.112,61 E2 Poseidon,,,,, Posideum c.,5.112,61 E2 Poseidon Pr.,,,,, Posideum channel,5.128,UNLOC,,,,, Posidium,4.38,UNLOC,,,,, Posidium,5.79,68 A2 Posideion,,,,, Posidonia = Paestum,3.71,,,,,, Posingae,6.76,6 UNLOC,,,,, Potamos,4.24,59 D3 Potamos Deiradiotes,,,,, Potentia,3.111,42 F2,,,,, Potentia = Carrea,3.49,,,,,, Potentini (Potentia),3.98,45 C3,,,,, Potidaea = Cassandrea,"2.150, 4.36",,,,,, Potinusa / Tartesos / Gadir isl.,4.120,26 D5 Gadeira / Gades / Col. Augusta Gaditana § Urbs Iulia Gaditana,,,,, Potniae,4.32,55 E4 Potniai,,,,, Poyaegas isl.,4.70,UNLOC,,,,, Praefectura Claudia Foroclodium,3.52,42 C4 Forum Clodii,,,,, Praenestini / Stephane (Praeneste),3.64,43 D2,,,,, Praesidium Iulium = Scalabis,4.117,,,,,, Praestamarci,4.111,24 C2, ,,,, Praetavi,5.86,89 UNLOC,,,,, Praeter Caput Saxi,5.38,UNLOC,,,,, Praeti,6.67,5 UNLOC,,,,, Praetutian territory (Praetutianus Ager) (Praetuttii),"3.110, 3.112, 14.67, 14.75",42 F3,,,,, Prasian people (Prasii),"6.68, 6.70",6 E4 Prasii,,,,, Prasiana,6.82,UNLOC,,,,, Prasiane isl.,6.71,6 B4,,,,, Pratitae,"6.44, 6.113",96 UNLOC Pratitae,,,,, Prepesinthus isl.,4.66,60 C5 Prepesinthos Ins.,,,,, Priantae (Priantike),4.41,51 E3 Briantike,,,,, Priaponesos isl.,5.134,UNLOC,,,,, Priapos,5.141,52 A4 Priapus,,,,, Priapos isl.,5.137,UNLOC,,,,, Priapus,4.75,52 A4,,,,, Priene,5.113,61 E2,,,,, Prile r.,3.51,41 E4,,,,, Prima Flavia / Caesarea / Strato's Tower,"5.69, 5.71, 6.213",69 A4 Stratonos Pyrgos / Caesarea,,,,, Primi,"6.181, 6.184",82 A2 Prummu? / Primii?,,,,, Prinas r.,6.64,6 E5,,,,, Prinoessa isl.,4.53,54 UNLOC,,,,, Prion m.,5.134,61 E2 P(e)ion / Prion M.,,,,, Privernates (Privernum),"3.64, 14.65",44 D3,,,,, Probalinthos,4.24,59 C2,,,,, Procerastis = Calchadon,5.149,,,,,, Prochyta isl.,"2.203, 3.82",44 F4,,,,, Proconnesus,5.151,52 B3,,,,, Procusae isl.,5.137,UNLOC,,,,, Progne isl.,5.133,UNLOC,,,,, Prophthasia,6.61,3 H3 Phra(da) / Prophthasia,,,,, Prophthasia,6.94,3 H3 Phra(da) / Prophthasia,,,,, Propontis,"2.205, 2.219, 4.42, 4.43, 4.46, 4.48, 4.76, 5.124, 5.141, 5.150, 5.151, 6.1, 9.50, 9.52",52 C3,,,,, Prosda,6.179,81 UNLOC,,,,, Prosopite n. (Prosopites),5.49,74 D4 Prosopites Nomos,,,,, Prote isl.,3.79,16 UNLOC,,,,, Prote isl.,4.55,58 B3,,,,, Protropi = Abellinates,3.105,,,,,, Prusa,5.148,52 E4,,,,, Prusias (2),5.148,52 E4 Prusias ad Mare / Kios,,,,, Prusias = Nicaea,5.148,,,,,, Psacae,6.50,UNLOC,,,,, Psamathe sp.,"4.17, 4.25",UNLOC,,,,, Psamathus,4.16,58 C5 (Ps)Amathous,,,,, Psegipta,6.193,UNLOC,,,,, Pselcis,6.181,81 C2 Pselchis,,,,, Pserima isl.,5.134,61 E4 Pserimos Ins.,,,,, Pseudopylae isl.,6.174,UNLOC,,,,, Pseudostoma (mouth),"4.79, 4.82",23 C3 Pseudo Stoma,,,,, Psile isl.,5.137,UNLOC,,,,, Psilion isl.,5.135,UNLOC,,,,, Psilon Stoma (mouth),4.79,23 C3,,,,, Psilos isl.,6.111,UNLOC,,,,, Psitharas r.,6.55,UNLOC,,,,, Psophis,4.20,58 B2,,,,, Psylli,5.27,37 C2,,,,, Psyra isl.,5.138,56 B4,,,,, Psyttalia isl.,4.62,59 B3 Psyttaleia Ins.,,,,, Ptelea = Ephesus,5.115,,,,,, Pteleon,4.15,58 UNLOC,,,,, Pteleon,5.117,56 C5,,,,, Pteleon (grove),4.29,55 D2 Pteleon,,,,, Ptemphus n.,5.49,? 77 E3 (P)Teme,,,,, Ptenetus n. (Pthenetus),5.49,74 D2 Ptheneotes Nomos,,,,, Pterophoros,4.88,UNLOC,,,,, Pteros isl.,6.151,4 UNLOC,,,,, Ptoemphani,6.192,UNLOC,,,,, Ptolemaeus r.,6.167,UNLOC,,,,, Ptolemais,5.61,77 F4 Ptolemais Hermiou,,,,, Ptolemais / Acce,"5.75, 6.213, 6.220",69 B4 Ake / Ptolemais,,,,, Ptolemais / Barce,"5.31, 5.32",38 B1 Ptolemais / Barkes Limen,,,,, Ptolemais Epi Theras,"2.183, 6.164, 6.171, 6.173",4 A2 Ptolemais Theron,,,,, Ptychia isl.,4.53,54 A2,,,,, Pucinum,"3.127, 14.60",19 F4 Castellum Pucinum,,,,, Pullariae isl.,3.151,20 A5,,,,, Punic peoples,"2.200, 4.120, 5.8",,,,,, Purpurariae isl.,6.203,1a C2,,,,, Puteolanus b.,3.82,44 F4,,,,, Puteoli / Dicaearchea,"2.207, 3.61, 6.216, 14.64, 19.3, 31.4, 31.6, 31.12",44 F4 Dikaiarcheia / Puteoli,,,,, Pydna,4.34,50 C4,,,,, Pygmy people,"4.44, 5.109, 6.70, 6.188",UNLOC,,,,, Pylae,4.20,58 UNLOC Pylai,,,,, Pylae isl.,6.174,UNLOC,,,,, Pylaemenia = Paphlagonia,6.5,,,,,, Pyloros,4.59,60 C2,,,,, Pylos,"4.14, 4.22",58 B2,,,,, Pylos,"4.15, 4.55",58 B4,,,,, Pyraei,3.144,UNLOC,,,,, Pyramus r.,5.91,67 B3 Pyramos fl.,,,,, Pyrenaea Venus,3.22,25 I3 Portus Veneris,,,,, Pyrenaei c.,4.110,25 I3,,,,, Pyrenaei m.,"2.244, 3.6, 3.18, 3.22, 3.29, 3.30, 3.32, 4.105, 4.109, 4.110, 4.112, 4.114, 4.115, 4.118, 6.218, 7.96, 14.68, 31.4, 37.37",2.50E+04,,,,, Pyrenean woods (Pyrenaeus saltus),4.108,25 F3,,,,, Pyrgenses (Pyrgoi),4.22,58 B3,,,,, Pyrgi,3.51,44 A1,,,,, Pyrnos,5.104,61 G4,,,,, Pyrogeri,4.40,22 C6,,,,, Pyropum,6.113,UNLOC,,,,, Pyrpyle = Delos,4.66,,,,,, Pyrra,4.32,55 UNLOC,,,,, Pyrrha,"2.206, 5.100, 5.109, 31.10",UNLOC,,,,, Pyrrha,4.64,55 UNLOC Echedamia / Pyrrha,,,,, Pyrrha,4.8,55 UNLOC,,,,, Pyrrha,5.139,56 C3 Pyrra,,,,, Pyrrhaethusa isl.,5.134,UNLOC,,,,, Pythionia isl.,4.53,54 UNLOC,,,,, Pythopolis,5.148,52 E4,,,,, Pyxites r.,6.12,87 G3,,,,, Pyxurates r.,5.83,UNLOC,,,,, Pyxus = Buxentum,3.72,,,,,, Quariates,3.35,17 H4,,,,, Quarqueni,3.130,19 UNLOC,,,,, Quattuorsignani = Tarbelli Quattuorsignani,4.108,,,,,, Querquerni,3.28,24 C3 Quarquerni,,,,, Querquetulani,3.69,44 UNLOC,,,,, Quiza Cenitana,5.19,30 inset,,,,, Quosenum r.,5.9,1a C2 Fut / Quosenum fl.,,,,, Radata,6.178,UNLOC,,,,, "Raetia, Raeti ","3.130, 3.133, 3.135, 3.146, 4.98, 14.67",19 B3,,,,, Rami,6.21,UNLOC,,,,, Ramisi,6.142,UNLOC,,,,, Ramnus isl.,4.61,UNLOC,,,,, Rapsa,5.37,36 UNLOC,,,,, Rarungae,6.74,6 D4,,,,, "Raurica / Rauricum, Raurici","4.79, 4.106",18 E2 Col. Augusta Raurica,,,,, Ravenna,"3.115, 3.119, 3.127, 6.218",40 C4,,,,, "Reate, Reatini (Reate)","2.209, 2.226, 2.230, 3.107, 3.109, 31.12",42 D4,,,,, Reatinum r.,3.126,40 D1,,,,, Rebas / Rhesum r.,6.4,53 B2 Rhebas,,,,, Red / Erythrum / Erythrean Sea (Rubrum Mare),"2.183, 2.226, 4.120, 5.65, 6.84, 6.106, 6.107, 6.112, 6.115, 6.126, 6.137, 6.143, 6.154, 6.165, 6.166, 6.170, 6.189, 6.196, 6.199, 6.212, 6.220, 7.97, 7.206, 32.21",4 A1/E2 Arabicus Sinus / Erythr(ae)um / Rubrum Mare,,,,, Red Spring ,31.9,UNLOC,,,,, Regia = Columna Regia,"3.71, 3.73, 3.86",,,,,, Regia = Hasta Regia,3.11,,,,,, Regia = Laepia Regia,3.15,,,,,, Regienses (Regium Lepidum),3.116,39 H4,,,,, Regina,3.14,26 E3,,,,, Regina,3.15,26 E5 Turirecina / Regina,,,,, Regium,"3.43, 3.73, 3.86, 6.216",46 C5 Rhegion / Regium,,,,, Reii Apollinares,3.36,16 B2 Alebaece Reiorum Apollinarium,,,,, Remi,4.106,11 E3,,,,, Resisthos,4.48,UNLOC,,,,, Restituta Julia = Segida,3.14,,,,,, Rhacotes = Alexandria,5.62,,,,,, Rhadamaei,6.158,4 B3,,,,, Rhagiane = Apamea,6.43,,,,,, Rhamnus,4.24,59 D2 Rhamnous,,,,, Rhamnus,4.59,60 A2 Rhamnous Limen,,,,, Rhaphana,5.74,69 D4 Raphon / Raphana,,,,, Rhaphea,5.68,70 E3 Raphia,,,,, Rhene / Celadusa / Celadine isl.,4.67,61 A3 Rhenia Ins.,,,,, Rhenus r. [Rhine],"3.118, 3.135, 4.100, 4.101, 4.105, 4.106, 4.109, 4.122, 9.44, 16.161, 19.8, 31.20",11 F1,,,,, Rhesum = Rebas,6.4,,,,,, Rhesus r.,5.124,52 A4 Rhesos fl.,,,,, Rhinnea isl.,6.150,UNLOC,,,,, Rhinocolura,5.68,70 D3,,,,, Rhithymna,4.59,60 B2,,,,, Rhium c.,"4.6, 4.13",58 B1 Rhion Pr.,,,,, Rhizinium,3.144,20 F7 Rhizon/Risinium,,,,, Rhizus,4.32,55 D1 Rhizous,,,,, Rhoali,5.87,UNLOC,,,,, Rhoan r.,6.14,UNLOC,,,,, Rhoas = Laodicea,5.105,,,,,, Rhocobae,4.44,22 UNLOC,,,,, Rhoda,3.33,UNLOC,,,,, Rhodanus r. [Rhone],"2.224, 3.33, 3.34, 3.79, 3.135, 37.32",15 D1,,,,, Rhodapha r.,6.63,UNLOC,,,,, Rhode r.,4.82,23 E1 Sagaris / Rhode fl.,,,,, Rhodiapolis,5.100,65 D5,,,,, Rhodii,3.33,UNLOC,,,,, Rhodius r.,5.124,51 G4 Rhodios fl.,,,,, Rhodope m.,"3.149, 4.3, 4.35, 4.41",51 C1,,,,, "Rhodos / Ophiusa / Asteria / Aethria / Trinacria / Ombria / Petreessa / Atabyria / Macaria / Aithaloessa, Rhodians isl.","2.153, 2.178, 2.202, 2.243, 2.245, 4.58, 4.60, 4.71, 5.104, 5.132, 5.133, 6.206, 6.214, 10.77",60 F3,,,,, Rhodusa isl.,5.131,61 G4 Rhodoussa / Ropousa,,,,, Rhodusae isl.,5.151,52 D3 Rhodussae Ins.,,,,, Rhoedias r.,4.34,50 B3 Loudias fl.,,,,, Rhoeteum,"5.125, 5.127",56 C1 Rhoiteion,,,,, Rhoge isl.,5.131,65 B5,,,,, Rhosian m.,5.80,UNLOC,,,,, Rhosos,5.80,67 B4,,,,, Rhoxolani,4.80,22 C3 Roxolani,,,,, Rhyndacus / Lycus r.,"5.123, 5.142, 5.151",52 C4 Rhyndakos fl.,,,,, Rhypara isl.,5.135,61 UNLOC,,,,, Rhysaddir,5.18,29 C1 Rusaddir,,,,, Rhysaddir h.,"5.9, 5.18",1a C2,,,,, Rhytion,4.59,60 D2,,,,, Ricinenses (Ricina),3.111,42 E2 Helvia Ricina,,,,, Riedones,4.107,7 E3 Condate Redonum § R(i)edones,,,,, Riginia isl.,4.103,7 D2 Riduna, ,,,, Ripa,3.10,27 UNLOC,,,,, Ripaei / Ripaean m.,"4.78, 4.88, 4.94, 4.96, 5.98, 6.15, 6.19, 6.33, 6.34, 6.219",UNLOC,,,,, Riphearina,6.158,4 UNLOC Bacaschami Riphearina,,,,, "Rome (Roma), Roman(s)","2.16, 2.18, 2.37, 2.53, 2.85, 2.90, 2.93, 2.98, 2.136, 2.137, 2.138, 2.139, 2.140, 2.144, 2.180, 2.182, 2.188, 2.199, 2.200, 2.207, 2.209, 2.244, 2.247, 3.7, 3.15, 3.18, 3.20, 3.22, 3.23, 3.24, 3.31, 3.38, 3.40, 3.43, 3.44, 3.51, 3.53, 3.54, 3.56, 3.57, 3.58, 3.65, 3.66, 3.67, 3.68, 3.77, 3.85, 3.88, 3.93, 3.105, 3.108, 3.110, 3.116, 3.123, 3.129, 3.136, 3.141, 3.144, 3.145, 3.153, 4.20, 4.34, 4.21, 4.54, 4.80, 4.85, 4.97, 4.102, 4.117, 4.119, 5.4, 5.11, 5.12, 5.14, 5.19, 5.22, 5.24, 5.29, 5.36, 5.76, 5.88, 5.124, 6.15, 6.30, 6.46, 6.47, 6.84, 6.85, 6.120, 6.141, 6.160, 6.162, 6.181, 6.182, 6.217, 7.95, 7.96, 7.97, 7.98, 7.99, 10.78, 10.79, 12.55, 14.64, 14.65, 14.73, 16.4, 16.6, 27.3, 31.10, 37.45, 37.205 ",43 B2,,,,, Romulensis,3.11,UNLOC,,,,, Rubico r.,3.115,40 C4,,,,, Rubrensis l.,3.32,25 H2 Rubressus? Lacus,,,,, Rubricatum r.,3.21,25 G4,,,,, Rubustini (Rubi),3.105,45 D2,,,,, Rucinates,3.137,12 F4,,,,, Rudiae,3.102,45 H4,,,,, Rudini,3.144,UNLOC,,,,, Rugusci,3.137,19 B3 Ru(i)gusci,,,,, Rumnici,6.50,UNLOC,,,,, Rusazus,5.20,31 A3,,,,, Rusbeae c.,4.95,UNLOC,,,,, Ruscino Latinorum,3.32,25 H3 Col. Ruscino,,,,, Rusellae,3.51,42 A3,,,,, Rusguniae,5.20,30 F3,,,,, Rusiccade,5.22,31 F3 Rusicade / Thapsus,,,,, Ruspina,5.25,33 G1,,,,, Rusucurum,5.20,30 G3 Rusuccuru,,,,, Ruteni,"3.37, 4.109, 19.8",14 H4,,,,, Rutuba r.,3.48,16 E1 Rotuba,,,,, Rutubis h.,5.9,1 B4,,,,, Rutuli,3.56,UNLOC,,,,, Rymosoli,6.21,UNLOC,,,,, Sabaei,"6.151, 6.154, 6.161, 12.52",4 UNLOC Scenitae Sabaei,,,,, Sabarbares,5.30,31 D4 Suburbures,,,,, Sabaria,3.146,20 D2 Savaria,,,,, Sabbatha,6.154,4 C2 Sabat(h)a,,,,, Sabdata,6.132,91 UNLOC,,,,, Sabelli = Samnites,3.107,,,,,, Sabini / Sebini,"2.240, 3.38, 3.53, 3.107, 3.108, 3.109, 3.110, 6.218, 31.10",42 D4,,,,, Sabis r.,6.107,3 UNLOC,,,,, Sabora,3.12,26 E5,,,,, Sabota,6.155,4 C2 Sabat(h)a,,,,, Sabrata,"5.25, 5.35",35 E2 Abrotonum / Sabratha,,,,, Sacae / Aramii,6.50,6 C2,,,,, Sacasani,6.29,85 UNLOC Sakanoi / Sacasani,,,,, Sace,6.172,UNLOC,,,,, Sacili Martialium,3.10,27 A4 Sacili § Municipium Martiale,,,,, Sacrum c.,"2.242, 4.115, 4.116",26 B4,,,,, Saddaros r.,6.94,6 UNLOC,,,,, Saepinates (Saepinum),3.107,44 G3,,,,, Saepone,3.14,26 E5,,,,, Saetabitani Augustani (Saetabis),"3.25, 19.9",27 E2,,,,, Saevo m.,4.96,UNLOC,,,,, Sagalessos,5.94,65 E2 Sagalassos,,,,, Saggarium r.,5.147,52 G3 Sangarius fl.,,,,, Saggarius b.,4.82,23 E2 Sangarius Sinus,,,,, Sagiarius = Sangaris,6.4,,,,,, Sagiatta,6.158,4 UNLOC,,,,, Sagigi b.,5.9,28 UNLOC Emporikos Kolpos / Sagigi Sinus,,,,, Sagis (mouth) (Ostium Sagis),3.120,40 C3,,,,, Sagra r.,3.95,46 D5 Sagra(s) fl.,,,,, Saguntia,3.15,26 E5,,,,, Saguntum,3.20,27 E2,,,,, Sais,5.64,74 D3,,,,, Saitae,6.134,UNLOC,,,,, Saite n. (Saites),5.49,74 D3 Saites Nomos,,,,, Sala,"5.5, 5.13",28 A5,,,,, Sala r.,"5.5, 5.9",28 A5 Salat fl.,,,,, Salacia / Urbs Imperatoria,"4.116, 4.117",26 B3 Salacia (Imperatoria),,,,, Salaminiae isl.,5.130,72 UNLOC,,,,, Salamis,5.130,72 D2,,,,, Salamis isl.,"2.90, 4.62, 5.130",59 A3,,,,, Salaphitan town ,5.30,UNLOC,,,,, Salapia,3.103,45 C2 Sal(a)pia(i) / Salinae,,,,, Salaria,3.25,27 B4,,,,, Salassi,"3.123, 3.134, 3.137",39 A2,,,,, Saldae,5.20,31 C3,,,,, Salduba,3.24,25 E4,,,,, Salduba,3.8,26 E5,,,,, Salduba r.,3.8,26 F5,,,,, Salentini,3.38,45 H5 Sallentini,,,,, Salernum,3.70,44 G4,,,,, Saliares isl.,2.209,UNLOC,,,,, Salius r.,6.8,64 False,,,,, Sallentini / Salentini,"2.226, 2.240, 3.38, 3.75, 3.99, 3.105",45 H4,,,,, Sallentini = Dolates,3.113,,,,,, Sallentinum / Iapygia,"3.103, 145",45 inset,,,,, Sallui = Salluvii,"3.36, 3.47, 3.124",,,,,, Salluvii / Sallui,"3.36, 3.47, 3.124",16 A3,,,,, Salmani (Arabians),6.118,UNLOC,,,,, Salobriasae,6.76,6 UNLOC,,,,, Salona,"3.141, 3.142",20 D6,,,,, Salpesa,3.14,26 E4 Sal(pens)a,,,,, Salsum r.,5.10,29 D1,,,,, Salsum r.,"6.110, 6.147",UNLOC,,,,, Saltiae / Phthirophagi,6.14,87 H2,,,,, Saltus Galliani / Aquinates,3.116,UNLOC,,,,, Samarabiae,6.78,6 UNLOC,,,,, Samaria,"5.68, 5.69, 5.70, 6.213",69 B5,,,,, Sambraceni,6.78,6 UNLOC,,,,, Sambrachate isl.,6.151,4 UNLOC Sambracena / Sambrachate,,,,, Same isl.,4.54,UNLOC,,,,, Samnaei,6.158,UNLOC,,,,, Samnagenses,3.37,15 UNLOC,,,,, Samnis isl.,4.103,7 B3 Sena Ins.,,,,, Samnites / Sabelli / Saunitae (Samnium),"3.71, 3.107",44 F2,,,,, Samonium c.,"4.58, 4.60, 4.61, 4.71",60 F2 Sam(m)onion Pr.,,,,, Samosata,"2.235, 5.85, 5.86",67 H1,,,,, Samothrace ,6.217,51 F3 Samothrace,,,,, Samothrace isl.,"4.73, 4.74",51 F4,,,,, Samus / Parthenia / Dryusa / Anthemusa / Melamphyllus / Cyparissia / Parthenope / Stephane isl.,"2.37, 2.245, 4.51, 4.68, 5.135, 5.136, 6.215, 7.198",61 D2,,,,, Sandaliotis = Sardinia,3.85,,,,,, Sandalium isl.,"5.135, 5.140",56 C3,,,,, Sangaris / Sagiarius r.,6.4,52 G3 Sangarius fl.,,,,, Sanigae,6.14,87 F1 Sanigai,,,,, Sanisera,3.77,27 inset,,,,, Sannaus l.,2.232,UNLOC,,,,, Sanni Heniochi,"6.12, 6.14",UNLOC,,,,, Santoni,4.108,14 E3 Santones,,,,, Saoces m.,4.73,51 F4 Saos M.,,,,, Sapaei (Sapaike),"4.40, 6.22",51 D2 Sapaike,,,,, Sape = Esar,6.191,,,,,, Sapinates,3.114,42 B1 Sappinates? § Sapinia Tribus,,,,, Sapirine isl.,6.168,UNLOC,,,,, Sapis r.,3.115,40 C4,,,,, Sapphar,6.104,4 B3 Sap(p)har,,,,, Sapphonia isl.,2.204,UNLOC,,,,, Sapyle,4.70,UNLOC,,,,, Sarabastrae,6.75,6 C4,,,,, Saraparae,6.48,UNLOC,,,,, Sardaual r.,5.21,29 UNLOC Sardabale,,,,, Sardeates,3.142,20 D5,,,,, Sardemisus m.,5.96,UNLOC,,,,, Sardi,4.83,23 F2,,,,, Sardiana,5.111,UNLOC,,,,, Sardinia / Ichnusa / Sandaliotis isl.,"2.243, 3.45, 3.75, 3.83, 3.84, 3.85, 3.87, 5.23, 5.42, 6.214",48 A2,,,,, Sardis / Hyde,"5.110, 6.215",56 G5,,,,, Sardoan Sea (Sardonum Mare),3.75,48 A2,,,,, Sarepta,5.76,69 B3,,,,, Sargaurasana,6.9,64 C3 Sargarausene,,,,, Sariba,12.52,4 UNLOC,,,,, Sarmadium,3.100,45 UNLOC,,,,, "Sarmatia, Sarmatae","2.246, 4.41, 4.80, 4.81, 4.88, 4.91, 4.97, 6.16, 6.19, 6.39, 6.40, 6.219, 16.160",23 B2; 84 E3,;,,,, Sarmatica isl.,4.79,23 C3,,,,, Sarnaca,5.126,56 UNLOC,,,,, Sarnos,4.74,51 UNLOC,,,,, Sarnus r.,3.62,44 G4,,,,, Saronic b. (Saronicus Sinus),"4.10, 4.18",58 E2,,,,, Saros r.,5.92,66 G2 (P)Saros / Sinarus / Koiranos fl.,,,,, Sarpedon c.,"5.92, 5.98",66 D4 Sarpedonion Pr.,,,,, Sarranates,3.114,42 UNLOC,,,,, Sarsinates (Sarsina),3.114,42 C1,,,,, Sartona,5.84,64 G3,,,,, Sarunetes,3.135,UNLOC,,,,, Sasaei,3.144,UNLOC,,,,, Sasine,3.99,UNLOC,,,,, Sasonis isl.,3.152,49 B3 Sason,,,,, Sasuri,6.67,5 UNLOC,,,,, Satarci,4.85,UNLOC,,,,, Satharchei,6.22,UNLOC,,,,, Satricum,3.68,43 D3,,,,, Saturn c.,3.19,27 E4 Saturni / Scombraria Pr.,,,,, Saturnina,3.68,UNLOC,,,,, Saturnini (Saturnia / Aurinia),3.52,42 B3 *Aurinia / Saturnia,,,,, Satyres,6.197,UNLOC,,,,, Satyrs,"5.7, 5.44, 5.46",UNLOC,,,,, Saudo,3.15,26 E5,,,,, Sauga r.,4.111,24 H1,,,,, Saunitae = Samnites,3.107,,,,,, Sauromatae (Sarmatia),"6.16, 6.38, 6.40",84 E3 Sarmatia,,,,, Sauromatae = Sarmatae,4.80,,,,,, Sauromatides Amazones,6.39,UNLOC,,,,, Saus r.,"3.147, 3.148, 3.149",20 B3 Savus,,,,, Save,6.104,4 B3,,,,, Savo r.,3.61,44 E3,,,,, Savus r.,3.128,21 B5,,,,, Saxinae,6.176,4 UNLOC,,,,, Scalabis / Praesidium Iulium,4.117,26 B2,,,,, Scaldis r.,"4.98, 4.105, 4.106",11 D2,,,,, Scamander r.,5.124,56 C2,,,,, Scamandria,5.124,56 C2 Skamandreia,,,,, Scammos,6.179,82 D4,,,,, Scandiae,4.104,UNLOC,,,,, Scandira isl.,4.72,55 G2,,,,, Scaptia,3.68,44 UNLOC,,,,, Scarabantia Julia,3.146,20 D2, ,,,, Scardona,"3.139, 3.141",20 C6,,,,, Scarphia,4.27,55 D3 Skarpheia,,,,, Scarphia isl.,4.62,UNLOC,,,,, Scatebra r.,2.227,44 E2,,,,, Scatinavia isl.,4.96,2 E1 Scadinavia / Scandza,,,,, Scaugdae,4.41,22 UNLOC,,,,, Sceneos,6.175,UNLOC,,,,, Scenitae,"5.65, 5.87",83 A2 Skenitai,,,,, Scenitae,"6.125, 6.143, 6.145, 6.151",4 UNLOC Scenitae Sabaei,,,,, Scepsis,"5.122, 6.216",56 D2 Skepsis,,,,, Scheria = Corcyra,4.52,,,,,, Scherini,3.91,47 UNLOC Schera,,,,, Schinusa isl.,4.68,61 B4 Schinoussa Ins.,,,,, Schoenitas harbor = Schoenus ,4.18,,,,,, Schoenus,"4.18, 4.23, 4.26",58 E2 Schoino(us),,,,, Schoenus b.,5.104,61 G4,,,,, Sciathus isl.,4.72,55 E2,,,,, Scingomagus,2.244,17 H3,,,,, Scioessa m.,4.13,UNLOC,,,,, Scione,4.36,51 B5 Skione,,,,, Sciri,4.97,UNLOC,,,,, Scironian Rocks (Scironia Saxa),4.23,58 UNLOC Skeironiakai Petrai,,,,, Scirtari,3.143,49 B1,,,,, Scizi,6.19,84 UNLOC,,,,, Scodra,3.144,49 B1,,,,, Scolacium,3.95,46 E4 Scylletium / Scolacium § Scylaeium,,,,, Scolacium / Scylaceum / Scylletium b. (Scolacium Sinus),3.95,46 E4 Scyllaceus Sinus,,,,, Scolos,4.26,55 E4 Skolos,,,,, Scopas r.,5.149,86 B3 Skopas fl.,,,,, Scopelos isl.,"5.137, 5.138, 5.151",UNLOC,,,,, Scopius m.,4.35,51 UNLOC,,,,, Scordisci,3.148,21 B5,,,,, "Scotusa, Scotusaei","4.35, 4.42, 31.17",50 D2 Skotoussa,,,,, Scultenna r.,3.118,39 H5,,,,, Scydra,4.34,50 B3 Skydra,,,,, Scylace,5.142,52 B4 Skylake,,,,, Scylaceum = Scolacium,3.95,,,,,, Scylla,3.87,46 C5,,,,, Scyllaeum,3.73,46 C5,,,,, Scyllaeum c.,"4.17, 4.18",58 F3,,,,, Scylletium = Scolacium,3.95,,,,,, Scyllia,4.74,51 UNLOC,,,,, Scyrus isl.,"4.69, 4.72, 31.29",55 H3,,,,, Scytala isl.,6.168,4 UNLOC,,,,, Scythae (Scythia),"4.41, 4.44",22 F4 Scythia Minor,,,,, "Scythia, Scythians","2.135, 2.167, 3.149, 4.76, 4.80, 4.81, 4.83, 4.84, 4.85, 4.86, 4.91, 4.94, 4.95, 5.74, 5.99, 6.20, 6.22, 6.34, 6.35, 6.38, 6.49, 6.50, 6.53, 6.55, 6.112, 6.219, 7.98, 7.197, 7.198, 16.160, 27.2, 37.33, 37.40",1 I1; 6 Scythae / Sagae / Sacae,;,,,, Scythian bay,6.38 ,UNLOC,,,,, Scythian cape,6.53,UNLOC,,,,, Scythian ocean (Scythicus Oceanus),"6.33, 6.36, 6.37, 6.53",UNLOC,,,,, Scythic m.,"5.99, 6.65",UNLOC,,,,, Scythopolis / Nysa,5.74,69 C4,,,,, Scythotauri,4.85,23 G4 Tauroi § Skythotaurio,,,,, Sea,6.180,81 UNLOC Saea,,,,, Sebaste,5.69,69 B5 Samaria / Sebaste,,,,, Sebasteni (Sebaste),5.147,UNLOC,,,,, Sebastia,6.8,64 E1 Sebasteia,,,,, Sebastopolis,6.8,64 C1,,,,, Sebastopolis / Dioscurias,"6.14, 6.16",87 G2 Dioscurias / Sebastopolis,,,,, Sebastopolis = Myrina,5.121,,,,,, Sebennyte n. (Sebennytes),"5.49, 14.74",74 E2 Sebennytes Ano Nomos,,,,, Sebennytic (mouth),5.64,74 E1 Sebennytikon Stoma,,,,, Seberritan town,6.193,UNLOC,,,,, Sebini = Sabini,3.108,,,,,, Sebinnus l.,"2.224, 3.131",39 G2,,,,, Secande,6.193,UNLOC,,,,, Secundum,6.193,UNLOC,,,,, Sediboviates,4.108,UNLOC,,,,, Seduni,3.137,18 E3 *Sedunum § Seduni,,,,, Segesta,3.131,UNLOC,,,,, Segesta Tigulliorum,3.48,39 E5,,,,, Segestani (Segesta),3.91,47 B3,,,,, Segestica isl.,3.148,20 D4,,,,, Segida / Augurina,3.10,26 E4,,,,, Segida / Restituta Julia,3.14,26 D3,,,,, Segienses (Segia),3.24,25 D3,,,,, Segisamaiulienses (Segisama Julia),3.26,24 G2 Segisama Iulia,,,,, Segisamonenses (Segisamo),3.26,25 G2,,,,, Segobrigenses (Segobriga),3.25,27 C2,,,,, Segontia,3.27,25 C4,,,,, Segovellauni,3.34,17 D4,,,,, Segovia,3.27,24 G4,,,,, Segusiavi,4.107,17 C2 Forum Segusiavorum § Segusiavi,,,,, Segusio,3.123,17 I3,,,,, Sel,3.8,27 B5 Selambina § Sel?,,,,, Selacosa isl.,4.57,58 UNLOC,,,,, Selatiti,5.9,UNLOC,,,,, Seleucenses (Seleucia),5.147,61 F2 Tralles / Dia / Seleuceia ad Maeandrum / Kaisareia,,,,, Seleucia,5.108,65 E2 Seleucia / Claudiaseleucia / Seleucia Sidera,,,,, Seleucia,"5.82, 5.89, 5.90",67 F2 Zeugma / Seleukeia pros to Euphrate see 5.89,,,,, Seleucia,"6.117, 6.122, 6.124, 6.126, 6.129, 6.130, 6.133",91 F4 Veh Ardashir / Coche / Mahoza / 'Seleucia',,,,, Seleucia (in Elymais),6.136,93 F3 Ja Nishin / Soloke? / Seleucia? / Surak?,,,,, Seleucia (Syrian),6.126,67 B4 Hydatos Potamoi / Seleukeia Pieria,,,,, Seleucia Babylonia,6.212,91 F4,,,,, Seleucia Magna,6.43,91 F4 Seleucia / Sliq Kharawta,,,,, Seleucia on the Belus,5.82,68 B2 Seleukobelos?,,,,, Seleucia on the Tigris,"5.88, 10.132",91 F4 Veh Ardashir / Coche / Mahoza / 'Seleucia',,,,, Seleucia Pieria,"5.67, 5.79, 6.206, 6.213",67 B4 Hydatos Potamoi / Seleukeia Pieria,,,,, Seleucia Tracheotis,5.93,66 D4 Seleucia ad Calycadnum / Tracheia,,,,, Seleucid sea = Caspian,2.167,,,,,, Selinunti (Selinus),3.91,47 B3,,,,, Selinus,5.92,66 A4 Selinous / Traianopolis,,,,, Selinus r. ,5.126,UNLOC,,,,, Selinus r. (1),5.115,UNLOC,,,,, Selinus r. (2),5.115,UNLOC,,,,, Selinuus r.,3.90,47 B3 Selinous / Lanaricus fl.,,,,, Selloe,4.2,UNLOC,,,,, Selymbria,4.47,52 C2 Sely(m)bria / Eudoxiopolis,,,,, Semberritae,6.191,UNLOC,,,,, Sembobitis,"6.191, 6.193",UNLOC,,,,, Semelitani,3.91,47 UNLOC,,,,, Semirus r.,3.96,46 E4,,,,, Sena,3.51,42 A2 Saena,,,,, Senagallia,3.113,42 E1 Sena Gallica,,,,, Senedi,3.144,UNLOC,,,,, Senia,3.140,20 B5,,,,, Sennates,4.108,UNLOC,,,,, Senones,3.116,42 D1,,,,, Senones,"3.125, 4.107",11 C4,,,,, Sentinates (Sentinum),3.114,42 D2,,,,, Senum,3.100,45 UNLOC,,,,, Senum p.,4.46,UNLOC,,,,, Separi,3.142,UNLOC,,,,, Sepias c.,4.32,55 E1,,,,, Sepiusa isl.,5.134,UNLOC,,,,, Septempedani (Septempeda),3.111,42 E2,,,,, Sequana r.,"4.105, 4.109",11 B3,,,,, Sequani,4.106,17 E1,,,,, Seraci,6.16,UNLOC,,,,, Serae,6.88,UNLOC,,,,, Serapilli,3.147,20 UNLOC,,,,, Serbi,6.19,UNLOC,,,,, Sere,6.179,UNLOC,,,,, Seres,"6.54, 6.88, 12.84, 37.204",UNLOC,,,,, Seria / Fama Julia,3.14,26 D3 Seria,,,,, Seric Ocean,6.37,UNLOC,,,,, Serinis r.,5.149,UNLOC,,,,, Seriphus isl.,"4.66, 8.227",60 C4 Seriphos Ins.,,,,, Serippo,3.14,26 E5 Irippo?/Serippo?,,,,, Serita,37.39,UNLOC,,,,, Serrei,6.19,84 UNLOC,,,,, Serretes,3.147,20 UNLOC,,,,, Serrium m.,4.43,51 F3 Serreion / Zonaion Mons,,,,, Sesambri,6.192,UNLOC,,,,, Sesamon / Amastris,6.5,86 C2 Amastris / Sesamos,,,,, Sesamos,6.178,81 UNLOC,,,,, Sesamum,6.179,81 UNLOC Sesamos,,,,, Sesites r.,3.118,39 D3,,,,, Sestinates (Sestinum),3.114,42 C1,,,,, Sestos,4.49,51 G4,,,,, Setae,6.67,6 C2,,,,, Setheries r.,6.17,UNLOC,,,,, Sethroite n. (Sethroites),5.49,74 G3 Sethroites Nomos,,,,, "Setia, Setini","3.60, 3.64",43 E3,,,,, Seurbi,4.112,24 C3,,,,, Seven Brothers m. (Septem Fratres M.),5.18,28 D2,,,,, Seven Seas (Septem Maria),"3.119, 3.120",40 C3,,,,, Sexi = Firmum Iulium,"3.8, 8.225",,,,,, Sialetae,4.41,22 E6,,,,, Siarum / Stereses / Fortunales,"3.11, 3.14",26 E4,,,,, Sibi ,6.155,4 UNLOC Sibis,,,,, Sibliani,5.106,62 UNLOC Siblia,,,,, Sicambri,4.100,11 G1 Sugambri,,,,, Sicani,3.69,44 UNLOC,,,,, Sicania = Sicilia,3.86,,,,,, Sicca,5.22,32 C4 Sicca Veneria,,,,, Siccae isl.,4.112,24 C2,,,,, Siccanas r.,6.110,UNLOC,,,,, Sicilia / Sicania / Trinacia / Trinacria isl.,"2.180, 2.204, 2.206, 2.222, 2.243, 3.45, 3.73, 3.75, 3.86, 3.87, 3.92, 3.93, 3.95, 5.23, 5.42, 6.206, 6.213, 6.214, 6.215",47 C3, ,,,, Sicilia Minor = Dionysias,4.67,,,,,, Sicinus / Oenoe isl.,4.70,60 D5 Sikinos Ins.,,,,, Sicoris r.,3.24,25 F4,,,,, Siculan sea / bay (Siculum Mare),"3.75, 4.19, 4.51, 32.21",46 C5,,,,, Siculan Strait (Siculum Fretum),"3.48, 3.73, 3.91, 6.207",47 H2 Siculum Fretum,,,,, Siculi,"3.111, 3.112, 3.141",20 D6,,,,, Siculi,3.56,UNLOC,,,,, Siculi,3.71,UNLOC,,,,, Siculotae,3.143,UNLOC,,,,, Sicyon,"2.181, 4.12, 6.215, 7.194, 14.74",58 D2,,,,, Sicyon (in Africa),37.38,UNLOC,,,,, Side,5.107,61 F3 Si(b)de,,,,, Side,"5.96, 6.214",65 F4,,,,, Sideni,6.11,UNLOC,,,,, Sidenum r.,6.11,87 C4 Sidenos fl.,,,,, Sideris r.,6.46,96 C2 Atrek / Sideris? / Sarnios? fl.,,,,, Sidician territory,2.240,UNLOC,,,,, Sidon,"5.76, 5.77, 5.78, 6.213",69 B2,,,,, Sidopt,6.180,81 UNLOC,,,,, Sidous,4.23,58 E2,,,,, Sidusa isl.,5.137,UNLOC,,,,, Sidyma,"5.100, 5.131",65 B5,,,,, Siga,5.19,29 D1,,,,, Sigama r.,6.14,87 G2 Sigames fl.,,,,, Sigeum,"2.245, 5.124, 5.125, 5.140, 5.150",56 C2 Sigeion,,,,, Sigeum,4.49,51 G4 Sigeion,,,,, Siggos,4.37,51 B4 Singos,,,,, Signia m.,5.106,62 UNLOC,,,,, Signini (Signia),"3.64, 14.65",43 E3,,,,, Sila,3.74,46 E3 Sila Mons,,,,, Sila lake,31.21 ,UNLOC,,,,, Silae,6.77,6 B4,,,,, Silerus r.,"2.226, 3.70, 3.71, 3.74",45 B3 Silarus fl.,,,,, Silices,6.118,89 UNLOC,,,,, Silis = Iaxartes,"6.20, 6.49",6 C1 Iaxartes / Silis / Tanais fl.,,,,, Silis r.,3.126,40 C1,,,,, Silumnus isl.,4.103,8 A1,,,,, Silures,4.103,8 D3,,,,, Silvi,6.29,88 E2 Silvi,,,,, Silvini (Silvium),3.105,45 D3,,,,, Simbarri,6.191,UNLOC,,,,, Simena,5.100,65 C5,,,,, Simittuensian town (Simittu),5.29,32 C4 Simitthu,,,,, Simois r.,5.124,56 C2 Simoeis fl.,,,,, Sinat,6.191,UNLOC,,,,, Sindica,"4.84, 6.17",87 L2 Sindike,,,,, Sindus = Indus,6.71,,,,,, Singae,6.74,6 C4,,,,, Singara,5.86,89 D4,,,,, Singili,3.10,26 F4 Singili(a) Barba,,,,, Singilis r.,"3.10, 3.12",26 E4,,,,, Sinonia isl,3.81,44 D4,,,,, Sinope,"6.6, 6.7, 6.216",87 A2,,,,, Sinope = Sinuessa,3.59,,,,,, Sinuessa / Sinope,"2.207, 3.59, 14.62, 31.8",44 E3,,,,, Siphae,4.8,55 E4 Siphai,,,,, Siphis = Melos,4.70,,,,,, Siphnus / Meropia / Acis isl.,4.66,60 C5 Siphnos Ins.,,,,, Sipuntum,3.103,45 C1 Sipous / Sipontum,,,,, Sipylum / Tantalis,5.117,56 UNLOC,,,,, Sipylus (Magnesia ad Sipylum),"2.205, 5.120",56 E4,,,,, Sipylus m.,6.215,56 E4 Sipylos M.,,,,, Siraci,4.83,23 F2 Siraci?,,,,, Sirbites,"6.194, 6.196",UNLOC,,,,, Sirbonis l.,5.68,70 C3 Serbonitis Lacus,,,,, Sirechae,6.176,4 UNLOC,,,,, Siren's cape,2.204,UNLOC,,,,, Sires,6.95,6 UNLOC,,,,, Sirini,3.98,45 UNLOC,,,,, Siris = Heraclea,3.97,,,,,, Siris r.,3.97,46 C1,,,,, "Sirmium, Sirmienses",3.148,21 B5,,,,, Sisapo,3.14,27 A3,,,,, Siscia,"3.147, 3.148",20 D4,,,,, Sisolenses,3.69,44 UNLOC,,,,, Sithone,4.38,51 UNLOC,,,,, Sithoni,4.41,51 H1 Sithones,,,,, Sitioganus r.,6.99,UNLOC,,,,, Sitrae,6.118,89 UNLOC,,,,, Sittace,6.132,91 UNLOC,,,,, Sittacene / Arbelitis / Palaestine,"2.237, 6.114, 6.132",91 F4 Apolloniatis / Sittacene,,,,, Sodamus r.,6.94,6 UNLOC,,,,, Sodi,6.29,88 D2,,,,, Sogdiani (Sogdiana),6.49,6 B2,,,,, Sogionti,3.137,16 A1 Sogiontii?,,,,, Sol c.,5.9,1a C2 Solis pr.,,,,, Solanades isl.,6.150,4 UNLOC,,,,, Solentini isl.,3.142,20 D6 Olunta/Sollentia Ins.,,,,, Soletum,3.101,45 H4,,,,, Solinates,3.114,42 UNLOC,,,,, Solis,6.177,74 E4 Heliopolis,,,,, Solis,6.97,6 A4 Asthala / Solis? / Karmina? Ins. § Nympharum Cubile,,,,, Soloe,"4.130, 6.214",72 B2 Soloi,,,,, Soloe / Pompeiopolis,5.92,66 F3 Soloi / Pompeiopolis,,,,, Solonates,3.116,42 UNLOC Solinates,,,,, Solorius m.,3.6,27 B4,,,,, Sol's isl.,6.86,6 A4 Asthala / Solis? / Karmina? Ins. § Nympharum Cubile,,,,, Soluus,"3.90, 3.92",47 D2 Solous § Soloeis,,,,, Solvensian settlement (Solvense) (Solva),3.146,20 F2,,,,, Solymi,"5.94, 5.127",65 D4 Solymeis,,,,, Solymnia isl.,4.72,55 UNLOC,,,,, Sonautes r.,6.4,86 B2 Acheron / Soonautes fl.,,,,, Sondrae,6.78,6 UNLOC,,,,, Sontini,3.98,45 UNLOC,,,,, Sonus r.,6.65,6 E5 Erannoboas / Sonus fl.,,,,, Sophene,5.66,89 B2,,,,, Sora,3.63,44 E2,,,,, Soracte m.,"2.207, 31.27",42 D4 Soracte M.,,,,, Soractia,6.145,UNLOC,,,,, Sordones,3.32,25 H3 Sardonum Ora,,,,, Sorofages,6.77,6 UNLOC,,,,, Sosaeadae,6.78,6 G4 Sesatai / Bessadae § Sosaeadae,,,,, Sosintigi,3.14,27 A4 Sosontigi,,,,, Sostrate,6.136,93 E1,,,,, Soti,3.47,17 I4,,,,, Sotira,6.10,6 UNLOC Sot(e)ira,,,,, Sottiates,4.108,25 E2 Sotiates,,,,, "southern ocean = ocean, southern",6.194,UNLOC,,,,, Spalaei,6.22,84 UNLOC, ,,,, Spalathra,4.32,55 E2 Spalauthra,,,,, Sparta,4.16,58 C3,,,,, Sparthos,4.28,UNLOC,,,,, Speluncae,3.59,44 D3 Speluncae,,,,, Sperchius r.,4.28,55 C3 Spercheios fl.,,,,, Sphaeria isl.,5.137,58 UNLOC Sphairia Ins.,,,,, Sphagiae isl.,4.55,58 UNLOC, ,,,, Spina,"3.120, 3.125",40 C3,,,,, Spineticus (mouth) = Eridanus (mouth),3.120,,,,,, Spintum,6.180,81 UNLOC Spintum,,,,, Spiraeum c.,"4.18, 4.57",58 E2 Spiraion Pr.,,,,, Spiropolis,5.150,"53 B2 Hieron (Chalkedonion) / Zeus Ourios, T.",,,,, Spodusa isl.,4.93,UNLOC,,,,, Spolentini (Spolentium),3.114,42 D3 Spoletium,,,,, Spondolici,6.22,84 UNLOC,,,,, Sporades isl.,"4.68, 4.71, 4.72",61 D3,,,,, Stabiae,"3.70, 31.9, 32.17",44 F4,,,,, Stabulum,5.126,56 UNLOC,,,,, Stactari,4.85,23 UNLOC,,,,, Stadia = Pegusa,5.104,,,,,, Stadissis,6.181,81 UNLOC,,,,, Stagira,4.38,51 B3 Stageira,,,,, Statanan wine,14.65,44 E3 Regio Statana?,,,,, Statielli,"3.47, 3.49, 31.4",39 C4,,,,, Statonienses (Statonia),"2.209, 3.52, 14.67",42 C3,,,,, Staures,6.46,90 UNLOC,,,,, Steganon isl.,5.133,61 UNLOC,,,,, Steganus channel,5.128,UNLOC,,,,, Stenae Thyrae isl.,6.169,UNLOC,,,,, Stentoris p.,4.43,51 UNLOC Stentoris L.,,,,, Stephane,6.5,86 E2,,,,, Stephane = Praeneste,3.64,,,,,, Stephane = Samus,5.135,,,,,, Stephane m.,4.29,55 UNLOC,,,,, Stereses = Siarum,3.14,,,,,, Steria,4.24,59 D3 Steiria,,,,, Stiria isl.,5.130,72 A2,,,,, Stirnides isl.,4.61,60 UNLOC Stirnides / Syrnides Inss.,,,,, Stobi,4.34,50 A1,,,,, Stoechades isl.,"3.79, 32.21",16 B4,,,,, Stoeni,3.134,39 H2,,,,, Stoidis isl.,6.110,UNLOC,,,,, Stolos,4.37,51 B4,,,,, Strapellini,3.105,45 UNLOC,,,,, Stratioton isl.,6.173,4 UNLOC,,,,, Stratoclia,6.18,87 UNLOC,,,,, Stratonicea,5.109,61 G3 Stratonikeia,,,,, Stratonicea,6.118,91 UNLOC,,,,, Strator r.,6.46,90 G4 Straton fl.,,,,, Stratos,4.5,54 D4,,,,, Strato's Tower = Prima Flavia,5.69,,,,,, Strongyle isl.,3.94,46 B4,,,,, Strongyle isl.,4.67,UNLOC,,,,, Strongyle isl.,5.131,65 C5,,,,, Strophades / Plotae isl.,4.55,BA Update 3; see Pleiades,,,,, Strymon r.,"4.38, 4.40, 4.42",51 A2,,,,, Strymonis = Bithynia,5.143,,,,,, Stulnini (Stulni),3.105,45 G3 Stournoi / Austranum? § Stulni,,,,, Stulpini,3.139,UNLOC,,,,, Stura r.,3.118,39 A3,,,,, Sturii,4.101,11 E1,,,,, Sturium isl.,3.79,16 UNLOC Iturium / Sturium ins.,,,,, Stymphalis l.,2.227,UNLOC,,,,, Stymphalum,4.20,58 C2 Stymphalos,,,,, Styx r.,"2.231, 31.26",58 C1,,,,, Suae,6.118,89 UNLOC,,,,, Suaeuconi,4.106,UNLOC,,,,, Suanenses (Suana),3.52,42 B3,,,,, Suanetes,3.137,19 B3,,,,, Suani (Suania),"6.14, 6.30",87 H2 Souania,,,,, Suara,6.180,82 A2,,,,, Suarattaratae,6.75,6 B5,,,,, Suari,"6.69, 6.94",6 E5 Suari / Uberae,,,,, Suasani (Suasa),3.114,42 D1,,,,, Subertani,3.52,42 UNLOC,,,,, Subi r.,3.21,25 F4,,,,, Sublaqeuem,3.109,44 UNLOC Sublacio,,,,, Subocrini,3.133,20 UNLOC,,,,, Sububus r.,"5.5, 5.9",28 A5,,,,, Subur,3.21,25 G4,,,,, Sucaelo,3.10,27 UNLOC,,,,, Sucasini = Interamnates,3.64,,,,,, Succasses,4.108,UNLOC,,,,, Succhabar,5.21,30 D4 Zucchabar,,,,, Sucro,3.20,27 E2,,,,, Sucro r.,"3.20, 3.76",27 E2,,,,, Suebi,"2.170, 4.81, 4.100",10 H3,,,,, Suebri,3.35,UNLOC,,,,, Suel,3.8,27 A5,,,,, Suelleni,6.157,83 B2,,,,, Suelteri,3.34,16 B3,,,,, Suessa,3.63,44 E3 Suessa Aurunca,,,,, Suessetania,3.24,25 E3 Suessetani,,,,, Suessiones,4.106,11 C3,,,,, Suessulani (Suessula),3.64,44 F4,,,,, Suetri,3.137,16 B2 Suetrii,,,,, Suffenates = Trebulani,3.107,,,,,, Suillates,3.114,42 UNLOC,,,,, Sulcense c.,3.84,48 A3 Sulcensis Pr.,,,,, Sulcitani (Sulcis),3.85,48 A3,,,,, "Sulmo, Sulmoneses ","3.68, 3.106",44 E1,,,,, Summara,6.193,UNLOC,,,,, "Sun, town of (Heliopolis)",5.61,74 E4 Heliopolis,,,,, Sunium c.,"4.24, 4.62",59 D4 Sounion Pr.,,,,, Sun's spring,"2.228, 5.31 ",UNLOC,,,,, Sunuci,4.106,11 G2,,,,, Superaequani (Superaequum),3.106,42 F4,,,,, Sura,"5.87, 5.89",68 G2 Soura,,,,, Surae,6.73,6 B4,,,,, Surdaones,3.24,25 E4,,,,, Surium,6.13,88 UNLOC Sourion / Souris / Surium,,,,, Surium r.,6.13,88 UNLOC,,,,, Surius r.,2.226,UNLOC,,,,, Surrentini m. (Surrentum),3.60,UNLOC,,,,, Surrentinum,3.70,UNLOC,,,,, Surrentium c.,5.10,UNLOC,,,,, Surrentum,"2.226, 3.62, 3.82, 14.64, ",44 F4,,,,, Susa,"2.237, 6.100, 6.133, 6.134, 6.135",93 E1 Shusha(n) / Susa,,,,, "Susiane, Susiani","6.99, 6.114, 6.133, 6.134, 6.135, 6.212",93 E1 Elymais / Susiana,,,,, Sutrinian colongy (Sutrium),3.51,42 C4,,,,, Syagros c.,"6.100, 6.101, 6.153",4 D2,,,,, Sybaris,3.97,46 D2,,,,, Sybaris r.,"3.97, 31.13",46 D2,,,,, Sybillates,4.108,UNLOC,,,,, Sycaminum,5.75,69 A4 Sykamina,,,,, Syce isl.,5.137,UNLOC,,,,, Sycusa isl.,5.137,UNLOC,,,,, Sydraci,6.92,6 C3 Oxydrakai / Sydrakai,,,,, Sydrus r.,6.63,6 C3 Zadadros / Hypasis / Sydrus fl.,,,,, Syene,"2.138, 2.184, 5.59, 6.177, 6.182, 6.183, 6.184, 6.196, 6.209, 6.220",80 inset,,,,, Syenitae,6.178,80 inset Syene,,,,, Sygaros isl.,6.155,UNLOC,,,,, Symaethii,3.91,47 UNLOC Symaethus?,,,,, Symaethum r.,3.89,47 F3,,,,, Symbolum p.,4.86,23 G4 Symbolon Limen,,,,, Syme isl.,5.133,61 F4,,,,, Symmaethos,5.108,61 UNLOC,,,,, Symplegades = Cyaneae,4.92,,,,,, Symplegades = Planctae,6.32,,,,,, Synhietae,6.22,84 UNLOC,,,,, Synnas,5.105,62 E4 Synnada,,,,, Syracusae,"2.53, 2.153, 2.225, 3.89, 6.214, 32.16",47 G4,,,,, Syrbotae,"6.190, 7.31",UNLOC,,,,, Syria Coele,"5.77, 6.212",101 P4,,,,, "Syria, Syrian(s)","2.204, 2.224, 2.243, 4.39, 5.65, 5.66, 5.67, 5.70, 5.74, 5.77, 5.79, 5.80, 5.81, 5.82, 5.86, 5.87, 5.88, 5.91, 5.129, 5.130, 6.41, 6.47, 6.125, 6.126, 6.131, 6.142, 6.144, 6.182, 6.206, 6.212, 7.98, 7.192, 7.201, 7.205, 8.229, 31.9, 31.17, 37.37",1 K3,,,,, Syrian Gates,5.80,67 C4 Syriai Pylai,,,,, Syrie isl.,"2.204, 5.115",61 inset,,,,, Syris,6.4,UNLOC,,,,, Syrium r.,5.149,UNLOC,,,,, Syrmatae,6.48,UNLOC,,,,, Syrmus r.,4.5,22 UNLOC,,,,, Syros isl.,4.67,60 A5,,,,, "Syrtes (two, see also Greater and Lesser Syrtis)","2.218, 5.26, 5.27, 5.28",,,,,, "Syrtis, Greater (Maior)","5.27, 5.28, 5.31, 5.33, 5.34, 6.194, 37.38",35 H2,,,,, "Syrtis, Lesser (Minor)","5.25, 5.26, 5.28, 5.35, 5.38, 5.41, 6.136",35 C1,,,,, Syrus,2.233,UNLOC,,,,, Tabis sea,6.53,UNLOC,,,,, Tabudium,5.37,36 UNLOC,,,,, Tacape,5.25,35 C1,,,,, Tacatua,5.22,31 G2,,,,, Tacompsos / Thathice,"6.178, 6.179, 6.180",81 C2 Tachompso,,,,, Tader r.,"3.9, 3.19",27 E3,,,,, Tadiates,3.108,44 UNLOC,,,,, Tadinates,3.114,42 UNLOC,,,,, Tadu isl.,6.185,82 D5,,,,, Taenarum,4.16,58 C5 Tainaron,,,,, Taenarum c.,"2.243, 4.15, 4.16, 5.32",58 C5 Tainaron Pr.,,,,, Tagesensian town,5.30,UNLOC,,,,, Tagorae,6.22,84 UNLOC,,,,, Tagus r.,"3.19, 3.25, 4.115, 4.116",26 B2,,,,, Talabrica,4.113,26 UNLOC,,,,, Talandrum r.,3.97,45 E4 Acalander fl. § Talandrus fl.,,,,, Talarenses,3.91,47 UNLOC Talaria,,,,, Talarus m.,4.2,54 C2 T(o)maros m.,,,,, Taludaei,6.15,UNLOC,,,,, Tama,6.184,81 UNLOC,,,,, Tamaris r. ,31.23,24 C2,,,,, Tamasos,5.130,72 C2 Tamassos,,,,, Tamiagi,5.37,36 UNLOC Tamiagi natio,,,,, Tamuda r.,5.18,28 D2,,,,, Tanagra,4.26,55 F4,,,,, Tanais / Silis r.,"2.245, 2.246, 3.3, 3.5, 4.78, 4.88, 4.121, 5.47, 6.19, 6.20, 6.22, 6.49, 6.219",84 F1,,,,, Tanaitae,6.22,UNLOC,,,,, Tanarus r.,3.118,39 C4,,,,, "Tanite n., Tanitic (Tanis)","5.49, 19.14",74 F2 Tanites Nomos,,,,, Tanitic (mouth),5.64,74 G2 Tantikon / Saitikon Stoma,,,,, Tannetani (Tannetum),3.116,39 G4,,,,, Tantalis,2.205,UNLOC,,,,, Tantalis = Sipylum,5.117,,,,,, Taphiae = Teleboides,4.53,,,,,, Taphias isl.,4.53,54 C4 Taphos Ins.,,,,, Taphiassus m.,4.6,55 B4 Taphiassos,,,,, Taphra,5.27,35 F2 Gaphara,,,,, Taphrae,"4.85, 4.87, 4.88",23 G2 Taphros,,,,, Taphros strait (Taphros Fretum),3.83,48 D3 Gallicum / Taphros Fretum,,,,, Tapori,4.118,26 UNLOC,,,,, Taprobane / Antichthones isl.,"6.79, 6.81, 6.82, 6.84, 6.89, 6.92",5 inset,,,,, Tapyri,6.46,UNLOC,,,,, Tarachie isl.,4.53,54 UNLOC,,,,, Tarbelli Quattuorsignani,"4.108, 31.4",25 D2 Tarbelli (Quattuorsignani),,,,, Tarentinus b. (Tarentinus Sinus),3.99,45 F4,,,,, Tarentinus h. (Tarentinus Portus),3.101,45 F4 Taras / Tarentum,,,,, Tarentum,"3.99, 3.100, 6.216, 10.77, 14.69",45 F4 Taras / Tarentum,,,,, Tarichea,5.71,69 C4 Magdala / Taricheai,,,,, Tarichea = Genesara,5.71,,,,,, Tarinates,3.107,42 UNLOC,,,,, Tariona,3.141,UNLOC,,,,, Tariotae,3.141,UNLOC,,,,, Tarnis r.,4.109,14 I4,,,,, Tarnus r.,5.110,UNLOC,,,,, Tarquinian lake,2.209,UNLOC,,,,, Tarquinienses (Tarquinii),3.52,42 B4,,,,, Tarracenses,3.24,24 UNLOC Tarraca,,,,, Tarracina / Anxur,"2.146, 3.59",44 D3,,,,, Tarraco,"3.18, 3.21, 3.23, 3.29, 6.217, 19.10",25 G4,,,,, Tarraconensis = Hispania Nearer,"3.6, 3.9, 3.13, 4.110, 6.217, 14.71",,,,,, Tarraelii,5.44,UNLOC,,,,, Tarrvisani (Tarvisium),3.130,40 C1,,,,, Tarsatica,3.140,20 B4,,,,, Tarsus,"5.91, 5.92, 6.214",66 F3,,,,, Tartarus = Philistina,3.121,,,,,, Tartesos = Caretia,3.7,,,,,, Tartesos = Potinusa,4.120,,,,,, Tarus r.,3.118,39 F5,,,,, Tarusconienses (Tarusco),3.37,25 G3,,,,, Tarvisanus m.,3.126,UNLOC,,,,, Tasgoduni,3.37,UNLOC,,,,, Tastris,4.97,UNLOC,,,,, Tatnos sp.,6.168,UNLOC,,,,, Taulanti,3.144,49 B2 Taulantioi,,,,, Taurania,3.70,44 UNLOC,,,,, Tauri,"2.210, 2.231, 4.86",23 G4 Tauroi § Skythotaurio,,,,, Taurica,"4.85, 4.91",23 G4 Taurike Chersonesos,,,,, Taurini = Aquenses,3.52,,,,,, Taurini = Augusta Taurinorum,3.132,,,,,, Taurisci / Norici,"3.131, 3.133, 3.134, 3.148",20 B3,,,,, Tauroentum,3.73,46 C5 Taurianum § Tauriana § Tauroentum,,,,, Tauromenitanian strait,2.219,UNLOC,,,,, Tauromenium,"3.88, 14.66",47 G3,,,,, Taurunum,3.148,21 C5,,,,, Taurus c.,5.131,65 D5 Chelidonium Pr. / Hiera Akra / Tauri Pr.,,,,, Taurus channel,5.128,UNLOC,,,,, Taurus m.,"4.39, 5.66, 5.80, 5.84, 5.85, 5.95. 5.97, 5.98, 5.118, 5.131, 6.6, 6.24, 6.37, 6.128, 6.137, 6.214, 31.9",66 E2,,,,, Tautare,6.178,81 UNLOC,,,,, Taveni,6.157,UNLOC,,,,, Tavium,5.146,63 F1 Taouion / Tabia,,,,, Taxilae (Taxila),6.78,6 C3,,,,, Taxilla,6.62,6 C3 Taxila,,,,, Taygetus m.,"2.191, 4.16",58 C3 Taygetos M.,,,,, "Teanum Apulum, Teani","3.103, 3.104",45 B1,,,,, Teanum Sidicinum,"3.63, 31.9",44 F3,,,,, Teari Julienses,3.23,25 UNLOC *Tiar Iulia,,,,, Tearus r.,4.45,UNLOC,,,,, Teatini (Teate),3.106,42 G4,,,,, Tectosages,5.146,86 C3 Tektosages,,,,, Tectosages = Volcae Tectosages,"3.33, 3.36, 3.37",,,,,, Tecum r.,3.32,25 H3 Ticis?,,,,, Tegea,4.20,58 C3,,,,, Teium,5.126,56 UNLOC,,,,, Telamo,3.51,41 E4 Telamon,,,,, Telandria isl.,5.131,65 A4,,,,, Telandrus,5.101,65 A4 Telandros,,,,, Telavium r.,3.140,20 B5 Tedanius fl. § Telavium fl.,,,,, Teleboides / Taphiae isl.,4.53,54 C4 Taphiae? Inss.,,,,, Telendos isl.,5.131,61 D3,,,,, Telesini (Telesia),3.64,44 G3,,,,, Tellena,3.68,44 UNLOC,,,,, Telmedius r.,5.103,65 B4,,,,, Telmesus,"5.101, 5.102, 14.74",65 B4 Telmessos,,,,, Telmisum,5.107,61 E3 Telmissos,,,,, Telos / Agathusa isl.,4.69,61 E5,,,,, Tembrogius r.,6.4,62 D2 Tembris fl.,,,,, Temenitis sp.,3.89,UNLOC,,,,, Temese = Tempsa,3.72,,,,,, Temnos,"5.119, 5.121",56 E4,,,,, Tempe,"4.31, 31.28",55 D1,,,,, Tempsa,3.72,46 D3 Temesa / Tempsa,,,,, Tenedus / Leucophrys / Lyrnesos / Phoenice isl.,"2.229, 2.245, 5.140, 6.216",56 C2,,,,, Tentyris,5.60,80 B1 Tentyra,,,,, Tentyrite n. (Tentyrites),5.49,77 G4 Tentyrites Nomos,,,,, Tenupsis,6.192,UNLOC,,,,, Tenus / Hydrusa / Ophiusa isl.,"4.51, 4.65",60 B4,,,,, Teos isl.,"2.202, 5.138",56 D5,,,,, Teranei,6.142,UNLOC,,,,, Teredon,6.145,93 UNLOC Teredon / Diridotis,,,,, Tereuentinates (Tereventum),3.107,44 G2,,,,, Tergedum,6.184,UNLOC,,,,, Tergeste,"3.127, 3.128, 3.129, 3.132, 3.133",19 F4,,,,, Tergestinus b.,3.127,19 E4,,,,, Tergilani,3.98,UNLOC,,,,, Terias r.,3.89,47 G4,,,,, Terina,3.72,46 D4,,,,, Terinaeus b.,"3.72, 3.95",46 UNLOC Terinaeus Sinus,,,,, Termera,5.107,61 E4,,,,, Termes,3.27,25 B4,,,,, Termetis m.,5.118,56 E5,,,,, Tessata,6.179,81 UNLOC,,,,, Tessuinum r.,3.110,42 F3 Tessuinus fl.,,,,, Tetrogonis = Cartana,6.92,,,,,, Teuchira = Arsinoe,5.32,,,,,, Teurnia,3.146,19 F3,,,,, Teutani,3.50,UNLOC,,,,, Teuthrania,"2.201, 5.125, 5.126",56 E3,,,,, Teutlusa isl.,5.133,61 F4 Teutloussa Ins.,,,,, Teutoni,"4.99, 37.35",12 C3,,,,, Teutria = Diomedia,3.151,,,,,, Texuandri,4.106,UNLOC,,,,, Thabraca,5.22,32 C3,,,,, Thagines r.,3.96,46 E3,,,,, Thali,6.17,UNLOC,,,,, Thalibae,6.176,4 UNLOC,,,,, Thallusa / Daphnusa isl.,5.137,UNLOC,,,,, Thalutae,6.67,UNLOC,,,,, Thamnitic toparchy (Thamna),5.70,70 G1,,,,, Thamudaei,6.157,UNLOC,,,,, Thanar r.,6.151,UNLOC,,,,, Thapsacus,5.87,68 UNLOC,,,,, Thapsagum,5.37,36 UNLOC,,,,, Thapsus,"5.25, 6.212",33 H1,,,,, Thasie,6.29,88 C3,,,,, Thassalis = Bithynia,5.143,,,,,, Thasus / Aeria / Aethria isl.,"4.73, 6.216, 14.73",51 D3,,,,, Thathice = Tacompsos,6.178,,,,,, Thaumacie,4.32,55 UNLOC Thaumakie,,,,, Theangela,5.107,61 F3,,,,, Thebae,"4.25, 4.26, 5.76",55 E4,,,,, Thebae (Thessalian),4.29,55 D2 Thebai Phthiotides,,,,, Thebae Corsiae,4.8,UNLOC,,,,, Thebae Lucanae,3.98,45 UNLOC,,,,, Thebais,"5.49, 5.61",80 C1 / C4,,,,, Thebaites r.,5.108,UNLOC,,,,, "Thebasa, Thebaseni","5.95, 5.147",66 D2,,,,, Thebata,6.120,UNLOC,,,,, Thebe,5.122,56 E2,,,,, Thebes = Diospolis Magna,"5.60, 7.195",,,,,, Theganusa isl.,4.56,58 B4 Theganoussa Ins.,,,,, Thelendena (Thelenda),5.89,68 D3 Theleda,,,,, Thelge,5.36,36 UNLOC,,,,, Thelpusa,4.20,58 B2 Thelpousa,,,,, Themiscyra,"6.9, 6.10",87 B3 Themiskyra,,,,, Themisones,5.105,65 UNLOC Themisnion,,,,, Themisteas c.,6.111,UNLOC,,,,, Thenae,5.25,33 G3 Thaenae,,,,, Theodosia,"4.86, 4.87",87 I2 Theodosia,,,,, Theon Ochema,"2.238, 5.10, 6.197",UNLOC,,,,, Thera / Caliste,4.70 ,, ,,,, Thera isl.,"2.202, 4.53, 4.70",UNLOC,,,,, Therapnae,4.59,60 UNLOC,,,,, Therapne,4.16,58 C3,,,,, Therasia = Hiera,3.93,,,,,, Therasia isl.,"2.202, 4.70",UNLOC,,,,, Therionarcia isl.,5.133,UNLOC,,,,, Thermae,3.90,47 C3 Thermae Selinuntinae / Aquae Larodes,,,,, Thermaeus b. (Thermaeus Sinus),4.72,55 C4 Thermaicus Sinus,,,,, Thermaic b. (Thermaicus Sinus),4.36,50 C4,,,,, Therme,4.36,50 C3,,,,, Thermodon,6.10,UNLOC,,,,, Thermodon r.,6.10,87 B3,,,,, Thermopylae,4.28,55 D3,,,,, Therothoae,6.176,UNLOC,,,,, Thersos r.,6.14,87 G2 Moches / Tarsouras? / Thersos? / Kyaneos? / Gyenos? fl.,,,,, Thespiae,"4.25, 31.10",55 E4 Thespiai,,,,, "Thesprotia, Thesproti","4.2, 4.4, 4.52",54 B2,,,,, Thessalia,"4.1, 4.29, 4.30, 4.32, 4.33, 4.63, 5.114, 6.216, 8.227, 31.28",1 H3,,,,, Thessalia = Haemonia,4.28,,,,,, Thessalonice,"4.36, 6.216",50 C3 Thessalonica,,,,, Thetaedia isl.,4.71,61 UNLOC,,,,, Theudalis,"5.23, 5.30",32 E2,,,,, Thia isl.,"2.202, 4.53, 4.70",UNLOC,,,,, Thibidrumensian town,5.29,UNLOC,,,,, Thibigensian town,5.29,32 E4 Thibicaae,,,,, Thimanei,6.157,UNLOC,,,,, Thinite n.,5.49,77 F4 Thinites Nomos,,,,, Thisbe,4.26,55 D4,,,,, Thisicensian (Thisica),5.30,32 E3 Thizika,,,,, Thoani,6.154,UNLOC,,,,, Thomala,6.154,4 B2,,,,, Thomna,"6.153, 12.64",4 C2 Tamna,,,,, Thorax,6.75,6 C5,,,,, Thoricos c.,4.24,59 D4 Thorikos,,,,, Thospites l.,6.128,89 E2 Thospitis Limne,,,,, "Thracia, Thracians / Threces","2.149, 3.149, 4.1, 4.3, 4.40, 4.42, 4.44, 4.47, 4.50, 4.51, 4.73, 4.76, 4.77, 4.78, 4.92, 5.95, 5.149, 5.150, 6.217, 6.218, 7.204, 7.206, 10.50, 18.214, 31.27, ",51 F1,,,,, Three Rocks of the Cyclopes (Cyclopum Scopuli Tres),3.89,47 G3,,,,, Thriare,6.29,88 B3,,,,, Thriasius Plain (Thriasius campus),4.24,59 B2 Thriasion Pedion,,,,, Thriusi,4.22,58 UNLOC Thrious,,,,, Thronium,4.27,55 D3 Thronion,,,,, Thryon,4.15,58 UNLOC,,,,, Thuburbi,5.29,32 E3 Thuburbi Minus,,,,, Thuburnicensian town (Thuburnica),5.29,32 B3,,,,, Thule ils.,"2.187, 2.246, 4.104, 6.219",2 C1,,,,, Thuni,6.55,UNLOC,,,,, Thunisensian town (Thunisa),5.30,32 F2 Thinisa? / Tuniza ? / Tunisa?,,,,, Thunusidiensian town (Thunusida),5.29,32 C4 Thunusuda,,,,, Thuri,"3.97, 6.216, 14.69, 31.13",46 D2 Sybaris / Thurii / Copia,,,,, Thusdritan town,5.30,UNLOC,,,,, Thusdritan town (Thusdrus),5.30,33 G2 Thysdrus,,,,, Thussagetae,6.19,84 UNLOC Thyssegetae,,,,, Thyamis r.,4.4,54 B2,,,,, Thyatira / Pelopia / Euhippia,5.115,56 F4 Thyateira,,,,, Thybris = Tiberis,3.53,,,,,, Thydonos,5.109,UNLOC,,,,, Thymbrium,5.95,62 UNLOC Thymbrion,,,,, Thymnias b.,5.104,61 G4,,,,, Thyni,"4.41, 5.145",52 B1 Thynoi,,,,, Thyni,5.150,52 F2 Thynoi,,,,, Thynias,4.45,52 B1,,,,, Thynias / Bithynia,5.151,52 G2,,,,, Thyreae,4.16,58 UNLOC,,,,, Thyrides isl.,4.56,58 C5 Thyrides Pr.,,,,, Thyssagetae,4.88,UNLOC,,,,, Thyssus,4.37,51 C4 Thyssos,,,,, "Tiare, Tiareni",5.126,56 E3 Tiarai?,,,,, Tibareni,6.11,87 C4,,,,, Tiberias,5.71,69 C4,,,,, Tiberini = Tifernates Tiberini,3.114,,,,,, Tiberis / Albula / Thybris r.,"3.38, 3.44, 3.51, 3.53, 3.56, 3.62, 3.81, 3.109",43 B2,,,,, Tiburtes (Tibur),3.107,43 D2,,,,, Ticer r.,3.22,25 H3 Ticis? fl.,,,,, Ticinum,3.124,39 E3,,,,, Ticinus r.,"2.224, 3.118, 3.131, 19.9",39 D3,,,,, Tifata,3.68,44 UNLOC,,,,, Tifernates Metaurenses (Tifernum Metaurense),3.114,42 C1,,,,, Tifernates Tiberini (Tifernum Tiberinum),"3.53, 3.114",42 C2,,,,, Tifernum,"3.53, 3106",44 UNLOC,,,,, Tifernus r.,3.103,45 A1,,,,, Tigavae,5.21,30 C4 Tigava Castra,,,,, Tigranocerta,"6.26, 6.27",89 D3,,,,, Tigranucomatae (two tetrarchies),5.81,UNLOC,,,,, Tigris r.,"2.225, 5.66, 5.88, 5.90, 6.25, 6.26, 6.28, 6.42, 6.44, 6.100, 6.118, 6.122, 6.126, 6.127, 6.128, 6.129, 6.130, 6.131, 6.132, 6.133, 6.137, 6.138, 6.145, 6.146",93 C1,,,,, Tigulia,3.48,39 E5 Segesta (Tigulliorum) § Tigullia,,,,, "Tiliaventum, Greater (Maius) r.",3.126,19 E3,,,,, "Tiliaventum, Lesser (Minus) r.",3.126,19 E3,,,,, Timachi,3.149,21 D6,,,,, Timachus r.,3.149,21 E5,,,,, Timavus r.,"2.225, 2.229, 3.127, 3.151, 14.60",19 F4,,,,, Timici,5.21,30 inset,,,,, Timolus = Tmolus,5.110,,,,,, Timonianenses,5.147,63 UNLOC Timoniacenses,,,,, Tindari,6.19,84 UNLOC,,,,, Tingi / Traducta Julia,"5.2, 5.4, 5.40",28 C2,,,,, Tingitana,5.17,28 C3 Mauretania Tingitana,,,,, Tinia r.,3.53,42 D2 Tinea fl.,,,,, Tipasa,5.20,30 D3,,,,, Tiquadra isl.,3.78,27 UNLOC,,,,, Tirida,4.42,51 UNLOC Tirida,,,,, Tiristasis,4.48,51 UNLOC,,,,, "Tiryntha, Tirynthii","4.17, 7.195",58 D2 Tiryns, ,,,, Tisanusa,5.104,61 G4 Thyssanous,,,,, Tissienses,3.91,47 UNLOC Tissa,,,,, Titanus r.,5.121,56 E4 Titnaios / Pythikos fl.,,,,, Tithorea,4.8,55 D3,,,,, Tithrone,4.8,55 D3 Tithronion,,,,, Titius r.,"3.129, 3.139, 3.140",20 C6,,,,, Tium,"6.4, 6.5",86 C2 Tios / Tieion,,,,, Tlos,5.101,65 B4,,,,, Tmolus / Timolus m.,"5.110, 5.111, 5.118, 6.215",56 F5,,,,, Toali,6.157,UNLOC,,,,, Tocari,6.55,UNLOC,,,,, Togienses,3.130,19 UNLOC,,,,, Togisonus r.,3.121,40 B2,,,,, Tolentinates (Tolentinum),3.111,42 E2,,,,, Tolerienses,3.69,44 UNLOC Tolerium,,,,, Toletani (Toletum),3.25,27 A2,,,,, Tolle,6.191,UNLOC,,,,, Tolosani (Tolosa),"3.37, 4.109",25 G2,,,,, Tolostobogii,5.146,63 A1 Tolistoagioi / Tolistobogioi,,,,, Tomarus m.,4.6,54 C2 T(o)maros M.,,,,, Tomi,"4.44, 6.218",22 F4 Tomis,,,,, Tonabaei,6.154,4 C2 T(h)onabaei,,,,, Tonberum r.,"6.93, 6.97",6 B4 Tonberon fl.,,,,, Tonobari,6.192,UNLOC,,,,, Topazos isl.,6.169,UNLOC,,,,, Topiros,4.42,51 D2 Topeiros,,,,, Toretae,6.17,84 C4 Toretai,,,,, Tornadotus r.,6.132,UNLOC,,,,, "Torone, Toronaei","4.35, 4.37",51 B5,,,,, Tortuni (Torthyneion),4.22,58 C2,,,,, Torvates,4.108,UNLOC,,,,, Toutobodiaci,5.146,63 UNLOC,,,,, Tracheotis = Seleucia Tracheotis,5.93,,,,,, Trachie isl.,4.53,UNLOC,,,,, Trachie Zmyrna = Ephesus,5.115,,,,,, Trachonitis tetr.,5.74,69 D3 Trachon(itis),,,,, Traducta Julia = Tingi,5.2,,,,,, Trageae isl.,5.135,61 D3 Tragia,,,,, Tragurium,"3.141, 3.152",20 D6,,,,, Traienses (Traianus),3.111,42 B4,,,,, Trallicon,5.109,UNLOC,,,,, Trallis,"5.114, 6.215",61 F2 Tralles,,,,, Trallis / Antiochia / Euanthia / Seleucia,5.108,62 UNLOC Tralleis,,,,, "Transpadana, Transpadani","3.123, 3.130, 3.138, 10.77, 37.44",39 C3,,,,, Trapeza c.,"5.127, 5.141",UNLOC,,,,, Trapezopolitae (Trapezopolis),5.109,65 A2,,,,, Trapezus,"6.11, 6.12",87 E4,,,,, Trasimenus l.,"2.200, 2.241",42 C2 Trasumennus L.,,,,, "Treba, Trebani ","3.64, 3.109",44 D2,,,,, Trebia r.,3.118,39 F3,,,,, Trebiates (Trebiae),3.114,42 D3,,,,, Trebulani Ballienses (Trebula Balliensium),"3.64, 14.69",44 F3,,,,, Trebulani Mutuesci (Trebula Mutuesca),3.107,42 D4,,,,, Trebulani Suffenates (Trebula Suffenas),3.107,43 D2,,,,, Treres,4.35,UNLOC,,,,, Treveri,4.106,11 G3,,,,, Triballi,"3.149, 4.3, 4.33, 6.218",21 E6,,,,, Triboci,4.106,11 H4,,,,, Tribulium,3.142,UNLOC,,,,, Trica,3.104,45 UNLOC,,,,, Tricarenus isl.,4.56,58 D3 Trikrana,,,,, Tricasses,4.107,11 D4,,,,, Tricastini,3.36,17 D5 Noiomagos / Col. Augusta Tricastinorum,,,,, Tricca,4.29,55 B1 Trikka,,,,, Tricores,3.34,15 E3,,,,, Tricoryphos m.,6.150,4 UNLOC,,,,, Tridentine Alpes (Alpes Tridentinae),3.121,19 D3,,,,, Tridentini (Tridentium),3.130,19 D3,,,,, Trieris,5.78,68 A5 Trieres,,,,, Trimontium / Poneropolis / Philippopolis,4.41,22 B6 Philippopolis / Trimontium,,,,, Trinacia = Sicilia,3.86,,,,,, Trinacria = Rhodos,5.132,,,,,, Trinacria = Sicilia,3.86,,,,,, Trinium r.,3.106,44 G2 Trinius fl.,,,,, Triocalini (Triocala),3.91,47 C3 Triokala?,,,,, Triopia,5.104,61 E4,,,,, Tripolis,"5.78, 6.213, 14.74",68 A5,,,,, Tripolis,6.11,87 D4,,,,, Tripolis r.,6.11,87 D4,,,,, Tripolitani / Antoniopolitae (Tripolis / Antoniopolis),5.111,65 A1,,,,, Tripsedi,5.127,UNLOC,,,,, Tritienses (Tritia),4.22,58 B2 Trit(a)ia,,,,, Tritium,3.27,24 H2,,,,, Tritolli,3.34,15 F2,,,,, Triton / Pallantias swamp,5.28,"34 G4 Salinarum L. / Tritonis Palus, or 38 B1 Tritonis? Palus",,,,, Triton r.,"5.28, 5.53",UNLOC,,,,, Triullati,3.137,16 UNLOC,,,,, Triumphales,3.10,27 A3 Isturgi,,,,, Troas,"2.210, 5.121, 5.123, 5.124, 5.125, 5.138, 5.143, 5.145, 6.216",56 C2,,,,, Troas / Antigonia / Alexandria,5.124,56 C2 Antigoneia / Alexandria Troas,,,,, Troezen,"4.18, 5.113, 7.204, 31.11",58 E3 Troizen,,,,, Troezene Phorontis,5.109,UNLOC,,,,, Trogilia,5.113,UNLOC,,,,, Trogiliae ils.,5.135,61 E2 Trogiliai Inss.,,,,, Trogmi,5.146,63 E1 Trokmoi,,,,, Trogodytae,"2.178, 2.183, 2.185, 2.228, 5.34, 5.43, 5.45, 6.154, 6.164, 6.167, 6.168, 6.169, 6.173, 6.174, 6.176, 6.189, 12.51, 31.18",81 F2 Trog(l)odytae,,,,, Trogodytae,4.80,22 F3,,,,, Trogodytice (see also Trogodytae) / Midoe / Midioe,"2.178, 2.185, 2.228, 6.164, 6.167, 6.169, 6.174, 6.176",4 A2,,,,, Trogodyticum = Hydreuma Vetus,6.103,,,,,, Tropina,6.72,5 D5,,,,, "Troy,Torjan(s), see also Ilium ","7.202, 3.63, 3.92, 3.130, 5.115, 6.182, 7.192, 7.202, 7.205, 7.206",56 C2 Ilium / Troia,,,,, Truentum,3.110,42 F3 Castrum Truentinum,,,,, Truentus r.,3.110,42 E3,,,,, Trumplini,"3.134, 3.136",19 C4,,,,, Tuben,5.37,34 D2 Thubunae / Tuben Oppidum,,,,, Tubusuptu,5.21,31 B3 Tubusuctu,,,,, Tucca,5.21,31 E3 Tucca? / Fines Africae et Mauretaniae?,,,,, Tucci / Augusta Gemella,3.12,27 B4,,,,, Tucci Vetus,3.10,26 UNLOC,,,,, Tucis,3.77,27 inset *Tuci?,,,,, Tuder,"2.148, 3.113",42 C3,,,,, Tuficani (Tuficum),3.114,42 D2,,,,, Tugiensian forest,3.9,27 C4 Turgiensis Saltus,,,,, Tungri,"4.106, 31.12",11 F2,,,,, Turduli,"3.8, 3.13, 3.14, 4.112, 4.116",26 C4,,,,, Turduli (Veteres),4.113,24 C3 Turduli Veteres,,,,, Turduli Bardili,4.118,26 UNLOC Bardili Turduli,,,,, Turi,"3.135, 3.137",17 I5 Tyrri,,,,, Turiassonenses (Turiaso),3.24,25 D4,,,,, Turium r.,3.20,27 E2 Turia fl.,,,,, Turmogidi,3.26,25 B3,,,,, Turnantini,3.105,UNLOC,,,,, Turobriga,3.14,26 D4,,,,, Turocaelum Vettiolum,3.114,42 UNLOC,,,,, Turones,4.107,14 F2 Turoni,,,,, Turri,3.47,17 I5 Tyrri,,,,, Turris Alba,2.237,UNLOC,,,,, Turrus r.,3.126,UNLOC,,,,, Tusca r.,"5.22, 5.23",32 C3,,,,, Tuscan / Lower/ Notium / Tyrrenan sea (Inferum / Tuscum Mare),"3.44, 3.75, 3.80, 3.132, 3.136, 6.216, 14.67",1 F2 Tyrrhenum / Inferum Mare, ,,,, Tuscan bay,2.203,,,,,, Tuscanienses (Tuscana),3.52,42 B4,,,,, "Tusci, see also Etruria","3.38, 3.50, 3.60, 3.70, 3.112, 3.120, 3.130, 3.133, ",42 B1,,,,, "Tusculum, Tusculani","2.211, 3.64",43 C2,,,,, Tutienses,3.69,44 UNLOC,,,,, Tutini,3.105,45 F3 Turum? / Thuriae? § 'Tutini',,,,, Tyana,6.8,66 F1,,,,, Tyde,4.112,24 C2 Tude / Castellum Tyde,,,,, Tydii,6.21,UNLOC,,,,, Tylisos,4.59,60 D2,,,,, Tylos isl.,6.148,95 C3,,,,, Tymphaei (Tymphaia),"4.6, 4.35",55 A1 (S)Tymphaia,,,,, Tyndaris,"2.206, 3.90",47 G2,,,,, Tyndaris,6.13,UNLOC,,,,, Typanei (Typaneai),4.22,58 B2,,,,, Tyra r.,"4.82, 4.93",23 C1 Tyras fl.,,,,, Tyracinenses,3.91,47 UNLOC Tyrakion,,,,, Tyragetae,4.82,UNLOC,,,,, Tyrcae,6.19,84 UNLOC,,,,, Tyres,6.165,UNLOC,,,,, Tyri,4.120,UNLOC,,,,, Tyrienses (Tyriaeum),5.95,62 G5 Tyr(i)aion?,,,,, Tyris isl.,3.96,46 UNLOC,,,,, Tyrissaei,4.34,50 UNLOC Tyrissa,,,,, Tyros,5.91,66 UNLOC,,,,, Tyrrenan (Tyrrhenum Mare) = Tuscan Sea,3.75,,,,,, Tyrrheni / Lydi,3.50,UNLOC,,,,, "Tyrus, Tyrians","5.76, 5.78, 6.213, 14.74",69 B3 Tyrus / Col. Septima Severa,,,,, Uberae,6.67,6 E5 Suari / Uberae,,,,, Uberi,"3.135, 3.137",18 E3 Veragari,,,,, Ubii,4.106,11 G2 / H2,,,,, Ucenni,3.137,17 G3 Ucennii § Ikonioi,,,,, "Uchitan colony, Greater (Maius)",5.29,32 D4,,,,, "Uchitan colony, Lesser (Minus)",5.29,UNLOC,,,,, Ucia,3.10,27 A3 (S)Ucia,,,,, Ucubi / Claritas Julia,3.12,27 A4 Ucubi / Co. Claritas Iulia,,,,, Udini,"6.38, 6.39",85 D3,,,,, Udiva r.,3.20,27 E2,,,,, Ugultunia / Contributa Julia / Curiga,3.14,26 D3 Contributo Iulia Ugultunia,,,,, Ulia Fidentia,3.10,26 F4,,,,, Uliaros isl.,4.109,14 D3,,,,, Ulmanectes,4.106,UNLOC,,,,, Ulubrenses,3.64,UNLOC,,,,, Ulurtini,3.105,45 UNLOC,,,,, Ulusubbura,5.30,33 F1 Uluzibbira,,,,, Ulysses' harbor,3.89,47 G3 Ulixis Portus,,,,, Umbrae,6.76,6 UNLOC,,,,, Umbranici,3.37,UNLOC,,,,, "Umbria, Umbri /Ombrii, Umbrian(s)","2.188, 3.38, 3.50, 3.51, 3.53, 3.60, 3.109, 3.112, 3.115,6.218",42 D1,,,,, Umbritae,6.77,6 UNLOC,,,,, Umbro r.,3.51,41 E4,,,,, Unditanum,3.10,26 UNLOC,,,,, Upper Sea (Superum Mare) = Hadriatic Sea,"3.44, 4.132, 3.136, 3.150, 14.67",,,,,, Uranium,5.107,UNLOC,,,,, Uranopolis,4.37,51 B4 Sane/Ouranopolis,,,,, Urbanates,3.116,UNLOC,,,,, Urbanates (Urbana),3.64,44 F3,,,,, Urbim,6.180,82 A3,,,,, Urbs Imperatoria = Salacia,4.116,,,,,, Urbs Julia Gaditana,4.119,26 D5 Gadeira / Gades / Col. Augusta Gaditana § Urbs Iulia Gaditana,,,,, Urbs Salvia,3.111,42 E2 Urbs Salvia,,,,, Urci,3.19,27 C5,,,,, Urgao Alba,3.10,27 A4 Urgao / Vircao § Municipium Albense Urgauonense,,,,, Urgia / Castrum Julium / Caesaris Salutariensis,3.15,26 E5,,,,, Urgo isl.,3.81,48 D1,,,,, Uria,3.100,45 G3,,,,, Uria,"3.100, 3.103",45 C1 Hyria/Uria,,,,, Urius r.,3.7,26 D4,,,,, Urpanus r.,3.148,UNLOC,,,,, Ursentini,3.98,45 UNLOC,,,,, Urso / Genetiva Urbanorum,3.12,26 E4,,,,, Urvinates Hortenses (Urvinum Hortense),3.114,42 D3,,,,, Urvinates Metaurenses (Urvinum Metaurense),3.114,42 D1,,,,, Usaepo,3.15,UNLOC,,,,, Usar r.,5.21,30 UNLOC,,,,, Uscardei,6.21,UNLOC,,,,, Usibalchi,6.194,UNLOC,,,,, Usidicani,3.114,42 UNLOC,,,,, Usis r.,6.26,UNLOC,,,,, Ustica isl.,3.92,1 F3,,,,, Utes r.,3.115,UNLOC,,,,, Uthina,5.29,32 F3,,,,, Uti,6.39,UNLOC,,,,, Utica,"2.218, 5.24, 5.76, 6.212",32 F2,,,,, Utus r.,3.149,22 B5,,,,, Uxama,3.27,25 B4,,,,, Uzali,5.29,32 F2 Uzalis,,,,, Uzentini (Uzentum),3.105,45 inset,,,,, Vacathi,6.194,UNLOC,,,,, Vaccaei,"3.19, 3.26, 4.112",24 G3,,,,, Vacunan Groves (Nemora Vacunae),3.109,42 E3,,,,, "Vada Sabatia, Vadi Sabatii","3.48, 3.132",39 C5,,,,, Vada Volaterrana,"3.50, 3.80",41 C3,,,,, Vadaei,6.155,4 UNLOC,,,,, Vadimon l.,2.209,42 C4 Vadimonis L.,,,,, Vafriae = Acerrae,3.114,,,,,, Vaga,5.29,32 D3,,,,, Vaga (2),5.30,33 F1,,,,, Vagia r.,4.113,UNLOC,,,,, Valdasus r.,3.148,20 D4,,,,, Valentia,3.20,27 E2,,,,, Valentia,3.36,17 E4 Col. Valentia,,,,, Valentia = Banasa,5.5,,,,,, Valentini (Valentia),3.85,48 B3 Oualentia § Valentini,,,,, Valentinum = Forum Fulvi,3.49,,,,,, Valerienses (Valeria),3.25,27 C2,,,,, Vali,6.19,UNLOC,,,,, Vallaei,4.34,50 UNLOC Ouallai § Vallaei,,,,, Valli,6.30,88 B2,,,,, Vamacures,5.30,34 E2,,,,, Vandili,4.99,2 G3 Vandali,,,,, Vangiones,4.106,11 H3,,,,, Vanienses = Flamonienses Vanienses,3.130,,,,,, Varagri,3.137,17 H1 Veragri, ,,,, Varamus r.,3.126,19 F4 Varamos fl.,,,,, Varciani,3.148,20 UNLOC Varceia,,,,, Vardacate,3.49,39 C3 Vardagate,,,,, Vardaei,3.143,UNLOC,,,,, Varduli,"3.26, 3.27, 4.110",25 D2,,,,, Varecum r.,6.6,UNLOC,,,,, Vareia,3.21,25 C3,,,,, Varinnae,4.99,10 I3 Varini,,,,, Varri Namarini,4.111,UNLOC,,,,, Varuarini (Varvaria),3.139,UNLOC,,,,, Varus r.,"3.31, 3.35, 3.44, 3.47, 3.49, 3.132",16 C1,,,,, Varvari (Varvaria),3.130,20 C6,,,,, Vascones,"3.22, 4.110",25 D3,,,,, Vasio,3.37,15 E1,,,,, Vassei,4.108,14 E4 Cossium § Vasates,,,,, Vaternus r.,3.120,40 A4,,,,, Vaticanus,3.53,UNLOC,,,,, Vatrenus harbor,3.119,40 A4 Vatrenus fl.,,,,, Veamini,3.137,16 UNLOC Veaminii,,,,, Vectis isl.,4.103,8 F4,,,,, Vediantii,3.47,16 D2,,,,, Vegium,3.140,20 C5,,,,, "Veii, Veientani","2.211, 3.52, 3.53, 3.125",43 B1,,,,, Velauni,3.137,UNLOC,,,,, Veleiates (Veleia),3.116,39 F4,,,,, Velia,3.85,44 UNLOC,,,,, Velia / Elea,3.71,46 B1 Velia / Elea,,,,, Velienses,3.69,44 UNLOC,,,,, Velienses (Veleia),3.26,25 C3 Bele(g)ia / Veleia,,,,, Velini l.,"2.153, 2.226, 3.108",42 D3,,,,, Veliocasses,4.107,11 A3,,,,, Veliterni (Velitrae),"3.64, 14.65",43 D3,,,,, Vellates,4.108,UNLOC,,,,, Vellavi,4.109,17 B4,,,,, Velleiates,3.47,39 F4 Veleia § Veleiates,,,,, Velunum,3.130,19 E3 Bellunum,,,,, Venafrum,"3.63, 31.9",44 F3,,,,, Venami,4.108,25 E2 Venarni,,,,, Venaria isl.,3.81,41 UNLOC Venaria / Oinarea Ins.,,,,, Venedi,4.97,2 H3,,,,, Venelli,4.107,7 E2,,,,, Veneni,3.47,17 I4,,,,, Veneri = Nabrissa,3.11,,,,,, Venesti,4.109,14 B1 Veneticae Inss. § Venestorum Inss.,,,,, Veneti (Venetia),4.107,14 B1 Venetia § Veneti,,,,, "Venetia, Veneti","2.182, 3.38, 3.126, 3.130, 3.131, 6.5, 6.218, 47.43",40 A1,,,,, Veneticae isl.,4.109,14 B1,,,,, Venetulani,3.69,44 UNLOC,,,,, Vennenses,3.26,25 UNLOC Veniaeses / Vennenses,,,,, Vennonenses,3.135,UNLOC,,,,, Vennonetes,3.136,19 B2,,,,, Venostes,3.136,19 C3,,,,, Ventippo,3.12,26 F4 Ventipo,,,,, Venus,5.92,66 D4 Aphrodisias,,,,, Venus (town) (1),5.60,80 B3 Pathyris / Aphroditopolis,,,,, Venus (town) (2),5.61,77 E3 Aphroditopolis,,,,, Venus c.,5.92,66 D4 Aphrodisias / Zephyrion Pr.,,,,, Venus l. ,31.17,UNLOC,,,,, "Venusia, Venusini","3.104, 3.105",45 C3,,,,, Verbannus l.,"2.224, 3.131",39 D2 Verbanus L.,,,,, Vercellae,3.124,39 C3,,,,, Veretini (Veretum),3.105,45 inset,,,,, Vergunni,3.137,16 C2,,,,, Vernodubrum r.,3.32,25 H3,,,,, Veromandui,4.106,11 D3 Viromandui,,,,, Verona,"3.130, 3.132, 6.218, 14.67",39 H3,,,,, Vertamocori,3.124,39 C3,,,,, Verucini,3.34,16 B2,,,,, Verulani (Verulae),3.64,44 D2,,,,, Vescellani (Vescellium),3.105,45 A2, ,,,, Vesci Faventia,3.10,26 UNLOC Faventia / Vesci,,,,, Veseiasveca harbor,4.111,24 G1 Portus Veseiasveca,,,,, Vesentini (Visentium),3.52,42 B3,,,,, Vesinicates,3.114,42 UNLOC,,,,, Vesperies,4.110,25 UNLOC,,,,, Vestini,"3.38, 3.107",42 F4,,,,, Vesulus m.,3.117,17 I4,,,,, Vesuvius m.,3.62,44 F4,,,,, Vettiolum = Turocaelum,3.114,,,,,, Vettiregiates,3.116,UNLOC,,,,, Vettonenses (Vettona),3.114,42 C2,,,,, Vettones,"3.19, 4.112, 4.116",26 D2,,,,, Vetulonienses (Vetulonia),3.52,41 D4 Vatl / Vetulonia,,,,, Vetulonii (Vetulonia),2.227,41 D4 Vatl / Vetulonia,,,,, Viatienses (Viatia),3.25,27 B4 Vi(v)atia,,,,, "Vibi Forum, see also Forovibienses",3.123,39 A4 Forum Vibii,,,,, Vibinates (Vibinum),3.105,45 B2,,,,, Vibo b.,3.72,46 C4 Vibonensis Sinus,,,,, Vibo Valentia / Hippo,"3.73, 3.85",46 D4 Hipponion / Vibo Valentia,,,,, Vicetia,"3.130, 3.132, 6.218",40 B1,,,,, Victoria Iuliobrigensium harbor,4.111,24 H1 Portus Victoriae Iuliobrigensium,,,,, Vidicini,3.108,42 UNLOC,,,,, Viducasses,4.107,7 F2,,,,, Vienna,"2.121, 3.36, 6.218",17 D2 Col. Vienna,,,,, Vimitellari,3.69,44 UNLOC,,,,, Vindelici,"3.133, 3.137",12 D4,,,,, Vindinates,3.114,42 UNLOC Vindenates,,,,, Virgilienses (Vergilia),3.25,27 B4,,,,, Virovesca,3.27,25 B3,,,,, Virtus Julia = Ituci,3.12,,,,,, Virunum,3.146,20 B3,,,,, Viscera,5.37,36 UNLOC Visera natio,,,,, Visculus / Vistla r.,"4.81, 4.97, 4.100",2 G3 Vistula fl.,,,,, Vistla = Visculus,4.100,,,,,, Visuentani,3.114,42 UNLOC,,,,, Visurgis r.,4.100,10 E3,,,,, Vitellenses,3.69,44 UNLOC Vitellia,,,,, Vivisci = Bituriges,4.108,,,,,, Vocontii,"2.150, 3.34, 3.37, 3.124",15 E1,,,,, Volane / Olane (mouth) (Ostium Volane),3.120,40 C3,,,,, Volaterrani (Volaterrae),"3.52, 10.78",41 D3 Velathri / Volaterrae,,,,, Volcae Tectosages,"3.33, 3.36,3.37",25 F2,,,,, Volcaniae = Aeoliae,3.92,,,,,, Volcentani (Volcei),3.98,45 B3,,,,, Volcentani Etrusci (Vulci),3.52,42 B4,,,,, Volci,3.130,15 B2 Volcae Arecomici,,,,, Volcientes (Vulci),3.51,42 B4,,,,, Vologesocerta,6.122,91 F4 Vologesias?,,,,, Volsci,"3.38, 3.56, 3.59",44 D3,,,,, "Volsinii, Volsinienses ","2.139, 2.140, 3.52",42 B3,,,,, Volturnum,3.61,44 E3,,,,, Volturnum r.,3.61,44 F3 Volturnus fl.,,,,, Volubile,5.5,28 C5 Volubilis,,,,, Vomanum r.,3.110,42 F3 Vomanus fl.,,,,, Voturi,5.146,63 UNLOC,,,,, Vulgientes,3.36,15 E2,,,,, Xanthus,"5.100, 6.214",65 B5 Xanthos,,,,, Xanthus r.,"2.230, 5.100, 5.124",56 C2 Xanthos fl.,,,,, Xenagora isl.,5.131,65 B5 Xenagori Inss.,,,,, Xoite n. (Xoites),5.49,74 D2 Xoites Nomos,,,,, Xylinepolis,6.96,6 B5 Alexandrou Limen / Portus Macedonum § Xylinepolis,,,,, Xylopolitae,4.35,50 UNLOC Xylopolis,,,,, Xystiani (Xystis),5.109,61 G3,,,,, Zacynthus,4.54,54 inset,,,,, Zacynthus / Hyrie isl.,"4.54, 4.55",54 inset,,,,, Zagrus m.,6.131,3 D2,,,,, "Zama, Zamensian twon","5.30, 31.15",32 D4 Zama Regia / Zama Maior,,,,, Zamareni,6.158,4 B2,,,,, Zamnes,6.180,82 B4,,,,, Zancle,4.15,UNLOC,,,,, Zancleaei = Messana,3.91,,,,,, Zangenae,6.176,4 UNLOC Zangenai,,,,, Zao c.,3.34,15 UNLOC,,,,, Zarangae,"6.48, 6.94",3 H3 Drangiane / Zarangiane,,,,, Zaraspadum,6.94,98 G2 Bactra / Zariaspa,,,,, Zarax,4.17,58 E4,,,,, Zariasta = Bactra,"6.45, 6.48",,,,,, Zarotis r.,6.99,UNLOC,,,,, Zazata,6.52,UNLOC,,,,, Zecetae,6.19,UNLOC,,,,, Zela,"6.8, 6.9",87 A4,,,,, Zelia,5.141,52 B4 Zeleia,,,,, Zephyre isl.,4.61,60 UNLOC,,,,, Zephyria = Melos,4.70,,,,,, Zephyrium,4.86,UNLOC,,,,, Zephyrium,5.91,66 F3 Zephyrion / Hadrianopolis,,,,, Zephyrium c.,3.74,46 D5,,,,, Zephyrius isl.,2.204,UNLOC,,,,, Zerbis r.,6.118,91 E2 Zabas Mikros / Kapros? / Zebris? fl.,,,,, Zetis,6.107,3 UNLOC,,,,, Zeugitana,5.23,32 D2,,,,, Zeugma,"5.67, 5.86, 5.90, 6.119, 6.120, 6.126",67 F2,,,,, Zigae,6.19,84 UNLOC,,,,, Zigerus,6.101,5 C3 Milizigeris? / Sigerus?,,,,, Zimara,"5.83, 5.84",64 G2,,,,, Zimyra,"5.77, 5.78",68 B4 Simyra?,,,,, "Zminthium, temple",5.123,56 C2 Smintheion,,,,, Zmyrna,"5.118, 5.119, 5.120, 5.138, 6.215",56 E5 Smyrna,,,,, Zmyrna Trachia = Ephesus,5.115,,,,,, Zoaranda,6.128,89 E2 Thospitis Limne,,,,, Zoelae,"3.28, 19.10",24 E3,,,,, Zone,4.43,51 F3,,,,, Zonus r.,6.36,UNLOC,,,,, Zotha l.,6.47,6 UNLOC,,,,, Zoton,6.179,81 UNLOC,,,,, Zurazi,6.148,UNLOC,,,,, Zygere,4.44,22 UNLOC,,,,, Zyras r.,4.44,UNLOC,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,