Swiss Grant to Sabine Huebner to Digitize Basel Papyrus Collection

By Roger Bagnall

The Swiss Nationalfond has awarded Sabine Huebner, a visiting research scholar at ISAW in 2007/8 and now professor of ancient history at the University of Basel, a grant of $300,000 for the cataloguing, digitization, and publication of a collection of papyri owned by the University. The Basel papyrus collection contains Greek, Hieratic, Coptic, and Latin papyri, of which the majority have never been published. The project will make the collection fully available through and Trismegistos. Dr. Graham Claytor (Ph.D. University of Michigan 2014) and Dr. Isabelle Marthot (Ph.D. University of Paris 2013), both trained in Roman and Byzantine papyrology, and Tom Gheldof, an expert on papyrological IT from the Trismegistos project in Leuven, will be part of Professor Huebner's team.