ISAW Exhibition Team's Summer Research

By Roberta Casagrande-Kim

In the hot month of July, the ISAW Exhibition team of Dr. Jennifer Chi and Dr. Roberta Casagrande-Kim traveled to Southern Spain to meet Prof. Pedro Azara of the University of Barcelona. During their travels, they conducted research for a possible upcoming exhibition on Iberian culture. The scholars traveled to Granada, Cordoba, Baena, Elche, Jaen, Jumilla, Mula, and Murcia in search of interesting, little-known finds in regional museums across Andalusia, Murcia, and Valencia. Dr. Casagrande-Kim will continue her research on the subject during the second year of her Post Doctoral Fellowship, in addition to curating our current Fall exhibition, When the Greeks Ruled Egypt.

ISAW Founder Shelby White and Friend of ISAW Frances Marzio joined the group for part of the trip, visiting some of the regional museums and Iberian archaeological sites in Andalusia. As seen in the photograph, the group is at the foot of the Alhambra, famous Islamic palace and fortress in Granada.