Latest Work

Bubb Mosaic by Tom Elliott — last modified 12/09/2019 03:22 PM
dAlfonso Silenos by Tom Elliott — last modified 12/09/2019 03:22 PM
Stark Flotation by Tom Elliott — last modified 12/09/2019 03:22 PM
Sogdian Influencers by Tom Elliott — last modified 12/09/2019 03:22 PM
The World Underfoot by Tom Elliott — last modified 12/09/2019 03:22 PM
Franks, Hallie M. The World Underfoot: Mosaics and Metaphor in the Greek Symposium. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Hymn to Apollo Chloe by Tom Elliott — last modified 12/09/2019 03:22 PM
The Oxford illustrated history of the Holy Land by Tom Elliott — last modified 12/09/2019 03:22 PM
Hoyland, Robert G., and H. G. M. Williamson, eds. The Oxford Illustrated History of the Holy Land. Oxford: Oxford Unversity Press, 2018.
Wolin Abcess by Tom Elliott — last modified 12/09/2019 03:22 PM
PDF: ISAW Newsletter 23 (Winter 2019) by Tom Elliott — last modified 12/09/2019 03:22 PM
Maritime networks in the ancient Mediterranean world by Tom Elliott — last modified 12/09/2019 03:22 PM
Leidwanger, Justin, and Carl Knappett, eds. Maritime Networks in the Ancient Mediterranean World. New York and Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018.
Hymn to Apollo Skyphos by Tom Elliott — last modified 12/09/2019 03:22 PM
Violence, kinship and the early Chinese state by Tom Elliott — last modified 12/09/2019 03:22 PM
Campbell, Roderick B. Violence, Kinship and the Early Chinese State: The Shang and Their World. Cambridge: University Press, 2018.
Images from ISAW Newsletter 23 by Tom Elliott — last modified 12/09/2019 03:22 PM
Cover 023 by Tom Elliott — last modified 12/09/2019 03:22 PM
Pongratz-Leisten Shoulder Detail by Tom Elliott — last modified 12/09/2019 03:22 PM
A black and white enlarged detail of the icon
Pongratz-Leisten Shoulder by Tom Elliott — last modified 12/09/2019 03:22 PM
The icon on the sleeve of the king’s shoulder
Pongratz-Leisten Seal by Tom Elliott — last modified 12/09/2019 03:22 PM
Drawing of the aedicule seal of Suppiluliuma I
Pongratz-Leisten Ashurnasirpal Throneroom Relief by Tom Elliott — last modified 12/09/2019 03:22 PM
Wall relief from the Throne Room in Ashurnasirpal II’s Northwest Palace at Nimrud showing the sacred tree flanked by two representations of the king who again is accompanied by genii performing pollination (British Museum 124531)
News and Updates by Tom Elliott — last modified 12/09/2019 03:11 PM
The rise of Coptic by Tom Elliott — last modified 12/09/2019 03:02 PM
Originally presented as the 2017 Rostovtzeff Lectures at the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, Jean-Luc Fournet's book sheds new light on the role of monasticism in the growing use of Coptic in Egypt before the Arab conquest.