Latest Work

Images from ISAW Newsletter 24 by Tom Elliott — last modified 08/05/2020 06:24 PM
Materia III: New Approaches to Material Text in the Ancient World by Tom Elliott — last modified 08/05/2020 06:24 PM
Digital Central Asian Archaeology Library by Tom Elliott — last modified 08/05/2020 06:24 PM
From the Director by Tom Elliott — last modified 08/05/2020 06:24 PM
Community: Soto-Marin by Tom Elliott — last modified 08/05/2020 06:24 PM
Community: Heath by Tom Elliott — last modified 08/05/2020 06:24 PM
Cover by Tom Elliott — last modified 08/05/2020 06:24 PM
Community: Wang by Tom Elliott — last modified 08/05/2020 06:24 PM
Community: Campbell by Tom Elliott — last modified 08/05/2020 06:24 PM
Commencement: Mid Right by Tom Elliott — last modified 08/05/2020 06:24 PM
Commencement: Top Right by Tom Elliott — last modified 08/05/2020 06:24 PM
Commencement: Americo by Tom Elliott — last modified 08/05/2020 06:24 PM
Digital Programs Project Updates: Geography, Accessibility, and Pompeii by Tom Elliott — last modified 08/05/2020 11:36 AM
Objects by Tom Elliott — last modified 06/25/2020 11:47 AM
ISAW News Blog by Tom Elliott — last modified 06/02/2020 04:50 PM
The latest news and announcements from the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World at New York University.
Migration Flow Diagram by Tom Elliott — last modified 04/22/2020 06:56 AM
Pleiades Screen Capture by Tom Elliott — last modified 04/22/2020 06:56 AM
Reconstructed panel of bricks with a striding lion by Tom Elliott — last modified 04/22/2020 06:56 AM
Welcome to Hannah McDonald by Tom Elliott — last modified 04/22/2020 06:56 AM
Cover ISAW Newsletter 25 by Tom Elliott — last modified 04/22/2020 06:56 AM