ISAW Library New Titles: April 2018

By Gabriel McKee

A list of books added to the ISAW Library in April 2018  is now available online on the ISAW Library website. The titles are sorted in the website version according to thematic topics (e.g., "China, South Asia, & East Asia" and "Near East & Asia Minor"); and within each topic, the titles are organized according to Library of Congress classification. The authors and titles of works in non-Roman languages are given in their original script. This list is also available in a Zotero library and as a browsable map created using Google Fusion Tables. [Update, February 2021: Our new map interface is now live. The April 2018 map is available here.] 

Preclassical and Classical Anatolia are both well represented among the 102 items added to the library's collection in April. Notable are several volumes of cuneiform texts from Kültepe/Kanish:

  • Kültepe-Kaniš: mühürlü ve yazıtlı kil bullalar = sealed and inscribed clay bullae. Nimet Özgüç, Önhan Tunca (Oversize Collection CD5344 .O29 2001)
  • Kültepe-Kaniš/Neša: yerli Peruwa ve Aššur-ımittī'nin oğlu Assur'lu tüccar Uṣur-ša-Ištar'ın arşivlerine ait kil zarfların mühür baskıları = Seal impressions on the clay envelopes from the archives of the native Peruwa and Assyrian trader Uṣur-ša-Ištar son of Aššur-ımittī. Nimet Özgüç (Oversize Collection CD5348 .O94 2006)
  • Ankara Kültepe tabletleri, v. 2:1995. Hazırlayanlar, Emin Bilgiç, Sabahattin Bayram (Large Collection PJ3591.A2 A53 v. 2:1995
  • Tablettes paleo-assyriennes de Kültepe, v. 1:1997. Cécile Michel et Paul Garelli (Small Collection PJ3721.K36 M53 v. 1:1997)

Other publications on Eastern and Central Anatolia acquired this month include:

  • At the northern frontier of Near Eastern archaeology recent research on Caucasia and Anatolia in the Bronze Age : (proceedings of the international Humboldt-Kolleg Venice, January 9th - January 12th, 2013) = An der Nordgrenze der vorderasiatischen Archäologie : neue Forschung über Kaukasus und Anatolien in der Bronzezeit. Elena Rova & Monica Tonussi (editors) (Large Collection DS155 .N67 2017)
  • Ziyaret Tepe: exploring the Anatolian frontier of the Assyrian Empire. Authors: Timothy Matney, John MacGinnis, Dirk Wicke, Kemalettin Köroğlu ; with contributions by Ian J. Cohn [and 8 others] (Large Collection DS156.Z59 M38 2017)
  • The "Great itkalzi ritual": the Šapinuwa tablet Or 90/1473 and its duplicate ChS I/1 5. Stefano de Martino, Aygül Süel (Small Collection P958 .D448 2017)

Also notable are several recent publications on archaeological excavations at Classical sites in western Anatolia:

  • Amorium reports 5: a catalogue of Roman and Byzantine stone inscriptions from Amorium and its territory, together with graffiti, stamps, and miscellanea. Christopher S. Lightfoot ; with contributions by Thomas Drew-Bear and Nikos Tsivikis (Large Collection DS156.A49 L545 2017)
  • Olympos. I, 2000-2014 araştırma sonuçları: Turkish text with English summaries. Editor B. Yelda Olcay Uçkan (Large Collection DS156.O49 O492 2017)
  • Parian Polyandreia: the Late Geometric funerary legacy of cremated soldiers' bones on socio-political affairs and military organizational preparedness in Ancient Greece. Anagnostis P. Agelarakis (Large Collection DF221.5 .A34 2017)
  • Transport jars and stamped amphoras from Patara, 7th to 1st centuries BC: the maritime trade of a harbor city in Lycia. Erkan Dündar ; with contribution by Ali Akın Akyol and Yusuf Kağan Kadioğlu (Oversize Collection DS156.P35 P35 v.4:pt.3 2017)
  • Smyrna-Izmir: kazi ve arastirmalari II = Smyrna/Izmir excavation and research II. Editörler Burak Yolaçan, Gözde Sakar, Akin Ersoy (Large Collection DS51.I9 S5325 2016)

A number of recent publications on the archaeology of China were also added to the collection in April, including:

As always, the titles added to the ISAW Library for the entire academic year may be found both on our website and in our Zotero library. You can also follow our progress on Facebookand Twitter.

If you have any comments or suggestions about our recent acquisitions, the associated Zotero library, or our ongoing collection mapping project, please feel free to contact us.