New ISAW Library Titles: September 2017
A list of books added to the ISAW Library in September 2017 is now available online on the ISAW Library website. The titles are sorted in the website version according to thematic topics (e.g., "East Asia" and "Ancient Near East & Asia Minor"); and within each topic, the titles are organized according to Library of Congress classification. The authors and titles of works in non-Roman languages are given in their original script. This list is also available in a Zotero library and as a browsable map created using Google Fusion Tables. [Update, February 2021: Our new map interface is now live. The September 2017 map is available here.]
179 items were added to the ISAW Library’s collection in September. Notable among these were several large folio volumes donated to us by the library of the Institute of Fine Arts, including the third volume of ターク・イ・ブスターン = Taq-i-Bustan, containing high-quality, large-format photogrammetric images of the Sasanian relief sculptures at the Taq-i Bustan site in the Zagros Mountains. The donation also included an antiquarian volume, E.A. Wallis Budge’s 1899 publication of The Book of the Dead, which contains full-color facsimiles of the funerary papyri of Hunefer, Anhay, and others held by the British Museum.
September’s new titles also included a large number of recently-published materials on Chinese history and archaeology, including:
- 王大户与九龙山: 北方青铜文化墓地 = Wangdahu and Jiulongshan : a cemetery of northern bronze culture by the Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Regions and the Adminstration Office of Cultural Relics of Pengyang County (Large Collection DS715 .W354 2016 v.1-2)
- 汉代合浦港考古与海上丝绸之路 = Archaeological discovery : the Hepu port on the maritime silk road of the Han dynasty by Xiong Zhaoming (Large Collection DS797.33.H47 X566 2015)
- 2009-2013年合浦汉晋墓发掘报告 = An excavation report of the Han-Jin period tombs at Hepu in 2009-2013, compiled by the Guangxi Institute of Cultural Relics Protection and Archaeology and the Hepu County Adminstration of Cultural Relics (Large Collection DS797.33.H477 A13 2016 v.1-2)
- 良渚考古八十年 = Eighty years of Liangzhou archaeology (Large Collection DS797.88.Y847 L5364 2016).
- Dreams of the Kings: a Jade Suit for Eternity, Treasures of the Han Dynasty from Xuzhou = 楚王梦: 玉衣与永生, 徐州博物馆汉代珍藏. Edited by Willow Weilan Hai & Li Yinde (Large Collection NK5750.2.C6 L497 2017)
As always, the titles added to the ISAW Library for the entire academic year may be found both on our website and in our Zotero library. You can also follow our progress on Facebook and Twitter.
If you have any comments or suggestions about our recent acquisitions, the associated Zotero library, or our ongoing collection mapping project, please feel free to contact us.