New ISAW Library Titles: October 2017
A list of books added to the ISAW Library in October 2017 is now available online on the ISAW Library website. The titles are sorted in the website version according to thematic topics (e.g., "East Asia" and "Ancient Near East & Asia Minor"); and within each topic, the titles are organized according to Library of Congress classification. The authors and titles of works in non-Roman languages are given in their original script. This list is also available in a Zotero library and as a browsable map created using Google Fusion Tables. [Update, February 2021: Our new map interface is now live. The October 2017 map is available here.]
Many of the 305 items added to the library’s collection in October pertain to the Black Sea, including works on Crimea, southern Ukraine, and the North Caucasus from the library of Aleksandr Leskov; titles relating to Armenia, the South Caucasus, and the Byzantine Empire from the library of Nina Garsoïan; and several newly-acquired items on the languages and archaeology of Anatolia. Mongolia and Central Asia are also well represented, including:
- Монголын археологийн өв = Archaeological relics of Mongolia, an encyclopedic 6-volume work on Mongolian archaelogical discoveries (Large Collection DS798.3 .M676 2016 v.1-6)
- The four most recent volumes of Труды Маргианской археологической экспедиции = Transactions of Margiana archaeological expedition, focusing on Margiana in general and the Gonur Depe site in particular (Large Collection GN778.32.T93 T78 2008 t.3-6)
- Монгол Алтайн мөнх цэвдгийн булш: Монголын Пазырыкийн соёл = Eiskurgan des Mongolischen Altaj : Pazyryk Kultur der Mongolei, the catalog of a recent exhibition of finds from Pazyryk burials from the Altai Mountains held in Ulaanbaatar (Large Collection GN780.2.P39 M665 2016)
In addition to these titles, October’s new acquisitions included a number of publications on China, the Ancient Near East, and the Greco-Roman world.
As always, the titles added to the ISAW Library for the entire academic year may be found both on our website and in our Zotero library. You can also follow our progress on Facebookand Twitter.
If you have any comments or suggestions about our recent acquisitions, the associated Zotero library, or our ongoing collection mapping project, please feel free to contact us.