New ISAW Library Titles: February 2017
A list of books added to the ISAW Library in February 2017 is now available online on the ISAW Library website. The titles are sorted in the website version according to thematic topics (e.g., "East Asia" and "Ancient Near East & Asia Minor"); and within each topic, the titles are organized according to Library of Congress classification. The authors and titles of works in non-Roman languages are given in their original script. This list is also available in a Zotero library and as a browsable map created using Google Fusion Tables. [Update, February 2021: Our new map interface is now live. The February 2017 map is available here.]
165 volumes were added to the library's collection in February, including a significant number of older, out-of-print titles on Egypt from the library of Prof. Dr. Heinz-Josef Thissen. Thissen, a scholar of Demotic Egyptian, taught at the Institut für Afrikanistik und Ägyptologie at the Universität zu Köln from and the materials from 1992 until his retirement in 2005. He passed away after a long illness in 2014. For a summary of Prof. Dr. Thissen's life and career, see his obituary, by Günter Burkard, from Zeitschrift für Ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde, available online here. Materials from Prof. Dr. Thissen's library include important and scarce publications of Demotic and other Egyptian texts.
Also of note in February's new titles were a number of journal issues. Several of which represent new subscriptions for our library, including:
- The Journal of the Canadian Society for Coptic Studies
- Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik
- Res Antiquae
- Origini: preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche
February also saw the addition of new materials from the collections of David I. Owen (primarily on the Ancient Near East) and Aleksandr Leskov (on the archaeology of the western Eurasian Steppe and the northern Black Sea region).
As always, the titles added to the ISAW Library for the entire academic year may be found both on our website and in our Zotero library. You can also follow our progress on Facebook and Twitter.
If you have any comments or suggestions about our recent acquisitions, the associated Zotero library, or our ongoing collection mapping project, please feel free to contact us.