New ISAW Library Titles: December 2016

By Gabriel McKee

A list of books added to the ISAW Library in December 2016 is now available online on the ISAW Library website. The titles are sorted in the website version according to thematic topics (e.g., "East Asia" and "Ancient Near East & Asia Minor"); and within each topic, the titles are organized according to Library of Congress classification. The authors and titles of works in non-Roman languages are given in their original script. This list is also available in Zotero library and as a browsable map created using Google Fusion Tables. [Update, February 2021: Our new map interface is now live. The December 2016 map is available here.]

Among the 151 new items added to the library collection in December are thirty volumes from the library of David I. Owen, Curator of Tablet Collections at the Jonathan and Jeannette Rosen Ancient Near Eastern Studies Seminar and Tablet Conservation Laboratory at Cornell University. These volumes include a number of publications of cuneiform texts as well as archaeological reports and secondary works. We will continue to add new volumes from the Owen Collection in the months to come. 

Other notable additions to the ISAW Library in December include further titles on the Northern Caucasus and the Black Sea region from the library of Aleksandr Leskov; a number of cuneiform text publications, tablet catalogs, and secondary works published by CDL Press, and several works on agriculture and food, both figurative and literal, including:

  • The social archaeology of food: thinking about eating from prehistory to the present by Christine A. Hastorf (Small Collection GN799.F6 H37 2017)
  • Dining and death: interdisciplinary perspectives on the 'Funerary Banquet' in ancient art, burial and belief, edited by Catherine M. Draycott and Maria Stamatopoulou (Small Collection GT3170 .D555 2016)
  • Rites et rythmes agraires: séminaire de recherche, edited by Marie-Claire Cauvin (Large Collection S421 .R58 1991)
  • Le palmier-dattier et les arbres sacres dans l'iconographie de l'Asie occidentale ancienne by Helene Danthine (Large Collection N5345 .D3 1937)

As always, the titles added to the ISAW Library for the entire academic year may be found both on our website and in our Zotero library.

If you have any comments or suggestions about our recent acquisitions or the associated Zotero library, please feel free to contact us. Until then, follow our progress on Facebook and Twitter.