NYU Login
Login Basics - NetID & Password
In order to access NYU email and calendar services, the secure wireless network, and many other online resources from NYU and ISAW, an active NYU NetID is required. Your unique NetID, which is typically a combination of your initials and a few random numbers, can be found on the back of your NYUCard.
Your NetID can be activated via web browser at the "Start Page" http://start.nyu.edu. You will be required to set a password that meets the minimum security requirements described on that site. Thereafter, you must change your password once a year. (Several reminders will be sent to your NYU email account as the date of password expiration approaches.)
NYU Google Apps Password
Also at the Start Page, you can set a Google Apps password - which is separate from and not automatically synchronized with your NYU NetID password. The Google Apps password is specifically used to connect to your NYU email account from a mobile device or non-web email application.
Multi-Factor Authentication
NYU has enabled multi-factor authentication (MFA) for access to certain services, which adds another layer of security around your information. Using MFA requires a smartphone, preferably with the Duo Mobile app installed. You can configure MFA for your account at the Start Page. There are step-by-step instructions for setting up push notifications here.
NYU Home / Global Home
The main portal for all NYU online services is called NYU Home. The interface was overhauled in summer 2017, and is sometimes referred to as "Global Home." Log in with your NetID and password to access services such as NYU Classes, NYU Stream, MyTime, lynda.com and iLearn tutorials, the eResearch Toolkit, PeopleSync, the Benefits Resource Center, and administrative systems.
ISAW Web Internal Content
You can also use your NYU NetID to log into the ISAW web site, which will give you access to internally published content. Scroll to the page footer and click on Log In. Depending on your assigned creator/editor role, you may also have access to content editing tools while you are logged in. To learn how to create new content (such as a personal profile page, or a blog item), use the Web Editing guide pages.
If you encounter any trouble using your NYU NetID, or you need to reset your password, try these steps recommended by NYU. If you have trouble logging into the ISAW website, contact the ISAW IT Office in room 611 (x7845). In a pinch, without a NetID Login, you can still use one of the library kiosk computers, or connect your laptop to the guest wireless network "nyuguest". The guest wireless password is available from the main reception desk on the third floor, and the IT Office on the sixth floor.