Employment Policy

ISAW graduate students may not work during the academic year while receiving ISAW support without first obtaining permission from the Institute and, in some cases, from the Associate Dean of Graduate Enrollment Services at GSAS. In no case may work exceed 20 hours per week. Students should fill out the Student Employment Approval Form and obtain all relevant approvals before starting a job or internship. In addition, international students should confer with the Office of Global Services before starting any job or internship to ensure compliance with relevant visa policies regarding work on-campus or off-campus.

Approval procedure for up to one job or internship (for a maximum of 20 hours per week):
Prior to starting a job or internship, please fill out the Student Employment Approval Form and collect signatures of approval from your advisor, the Director of Graduate Studies, and the Associate Director for Academic Affairs.

Approval procedure for more than one job or internship (for a maximum of 20 hours per week total):
Prior to starting a second (or third) job or internship, please fill out the Student Employment Approval Form and collect signatures of approval from your advisor, the Director of Graduate Studies, and the Associate Director for Academic Affairs. Requests to hold more than one job or internship are also subject to approval by the Associate Dean of Graduate Enrollment Services at the Graduate School of Arts and Science. Once the request has been approved internally at ISAW, the Associate Director for Academic Affairs will coordinate with the Associate Dean of Graduate Enrollment Services to request approval.