Sexual Misconduct Policy

NYU and ISAW are committed to maintaining a safe learning, living, and working environment. All ISAW community members are strongly encouraged to read and familiarize themselves with NYU's Sexual Misconduct, Relationship Violence, and Stalking Resource Guide for employees and students. ISAW community members who are NYU employees are required to demonstrate familiarity with the NYU policies, reporting requirements, and resources relating to sexual misconduct, discrimination, harassment, and retaliation by completing an in-person workshop offered by the Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO) or an online policy briefing offered through the iLearn portal. ISAW students are required to complete "Think About It," an online education course on sexual misconduct prevention and response at NYU. 

Please note that "Responsible Employees" (i.e., those employees in a leadership or supervisory position, or who have significant responsibility for the welfare of students or employees) are required to immediately share all known details of incidents of prohibited conduct with the Title IX Coordinator. Confidential resources for students include the Wellness Exchange (212-443-9999) and the Center for Sexual Misconduct Support Services (212-443-9999).