Photograph of the stela bearing inscription . Taken in the Ninh Thuận Museum by Arlo Griffiths on .
Photograph of the stela bearing inscription . Taken in the Ninh Thuận Museum by Arlo Griffiths on .
Photograph of the stela bearing inscription C. 222. Taken in the Ninh Thuận Museum by Arlo Griffiths on 13 October 2009.
Photograph of EFEO estampage n. 1889.
Photograph of EFEO estampage n. 1889.
Photograph of EFEO estampage n. 1889.

C. 222 Stela from Po Gha cave

Please note: you are reviewing a preprint version of this publication. Contents here may change significantly in future versions. Scholars with specific interests are urged to consult all cited bibliography before using our texts and translations or drawing other significant conclusions.

Support Small stela; sandstone; h. 59.5 cm × w. 26 × d. 13.

Text The principal face of the stela in engraved with an invocation and three lines of text; as we were about to leave the Museum in 2010, we realized that the lateral face of this stela is engraved with letters in low relief, seemingly dating from more recent times than those on the anterior face. We have not had the time to examine and document it; written in Old Cam.

Date 11th-12th century Śaka (12th-13th century CE).

Origin Cave of Po Gha (Xóm Bằng, Bắc Sơn, Thuận Bắc, Ninh Thuân, Vietnam).

The stela was found before 1992, together with C. 221 and C. 223. It was moved to the Ninh Thuận Museum by Mr. Bá Văn Bổn on 10 December 1993. We found the stela in 2009 at the Ninh Thuận Museum as the object bearing the inventory number BTNT 1650/Đ.28 (1) (see ECIC III: 466-475).

Edition(s) The present edition and translation after ECIC III: 473.


  • Estampage: EFEO n. 1889

The following text was edited by Arlo Griffiths and Amandine Lepoutre.

(1) ◦ svasti ◦ namaś śivāya
(2) umāmaheśvarassyādisarvvasi-
(3) ddhipra(d)āye mahanirvighnam astu ◦

3 maha°mahā° seems to be intended.



Om. Hail! Homage to Śiva – Umāmaheśvara etc. (?) – who gives every success! May there be not (?) the slighest obstacle!


Om. Salut ! Hommage à Śiva – Umāmaheśvara etc (?) – qui donne tout succès ! Qu'il n'y ait le moindre (?) obstacle !