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- Stony Brook University is delighted to announce that the Archive of Mesopotamian Site Reports (AMAR) has now gone live in its almost final form. You can access it at www. stonybrook. edu/amar. It contains digitized copies of nearly 600 archaeological site reports. These focus on Mesopotamia, but include reports on the archaeology of Iran, the Gulf, Turkey, Syria, Armenia and Lebanon. The books can all be downloaded without charge for personal use only. This project was funded through the "Rebuild the Capabilities of Iraq's Museum, Heritage and Archaeology Organizations Project" funded by the Iraq Cultural Heritage Project with and the International Relief and Development and the implementing NGO. There are a couple of tweaks still needed. We will add instructions for use in Arabic and English, and one more book needs to be uploaded. For those eager to begin working with the archive, if you want to download all or part of a volume, click on the arrow to the right of the box that says "document description" and you will find the tools that you need. Elizabeth C. Stone. Professor. Department of Anthropology. SUNY. Stony Brook, NY 11794-4364. Phone: (631) 632-7627. Fax: (631) 632-9165. Email: estone@notes. cc. sunysb. edu.
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- keywords
- Amar, Mesopotamia, archive, report
- languages
- en
- resource_key
- amar
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