Les ralliements d’aristocrates à des usurpateurs dans la Gaule du Ve siècle, des choix politiques contraignants pour leurs descendants ?

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- p. 83-100. Abstract: This study deals with the usurpations which affected the Gallic dioceses during the fifth century and especially on their repercussions on the destiny of the plotters’ progeny and parents. Having in one’s gens a plotter or even a usurper compelled to set up diverse strategies to live down or bowdlerize this embarrassing episod and, at the end, to get back central autorities’ favours and to keep one’s place into the Gallic aristocratic groups. This compromising past had various consequences from one man to the other. After a probationary time, some of them could access leading political offices anew because they had succeeded in repositioning themselves in aristocratic groups and in regaining central power’s trust. Others, less visible in the sources, had less favorable fates since they were excluded from the political scene and from the most influent aristocratic groups. Therefore, this study will try to highlight the variety of such career paths.
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27 Oct 2015 18:45:34 UTC
data source: tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-116259103207720939.post-7234422806154155363 (last updated: 13 Feb 2015 16:56:49 UTC)
27 Oct 2015 18:45:34 UTC
metadata document: ancientworldonline.blogspot.com/2014/07/reseaux-sociaux-et-contraintes-dans.html (last updated: 13 Feb 2015 16:56:49 UTC)