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- description
- SCHOLIA: Studies in Classical Antiquity. ISSN: 1018-9017. Scholia features critical and pedagogical articles on a diverse range of subjects dealing with classical antiquity, including late antique, medieval, Renaissance and early modern studies related to the classical tradition. It also includes review articles, reviews and other sections dealing with classics. This site contains information about the journal, including subscription information and submission guidelines. For a complete list of works by author in each volume, including reviews, please see Index (1992-). Scholia and Scholia Reviews (volumes 1-20) have published 862 contributions by 392 scholars and academics at 193 universities and other institutions in 36 countries. Scholia and Scholia Reviews completed its twenty-year joint series in 2011. The quality of the scanned pages in Volumes 1-13 (1992-2004) will be improved progressively in 2012-2013.
- domain
- issn:
- 1018-9017
- is part of
- languages
- en
- resource_key
- 139182c846618165af0e1ce8bc848cb6602dd0e3
- url