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- Open Access Articles from ex oriente. H. G. K. Gebel, Territoriality in Early Near Eastern Sedentism (forthcoming) in: Sedentism: Worldwide Research Perspectives for the Shift of Human Societies from Mobile to Settled Ways of Life, ed. by M. Reindel et al. Proceedings of the Research Cluster 1 Workshop, 23rd-24th October, 2008 (Berlin, German Archaeological Institute). submission: 9/5/2010. 00054, Upload: 14. 05. 2013 H. G. K. Gebel, The PPN1-6 Workshops: Agendas, Tendencies, Future. in: E. Healey, S. Campbell and O. Maeda (eds), The State of the Stone: Terminologies, Continuities and Contexts in Near Eastern Lithics. SENEPSE 13: 1-22. Berlin: ex oriente (2011). 00055, Upload: 14. 05. 2013 H. G. K. Gebel, Conflict and Conflict Mitigation in Early Near Eastern Sedentism. Reflections. Neo-Lithics 1/10, 2010: 32-35. 00056, Upload: 14. 05. 2013 H. G. K. Gebel, The Commodification of Water. Neo-Lithics 2/10, 2010: 4-13. 00057, Upload: 14. 05. 2013 H. G. K. Gebel, Commodification and the Formation of Early Neolithic Social Identity. The Issues Seen From the Southern Jordanian Highlands. in: M. Benz (ed. ), The Principle of Sharing. Segregation and Construction of Social Identities at the Transition from Foraging to Farming. SENEPSE14: 31-80. Berlin, ex oriente (2010). 00058, Upload: 14. 05. 2013 H. G. K. Gebel, The Intricacy of Rubble Slides. The Ba‘ja, Basta, and ‘Ain Rahub Evidence. Neo-Lithics 1/09, 2009: 33-48 00059, Upload: 14. 05. 2013 Gebel H. G. K. and Mahasneh H. , Petroglyphs and Sepulchral Contexts. Preliminary Note on Late Chalcolithic/ Early Bronze Age Findings at Qulban Beni Murra, Wadi Sahab al-Abyad. Journal of Epigraphy and Rock Drawing 3, 2009: 1-9. Amman, Department of Antiquities. 00060, Upload: 14. 05. 2013 H. G. K. Gebel and M. Kinzel, Ba‘ja 2007: Crawl Spaces, Rich Room Dumps, and High Energy Events. Results of the 7th Season of Excavations. Neo-Lithics 1/07: 24-33. 00037, Upload: 29. 02. 2008 C. Purschwitz and M. Kinzel, Ba‘ja 2007. Two Room and Ground Floor Fills: Reconstructed House-life Scenarios. Neo-Lithics 2/07: 22-35. 00039, Upload: 29. 02. 2008 H. G. K. Gebel, B. D. Hermansen, and M. Kinzel, Ba‘ja 2005: A Two-Storied Building and Collective Burials. Results of the 6th Season of Excavation. Neo-Lithics 1/06: 12-19. 00026, Upload: 29. 02. 2008 H. G. K. Gebel, The Domestication of Vertical Space: The Case of Steep-Slope LPPNB Architecture in Southern Jordan. in: Domesticating Space: Construction, Community, and Cosmology in the Late Prehistoric Near East. ed. by E. Banning and M. Chazan. SENEPSE 12: 65-74. Berlin: ex oriente (2006). 00027, Upload: 29. 02. 2008 H. G. K. Gebel, Central to What? The Centrality Issue of the LPPNB Mega-Site Phenomenon in Jordan. in: Central Settlements in Neolithic Jordan. ed. by H. D. Bienert, H. G. K. Gebel, and R. Neef. SENEPSE 5: 1-19. Berlin: ex oriente (2004). 00028, Upload: 29. 02. 2008 H. G. K. Gebel and B. D. Hermansen, Ba'ja 2003: Summary on the 5th Season of Excavation. Neo-Lithics 2/04: 15-18. 00035, Upload: 29. 02. 2008 M. Kinzel, Some Notes on the Reconstruction of PPNB Architecture. Neo-Lithics 2/04: 18-21. 00038, Upload: 29. 02. 2008 H. G. K. Gebel, Subsistenzformen, Siedlungsweisen und Prozesse des sozialen Wandels vom akeramischen bis zum keramischen Neolithikum II: Grundzüge sozialen Wandels im Neolithikum der südlichen Levante. Phd-Thesis Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg (2002) published: http://www. freidok. uni-freiburg/volltexte/466 00025, Upload: 29. 02. 2008 H. G. K. Gebel, Walls. Loci of Forces. in: Magic Practices and Ritual in the Near Eastern Neolithic. ed. by H. G. K. Gebel, B. D. Hermansen, and Ch. Hoffmann Jensen. SENEPSE 8: 119-132. Berlin: ex oriente (2002). 00029, Upload: 29. 02. 2008 H. G. K. Gebel and B. D. Hermansen, LPPNB Ba'ja 2001. A Short Note. Neo-Lithics 2/01: 15-20. 00034, Upload: 29. 02. 2008 H. G. K. Gebel and B. D. Hermansen, The 2000 Season at Late PPNB Ba'ja. Neo-Lithics 2+3/00: 20-22. 00033, Upload: 29. 02. 2008 H. G. K. Gebel, Flint "Bowlets" from the LPPNB of Southern Jordan. Neo-Lithics 2/99: 12-13. 00030, Upload: 29. 02. 2008 H. G. K. Gebel and B. D. Hermansen, Ba'ja Neolithic Project 1999: Short Report on Architectural Findings. Neo-Lithics 3/99: 18-21. 00036, Upload: 29. 02. 2008 H. G. K. Gebel and B. D. Hermansen, A Third Little Head From LPPNB Basta, Southern Jordan. Neo-Lithics 2/99: 11-12. 00041, Upload: 29. 02. 2008 H. D. Bienert and H. G. K. Gebel, Summary on Ba'ja 1997, and Insights From Later Seasons. in: Central Settlements in Neolithic Jordan, ed. by H. D. Bienert, H. G. K. Gebel, and R. Neef. SENEPSE 5: 119-144. Berlin: ex oriente (2004). 00024, Upload: 29. 02. 2008 H. G. K. Gebel and H. -D. Bienert, Excavating Ba'ja, Greater Petra Area, Southern Jordan. Neo-Lithics 1/97: 9-11. 00031, Upload: 29. 02. 2008 H. G. K. Gebel and H. -D. Bienert, The 1997 Season at Ba'ja, Southern Jordan. Neo-Lithics 3/97: 14-18. 00032, Upload: 29. 02. 2008 B. D. Hermansen and H. G. K. Gebel, More "Pillow-Shaped Pieces" from LPPNB Basta. Neo-Lithics 2/96: 11-12. 00040, Upload: 29. 02. 2008 H. G. K. Gebel, Proposal on Minimum Standards of Hint Raw Material Description. Neo-Lithics 2/94: 4-5. 00042, Upload: 04. 04. 2008.
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Open Access Articles from ex oriente
H.G.K. Gebel, Territoriality in Early Near Eastern Sedentism (forthcoming)
H.G.K. Gebel, The PPN1-6 Workshops: Agendas, Tendencies, Future
H.G.K. Gebel, Conflict and Conflict Mitigation in Early Near Eastern Sedentism. Reflections
H.G.K. Gebel, The Commodification of Water
H.G.K. Gebel, Commodification and the Formation of Early Neolithic Social Identity. The Issues Seen From the Southern Jordanian Highlands
H.G.K. Gebel, The Intricacy of Rubble Slides. The Ba‘ja, Basta, and ‘Ain Rahub Evidence
Gebel H.G.K. and Mahasneh H., Petroglyphs and Sepulchral Contexts. Preliminary Note on Late Chalcolithic/ Early Bronze Age Findings at Qulban Beni Murra, Wadi Sahab al-Abyad
H.G.K. Gebel and M. Kinzel, Ba‘ja 2007: Crawl Spaces, Rich Room Dumps, and High Energy Events. Results of the 7th Season of Excavations
C. Purschwitz and M. Kinzel, Ba‘ja 2007. Two Room and Ground Floor Fills: Reconstructed House-life Scenarios
H.G.K. Gebel, B.D. Hermansen, and M. Kinzel, Ba‘ja 2005: A Two-Storied Building and Collective Burials. Results of the 6th Season of Excavation
H.G.K. Gebel, The Domestication of Vertical Space: The Case of Steep-Slope LPPNB Architecture in Southern Jordan
H.G.K. Gebel, Central to What? The Centrality Issue of the LPPNB Mega-Site Phenomenon in Jordan
H.G.K. Gebel and B.D. Hermansen, Ba'ja 2003: Summary on the 5th Season of Excavation
M. Kinzel, Some Notes on the Reconstruction of PPNB Architecture
H.G.K. Gebel, Subsistenzformen, Siedlungsweisen und Prozesse des sozialen Wandels vom akeramischen bis zum keramischen Neolithikum II: Grundzüge sozialen Wandels im Neolithikum der südlichen Levante
H.G.K. Gebel, Walls. Loci of Forces
H.G.K. Gebel and B.D. Hermansen, LPPNB Ba'ja 2001. A Short Note
H.G.K. Gebel and B.D. Hermansen, The 2000 Season at Late PPNB Ba'ja
H.G.K. Gebel, Flint "Bowlets" from the LPPNB of Southern Jordan
H.G.K. Gebel and B.D. Hermansen, Ba'ja Neolithic Project 1999 : Short Report on Architectural Findings
H.G.K. Gebel and B.D. Hermansen, A Third Little Head From LPPNB Basta, Southern Jordan
H.D. Bienert and H.G.K. Gebel, Summary on Ba'ja 1997, and Insights From Later Seasons
H.G.K. Gebel and H.-D. Bienert, Excavating Ba'ja, Greater Petra Area, Southern Jordan
H.G.K. Gebel and H.-D. Bienert, The 1997 Season at Ba'ja, Southern Jordan
B.D. Hermansen and H.G.K. Gebel, More "Pillow-Shaped Pieces" from LPPNB Basta
H.G.K. Gebel, Proposal on Minimum Standards of Hint Raw Material Description
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