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- description
- Analecta Archaeologica Ressoviensia. ISSN 2084-4409. Analecta Archaeologica Ressoviensia są zainteresowane w publikacji materiałów, w których zawarte są problemy i zagadnienia związane z wykopaliskowymi archeologicznymi na stanowiskach w Polsce oraz w środkowej i wschodniej Europie, niezależnie od epoki i okresu, z którego pochodzą badane relikty i zabytki, problematyka metodyki badań terenowych, analizy i interpretacje zabytków archeologicznych oraz teoria archeologii. Każdy z tomów poświęcony jest odmiennej problematyce. Wydany już tom 4 zawiera teoretyczne artykuły o interpretacji kultury materialnej, tom 5 - prace najmłodszego pokolenia archeologów. W przygotowywanym obecnie tomie 6 publikowane będą prace poświęcone współpracy archeologów, antropologów kulturowych i socjologów. W tomie 7 znajdą się artykuły poruszające problematykę miasta średniowiecznego i nowożytnego, a w tomie 8 - prace relacjonujące wyniki najnowszych badań nad neolitem południowo-wschodniej Polski i zachodniej Ukrainy. Analecta Archaeologica Ressoviensia is interested in research questions and results of field survey, of all periods in Poland, Central and Eastern Europe, field archaeological methods, analysis and interpretation of archaeological remains and theory of archaeology. All volumes are devoted for separate, distinct problems. Already published volume No 4 contains theoretical articles about interpretation of material culture, and volume No 5 - works of the youngest generation of archaeologists. In volume No 6 - being now in preparation - works will be published devoted to cooperation of archaeologists, anthropologists and sociologists. In volume No 7 there will be articles focused on problems of archaeological investigation of Medieval and modern cities, and in volume No 8 - works reporting results of the newest excavations of Neolithic sites from south-eastern part of Poland and from western Ukraine.
- domain
- issn:
- 2084-4409
- keywords
- Poland, archaeology, journal, open access
- languages
- pl
- resource_key
- b58fb5363bc19d5f793cfab11876b801b5d4b34e
- subordinate resources
Marta Połto-wicz - The Eastern Bor-ders of the Mag-da-le-nian Cul-ture Range
Maciej Dębiec - Tery-to-rium eks-plo-ato-wane przez lud-ność osady kul-tu-rowej cera-miki wstępnej rytej w Łańcucie, stan. 3, woj. podkarpackie
Andrzej Peli-siak, Mał-go-rzata Rybicka - The Annu-ally Lami-nated Bottom Sedi-ments of Lake Gościąż and Neo-li-thic Set-tle-ments in the Western Part of Gostynin Lake District (Cen-tral Poland). An Outline
Andrzej Peli-siak - The Explo-ita-tion and Distri-bu-tion of Flints From the Cen-tral Part of Polish Jura in the Late Neo-li-thic Times
Alek-sander Dzbyński - Die Größe zählt. Über einigen metri-schen Eigen-scha-ften der schnur-ke-ra-mi-schen Amphoren aus Böhmen
Syl-we-ster Czopek - Czas użyt-ko-wania cmen-trzysk tar-no-brze-skiej kul-tury łużyc-kiej - moż-li-wości inter-pre-ta-cyjne i uwagi dyskusyjne
Maciej Kar-wowski - Major Questions Con-cer-ning Celtic Glass from the Eastern Regions of the La Tene Culture
Tomasz Bochnak - Early Cir-culr Umbones of the Prze-worsk Cul-ture. The Role of Local Tra-di-tion and Celtic Infu-ences on the Diver-sity of Metal Parts of Shield at the Begin-ning of the Late Pre-Roman Period
Iwona Flor-kie-wicz - Ele-menty dackie w kul-turze prze-wor-skiej we wcze-snym okresie wpływów rzymskich
Piotr Ber-dowski - Garum of Herod the Great
Marcin Woło-szyn - Byzan-tine Archa-eology - selected problems
Marek Jan Olbrycht - David Braund (ed.), Scy-thians and Greeks. Cul-tural Inte-rac-tions in Scy-thia, Athens and the Early Roman Empire (sixth cen-tury BC - first cen-tury AD), Exeter 2005, Uni-ver-sity of Exeter Press, 256 pp. (ISBN 0 85989 746 X)
Alek-sander Dzbyński - Swiss Neo-li-thic Copper Beads Revi-sited: Cur-rency, Orna-ment or Pre-stige Item? New Evi-dence of the Metrol-gical Con-cept in Pre-hi-storic Europe
Andrzej Peli-siak - The Funnel Beaker Cul-ture Set-tle-ments Com-pared with Other Neo-li-thic Cul-tures in the Upper and Middle Part of the Dni-ster Basin. Selected Issues. State of the Research
Mał-go-rzata Rybicka - The Spa-tial Orga-ni-za-tion of the Funnel Beaker Set-tle-ment in th Gostynin Lake District
Justyna Baron - Intra-Site Ana-lysis at Bronze Age Set-tle-ments in SW Poland
Lucyna Samek, Maciej Kar-wowski, Syl-we-ster Czopek, Jerzy Osta-cho-wicz, Zdzi-sław Stę-gowski - Ana-lysis of Glass Beads From the Graces of the Tar-no-brzeg Lusa-tian in Jasionka and Gro-dzisko Dolne Employing the X-ray Flu-ore-scence Method
Marek Verčík - Die ger-ma-ni-sche Bewaf-f-nung der älteren römi-schen Kaise-rzeit aus dem Gebiet der südwe-stli-chen Slowakei
Joanna Trabska, Bar-bara Try-balska - Micro-struc-ture of Histo-rical Lime and Lime - Hydraulic Mor-tars: from Set-ting to Corrosion
Joanna Trąbska, Mał-go-rzata Winiarska-Kabacińska,Brbara Try-balska - Expe-ri-mental Skin Pro-ces-sing with Fer-ru-gi-nous Mate-rials. Macro- and Microproperties
Renata Zych - Seweryn Rze-pecki, Spo-łecz-ności środ-ko-wo-ne-oli-tycznej kul-tury pucharów lej-ko-wa-tych na Kuja-wach [Com-mu-ni-ties of the Middle Neo-li-thic TRB Cul-ture in Kujawy], Poznań 2004, 235 pages, 61 figures, 22 tables in the text
Artur Jedynak (Ostro-wiec Świę-to-krzyski), Kamil Kaptur (Ostro-wiec Świę-to-krzyski) - Archaeological-consevator's worsk in Krze-mionki near Ostro-wiec Świę-to-krzyski in 2008- mine 824,Great Cham-bers area
Maria Fajer (Sosno-wiec), Edel-garda M. Foltyn (Kato-wice), Euge-niusz Foltyn (Kato-wice), Wło-dzi-mierz Paweł-czyk (Sosno-wiec), Jan Maciej Waga (Sosno-wiec) - Site of older phase of the Middle Pale-oli-thic at Sam-bo-ro-wice (Upper Silesia)
Maciej Dębiec (Rze-szów), Andrzej Peli-siak (Rze-szów) - The first14C dates for Malice cul-ture arte-facts. Rze-szów, site 31
Marek Florek (Lublin) - Issues con-cer-ning the exi-stence and func-tions of the so-called great kur-gans in Mało-polska in early phases of the Early Middle Ages
Marek Florek (Lublin), Tadeusz Wiśniewski (Lublin) - Fun-nel-be-aker Cul-ture arti-facts from the set-tle-ment in Mozgawa, Piń-czów Com-mune, Świę-to-krzy-skie Province
Piotr Ber-dowski (Rze-szów) - Roman Busi-nesswomen. I: The case of the pro-du-cers and distry-bu-tors of gorum in Pompeii
Syl-we-ster Czopek (Rze-szów) - Aus den For-schungen uber die Trzciniec-Kultur in der Rzeszów-Umgebung
Sylwia Cygan (Rze-szów) - (Rez.) Roman Gra-bolle, Die fruh-mit-te-lal-ter-liche Burg auf dem Johan-nis-berg bei Jena - Lobeda im Kon-text der Besie-dlung des mit-tleren Saale-tals, Jenaer Schri-ften zur Vor- und Fruh-ge-schichte Band 3, Beier&Beran. Archa-olo-gi-sche Fachli-te-ratur, Jena-Langenweissbach 2007, S. 125, 32 Tafeln, 20 Abbil-dungen im Text, 1 Anhang mit Abbildungen
Sła-womir Kadrow (Rze-szów) - Gender-differentiated burial rites in Europe of the 5th and 4th mil-lennia BC: attempts at tra-di-tional archa-eolo-gical interpretation)
Tadeusz Mali-nowski (Poznań) - (Rez.) Danuta Pio-trowska, Pro-le-go-mena do arche-ologii Bisku-pina. Tom I. Biblio-grafia arche-olo-giczna Bisku-pina 1933-1983, War-szawa 2008; 464 Seiten, 13 Abbil-dungen (Pro-le-go-mena zur Archa-ologie von Bikupin. Band I. Archa-olo-gi-sche Biblio-gra-phie von Biskupin 1933-1983, War-scahu 2008, 464 Seiten, 13 Abbildungen)
Thomas Saile (Göt-tingen) - Early Salt-Making in Cen-tral Europe: Pat-terns of Salt Pro-duc-tion and Trade in the Neolithic
Wło-dzi-mierz Rącz-kowski - Theory, empi-ri-cism and prac-tice: archa-eolo-gical disco-urses in a network of depen-dency and opposition
Andrzej P. Kowalski - ‘Thing’ in the per-spec-tive of anti-dualistic onto-logy and the pro-blem of archa-eolo-gical objects
Anna Pału-bicka - Tool and Thing in Archa-eolo-gical Interpretation
Henryk Mamzer - Archa-eolo-gical Sources: Arte-facts or Lin-gu-istic Sta-te-ments Con-cer-ning Them ?
Anna Zalewska - Archa-eology (of Second Degree) as the Ele-ment of the World of Cul-tural Representations
Marcin S. Przy-była - Quani-ti-ta-tive ana-lysis of pre-hi-storic pot-tery and neo-Darwinian approach in archaeology
Martin Fur-holt - Poly-thetic clas-si-fi-ca-tion and measures of simi-la-rity in mate-rial cul-ture. A quan-ti-ta-tive approach to Baden Com-plex material
Sła-womir Kadrow - The Early Copper Age: socio-cultural pro-cess in modern socio-lo-gical interpretation
Dawid Kobiałka - Rethin-king face-urns through Heidegger, Lévy-Bruhl and... Jim Carrey
Leszek Gar-deła - Buried with Honour and Stoned to Death? The Ambi-va-lence of Viking Age Magic in the Light of Archaeology
Agnieszka Gil-Drozd - The Ori-gins of Cre-ma-tion in Europe
Hanna Sosnowska - Outline of Meso-li-thic and Begin-nings of Neo-li-thic in India Sosnowska
Bar-bara Koło-dziej - Animal Burials in the Early Bronze Age in Cen-tral and Eastern Europe
Joanna Sudyka - The "Mega-li-thic" Iron Age Cul-ture in South India -Some General Remarks
Tomasz Tokar-czyk - Die Bele-gung-szeit der Przeworsk-Kultur-Nekropolen
Marek Poznański - Aerial Surveys of the Ear-th-work Castle in Czermno. Pre-li-mi-nary Inter-pre-ta-tions and Recon-struc-tions of the Early Medieval Ele-ments of the Set-tle-ment Com-plex Pozananski
Jakub Ordu-towski - Relics of the Late Media-eval Defen-sive Resi-dence in Zawalów Kolonia in the Light of Geo-phy-sical Research
Łukasz Porzu-czek - The Appli-ca-tion of Advanced Tech-no-logy of Archa-eolo-gical Geo-phy-sical Rese-arch in Com-bi-na-tion with DEM (Digital Ele-va-tion Model), Aerial Pho-to-graphs, and 3D Scans Porzuczek
Sła-womir Kadrow Power and Autho-rity in Pre-hi-story and the Pro-blem of Inter-di-sci-pli-nary Archa-eolo-gical Studies
Beata Golińska The Role of Archa-eolo-gical and Ethno-Historical Sources in the Study of Pre-hi-storic Amazonia
Agata Nijander-Dudzińska, Dariusz Woja-kowski Local Govern-ment - From the "Small State" to the Social Field
Jerzy Jestal The Con-cept of Ritual in Socio-logy and other Social Sciences
Jacek Gądecki Wal-king as a Way of Expe-rien-cing Eve-ryday Space
Maria Godyń The Indi-vi-dual - the Space - the Memory: an Eth-no-lo-gical Study of Ter-ri-to-rial Iden-ti-fi-ca-tion of the Relo-cated Com-mu-nity of Maniowy Village
Marta Połtowicz-Bobak Space in Archa-eolo-gical Rese-arch - Methods of Reading and Inter-pre-ta-tion. An Outline of the Issue
Ewa Baniowska-Kopacz Exchange Theory in the Light of Coope-ra-tion and Mutual Assistance
Syl-we-ster Czopek Cul-tural Change from the Per-spec-tive of Cultural-Historical Archaeology
Jacek Górski, Prze-my-sław Maka-ro-wicz Envi-ron-mental Deter-mi-na-tion and the Deve-lop-ment of Trzci-niec Cul-tural Circle Set-tle-ment in the Oder and Vistula River Catchments
Andriy Bar-det-skiy (review) E. A. Kra-vchenko. Kizil-kobinska kul-tura u Zakhid-nomu Krimu. Kyiv, Luck: IA NAN Ukrainy 2011; 272 pp. 196 figures
Olek-sandr Dia-chenko, Taras Mylian XXXVIII Report Con-fe-rence „Archa-eolo-gical Rese-ar-ches in Southeast Poland, West Ukraine and North Slo-vakia in 2011", Rze-szów, 20-21 March 2012
Spis tresci
Od Redakcji
Archa-eology in a town, a town in archa-eology. Selected issues of archa-eolo-gical rese-arch of histo-rical towns
The city as a "pro-mise of ever new disco-ve-ries" in the con-text of re-socialized archa-eology and through the prism of second degree archaeology
Archa-eolo-gical exa-mi-na-tion of medieval towns in Bohemia (An ove-rview by an archaeologist)
The trans-for-ma-tion of the town Cho-mutov, its com-mand post, for-ti-fi-ca-tions and castle in the Middle Ages and the early Modern period
The set-tle-ment of Kraków before the set-tle-ment charter
Some remarks on early medieval chur-ches in Kraków
The geo-gra-phical foun-da-tions of cul-tural iden-tity in con-tem-po-rary Lublin
Buil-ding plots under the Old The-atre in Lublin: an example of late medieval and modern buil-ding development
Das mit-te-lal-ter-liche Chełm im Lichte archa-olo-gi-scher Quellen
The urban deve-lop-ment of Kazi-mierz Dolny in the Middle Ages from docu-men-ta-ryand archa-eolo-gical sources
Rudnik on the San: spa-tial arran-ge-ment and changes in town topo-graphy from the mid-sixteenth to late nine-te-enth century
The histo-rical deve-lop-ment of Końskowola
Fran-zi-ska-ne-rinnen im Stad-traum von Zamość im 17. Jh., im Lichte der archäo-lo-gisch- histo-risch- kar-to-gra-phi-schen Forschungen
(rec.) Alina Jaszewska (red.), Wicina. Katalog zabytków metalowych
Mrs Jadzia - that sounds proud!
An inte-rview of Jadwiga Teodorowicz-Czerepińska (J.T.Cz.) by Dr Jan Gurba (J.G.)
- url