Hedonistyczny wątek w platońskim Fedonie - Uproszczenie Olimpiodora

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[First posted in AWOL 2 January 2013, updated 28 January 2015]. Peitho: Exa-mina Anti-qua. ISSN: 2082-7539. PEITHO / Exa-mina Anti-qua is an inter-na-tio-nal jour-nal devo-ted to the inve-sti-ga-tion of ancient Greek, Roman and Byzan-tine tho-ught. Foun-ded in May 2010, the jour-nal is edi-ted by the Insti-tute of Phi-lo-so-phy at Adam Mic-kiewcz Uni-ver-sity in Poland. PEITHO publi-shes rese-arch papers and short notes in the fields of phi-lo-so-phy, lite-ra-ture, history and lan-gu-age. The lan-gu-ages of publi-ca-tion are English, French, Ger-man, Ita-lian, Latin and Polish. The deci-sion to esta-blish an inter-na-tio-nal scho-larly jour-nal for the study of ancient tho-ught and its recep-tion has been promp-ted by the desire to esta-blish a com-mon gro-und for a fru-it-ful exchange of views between various Hel-le-ni-sts and to sti-mu-late the debate on the ancient roots of our continent. Evi-den-tly, Greek phi-lo-so-phy is one of the stron-gest foun-da-tions of Euro-pean cul-tu-ral iden-tity. Con-se-qu-en-tly, the jour-nal aims to show this immense intel-lec-tual heri-tage. While PEITHO focu-ses on reve-aling the ancient sour-ces of ideas that are fun-da-men-tal to modern Europe, the credo of the jour-nal is that without under-stan-ding the ori-gins of these ideas it is vir-tu-ally impos-si-ble to under-stand our con-ti-nent in its pre-sent shape.
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27 Oct 2015 18:38:23 UTC
data source: tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-116259103207720939.post-2122046211297278016 (last updated: 28 Jan 2015 16:32:25 UTC)
27 Oct 2015 18:38:23 UTC
metadata document: ancientworldonline.blogspot.com/2013/01/new-open-access-journal-peitho-examina.html (last updated: 28 Jan 2015 16:32:25 UTC)