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- description
- [First posted in AWOL 2 January 2013, updated 28 January 2015]. Peitho: Exa-mina Anti-qua. ISSN: 2082-7539. PEITHO / Exa-mina Anti-qua is an inter-na-tio-nal jour-nal devo-ted to the inve-sti-ga-tion of ancient Greek, Roman and Byzan-tine tho-ught. Foun-ded in May 2010, the jour-nal is edi-ted by the Insti-tute of Phi-lo-so-phy at Adam Mic-kiewcz Uni-ver-sity in Poland. PEITHO publi-shes rese-arch papers and short notes in the fields of phi-lo-so-phy, lite-ra-ture, history and lan-gu-age. The lan-gu-ages of publi-ca-tion are English, French, Ger-man, Ita-lian, Latin and Polish. The deci-sion to esta-blish an inter-na-tio-nal scho-larly jour-nal for the study of ancient tho-ught and its recep-tion has been promp-ted by the desire to esta-blish a com-mon gro-und for a fru-it-ful exchange of views between various Hel-le-ni-sts and to sti-mu-late the debate on the ancient roots of our continent. Evi-den-tly, Greek phi-lo-so-phy is one of the stron-gest foun-da-tions of Euro-pean cul-tu-ral iden-tity. Con-se-qu-en-tly, the jour-nal aims to show this immense intel-lec-tual heri-tage. While PEITHO focu-ses on reve-aling the ancient sour-ces of ideas that are fun-da-men-tal to modern Europe, the credo of the jour-nal is that without under-stan-ding the ori-gins of these ideas it is vir-tu-ally impos-si-ble to under-stand our con-ti-nent in its pre-sent shape.
- domain
- issn:
- 2082-7539
- keywords
- Poland, journal, open access
- languages
- en
- resource_key
- peitho-amu-edu-pl
- subordinate resources
Platone - Il motto di Delfi dell’ Alcibiade I tra enfatizzazioni e ritrattazioni di Socratici?
Gli antecedenti storici del Platonismo: il ruolo dei Presocratici secondo i Neoplatonici
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Sulla categoria aristotelica della sostanza. Variazioni esegetiche da Plotino ad Ammonio
Aristotle’s Topics in the Greek Neoplatonic Commentaries on the Categories
Symbolic Poetry, Inspired Myths and Salvific Function of Allegoresis in Proclus’ Commentary on the Republic
Der Geist und sein Denken. Zur Rezeption der platonischen megista-gene Lehre bei Plotin und Proklos
Divine Eros and Divine Providence in Proclus’ Educational System
Olympiodorus and Damascius on the Philosopher’s Practice of Dying in Plato’s Phaedo
Hedonistyczny wątek w platońskim Fedonie - Uproszczenie Olimpiodora
«Apocryphal nightmares». Osservazioni sul riferimento a Damascio nel racconto The Nameless City di Howard Phillips Lovecraft
La moralité politique grecque antique et byzantine
Das byzantinische Kulturmodell des 12. Jahrhunderts in der Sicht von Hugo Etherianus (ca. 1110/20-1182)
John Italos Seen by Anna Komnene
Teodor Metochites o ironii filozofów
Plethona Zapis praw
Sociocultural Byzantine Influence on Thought Formation in Medieval Russia
Le Byzance de Hegel et la question du néoplatonisme hégélien
Byzantine Philosophy B’
Pionierska Philosophie Byzantine Bazylego Tatakisa w edycji polskiej
L’Oceano più arcaico: al di là del Bosforo e del Canale di Sicilia
Il trattato di Anassimandro sulla terra
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Anaximander’s ‘Boundless Nature’
Sull’allegoresi simbolica del primo pitagorismo
Opposizione e verità: l’enigmatica via di Parmenide
Are Zeno’s Arguments Unsound Paradoxes?
Platone allievo di Protagora? Ancora sul grande discorso del Protagora
La « dimostrazione propria » di Gorgia
Medici del corpo contro terapeuti della parola: una riflessione su medicina e sofistica
Philosophy and Ataraxia in Sextus Empiricus
Stoic Caricature in Lucian’s De astrologia : Verisimilitude As Comedy
Una nuova edizione eraclitea
Pitagoreizm wypaczony
Una silloge di scritti su Parmenide
Come rendere più forte il discorso più debole
Una nuova raccolta di saggi presocratici e platonici: Problemi di papirologia filosofica e di storia delle idee
Due modi di vedere la realtà in precario equilibrio
New Approaches to the Book Alpha Meizon of Aristotle’s Metaphysics and to its Unique Neoplatonic Commentary by Asclepius of Tralles
L’ Art rhétorique d’Aristote, une œuvre pour notre temps?
The Archer and Aristotle’s Doctrine of the Mean
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Aristotle’s Method of Understanding the First Principles of Natural Things in the Physics I.1
Zaginione pismo Arystotelesa O filozofii
Le denominazioni della Metafisica e della sua scienza nella filosofia tardoantica
Michel d’Ephèse, commentateur d’Aristote et auteur
ΑΝΑΛΥΣΙΣ ΠΕΡΙ ΤΑ ΣΧΗΜΑΤΑ. Restoring Aristotle’s Lost Diagrams of the Syllogistic Figures
Tra Ramo, Alessandro di Afrodisia e Averroè. Il commento di Francesco Vimercato (ca. 1512-ca. 1580) al libro XII della Metafisica di Aristotele
Aristoteles über die Psyche als Prinzip und Ursache des Lebens
Z recepcji Retoryki Arystotelesa w Bizancjum
La vita politica e la vita contemplativa nella concezione aristotelica della felicità
Una nuova edizione democritea [ Walter Leszl, I primi atomisti, Firenze: Olschki, 2009, pp. LVIII-450, con CD-ROM. ]
Niebywała konfabulacja
Ahistoryczna wizja Platona i przedsokratyków?
Une nouvelle approche de l’ésthétique d’Aristote
Divine Command and Socratic Piety in the Euthyphro
Un Socrate che non ascolta: per esempio nell’Eutifrone
Download Vol. 2. - PDF format
Il metodo adatto per Eutifrone: una calma distanza
Hosion, eu dzen und dikaiousune in der Apologie des Sokrates und im Euthyphron
‘Plato Socraticus’ - Apologia Sokratesa i Eutyfron
ΜΕΓΙΣΤΟΝ ἈΓΑΘΟΝ (PL. AP. 38 a) - Sedno życia i filozoficznego wyzwania Sokratesa
Defiance, Persuasion or Conformity? The Argument in Plato’s Apology and Crito
Ethical Dimension of Time in Plato’s Apology of Socrates
Platona Kriton. Wokół obywatelskiego nieposłuszeństwa i politycznego zobowiązania
Oskarżyciele Sokratersa
Why Not Escape? On the Hosiotes in Plato’s Crito
Socrates’ Philosophy as a Divine Service in Plato’s Apology
Some Remarks on the Nineteenth Century Studies of the Euthyphro in Poland
Ripensare Socrate: note su alcuni studi recenti [ Livio Rossetti, Le dialogue socratique , Les Belles Lettres, Paris 2011 e Livio Rossetti, Alessandro Stavru (a cura di), Socratica 2008, Atti Convegno Napoli 2008, Le Rane, Levante, Bari 2011. ]
Z nowych badań nad dialogiem Sokratejskim [ Livio Rossetti, Le dialogue socratique , Éditions Les Belles Lettres, Paris 2011, ss. 296. ]
Zdekonstruować Metafizykę Arystotelesa [ Jan Bigaj, Z rozumieć metafizykę. Tom I: Rozszyfrowanie dzieła zwanego ‘Metafizyką’ Arystotelesa, Część 1: Bibliofilska kompilacja i jej skutki , Toruń 2004 (ss. 339); Część 2: Elementy składowe i ich pochodzenie. Księgi centralne , Toruń 2005 (ss. 516)
Charisteria Livio Rossetti Oblata [ Il quinto secolo. Studi di filosofia antica in onore di Livio Rossetti . A cura di S. Giombini e F. Marcacci, Perugia 2010, ss. 752. ]
Socrate, questo sconosciuto
Tablica Kebesa jako przykład alegorycznej popularyzacji etyki w starożytności
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Sokrates und die deliberative Demokratie. Zum sokratischen Politikverständnis in Platons Apologie , Kriton und Gorgias
Le «montage» par Michel Psellos du commentaire d’Hermias sur le Phèdre de Platon
Prawny, filozoficzny, polityczny i religijny wymiar procesu i stracenia Sokratesa
Zarys historyczny filozofii bizantyńskiej i jej podstawowe zagadnienia
O zwykłej niechęci wobec agrapha dogmata
Wokół sporu papieża i cesarza o władzę - Marsyliusza z Padwy Defensor pacis
Kolejny tom studiów nad Sokratesem [ L. Rossetti, A. Stavru (eds.), Socratica 2008. Studies in Ancient Socratic Literature , Bari 2010 ]
De Cicerone poeta - sine ira et studio [ K. Marciniak, Pro Cicerone poeta. Poezja Marka Tulliusza Cycerona na przestrzeni stuleci , Warszawa 2008 ]
Protagoras wydobyty z Teajteta [ Z. Nerczuk, Miarą jest każdy z nas. Projekt zwolenników zmienności rzeczy w Platońskim „Teajtecie" na tle myśli sofistycznej , Toruń 2009 ]
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