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- Shubha Pathak, Divine yet Human Epics: Reflections of Poetic Rulers from Ancient Greece and India. Acknowledgments. Note on Texts and Translations. Introduction. Defining Epics through Comparison. 1. The Epic Identity of the Iliad and Odyssey: Pindar and Herodotus’ Lofty Legacy. 2. The Epic Metaphor of the Rāmāyaṇa and Mahābhārata: Ānandavardhana and Rājaśekhara’s Expedient Influence. 3. Listening to Achilles and to Odysseus: Poetic Kings on the Ideal of Kléos in the Homeric Epics. 4. Hearkening to Kuśa and Lava and to Nala: Poetic Monarchs on the Ideal of Dharma in the Hindu Epics. Conclusion. Affirmative and Interrogative Epics. Bibliography And See AWOL's List of.
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- keywords
- CHS, Greece, India, ancient, antiquity
- languages
- en
- resource_key
- CHS-article-display-5854
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