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- [First posted in AWOL 7 July 2010, updated 19 November 2014]. Studii de Preistorie Supplementum.
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Studii de Preistorie
Colegiu de redacţie
Studii de Preistorie 4 2007
Studii de Preistorie 5 2008
Studii de Preistorie 6 2009
Studii de Preistorie 7 2010
Supplementum 1
Supplementum 2
Supplementum 3
Douglass W. BAILEY - An interview with Ruth Tringham
Roxana DOBRESCU - Obsidianul din asezarile aurignaciene din nord-vestul României / Obsidian in Aurignacian sites from north-west Romania
Corneliu BELDIMAN, Diana-Maria SZTANCS - Pierres et mammouths. Les ivoires ouvrés au Paléolithique supérieur en Roumanie - données récentes
Radian-Romus ANDREESCU - Valea Teleormanului. Consideratii asupra plasticii antropomorfe / Telorman Valley. Aspects regarding anthropomorphic figurines
Sanda BACUET CRISAN - Cluj - Cheile Turzii - Lumea Noua. From general to particular - discoveries in the Simleu Depression
Silvia MARINESCU-BÎLCU - "Greutati" decorate din aria Gumelnita / Decorate "clay weights" in Gumelnita culture
Alexandru DRAGOMAN, Sorin OANTA-MARGHITU - Against functionalism: review of Pietrele archaeological project
Catalin LAZAR, Valentin PARNIC - Date privind unele descoperiri funerare de la Mariuta-La Movila / Data about some funeral discoveries at Mariuta-La Movila
Mihaela GATEJ, Andrei SOFICARU, Nicolae MIRITOIU - Expertiza antropologica a osemintelor umane de la Mariuta-La Movila (com. Belciugatele, jud Calarasi) / Anthropological expertise on human bones from Mariuta-La Movila archaeological site
Alexandru S. MORINTZ - Neue daten zur prähistorischen Ansiedlung bei Tausanca (Gemeinde Ulmeni, Bezirk Calarasi)
Cristian SCHUSTER - Erwängungen zu den befestigten bronzezeitlichen Siedlungen an der Unteren Donau (Südrumänien)
David PECREAUX - Archéoentomologie et Paléoentomologie. Les Insectes: témoins du passé des hommes et de leur environnement
Ludovic Orlando, L’anti-Jurassic Park: Faire parler l’ADN fossile, Aux editions Berlin-Pour la Science, 2005, ISBN 2-7011-4136-2, 272 pag., 21 fig (Adriana Maria STAN)
Douglass W. BAILEY - Interview with Kostas Kotsakis
Vincent OLLIVIER, Paul ROIRON, Adrian BALASESCU, Samuel NAHAPETYAN, Yvan GABRIELYAN, Jean-Louis GUENDON - Milieux, processus, faciès et dynamiques morphosédimentaires des formations travertineuses quaternaires en relation avec les changements climatiques et les occupations humaines entre Méditerranée et Caucase
Gabriel POPESCU - Estimating the size of lithic artifact assemblages. A view from the Southern Carpathians Middle Paleolithic
Adina BORONEANT, Vasile BORONEANT, Nicolae MIRITOIU, Andrei D. SOFICARU - The Icoana burials revisited
Richard I. MACPHAIL, Constantin HAITA, Douglass W. BAILEY, Radian ANDREESCU, Pavel MIREA - The soil micromorphology of enigmatic Early Neolithic pit-features at Magura, southern Romania
Cristian Eduard STEFAN - Some observations on the Vidra type axes. The social significance of copper in the Chalcolithic
Corneliu BELDIMAN, Diana-Maria SZTANCS - Matière, artefact, symbole. Dents percées et imitations en os dans les dépôts d’objets de prestige de la culture Cucuteni
Alexandra ION - Oseminte umane descoperite în asezari din arealul culturii Gumelnita
Catalin LAZAR, Radian ANDREESCU, Theodor IGNAT, Mihai FLOREA, Ciprian ASTALOS - The Eneolithic Cemetery from Sultana-Malu Rosu (Calarasi county, Romania)
Alexandra ION, Andrei D. SOFICARU - Paleopathological conditions in an Eneolithic Community from Sultana - Malu Rosu
Nona PALINCAS - Public patriarchy in contemporary Romanian archaeology and the image of women in the Romanian Neolithic and Bronze Age
Ciprian F. ARDELEAN - Before the End of the World: archaeological investigations about Maya Terminal Classic processes on the Middle Candelaria River, Campeche, Mexico
Umberto Albarella, Keith Dobney, Anton Ervynck and Peter Rowley-Conwy Eds., Pigs and Humans. 10,000 years of interaction, Oxford University Press. Hdb., 2007, ISBN 978-0-19-920704-6, 488 p. (Adrian BALASESCU)
Douglass W. Bailey, Prehistoric figurines. Representation and corporeality in the Neolithic, 243 pages, 64 figures, 5 front photographs, London and New York, 2005, Routledge, ISBN 0-415-33152-8, Paperback, 44.95 USD.(Alexandru DRAGOMAN)
Paul Goldberg and Richard I. Macphail (cu contributii de Wendy Matthews), Practical and Theoretical Geoarchaeology, Blackwell Publishing, 2006, 455 pagini, 192 figuri alb/negru, 48 tabele, 12 planse color, ISBN 0-632-06044-1, format hârtie, 64.95 USD.(Constantin HAITA)
Mark Pollard, Catherine Batt, Benjamin Stern, Suzanne M. M. Young, Analytical Chemistry in Archaeology, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2007, ISBN-13 978-0-521-65209-4, 404 pagini, Index. (Marinela FLOREA)
Douglass W. BAILEY- Interview with Victor Buchli
Adina BORONEANŢ, Vasile BORONEANŢ - Schela Cladovei 1965-1968. După 40 de ani
Piotr JACOBSSON - Strata of Practice: Habitus and issues in the early Cypriot Neolithic
Alexandra ION, Andrei-Dorian SOFICARU, Nicolae MIRIŢOIU Dismembered human remains from the "Neolithic" Cârcea site (Romania)
Valentina VOINEA - Practici funerare în cultura Hamangia - sacrificii de animale
Alexandru DRAGOMAN - Note on Vădastra excised pots
Georgeta EL SUSI - New data on livestock and hunting in the precucutenian settlement at Costişa -„Cetăţuie" (Neamţ County)
Radian-Romus ANDREESCU, Laurenţiu GRIGORAŞ, Eugen PAVELEŢ, Katia MOLDOVEANU - New discoveries in the Eneolithic settlement from Coţatcu "Cetăţuia", Buzău County
Cristian Eduard ŞTEFAN - A few remarks concerning the clay stamp-seals from the Gumelniţa culture
Cătălin LAZĂR, Radian ANDREESCU, Theodor IGNAT, Monica MĂRGĂRIT, Mihai FLOREA, Adrian BĂLĂŞESCU - New Data on the Eneolithic Cemetery from Sultana-Malu Roşu (Călăraşi county, Romania)
Hortensia DUMITRESCU - (cu o adnotare de / with an annotation of Silvia MARINESCU-BÎLCU) Piscul Cornişorului (Sălcuţa 1945)
Tomasz Jacek CHMIELEWSKI - Let’s twist again... or on the Eneolithic methods of yarn production
Cătălin DOBRINESCU Observaţii asupra originii şi circulaţiei obiectelor de bronz în aria culturii Coslogeni
Alexandru DRAGOMAN - Şaptezeci de ani de la moartea lui Vasile Christescu
Jan Vanmoerkeke, Joëlle Burnouf (coordonatori ştiinţifici), Cent mille ans sous le rails. Arcéhologie de la ligne a grande vitesse est européenne, Somogy édition d’art, Inrap, Paris 2006, ISBN 2-7572-000-6-2, 136 p., 30 € (Pavel MIREA)
Prezentarea volumului
Atlas for the identification of bony fish bones from archaeological sites
Industria materiilor dure animale în preistoria României
Aurignacianul din Transilvania
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